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Choosing the right ADD meds!

adhd add meds focalin ritalin side effects

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#1 Kaleido

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:13 PM

HI guys!
This is my first post :)
been following these awesome threads for sometime though.. Love it!

(Brief background)

I would like help with sorting out my own regimen... Im only recently rediscovering (or becoming more aware) of my ADD symptoms... Been in denial for the last 10-15 years though and not taking any medication. I was diagnosed as a child and was on ritalin for a stretch of school.

So i recently got a prescription for Ritalin - which I thought was going to be a game changer - but i really dislike the side effects... it feels too much like im "on" something... So i will not be continuing.

Side effects im getting: Sweaty palm and pits, Chest pains (minor discomfort lasting for a few days around the heart area), sharp and unpleasant comedown.

With regards to the chest pains - its not really pain, just minor discomfort around the heart - more noticable when i breathe deeper i went to the ER last week for and ECG or whatevrs its called and the doctor was not terribly worried... althought there was a minor disturbance in the results of the EKG which he said could just be a deviation of the norm... but im very conscious about it... don't want anything to compromise my health in anyway - id rather just be erratic and forgetful :P

So....based on the above side effect profile  - looking for help in choosing something with:

  • Less body load
  • less potential cardiovascular stress or damage
  • less up and down mood
  • Cleaner, longer and more behind the scenes

    Also -  looking more for something to sporadically for task intensive days, instead of a daily med...

On my radar in the this order is: Focalin XR, Dexedrine, Modafinil, Deprenyl as from what i gathered they are more cleaner and celebral?

Im a little hesitant to take amphetamines, as i have a little stigma with them and their abuse potential and body harm potential.

Im very health orientated these days.... Would Modafinil be considered the lightest and "healthier" choice (PS i understand that all synthetic stims will have some degree of negative affects - its just about minimising them)

Deprenyl - interesting but i reel back at anything with the Term "irreversible" MAOi - i dont know enough about these things to make a logical judgement on that ... though as i said, i prefer to not to use a med that requires daily use for results..

Any advice for me in this journey?



#2 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 09 August 2015 - 03:35 PM

Well, what type of ADHD have you been diagnosed with? It's important that we know more about you, before we suggest anything.


However, if I may make a suggestion - I was much like you at first - I didn't want to go into daily use of medication, but the benefits of daily medication is something that I, with time, realized has a much greater benefit than just situational medication.


And it's also generally what the studies behind treatments with medications have deduced as well.


With that said, it's important to get the most fitting medication possible, so as to make medicating daily possible.



Edited by Stinkorninjor, 09 August 2015 - 03:38 PM.

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#3 Duchykins

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 05:25 AM

You're sensitive to the norepinephrine effects, it seems.  That's why the doc didn't seem concerned.  From a doc's perspective, that anxiety is a mild side effect.

What dose?  And did you try to dial it back?

Your reaction may indicate your serotonin is a bit low, the ability to keep norepinephrine's effects in check could be a tad compromised.


I'm going to say no to the deprenyl (too new and understudied) and no to the focalin (not as well studied as ritalin, also purported to be 2x "stronger" than ritalin so the anxiety could be much worse on it, side effect profile purported to be more serious that ritalin).


Your reaction to any amphetamine could be markedly worse and from a personal experience, I think ritalin is the "clean" one here.  


Modafinil, maybe.   Why don't you try to bring it up with your doctor next time?



#4 Kaleido

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 08:40 AM

Well, what type of ADHD have you been diagnosed with? It's important that we know more about you, before we suggest anything.


However, if I may make a suggestion - I was much like you at first - I didn't want to go into daily use of medication, but the benefits of daily medication is something that I, with time, realized has a much greater benefit than just situational medication.


And it's also generally what the studies behind treatments with medications have deduced as well.


With that said, it's important to get the most fitting medication possible, so as to make medicating daily possible.

 Hi Stinkorninjor, thanks for reply, been following a lot of your general posts :)

Well you see I don't know exactly, and this is kind of the main reason for this post and me going down this journey of investigation..

what is the best way to find out?

