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lourdaud's Photo lourdaud 24 Jun 2013

I have severe depression that leaves me dysfunctional without antidepressants. However, BPAP looks like the type of substance you do not want to be taking with an antidepressant. Therefore, if all goes according to schedule, I should receive NSI 189 several weeks before BPAP, which will give me time to theoretically fix the majority of my depression. Once I receive BPAP, I will discontinue my antidepressant and assess how I feel post NSI-189 and how much BPAP helps with that.

Crossing my fingers for this :wacko:

Any chance you may want to sell the NSI-189 to me once you're done? :)

phil8462643's Photo phil8462643 24 Jun 2013

I am sure there will be no problems due to cancellations considering the amount of people who want to research this particular topic and the amount of people who have thrown in already!

sparkk51's Photo sparkk51 24 Jun 2013

I have severe depression that leaves me dysfunctional without antidepressants. However, BPAP looks like the type of substance you do not want to be taking with an antidepressant. Therefore, if all goes according to schedule, I should receive NSI 189 several weeks before BPAP, which will give me time to theoretically fix the majority of my depression. Once I receive BPAP, I will discontinue my antidepressant and assess how I feel post NSI-189 and how much BPAP helps with that.

Crossing my fingers for this :wacko:

Any chance you may want to sell the NSI-189 to me once you're done? :)

Sorry, the group buy only got me enough for a trial run. I'll be all out.

sparkk51's Photo sparkk51 16 Jul 2013

Has anyone seen this? Pretty informative for the newbies...


xks201's Photo xks201 31 Aug 2013

Did we ever get a BPAP group buy going?

zeroskater6979's Photo zeroskater6979 31 Aug 2013

I want in on this

chemicalambrosia's Photo chemicalambrosia 31 Aug 2013

I want in on this

If its ok with yadayada you can switch places with me. I've already paid so you would paypal me to take my place.

zeroskater6979's Photo zeroskater6979 01 Sep 2013

how much was it for your amount (and what's the amount)?

Reformed-Redan's Photo Reformed-Redan 01 Sep 2013

I won't be changing addresses. Once you receive the BPAP you paid for then you can do with it whatever you want.

chemicalambrosia's Photo chemicalambrosia 07 Sep 2013

how much was it for your amount (and what's the amount)?

We paid $200 (plus shipping?) for a gram. However, since its going to be shipped to me I may as well hold onto it for a while and see how the reports come in and maybe trial it myself. I have quite a few things to trial in the pipeline already, so I probably won't get to it right away. A gram should go very far with this, so I imagine there will be surplus to be sold from this group buy even if the reports are outstanding.

Passion's Photo Passion 09 Sep 2013

I paid $200 for this in May and I still haven't gotten anything... is this going to arrive soon? If not, how can I go about getting my money back?

kevers's Photo kevers 09 Sep 2013

I paid $200 for this in May and I still haven't gotten anything... is this going to arrive soon? If not, how can I go about getting my money back?

how did you pay?

sparkk51's Photo sparkk51 09 Sep 2013

I paid $200 for this in May and I still haven't gotten anything... is this going to arrive soon? If not, how can I go about getting my money back?

Personally, I'm not worrying yet.

Even so, it doesn't matter; You won't get your money back in the form of a refund considering this is a group buy that you entered at your own risk and that the product we bought (together) was a single bulk order.

Your best chance of getting that $200 back is to sell your share of the BPAP to another lucky user. This probably won't happen until, at least, one of the distributors gets his hands on the product.

Reformed-Redan's Photo Reformed-Redan 10 Sep 2013

Like I've said I've been busy. Here is a late update for you guys and gals,

First of all I'm not here to cheat you! I've been interested in BPAP since I joined these forums and it took me a while to muster up the time and effort to make a group buy for it to happen. Fortunately, I found an awesome supplier that enabled this for us and as far as I know we should get the compound soon.

