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If nootropics are for the brain, what are some great compounds for the body?

nootropic compound vitamin ageless looks appearance hair skin youth

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#1 eon

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 09:20 AM

Hopefully this thread becomes "nootropic" for the body and physical health with the info. and knowledge we all could share with each other. I shall start then...


I was looking into canthaxanthin for skin, has anyone tried this? It was said to give one a great skin/tan.
Paba, selenium and cysteine are said to be great for hair since hair is 8 percent cysteine, according to the info. found in the Life Extension book. I wonder if NAC is better than just cysteine?

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#2 mustardseed41

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Posted 22 June 2015 - 02:49 PM

I would pass on Canthaxanthin. I used it decades ago and it gave my palms a muddy look. Not good. Plus I had no real tan look. No one these days really seems to use it and I've read of some side effects but can't remember what they were. Good skin supps that come to mind are Lutein, Astaxanthin, Lycopene, Heliocare. Of course a diet rich in Phyto-nutrients. Dark colored veggies, fruits, etc.

Edited by mustardseed41, 22 June 2015 - 02:50 PM.

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#3 eon

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 08:40 AM

I was advised not to supplement with vitamin A. I wonder why? From what I understand humans do not produce vitamins C and A which is why it's essential to supplement them. Wouldn't this be good for the eyes as much as lutein and asthaxanthin?

#4 niner

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 01:27 PM

I was advised not to supplement with vitamin A. I wonder why? From what I understand humans do not produce vitamins C and A which is why it's essential to supplement them. Wouldn't this be good for the eyes as much as lutein and asthaxanthin?


Advised by who?  Someone who has special knowledge of your particular metabolic issues, like your doctor, or some random person on the internet?  You might have been advised not to overdose on vitamin A, particularly pre-formed vitamin A.  You can get too much and toxicity will ensue.  Vitamin A precursors (carotenoids) are safer.

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#5 eon

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Posted 24 June 2015 - 07:32 AM

Is there an actual "safe" form of vitamin A then? I really don't want to eat anymore of those baby carrots since those are high in carbs.

Edited by eon, 24 June 2015 - 07:35 AM.

#6 eon

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Posted 24 June 2015 - 11:14 AM

I'm having bad breath lately not sure if it's due to medication I'm taking so what are some good regimens for a bad breath? I do floss and brush my teeth 2x a day. If anyone can suggest to me a chewing gum that can clean and or remove bad breath let me know. This gum has 100% xylitol so I'm assuming this is what I should be chewing on:




Anyone tried it?

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#7 mustardseed41

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Posted 24 June 2015 - 02:45 PM

I've use the Spry gum. Good stuff. Just take Beta Carotene for your vitamin A and be done with it.

#8 eon

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 07:04 AM

What's the reason why a precursor to vitamin A (beta carotene) is safer than straight vitamin A? Beta carotene eventually converts to vitamin A.

#9 jroseland

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Posted 25 June 2015 - 08:36 PM

There's a lot of overlap... See the Brain Science Podcast's episodes about embodied cognition...
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#10 eon

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Posted 09 July 2015 - 11:11 AM

Is niacin still valid for skin health?


I'm curious if coenzymated vitamin B3 and B1 is what's disrupting my sleep? I took coenzymated B1 last night and I'm not sure if this is what was keeping my sleep disrupted.

#11 eon

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Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:24 AM

I wonder if alpha carotene is also a good idea to add to my stack? From what I understand it compliments beta carotene? Is it OK to mix these with another "eye health" vitamins such as lutein and zeaxanthin?


Alpha-carotene Might Help You Live A Longer, Healthier Life!





Caroteniods Are Better Absorbed From Supplements Than From Food!





Edited by eon, 13 July 2015 - 03:27 AM.

#12 TheFountain

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 07:56 PM

There's a lot of overlap... See the Brain Science Podcast's episodes about embodied cognition...

Agree with this. My brain feels sharper after days of working out and it feels duller after days of sitting around. 