I can give u basic noticed symptoms.... major Forgetfull/air-headedness, day dreamer. Difficulty staying on one task, general concentration issues, anxiety, restless legs, overactive mind, racey thoughts, constant ideas and epiphanies :P generally and not getting anything done...
i get quite obsessive and hyper focused very easy on my passions (music technology, internet searching etc)
I would not call myself impulsive or hyperactive.. well i guess i sometimes make impulsive purchases of cool gear and toys, but i wouldnt call that a major symptom.

i dont really interrupt people or change topic quickly in conversation... generally fairly quiet and can be realtively attentive and normal in conversation.

so my self diagnosis - generally points towards Innattentive type?

#5 Kaleido

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 08:48 AM

You're sensitive to the norepinephrine effects, it seems.  That's why the doc didn't seem concerned.  From a doc's perspective, that anxiety is a mild side effect.

What dose?  And did you try to dial it back?

Your reaction may indicate your serotonin is a bit low, the ability to keep norepinephrine's effects in check could be a tad compromised.


I'm going to say no to the deprenyl (too new and understudied) and no to the focalin (not as well studied as ritalin, also purported to be 2x "stronger" than ritalin so the anxiety could be much worse on it, side effect profile purported to be more serious that ritalin).


Your reaction to any amphetamine could be markedly worse and from a personal experience, I think ritalin is the "clean" one here.  


Modafinil, maybe.   Why don't you try to bring it up with your doctor next time?


Hey Duchykins 

ok thats an interesting assumption... worth looking into.. 
Is there ways you can actually test these things.

I wouldn't have said to myself that i have low serotonin... as i'm generally a very happy person... mood swings occasionally and dips where i feel sad... but ja usually very chipper and cheery person. - but then again i dont know the full science of these neuro chemicals other than their famous associations... (Dopamine - motivation, Serotonin - mood and happiness, GABA - anxiety et) i do acknowledge that its alot more complex than that and they all interrelated.

hmmm i was wondering last night about making some conclusions on my make up based on how i react to certain "recreationals"... i have certain effects, particularly with MJ that other people dont seem to have.
not sure if this is the place to tak about that tho, not sure of the rules :P

#6 Kaleido

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 08:50 AM

should i be more concerned about the chest discomfort (still there after 3 days of not taking ritalin)...
I dont have any history of heart problems.
Is it a thing that ritalin can actually cause heart problems in healthy young individuals..

so would Norepinephrine cause that discomfort?

I didnt actually get much "anxiety" from ritalin, in fact it had a degree of stilling the business of my mind, not more leg shaking etc.
but ja physical effects were certainly there

Dose was very mild TBH.  i first started at 5mg x2 on first day.... then i tried 10mg morning followed by 2 successive 5mg doses. for 3 days (not in a row)
then 10mg x 2 (morning and lunch) followed by a late afternoon 5 mg booster.

the highest dose i took being 35 mg spread over the course of 10 hours.

noticed said effects in all instances.

Edited by Kaleido, 10 August 2015 - 08:55 AM.

#7 Kaleido

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:00 AM

Also i dont of this is too accurate - but i took a quick quiz.

Results of Your Adult
Attention Deficit Disorder Quiz


You scored a total of  36 

Inattention Subscale: 22 
Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Subscale: 14 

Serious adult add likely.

Edited by Kaleido, 10 August 2015 - 09:01 AM.

#8 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 10:13 AM


Well, what type of ADHD have you been diagnosed with? It's important that we know more about you, before we suggest anything.


However, if I may make a suggestion - I was much like you at first - I didn't want to go into daily use of medication, but the benefits of daily medication is something that I, with time, realized has a much greater benefit than just situational medication.


And it's also generally what the studies behind treatments with medications have deduced as well.


With that said, it's important to get the most fitting medication possible, so as to make medicating daily possible.

 Hi Stinkorninjor, thanks for reply, been following a lot of your general posts :)

Well you see I don't know exactly, and this is kind of the main reason for this post and me going down this journey of investigation..

what is the best way to find out?

I can give u basic noticed symptoms.... major Forgetfull/air-headedness, day dreamer. Difficulty staying on one task, general concentration issues, anxiety, restless legs, overactive mind, racey thoughts, constant ideas and epiphanies :P generally and not getting anything done...
i get quite obsessive and hyper focused very easy on my passions (music technology, internet searching etc)
I would not call myself impulsive or hyperactive.. well i guess i sometimes make impulsive purchases of cool gear and toys, but i wouldnt call that a major symptom.

i dont really interrupt people or change topic quickly in conversation... generally fairly quiet and can be realtively attentive and normal in conversation.

so my self diagnosis - generally points towards Innattentive type?


