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#1 wiceBoy

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 12:57 PM

Hi Lads


did anyone try  modafinil ?



#2 ShaneM123

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 06:56 PM

Yes, I have tried Modafinil. My experience with Modafinil is more or less like any experience I've ever had with a stimulant, only less noticeable and it last longer. Studies show that Modafinil increases activity in the executive functions  http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/25466290 which deal with emotional reasoning, problem solving, and goal setting; This might be responsible for Modafinils ability to enhance the motivation to do things we normally wouldn't do. 


I think the effects of Modafinil are nothing like the effects of other stimulants, only Modafinil seems to be more of a Nootropic than traditional stimulants like Adderall, and what I mean by this is that it definitely feels smoother without that scary crash at the end of the day (Neuroprotective agent).


Modafinil definitely seems to enhance my ability to understand mathematical instructions that I usually would have a hard time following. Anything form of Algebra just seemed understandable on it, and when I tried reading some technical math problems off of it, I was actually surprised to find it rather hard as I did not link my performance to the Modafinil. 


Modafinil seems to enhance your ability to learn whereas other stimulants seemed to have more improvements with memory recall.. It's quite interesting how this works actually; When you're tweaking the Dopamine reward system, you seem to have better recall at the end of the day (less note taking)...With Modafinil however, in contrast to other stimulants it doesn't seem to help me recall information, rather it helps me learn and process that information faster than usual....


So if you're choosing between the two stimulants (Adderall Vs. Modafinil) I guess what you'd have to weigh out is whether or not you want to learn something, or remember it. It's hard to explain the difference, but one does exist... Modafinil helps more with strategical work like mathematics, something more practical and cognitively demanding whereas a stimulant like Adderall or Concerta at the right dose will simply allow you to focus more, and through affecting certain neurotransmitters, temporarily improve your ability to remember strings of information you would normally forget...


If you take the Modafinil to learn something less strategical, or I guess rather than learn (obtain knowledge of), it would be good to try doing some mapping, like a diagram to write down notes....this will make your experience with Modafinil more useful as it is really good for allowing you to think logically and strategically, something Modafinil is good at helping you do.


Since you've followed me this far to Neverland, I guess the last thing you should know is that Modafinil is a very strong diuretic which has a half-life up to 15 hours. I have friends who take Modafinil and only get 3-4 hours of sleep a day, and the only way they're able to function again is by taking another Modafinil..


If you're not hydrated, your hands will get dry.... it is not uncommon to experience dry mouth while taking Modafinil, nor is it uncommon to have dry hands... If you do not moisturize your hands properly while on Modafinil, this may result to some mild skin peeling (flaky skin).. do not be alarmed, in most cases the effect is so mild that there is no possibility of scarring or scabbing...this is not SJS....



Please note the differences between SJS and other types of reactions:


- Mild, painless mouth sores (Does not mean SJS, could be the effect of increasing histamine levels)

- Dry skin (dehydration) 

- Small isolated rash (probably the same as the mouth sores, increased histamine levels)


If you look at the symptoms of SJS, the experience starts with cold/flu like symptoms and is then accompanied by a rash shorty after. You would experience a high fever, chills, hives,  body aches, sore throat, coughing, and last but not least, a (target-like) rash starting from your chest area, working its way around your entire body.....



Yeah, I know.




I cycle Modafinil every 4-7 days to keep dependency down, and also

to recover from any side effects (dry hands) I might be experiencing.



Do not think this or any drug is going to make you smarter, as most

of these improvements will subside, it is the drug that is improving your performance.


Imagine if we suggested caffeine made people smarter, you'd say the same thing.



~ Shane






Edited by ShaneM123, 11 February 2015 - 06:57 PM.

#3 Boris_Badenoff

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 11:52 PM

Hi Shane,


What do you do to sleep at night while on Modafinil?   I tried L-Theanine recently which helped me sleep but left me tired and it seemed to blunt the stimulant effect on the Modafinil.  When you cycle the Modafinil do you use something similar in its place?




#4 wiceBoy

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Posted 12 February 2015 - 02:06 PM

Thanks for your answer Shane


Ok , so it makes u dependent on it ....


I need it more to increase motivation... I'm doing my posgrad, in IT , cant say I'm stupid :))) but it's bit hard to motivate my self to study some stuff I will probably never need in my life :)) but need them be learned to get graduated, 

 So I need some sort of "push push push - move move move" stuff without some over reaction , to be able to seat  and learn :)))


but I also need to sleep well, to give brain some rest,,  


what about to decrease dosage of modafinil? 

Edited by Wice22, 12 February 2015 - 02:09 PM.

#5 wiceBoy

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Posted 22 February 2015 - 06:30 PM

They sell adrafanil which is bad bad for ur liver m8 :)



#6 wiceBoy

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Posted 24 February 2015 - 08:48 PM

IMHO no one should :) ,adrafanil  uses liver to produce modafinil, so makes a loot of stress on the liver ;)

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