#13 eon

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Posted 18 July 2015 - 09:09 AM

Beware of too much exercise as it if hormetic. I would assume it has been adding to my stresses lately. I kinda knew I'd only need exercise every other day at least 30 minutes or less, nothing crazy. One of the thread I participated in has mentioned that some people feel as if "psychotic" after lengthy stays in the gym. I've been there when I was younger. Something about the stress we put ourselves in can be problematic.



There's a lot of overlap... See the Brain Science Podcast's episodes about embodied cognition...

Agree with this. My brain feels sharper after days of working out and it feels duller after days of sitting around. 



Edited by eon, 18 July 2015 - 09:10 AM.

#14 eon

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 10:06 AM

I could never lose my belly fat, I really am getting frustrated here because I'm at my lowest weight at 140 pounds. I had been close to 200 pounds over 10 years ago. Why does this belly fat even linger on? I'm deadlifting over 400 pounds so I should have very little fat on me since deadlift workout is a fat burner. I'm starting to think this is stress/cortisol. I may need to drop my workout days from 6 days a week to 4 days. Should I be sleeping more? Maybe this is from not enough sleep? I really feel I should have a tighter abs and no fat on my chest/torso area. My pecs are well developed, only gets and looks hard when worked out but feels soft when not worked out (it's supposed to be that way?). I look great standing up, sitting down feels as if I'm still chubby, despite I'm at 140 pounds at 5'7" in height. I feel chubby and look chubby sitting down but not standing up. Is this cortisol?
I feel as if I need to keep working out just to be at my "ideal" physique, when I am already a gym rat, so my assumption here is this is either diet, rest, and or another issue not so much lack of exercise? Maybe the problem here is that I workout too much? I actually dropped my workouts to under 30 minutes now compared to hours when I was "competitive", that was unnecessary. I need to workout for pleasure rather than making it feel as if it's a "duty". 
Lastly, to my surprise after going to a cardiologist, I saw that the sheet of paper I was given has a list of health problems I've had a history of and one that was surprising and new (but I kinda knew I needed some iodine) was Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. My primary care physician never told me about this so I'm assuming the cardiologist I visited was the one who found out I have this problem? But how? I'm not sure how a cardiologist would actually know when this is the job of an endocrinologist. Explain?
What do I do now? Do I keep supplementing with iodine (kelp)? 

Edited by eon, 22 July 2015 - 10:28 AM.

#15 mustardseed41

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 02:45 PM


I could never lose my belly fat, I really am getting frustrated here because I'm at my lowest weight at 140 pounds. I had been close to 200 pounds over 10 years ago. Why does this belly fat even linger on? I'm deadlifting over 400 pounds so I should have very little fat on me since deadlift workout is a fat burner. I'm starting to think this is stress/cortisol. I may need to drop my workout days from 6 days a week to 4 days. Should I be sleeping more? Maybe this is from not enough sleep? I really feel I should have a tighter abs and no fat on my chest/torso area. My pecs are well developed, only gets and looks hard when worked out but feels soft when not worked out (it's supposed to be that way?). I look great standing up, sitting down feels as if I'm still chubby, despite I'm at 140 pounds at 5'7" in height. I feel chubby and look chubby sitting down but not standing up. Is this cortisol?
I feel as if I need to keep working out just to be at my "ideal" physique, when I am already a gym rat, so my assumption here is this is either diet, rest, and or another issue not so much lack of exercise? Maybe the problem here is that I workout too much? I actually dropped my workouts to under 30 minutes now compared to hours when I was "competitive", that was unnecessary. I need to workout for pleasure rather than making it feel as if it's a "duty". 
Lastly, to my surprise after going to a cardiologist, I saw that the sheet of paper I was given has a list of health problems I've had a history of and one that was surprising and new (but I kinda knew I needed some iodine) was Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. My primary care physician never told me about this so I'm assuming the cardiologist I visited was the one who found out I have this problem? But how? I'm not sure how a cardiologist would actually know when this is the job of an endocrinologist. Explain?
What do I do now? Do I keep supplementing with iodine (kelp)? 


