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mk677 hgh antiaging life extension lean muscle gain fat loss peptides

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#61 zaratoo

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Posted 08 June 2016 - 03:55 PM

I too got my mk-677 order recently. Dissolved in some PG. Taking 12-15mg at night.

Wouldn't say the taste is that awful btw.. Although powder itself smells and tastes pretty intensive.


Effects wise, I have better appetite, wouldn't call it hunger, and I like it. Sleep is not longer, but maybe deeper.

As for energy, that may be thruth for me. As I felt so strong at workout in the morning after night dose, that did three more reps of squats, than I thought I could and sadly got the trauma with last one.. So now I'm rehabilitating with nsaid and mk..


My irresponsible silliness away, I like the effects of substance, while think they're a little too subtle. But it's only a few days passed/doses taken.. 

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Posted 24 September 2016 - 05:25 PM

I was able to feel improved sleep quality both 10mg and 20mg doses, both taken with 5mg to 10mg of Melatonin.


I took a few doses in the 30mg to 40mg range and didn't notice any difference except for more water retention in my hands, which I took as a sign of increased efficacy but I wasn't taking it as a body building aid.


It's pretty affordable if you can find powder and make your own solution with Everclear.


Hi mate, I am using mk677 from www.enhancedathlete.com but I found it expensive. Could you tell me which website you bought it in powder please?



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#63 Junk Master

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Posted 24 September 2016 - 07:45 PM

No worries.


Try Niles 7 on ebay.

#64 Junk Master

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Posted 26 September 2016 - 02:59 AM

Actually, I just checked Nyles 7's ebay site and he's not listing it right now.  He's a member here and when he does have it I can vouch for it's quality.

#65 adamh

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Posted 16 April 2017 - 06:43 PM

I just ordered 2gm mk677 on ebay from a vendor with good feedback. Cost me $76 with free shipping for the 2gm. I plan to dissolve it in water and put some in the little glass bottle with eye dropper I got from my expensive purchases. One of my go to peptide people are asking $105 for 30ml @ 25mg per ml. What a ripoff!! I can make up a bottle like that for about a dollar, lol. Nice profit guys.

#66 aconita

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Posted 17 April 2017 - 01:16 AM

Are you sure MK-677 is water soluble?


It seems there is some confusion about it.


I remember reading somewhere it comes in two versions: the base and the mesylate of which one is water soluble but the other isn't, the mesylate seems to be not water soluble and the most common form sold.


You may have to use ethanol or DMSO instead of water, maybe better to ask the vendor to make sure.


By the way what about this?




Not very reassuring I would say...


Also the mesylate is described as white powder while what is on the market is usually yellow powder...


Any thoughts anybody?



#67 adamh

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Posted 17 April 2017 - 09:05 PM

I researched mk677 solubility and all reports said water, ethanol, glycol, and sometimes mentioned dmso. But water was always listed as the first solvent, one place said max of 80mg per ml water. So 25mg/ml should be no problem but I will shake it before each use.


That year old article shows they are testing and are picky. It is not injected so that provides some safety buffer there in comparison to subq injection let alone iv which I would not do. I don't like injecting anyway and iv is out of the question.


I just ordered some bpc 157 for tendon and connective tissue repair, among other things its supposed to do. Will give a report after having used it, it just arrived today can be taken orally. Got it at a great price. Its supposed to help digestive disorders, stop gas, and all the gals will pursue you. OK I made up that last part. Getting off topic so I will leave it at that.

#68 Rocket

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 01:06 AM

I researched mk677 solubility and all reports said water, ethanol, glycol, and sometimes mentioned dmso. But water was always listed as the first solvent, one place said max of 80mg per ml water. So 25mg/ml should be no problem but I will shake it before each use.

That year old article shows they are testing and are picky. It is not injected so that provides some safety buffer there in comparison to subq injection let alone iv which I would not do. I don't like injecting anyway and iv is out of the question.