I've gotten word from the supplier that BPAP is nearly done and a sample will be out for dispatch in 7-10 days. The better news is that Pitolisant will be ready around the same time too. BPAP is a hell'uva hard compound to make and the supplier had to go through a second route to make it happen. When the supplier is ready to ship out a sample I will be sure to make it sent out to ScienceGuy since he is also a participant in the group buy. After that we will all know about the authenticity of the product, which I do not doubt and soon after recieve the compound. I really appreciate you guys sticking this one out with me. It's been a long road; but, I really think the wait was worth it. Thanks again and I'll keep you guys updated as the time goes buy to the best of my abilities. Thanks again!

chemicalambrosia's Photo chemicalambrosia 10 Sep 2013

Have you collected funds/names for a Pitolisant group buy yet?

Also, thank you for all the work you've done. These group buys are definitely making these forums more exciting. :)
Edited by chemicalambrosia, 10 September 2013 - 02:11 AM.

Reformed-Redan's Photo Reformed-Redan 10 Sep 2013

Have you collected funds/names for a Pitolisant group buy yet?

Also, thank you for all the work you've done. These group buys are definitely making these forums more exciting. :)

Not yet. Though I think Pitolisant wont be a problem. I just want to get ISRIB and BPAP out of the way before I go ahead with anything else. The good thing with Pitolisant is that it will be already sitting and waiting to be shipped. If you want go ahead and open a thread looking for potential group buy members. I'll specify the price per gram later on.

MasterHerb's Photo MasterHerb 10 Sep 2013

Have you collected funds/names for a Pitolisant group buy yet?

Also, thank you for all the work you've done. These group buys are definitely making these forums more exciting. :)

Not yet. Though I think Pitolisant wont be a problem. I just want to get ISRIB and BPAP out of the way before I go ahead with anything else. The good thing with Pitolisant is that it will be already sitting and waiting to be shipped. If you want go ahead and open a thread looking for potential group buy members. I'll specify the price per gram later on.

Here is the thread http://www.longecity...sant-group-buy/
Edited by MasterHerb, 10 September 2013 - 04:15 AM.

xks201's Photo xks201 10 Sep 2013

If you want me to buy your 200 dollar spot I will

HappyShoe's Photo HappyShoe 02 Dec 2013

Is this still happening?

Isochroma's Photo Isochroma 03 Dec 2013

Reports indicate BPAP is marginally if at all active.

A-304121, ISRIB, IDRA-21 and PRL-8-53 are better alternatives.

sparkk51's Photo sparkk51 03 Dec 2013

Reports indicate BPAP is marginally if at all active.

A-304121, ISRIB, IDRA-21 and PRL-8-53 are better alternatives.

what reports?

Isochroma's Photo Isochroma 03 Dec 2013

Search for yourself and you will find them. Here's a start:

"IIRC, Paul Wakfer tried it for a while and then dropped it for lack of evidence of efficacy"

There's a reason why this molecule which has been around for some years now has not reached the market. The reason is that it is ineffective. Worse, in the BPAP group buy thread - after 179 posts - there are no results. yadayada has his sample but has not posted any results or any posts at all in that thread since Nov.28 and today is Dec.2. After half a damn year of trying to get it made he finally obtains it and doesn't test it immediately or report results? That entire thread stinks rottener than a fish in the sun for a week in July. This molecule is either hard to make or surrounded by scammery. An empty 5ml vial sent out with nobody taking responsibility. Just totally surrounded by thievery and nastiness and great expense. The idiots who were stupid enough to send money for that group buy got ripped off and found out they would only receive 10% of what they paid for.

Total failure for BPAP. That is my prediction. Watch it bear bitter fruit.

chemicalambrosia's Photo chemicalambrosia 03 Dec 2013

"A-304121, ISRIB, IDRA-21 and PRL-8-53 are better alternatives"
"There's a reason why this molecule which has been around for some years now has not reached the market."

How many years has PRL-8-53 existed for without going to market?