Wow a bunch going on in this post. First congratulations on deadlifting over 400 at a bodyweight of 140lbs. That's some serious strength you got there. Almost 3 times bodyweight. Damn. Your amazing strength is is not equal to 6 pack abs although at your weight and strength, it is kinda surprising you are not very lean and showing a six pack. I think you are likely overtraining. Yes I would drop the workout days to 4. Under 30 minute workouts is good.


You never mentioned how much sleep you are getting? Study up on Iodine supplementation. Lugols solution /Dr. Brownstein. I take 6 drops daily of 2% Lugols solution.


You might want to consider Intermittent Fasting. The 8/16 protocol.


Lyle Mcdonalds book "Stubborn Fat Solution" is tremendous.


Edited by mustardseed41, 22 July 2015 - 02:53 PM.

#16 eon

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 06:48 AM

My sleep is under 8 hours (6-7 at most). Considering one of the health problem I saw on my sheet of paper, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, I'd assume my issue is a thyroid issue therefore iodine supplementation may be something I need. I have used it before and am now just starting it again. My iodine source is from Kelp, 600 mg Kelp (yields 360 mcg iodine). Not sure what the story is with Lugols solution or what is there to study about iodine, but I'll look into it. What could have caused Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or how does one get problems with their thyroid? Is it genetics or what comes in to play?


I was actually on a ketogenic diet for 3 months, so yes intermittent fasting should be easy for me. I'm not sure what 8/16 protocol means, does that mean I can eat within the first 8 hours then have nothing for the next 16? I have done the 20-24 hour fasting. Sometimes I feel as if I should drop more weight to have no belly fat, but I actually like my weight at 140 pounds but without the stubborn fat on my torso. I'd even be better if I gained weight to 150 or 160 without storing stubborn fat. Something is definitely making my body store fat around my torso/belly area. I'm also on an amphetamine called Vyvanse for my ADHD and this helps with the weight loss and or appetite suppression that I don't even need to fast. I just need to figure out why my body prefers to store fat rather than burn it considering my workouts are intense. 


Care to share what was talked about in Lyle McDonald's book "Stubborn Fat Solution"?

Edited by eon, 23 July 2015 - 06:54 AM.

#17 ceridwen

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 07:19 AM

Hashimotos makes it harder to lose weight. I thought they were supposed to avoid iodine too but if it's worked for you in the past maybe it's good

#18 eon

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 12:09 PM

I think you're mixing up hyperthyroidism vs. hypothyroidism (hashimoto's thyroiditis). People with hyperthyroidism should not supplement with iodine.


Iodine seem to have helped me lost weight actually so yes I think it has helped. I may need some selenium as well.



Hashimotos makes it harder to lose weight. I thought they were supposed to avoid iodine too but if it's worked for you in the past maybe it's good


Edited by eon, 23 July 2015 - 12:18 PM.

#19 mustardseed41

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 02:42 PM


#20 eon

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Posted 27 July 2015 - 03:47 AM

Mustardseed41, is lugol's completely different than just iodine, is it nothing more than a "brand" or what? Why 2% and why not 5%?


I'd like to be able to eat big and not become fat so this way I can up my weight from 140 to 160. Is iodine what I need?


Some great reviews of J. Crow's Lugol's solution 2% on amazon.com plus it is #1 best selling as well. I'm looking close into this. One reviewer mentioned about his belly fat disappearing, etc.

Edited by eon, 27 July 2015 - 03:56 AM.

#21 eon

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 02:00 AM

are fish oils antiinflammatory? is omega-3 a good antiinflammatory? What I use is the prescription omega-3 called Lovaza. I have used the EPA only version called Vascepa as well for 2 weeks. Right now I need to look close into antiinflammatories, seems as if it's what I need. How does one exactly measure if they have an inflammation? I feel that I do considering the fat on my belly area just would not burn off. I'm 140 pounds and deadlifting over 400 pounds of weight. I should have no body fat at 140 pounds. This seem to be telling me I need to drop more weight to have no body fat, which is ridiculous considering I'm already 140 pounds. I'd actually prefer to be higher in weight, where I was at 160ish.