I just ordered some bpc 157 for tendon and connective tissue repair, among other things its supposed to do. Will give a report after having used it, it just arrived today can be taken orally. Got it at a great price. Its supposed to help digestive disorders, stop gas, and all the gals will pursue you. OK I made up that last part. Getting off topic so I will leave it at that.

BPC157 orally? Good luck!
Honestly,subq injections aren't a big deal. 0.5 to 1mg daily is the way to go!

#69 platypus

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 09:30 AM


BPC157 orally? Good luck!


How about sublingually? Is there any reason why it would work worse than orally? BPC-157 should be a tough peptide if it has evolved in the gut. 

Edited by platypus, 18 April 2017 - 09:31 AM.

#70 aconita

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 10:20 AM

Research showed no difference when administered ,intraperitonal, intramuscularl, transdermal or oral.


Dosage may vary.


It is a gastric peptide, in the stomach is at home.

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#71 Andey

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 11:02 AM

Research showed no difference when administered ,intraperitonal, intramuscularl, transdermal or oral.


Dosage may vary.


It is a gastric peptide, in the stomach is at home.


Its a question I am interested right now. Can you reference some studies that prove this ? I was unable to find one.

#72 Valijon

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 06:07 PM

I was never that impressed by this one. Improved sleep is the only real benefit I noticed. If I was gonna try something transdermally I'd use Salvo. I think its PG and some alcohol. Does a great job with skin penetration without the problems brought about by dmso.

#73 Andey

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 06:39 PM

Research showed no difference when administered ,intraperitonal, intramuscularl, transdermal or oral.


Dosage may vary.


It is a gastric peptide, in the stomach is at home.


Sorry. Discard my last question. I confused it with BPC-157, that is also could be taken differently.

#74 aconita

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 09:10 PM

I referred to BPC-157 where if you search for it in Pubmed you'll see most studies are performed at least with intraperitoneal, intramuscular and oral administration without any difference in the outcomes.


Regarding MK-677 administration has to be oral or sublingual only.


In my personal experience sublingual in DMSO/ethanol 50:50 taste nasty as it comes but at 8,3mg/day the effect is almost too strong and that not only for me, a friend of mine which is 60 years old had to reduce to 5,5mg/day because effects were too strong.


Considering usual oral dosage is 25mg/day it seems sublingual in absorption enhancers as DMSO and ethanol leads to much better availability.


I plan to get a IGF1 blood test to see were values are in order to confirm the above.

#75 Rocket

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 12:20 AM

With real BPC157, I can get noticeable relief from pain overnight using 0.5 to 1mg in a subq injection. If you take it orally and don't notice an improvement overnight, I would immediately stop what you're doing and invest $5 for some bac water and $10 for some insulin needles 29g to 30g and start going subq into belly fat.


If you read the bodybuilding forums a lot of guys are parroting that it's site specific. That's total BS, you can inject subq into belly fat for a problem anywhere on your body. Intramuscular also not needed.


Another way to tell if you're getting BPC157 into your body is if you get hungry within a few minutes of administering. Sometimes I get hungry enough to eat a small pizza. Some people will say that if you get hungry from BPC157 then its a HGH secretogogue being sold as BPC. That again is BS because there is no way a HGH secretogogue will give overnight pain relief. When I take a HGH secretogogue like CJC I don't get hungry, I get a massive head rush.


Honestly, just because its a gastric based peptide doesn't equate to meaning it will survive the entire digestive process. Don't throw away a great peptide by eating it.

Edited by Rocket, 19 April 2017 - 12:26 AM.

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#76 Valijon

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 12:46 AM

About how much pain relief are we talking about Rocket? I get some severe pain. I know pain is subjective but, I'd love something that effective and not an nsaid or opiate.

#77 Rocket

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 01:21 AM

About how much pain relief are we talking about Rocket? I get some severe pain. I know pain is subjective but, I'd love something that effective and not an nsaid or opiate.