BPAP may very well turn out to be a bust and the group buy may not have gone optimally, but there isn't a need to be a dick about it... This is a lesson to be learned for people here: Don't rush into group buys...because if you do and it doesn't go according to plan, Isochroma will try to make you feel like an ass before anyone even tests the substance.

Isochroma's Photo Isochroma 03 Dec 2013

Patience. Time will become the answer to my wager.

My toxic prediction requires temporal flow to reach its peak of bitter ripeness.

PS. I am back on megadose Piracetam (5.5g x 6/day) after more than half a year off.

And loving it.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 03 December 2013 - 05:04 AM.

sparkk51's Photo sparkk51 03 Dec 2013

ooooh, now I understand. Why am I surprised.

Isochroma's Photo Isochroma 03 Dec 2013

Yes, now you understand. Now I overstand. It is beautiful.

I am waiting for that one person who has BPAP to do something with it other than use it as shelf decoration.

phil8462643's Photo phil8462643 03 Dec 2013

Search for yourself and you will find them. Here's a start:

"IIRC, Paul Wakfer tried it for a while and then dropped it for lack of evidence of efficacy"

There's a reason why this molecule which has been around for some years now has not reached the market. The reason is that it is ineffective. Worse, in the BPAP group buy thread - after 179 posts - there are no results. yadayada has his sample but has not posted any results or any posts at all in that thread since Nov.28 and today is Dec.2. After half a damn year of trying to get it made he finally obtains it and doesn't test it immediately or report results? That entire thread stinks rottener than a fish in the sun for a week in July. This molecule is either hard to make or surrounded by scammery. An empty 5ml vial sent out with nobody taking responsibility. Just totally surrounded by thievery and nastiness and great expense. The idiots who were stupid enough to send money for that group buy got ripped off and found out they would only receive 10% of what they paid for.

Total failure for BPAP. That is my prediction. Watch it bear bitter fruit.

Isochroma, Please read more thoroughly before writing about Paul Wakfer. He is currently taking BPAP. I Wrote to him. But I know he is taking BPAP from actually reading his website. Also a few pages back in my correspondence with Paul Wakfer, which I posted in its entirety, He said that that the reason it was not pursued was "likely because it is not patentable" and there is not enough money in it. But I would like to see some results too. even "theoretical" or "fictional" ones.

phil8462643's Photo phil8462643 03 Dec 2013

> So i stumbled across some (-)bpap and am wondering about potential liver toxicity due to some bad press that seems to come from one speculative post on bluelight.

It should be less liver toxic than deprenyl, which it is intended to
replace, because of no conversion to methamphetamine. There are no
scientific studies or reports of toxicity, but as with any new drug or
xenobiotic chemical one should monitor it at the start by getting liver
function tests, particularly AST and ALT.

> I have done my searching for a few months and gather that you are the man to ask for info.

Yes, I have been studying it and using it for several years (and my
wife, Kitty, also).

> How effective is it?

I cannot tell because I take so many other neuro-protective supplements
and chemicals, but the limited research on it is highly positive.

> Is reputed it safe as far as you have heard?

Answered above. BTW, "heard" is not the correct word since I do not rely
on the "opinions" or casual remarks of others, but instead access all
the scientific studies on a chemical or supplement for all my
information (which is why I have little use for most forums. groups, etc).

> Any insights into why it was never progressed to the shelf?

Likely because it is not patentable and there is no money in doing
sufficient research and promotion of it (mainly because in this crazy
society people will not automatically return value commensurate with
what they have received).

> What were Jozef Knoll's most recent comments?

I have no idea. I only have access to his published studies.
> Any info will be greatly appreciated. By the way I greatly respect and admire your pioneering spirit and contributions to nootropics.

My interest is not in nootropics as such (mind/brain enhancing
chemicals/supplements), but rather in chemicals/supplements which
protect the mind/brain and prevent it from deterioration and dysfunction
over time.

--Paul Wakfer

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the above post is my letter to Paul Wakfer