Very glad to hear that you find my posts to be interesting! =)


Anyways, you certainly sound fairly similar to myself, and I have a diagnosis of ADHD-PI - altho' my symptoms fall more excessively towards the inactive and demotivated side of the spectrum, hence I'm most likely SCT, rather than ADHD-PI.


Methylphenidate has a very limited effect on my symptoms, which is another indicator that I may not have ADHD - I'm only helped, slightly, by the lower doses, and on the higher doses, most I get is just the side-effects.


I've done genetic testing on myself, via 23andMe.com and then extra analysis of the raw data through Promethease - the data revealed that I do not have any of the candidate-genes related to Dat1 (dopamine-transporter, faulty DAT often means that it's too effective - shuffling the dopamine off to be stored or destroyed too quickly - methylphenidate affects this process directly - meaning that those that carry this polymorphism in perticular, will get the best results out of Methylphenidate) or COMT (enzyme which breaks down dopamine and norepinephrine - some people have TOO efficient versions of this, meaning their body gobbles it up too fast for it to do much good).


However, the test DID show that I carry the DRD4 vntr-7 mutation - this gene controls the behaviour of one of the least understood of the Dopamine-receptors - and is also one of the candidate-genes for ADHD. The D4 -receptors are mostly located in the brain, and not in other areas of the body or the CNS - unlike most of the other cathecolamine-receptors. (serotonin, Dopamine, norepinephrine - they're all cathecolamines, with receptors called 5-htp, D1, D2, etc)


There is some evidence pointing towards faulty D4 -receptors being more connected to the inattentive symptoms of ADHD, and it would certainly make sense in my case.



You need to get a proper diagnosis from a Dr. first tho' man - if a Dr. gives you a diagnosis of either ADHD-C or ADHD-PI, then we've got more to go on here.



You're sensitive to the norepinephrine effects, it seems.  That's why the doc didn't seem concerned.  From a doc's perspective, that anxiety is a mild side effect.

What dose?  And did you try to dial it back?

Your reaction may indicate your serotonin is a bit low, the ability to keep norepinephrine's effects in check could be a tad compromised.


I'm going to say no to the deprenyl (too new and understudied) and no to the focalin (not as well studied as ritalin, also purported to be 2x "stronger" than ritalin so the anxiety could be much worse on it, side effect profile purported to be more serious that ritalin).


Your reaction to any amphetamine could be markedly worse and from a personal experience, I think ritalin is the "clean" one here.  


Modafinil, maybe.   Why don't you try to bring it up with your doctor next time?


Hold up.


As far as I'm aware, yes, Focalin is more potent in regards to the therapeutic effects, but I was also under the impression that it oddly enough also has less psychomotoric side-effects?

Isn't that the whole reason that they developed it, yes? The peripheral effects, sweating, itching, racing heart, high blood-pressure, are almost all related to the L-entantiomer of Methylphenidate - hence why they developed a medication only containing Dextromethylphenidate. Much like why they also created Dexamphetamine.


Hmm... while looking through the studies, I can't seem to find anything to back up my statement tho'... Mostly just anecdotal reports from patients which have used both racemic DL-methylphenidate and Dexmethylphenidate.


I guess there's something to be said for the fact that Dex is more specific to the brain, while Levo binds to many sites:


Differential pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of methylphenidate enantiomers: does chirality matter?



The importance of MPH chirality to central nervous system MPH receptor targeting has culminated in human imaging studies revealing that d-MPH binds specifically to striatal structures, whereas l-MPH binding is nonspecific.



I suppose the lower rate of side-effects could just be from the fact that the Levo-isomer isn't there to interfere with the Dextro-isomer in Focalin, hence you need a lower dose to get clinical results, hence somewhat lower side-effects. Well, in theory...

  • Good Point x 1

#9 Kaleido

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 10:10 AM

So news the news is - Amphetamines not available on prescription here in South Africa. so no adderral or dexedrine.. pity... but my body will probably thank me down the line :P

Also - No FOCALIN... which is massively dissapointing as i thought that would be perfect - less body effects (which is what was bothering me), more clean celebral effects.