Enough to not be subjective! I suffer from heal spurs and I don't take BPC157 for it, but when I do take it while it is flaring up, the pain relief is enough to walk without pain. NSAIDs don't even do that for me. No oral anything has ever relieved heal spur pain, but bpc157 actually does.

I also have a spine injury, and unfortunately BPC doesn't do anything for it when that flares up.

So, its not a miracle medicine, but for some injuries it totally rocks.

I just did a couple week long run because I hurt my wrist while with my woman :) and it hurt like hell to bench press or even hold a bar for squats, and I could tell within 2 days that it was doing its job. The pain in my wrist is now totally 100% gone.

What kind pain do you suffer from? I had a shoulder injury that should have stopped me from weight training, and I effectively healed it using something with a little more "kick" than a peptide. Shhhh ;)

My theory is that if you have an injury that will heal over time then BPC will speed it up. If you have an injury that doesn't heal (spinal discs) then BPC won't help.

Edited by Rocket, 19 April 2017 - 01:33 AM.

#78 aconita

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 04:07 AM

If you take it orally and don't notice an improvement overnight, I would immediately stop what you're doing and invest $5 for some bac water and $10 for some insulin needles 29g to 30g and start going subq into belly fat.


Or start questioning if what you got is the real thing or if you didn't screw it up (since it is a VERY delicate peptide) or if it is appropriate for your pain.


If you read the bodybuilding forums a lot of guys are parroting that it's site specific. That's total BS, you can inject subq into belly fat for a problem anywhere on your body. Intramuscular also not needed.


I totally agree, it goes systemic anyway.


Honestly, just because its a gastric based peptide doesn't equate to meaning it will survive the entire digestive process.


I totally disagree, it is a gastric peptide produced naturally in the stomach...sure it isn't affected by digestion: it is meant to be there.


And research confirms it, just browse Pubmed and you'll see there is no difference in efficacy between oral or injections, amounts needed might be another story and possibly injections require less of it for the same degree of efficacy.


BPC 157 is a tissues healer, yes, it can do more than that (it provides protection from certain poisonings etc..) but when considering its use for pains consider that if the pain is caused by a tissue which has to heal it will work amazingly well, otherwise it may help reducing inflammation and such but will not solve the issue or even be quite ineffective.


The injury examples provided by Rocket in the above post are quite exhaustive: a sprained wrist is a damage to soft tissues that need to heal (in facts it works great for that) while a spinal disc out of place or a bone spur aren't something BPC can fix since there is no tissue to heal but mechanical dysfunctions to be addressed.


As another example it will considerably speed up the healing of a cut or abrasion but very unlikely will fix a dermatitis.

#79 Andey

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 04:48 AM

I referred to BPC-157 where if you search for it in Pubmed you'll see most studies are performed at least with intraperitoneal, intramuscular and oral administration without any difference in the outcomes.


Regarding MK-677 administration has to be oral or sublingual only.


In my personal experience sublingual in DMSO/ethanol 50:50 taste nasty as it comes but at 8,3mg/day the effect is almost too strong and that not only for me, a friend of mine which is 60 years old had to reduce to 5,5mg/day because effects were too strong.


Considering usual oral dosage is 25mg/day it seems sublingual in absorption enhancers as DMSO and ethanol leads to much better availability.


I plan to get a IGF1 blood test to see were values are in order to confirm the above.


Than my question remains valid, I ve searched  and not found anything on pubmed that shows that different administration method for BPC-157 are eqivalent

#80 Valijon

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 05:45 AM

Osteoarthritis in shoulders bilaterally and 2 herniated discs in my neck. The painmgets so bad just out of nowhere. It will lock up and I'm out of work and stuck on the couch or the floor.

Edited by Valijon, 19 April 2017 - 05:48 AM.

#81 aconita

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 10:05 PM

Osteoarthritis in shoulders bilaterally and 2 herniated discs in my neck.