#22 eon

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 11:52 AM

I just tried a drop of J. Crow's 2% Lugols solution. I must say this taste a bit like berries (cherry?). It has that tangy after taste that lingers on my tongue. The taste has that "potent" taste compared to past iodine supplements I have tried. It has that "radioactive" taste about it (maybe I'm not explaining it right). How are you using your 6 drops daily, is it split several times a day? I hope to see results soon. I hope to gain weight without the belly fat issue. I hope I can eat whatever I want without the calories turning into fat. I truly think this is a thyroid issue I'm having considering my doc listed Hashimoto's thyroiditis as one of my health problems. 


I noticed a slight mood lift even with just 1 drop of Lugol's, it could be placebo and i'm not sure how a thyroid issue/defect could determine "moods" when I always thought moods is more of a brain activity/neurotransmitter/etc. and has nothing to do with thyroid/endocrine.



Wow a bunch going on in this post. First congratulations on deadlifting over 400 at a bodyweight of 140lbs. That's some serious strength you got there. Almost 3 times bodyweight. Damn. Your amazing strength is is not equal to 6 pack abs although at your weight and strength, it is kinda surprising you are not very lean and showing a six pack. I think you are likely overtraining. Yes I would drop the workout days to 4. Under 30 minute workouts is good.



You never mentioned how much sleep you are getting? Study up on Iodine supplementation. Lugols solution /Dr. Brownstein. I take 6 drops daily of 2% Lugols solution.


You might want to consider Intermittent Fasting. The 8/16 protocol.


Lyle Mcdonalds book "Stubborn Fat Solution" is tremendous.



#23 proileri

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:26 PM

are fish oils antiinflammatory? is omega-3 a good antiinflammatory? What I use is the prescription omega-3 called Lovaza. I have used the EPA only version called Vascepa as well for 2 weeks. Right now I need to look close into antiinflammatories, seems as if it's what I need. How does one exactly measure if they have an inflammation? I feel that I do considering the fat on my belly area just would not burn off. I'm 140 pounds and deadlifting over 400 pounds of weight. I should have no body fat at 140 pounds. This seem to be telling me I need to drop more weight to have no body fat, which is ridiculous considering I'm already 140 pounds. I'd actually prefer to be higher in weight, where I was at 160ish.


I wonder if you have some loose skin on your stomach, after losing a significant amount of weight. If your belly is hanging a bit, it might emphasise the belly fat and make it seem it won't drop.


Personally, I was fat as a kid, and while I'm 10-20 lbs over my ideal weight ATM, the loose skin on my torso certainly makes it look worse.

Edited by proileri, 10 August 2015 - 09:34 PM.

#24 eon

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 06:23 AM

I look lean standing up, sitting down the belly turns into rolls. I'm not sure I have loose skin, I would think it would shrink along when one loses poundage. How does one get rid of loose skin, in case this may be loose skin (but I doubt it).



are fish oils antiinflammatory? is omega-3 a good antiinflammatory? What I use is the prescription omega-3 called Lovaza. I have used the EPA only version called Vascepa as well for 2 weeks. Right now I need to look close into antiinflammatories, seems as if it's what I need. How does one exactly measure if they have an inflammation? I feel that I do considering the fat on my belly area just would not burn off. I'm 140 pounds and deadlifting over 400 pounds of weight. I should have no body fat at 140 pounds. This seem to be telling me I need to drop more weight to have no body fat, which is ridiculous considering I'm already 140 pounds. I'd actually prefer to be higher in weight, where I was at 160ish.


I wonder if you have some loose skin on your stomach, after losing a significant amount of weight. If your belly is hanging a bit, it might emphasise the belly fat and make it seem it won't drop.


Personally, I was fat as a kid, and while I'm 10-20 lbs over my ideal weight ATM, the loose skin on my torso certainly makes it look worse.



#25 eon

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 11:53 AM

Lugols iodine vs. Iodoral iodine, I'm trying to figure out what the difference is but one reviewer on amazon has mentioned that iodoral is for hypothyroidism, so I'm assuming Lugol's is for hyperthyroidism or either or?