Not something that BPC-157 can fix or help much.


Research showed not very promising results about BPC for osteoarthritis, probably because cartilage is avascular therefore BPC is unable to reach it and anyway growth factors are unable to reach it, not in enough amounts anyway.


Perhaps it may contribute to help but not alone, maybe in conjunction with other means.


Herniated discs can't be fixed by BPC neither since it is a mechanical and/or cartilage issue.


I recommend you ozone or prolozone therapy for those as a more immediate and likely effective solution.


Than my question remains valid, I ve searched  and not found anything on pubmed that shows that different administration method for BPC-157 are eqivalent


I don't want to sound unfriendly but under BPC157 there are 6 pages for a total of 109 results in Pubmed (which I have all investigated, doing my homework, I guess), already in the first page you'll find this one, for example:




BPC 157 was provided daily, perorally, in drinking water (10µg/kg, 12ml/rat/day) until sacrifice or, alternatively, 10µg/kg or 10ng/kg intraperitoneally....BPC 157 given perorally or intraperitoneally and in µg- and ng-regimens rapidly improved the whole presentation...


The same recurs in all studies where both methods of administration are applied (which are not all but many), in some studies intramuscular and topical are included too, always leading to no difference in outcomes.


For cornea lesions eyedrops have been investigated too, leading to positive results, of course.


Route of administration doesn't seem to effect outcomes, not when performed appropriately at least.


If more evidence is required please don't ask me to provide it but do your own homework, I already did mine.:)


Now, with this BPC thing out of the way lets go back on topic which is MK-677.


Eventually lets open a new dedicated tread to BPC, which would be interesting indeed.


By the way I get my BPC from whom discovered it and provides it to almost all researchers you'll find in Pubmed, it is reasonably priced, it is available in a patented version which doesn't requires refrigeration too and the guys there are extremely fast in providing competent support, I am not involved in the business in any way but whom is interested may PM me to get the source address (Europe).


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#82 Rocket

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 11:50 PM

Osteoarthritis in shoulders bilaterally and 2 herniated discs in my neck. The painmgets so bad just out of nowhere. It will lock up and I'm out of work and stuck on the couch or the floor.


I think we're hijacking this thread, but I'll reply to this post and then we can get back to MK.......


Unfortunately BPC157 won't help with those injuries. I have a bad lower lumbar disc that I wish was only herniated!


If you send me a PM, I will talk with you offline about what I used for my shoulder.

#83 Rocket

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Posted 19 April 2017 - 11:50 PM

Osteoarthritis in shoulders bilaterally and 2 herniated discs in my neck. The painmgets so bad just out of nowhere. It will lock up and I'm out of work and stuck on the couch or the floor.


I think we're hijacking this thread, but I'll reply to this post and then we can get back to MK.......


Unfortunately BPC157 won't help with those injuries. I have a bad lower lumbar disc that I wish was only herniated!


If you send me a PM, I will talk with you offline about what I used for my shoulder.

#84 Andey

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Posted 20 April 2017 - 05:00 AM



Than my question remains valid, I ve searched  and not found anything on pubmed that shows that different administration method for BPC-157 are eqivalent


I don't want to sound unfriendly but under BPC157 there are 6 pages for a total of 109 results in Pubmed (which I have all investigated, doing my homework, I guess), already in the first page you'll find this one, for example:




BPC 157 was provided daily, perorally, in drinking water (10µg/kg, 12ml/rat/day) until sacrifice or, alternatively, 10µg/kg or 10ng/kg intraperitoneally....BPC 157 given perorally or intraperitoneally and in µg- and ng-regimens rapidly improved the whole presentation...


The same recurs in all studies where both methods of administration are applied (which are not all but many), in some studies intramuscular and topical are included too, always leading to no difference in outcomes.


For cornea lesions eyedrops have been investigated too, leading to positive results, of course.


Route of administration doesn't seem to effect outcomes, not when performed appropriately at least.


If more evidence is required please don't ask me to provide it but do your own homework, I already did mine. :)


Now, with this BPC thing out of the way lets go back on topic which is MK-677.


Eventually lets open a new dedicated tread to BPC, which would be interesting indeed.


By the way I get my BPC from whom discovered it and provides it to almost all researchers you'll find in Pubmed, it is reasonably priced, it is available in a patented version which doesn't requires refrigeration too and the guys there are extremely fast in providing competent support, I am not involved in the business in any way but whom is interested may PM me to get the source address (Europe).



 That study shows that BPC-157 given orally speedups gut healing. Nothing more and this is not what I have asked you.

You claim that there is no difference between bioavailability for different ways of administration. That study type is very specific it it ensure that if you take 200mcg subQ its totally equivalent to 200mcg given orally.

What is not gonna happen BTW. All ways works but there is more and less efficient ones. As we work with expensive material we need to use more efficient one.


P.S. Dont bother with answer, I know already that there is no such study and data available.

Edited by Andey, 20 April 2017 - 05:06 AM.

#85 aconita

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Posted 20 April 2017 - 05:39 AM

No, you are wrong, take the time to search and you'll find that the same applies for different kinds of issues including "orthopedic" ones, not only fistulas.


I don't remember if always different routes of administration required the same amounts in order to lead to the same results, in the above linked study it did but I don't exclude (and I never did) the possibility that in some cases injections are more efficient therefore requiring less amounts, if you are interested in find that out the studies are there waiting for you.


For sure what BPC doesn't cure in despite of route of administration is laziness. :)


#86 adamh

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Posted 20 April 2017 - 08:16 PM

I have been taking bpc 157 orally now for 4 days. I am taking about 250 mcg per day and after the first day I noticed improvement. I assumed it was a coincidence or placebo but the improvement persists so I believe it works.


I put 3ml sterile water into the 5mg bottle then I take out what I need using an insulin syringe which can measure down to .02 ml. My wrist has been bothering me for at least a year, I suspect carpal tunnel but at least its definitely tendons. Ultra sound helps somewhat but only some and just for a day or two. BPC 157 knocked out virtually all the discomfort in one day. I also have an elbow problem, US does little to nothing but now it feels much better. The elbow has been a problem for several years. I tried mk 677 with little improvement.


US is great for osteo, if you have it and are discouraged by these comments. I got my unit dirt cheap off ebay. Get the 1mz unit for greater penetration or the 3mz for surface problems. Works also on muscle pain and other things but only so so on tendon. Also occasional discomfort in the knee which now seems better. Its early yet, I don't know what long term results will be with the bpc. I plan to use it orally for 2 weeks and then if there is still a problem perhaps subQ in a bad spot but so far so good

#87 Rocket

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Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:53 AM

So it does work orally? Good for you! The first time I used it i also got immediate overnight pain relief and also thought it was coincidental. Nope. Its just that effective.

#88 ZuoCi

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 02:31 PM

Anybody has been able to get it from China in reasonably small amounts (10gr for example)?

Lypharchem is the main supplier to basically every MK-677 seller(IRC, Enhanced Athlete, Superior Peptides, etc). They sell as little as 3g, capped for a little over 100 USD. Which is about 1/2 of what you'd pay from the American resellers. The problem with them, is mentioned in your post I quote below.


This study may answer your question:




It seems beneficial at low dosages too but at least up to a certain point the effects seems to be dose dependent therefore if a low dosage will suit you may depends by your needs/goals and conditions.


Though it is dose dependent, it has rapidly diminishing effectiveness. One study I found especially interesting said that MK-677 yields over 80% of the benefit at 10mg, vs 50 mg. I personally wouldn't even consider using more than 25mg, and I'm inclined to think 10mg is probably best. But that assumes you have true pharm grade stuff. Which most people on this board won't be able to obtain.