#26 eon

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Posted 26 August 2015 - 08:36 AM

is it also possible that selenium and or tyrosine would be just as beneficial for thyroid health or is iodine usually better? Even forskolin was said to be great for thyroid function. But the combo I read people use more is iodine with selenium.
There seem to be major differences in iodine types. Some people have said Lugol's iodine is great for people with hypothyroid but others says no. I happen to have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (hypothyroid) and since I have been using Lugol's for close to a month now, I notice that when looking in the mirror while I tilt my head backwards, I notice that my thyroid area seem enlarged and that when I swallow I notice that under my chin (slight in the back area) that it looks as if I have those "bump" that frogs would have (when I swallow). So i'm stopping Lugol's for now. I started with 1 drop, then twice a day, then 2 drops twice a day, then 3 drops twice a day (this amount for only about a day). The suggested dose was 6 drops daily. When I first started taking Lugol's iodine, I notice that my chin and or jaw line looked nice but I didn't know what changes that would occur later. Although this issue I speak of only happens when I swallow, it's a side effect nonetheless which is why I'm stopping plus I think what people have said was that for hypothyroid, Iosol iodine is what's needed not Lugol's iodine. It was advised to use selenium as well at 200 mcg (some take this 4x daily), but I was only using 50 mcg of selenium. Maybe that's why Lugol's iodine isn't working for me?
Not knocking Lugol's here but I think it's the wrong product for me and or I wasn't using enough selenium (so the combo of product I was using was either wrong or inadequate). I did notice better mood, skin, and hair. I notice my skin was softer, something I never felt before. I noticed this when showering when I was soaping I noticed my skin felt softer (not because of the soap). Also, energy was high and so was metabolism. I tried to gain weight but couldn't so I know it's potent for weight loss. I just don't like the growth and changes I see on my neck and under my chin. I think that my thyroid has enlarged therefore each time I swallow "something" is getting "pushed" so that I see a small "frog swallow bump" just behind under my chin. Hopefully this is reversible upon cessation of Lugol's iodine intake. I never noticed this with Kelp iodine. Considering a drop of Lugol's iodine was said to be 20x the RDA, so I know that's a bit high plus I feel it is the wrong product for me. 

Edited by eon, 26 August 2015 - 08:47 AM.

#27 Science+Nature

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Posted 01 September 2015 - 04:06 PM

I use AgeLess by Elixir Naturals.  It contains two really decent ingredients:

1. Resveratrol which everyone has heard of, good for the skin, heart, cholesterol and other ailments

2. Red wine extract which is different than resveratrol which is also good for the liver, increases energy and weight control.

I think their site is elixirnaturals.com

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#28 eon

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Posted 02 September 2015 - 08:17 AM

I'm familiar with these compounds. I may be getting some resveratrol in bulk powder form to save money. I've never tried it. I know niacinamide is good for skin as well. I would assume since resveratrol is from grapes (?) there had to be close relation between resveratrol and red wine extract.



I use AgeLess by Elixir Naturals.  It contains two really decent ingredients:

1. Resveratrol which everyone has heard of, good for the skin, heart, cholesterol and other ailments

2. Red wine extract which is different than resveratrol which is also good for the liver, increases energy and weight control.

I think their site is elixirnaturals.com


#29 Science+Nature

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Posted 02 September 2015 - 10:53 AM

According to the bottle one ingredient is the Polygonum cuspidatum root trans resveratrol, which comes from the skin of the red grapes,  and the other is the red wine fruit extract which is actually extracted from the fruit and seeds it self.  Anyways nootropics for the body hope this helps.  

#30 eon

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Posted 06 September 2015 - 10:13 AM

Are there hair dyes that aren't supposedly cancerous, is there such a thing? I'm trying to recommend my aging mom a hair dye to dye her graying hair. She used to dye her hair but now stopped because she said something about it being cancerous, but I'm assuming there had to be a hair dye that aren't cancerous or toxic?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropic, compound, vitamin, ageless, looks, appearance, hair, skin, youth

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