By the way what about this?




Not very reassuring I would say...


Also the mesylate is described as white powder while what is on the market is usually yellow powder...


Any thoughts anybody?

This is exactly the anecdotal problems I've been hearing. Some of the same people who were praising MK 2-3 years ago as a wonder drug, ending up getting sick from it recently. I had never read an account from a reseller before. The scent thing he mentions is also something I'd heard. The worse your MK smells, the more likely you are to get sick from it. I wondered if that was actually true or not, but it sounds like there's something to it. Being tainted with benzyl chloroformate is about 10x worse than I would have expected.


And as he was saying, there isn't a good way out of it. There are only two suppliers, so saying "Oh, it's ok I buy mine from a great source over at X!". Well, X is using the same manufacturer as everyone else, so no, your super special buddy isn't any different. There's basically an MK-677 monopoly ATM. What you really seem to have is just a game of MK roulette. Buy some MK-677, hope you got some that's mostly okay and not loaded with impurities and toxic material.


Btw, someone up thread was asking if you can dissolve it in water. I'd have said "no" before, because MK doesn't dissolve in water. But wow, how much worse does that become if it's tainted with benzyl chloroformate? 

#89 aconita

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Posted 26 April 2017 - 09:24 PM

Though it is dose dependent, it has rapidly diminishing effectiveness. One study I found especially interesting said that MK-677 yields over 80% of the benefit at 10mg, vs 50 mg. I personally wouldn't even consider using more than 25mg, and I'm inclined to think 10mg is probably best. But that assumes you have true pharm grade stuff. Which most people on this board won't be able to obtain.


I do agree more than 25mg is totally nonsense, as I posted above with about 8mg I am getting a really strong effect, I wouldn't like to have any stronger than that for sure!


The nature of the compound being a secretagogue likely limits its effects to about maximum physiological HGH production, about the one has in his twenties, taking more unlikely will result in supra-physiological HGH levels, more likely just causes undesired side effects.


The typical recreational bodybuilder will likely try 50mg or more in the silly attempt to get the same outcome as shooting HGH in supra physiological amounts for a fraction of the price, likely in despite being only 20-30 years old...


I doubt that would lead to positive outcomes.


Some of the same people who were praising MK 2-3 years ago as a wonder drug, ending up getting sick from it recently.


This is interesting, there is something online about it?


I suspect It might have to do with youngster taking huge amounts of it as described above but it would be interesting to check that out carefully.


I would really appreciate to hear more about that and/or getting links pointing in that direction.


impurities, likely as benzyl chloroformate, are of concern, if it is just that it seems that solving MK 677 in water first and letting it in an open vial for a few days should allow the benzyl chloroformate react and evaporate as phosgene gas...


I don't know if that is actually the case or not, if somebody with the appropriate chemical knowledge clarifies it would be very appreciate!


About MK 677 solubility in water I haven't been able to find a definitive answer, I remember reading somewhere there are the base and the mesylate forms of which one is water soluble while the other isn't, I tried mine (I don't know which form is it since isn't specified) and it does promptly solute in water.


The fact that Ceretropic still doesn't carry it isn't reassuring about suppliers providing better quality now than in the past.


Mine is definitely "good" in the sense that it isn't fake, the effects are there to be seen, but it tastes and smells really horrible.


But wow, how much worse does that become if it's tainted with benzyl chloroformate?


Well, if if it is true that reacts with water evaporating as poisonous gas much better it does so in the air than inside one's body, I guess.

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#90 adamh

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Posted 27 April 2017 - 12:36 AM

I ordered 2gm over a week ago and they sent me a cheaper supplement instead. When I complained they said they would send the 2gm and I could keep the other. Tracking shows its on the way.


When I looked into solubility they usually say Water, Ethanol, Propylene Glycol in that order. Some mention dmso second

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: mk677, hgh, antiaging, life extension, lean muscle gain, fat loss, peptides

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