I did however manage to get him to write out a prescription for both Modafinil and Concerta...  
Perhaps the extended release of concerta will be a smoother overall ride? 

Very interested to see how modafinil works as well... i will definately post my results here.

#10 Kaleido

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 10:17 AM



Well, what type of ADHD have you been diagnosed with? It's important that we know more about you, before we suggest anything.


However, if I may make a suggestion - I was much like you at first - I didn't want to go into daily use of medication, but the benefits of daily medication is something that I, with time, realized has a much greater benefit than just situational medication.


And it's also generally what the studies behind treatments with medications have deduced as well.


With that said, it's important to get the most fitting medication possible, so as to make medicating daily possible.

 Hi Stinkorninjor, thanks for reply, been following a lot of your general posts :)

Well you see I don't know exactly, and this is kind of the main reason for this post and me going down this journey of investigation..

what is the best way to find out?

I can give u basic noticed symptoms.... major Forgetfull/air-headedness, day dreamer. Difficulty staying on one task, general concentration issues, anxiety, restless legs, overactive mind, racey thoughts, constant ideas and epiphanies :P generally and not getting anything done...
i get quite obsessive and hyper focused very easy on my passions (music technology, internet searching etc)
I would not call myself impulsive or hyperactive.. well i guess i sometimes make impulsive purchases of cool gear and toys, but i wouldnt call that a major symptom.

i dont really interrupt people or change topic quickly in conversation... generally fairly quiet and can be realtively attentive and normal in conversation.

so my self diagnosis - generally points towards Innattentive type?


Very glad to hear that you find my posts to be interesting! =)


Anyways, you certainly sound fairly similar to myself, and I have a diagnosis of ADHD-PI - altho' my symptoms fall more excessively towards the inactive and demotivated side of the spectrum, hence I'm most likely SCT, rather than ADHD-PI.


Methylphenidate has a very limited effect on my symptoms, which is another indicator that I may not have ADHD - I'm only helped, slightly, by the lower doses, and on the higher doses, most I get is just the side-effects.


I've done genetic testing on myself, via 23andMe.com and then extra analysis of the raw data through Promethease - the data revealed that I do not have any of the candidate-genes related to Dat1 (dopamine-transporter, faulty DAT often means that it's too effective - shuffling the dopamine off to be stored or destroyed too quickly - methylphenidate affects this process directly - meaning that those that carry this polymorphism in perticular, will get the best results out of Methylphenidate) or COMT (enzyme which breaks down dopamine and norepinephrine - some people have TOO efficient versions of this, meaning their body gobbles it up too fast for it to do much good).


However, the test DID show that I carry the DRD4 vntr-7 mutation - this gene controls the behaviour of one of the least understood of the Dopamine-receptors - and is also one of the candidate-genes for ADHD. The D4 -receptors are mostly located in the brain, and not in other areas of the body or the CNS - unlike most of the other cathecolamine-receptors. (serotonin, Dopamine, norepinephrine - they're all cathecolamines, with receptors called 5-htp, D1, D2, etc)


There is some evidence pointing towards faulty D4 -receptors being more connected to the inattentive symptoms of ADHD, and it would certainly make sense in my case.



You need to get a proper diagnosis from a Dr. first tho' man - if a Dr. gives you a diagnosis of either ADHD-C or ADHD-PI, then we've got more to go on here.


hey man, i didnt actually go to a psychiatrist which i probably should... but i went to a normal GP. a specific diagnosis would be a good idea.

Is there any other way that you know of about getting a snapshot of your brain and its make up... If you could get clinical results that your brains D4 receptor is faulty, or that you have lower levels of this, treating it would be much easier. instead of just throwing ammo blindly at it in hope that something works!

that being said - have you found any herbs and general dopamininergic supps like tyrosine to be helpful.  if so which ones?
i have been taking tyrosine and rhodiola which im pretty sure in at least someway is helping... but its much more subtle and behind the scenes.

also got a batch of racetams on its way (Oxiracetam and Aniracatem) and CDP choline... assuming customs doestnt confiscate it, im very curious on how that might assist me.

#11 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 09:00 PM




Well, what type of ADHD have you been diagnosed with? It's important that we know more about you, before we suggest anything.


However, if I may make a suggestion - I was much like you at first - I didn't want to go into daily use of medication, but the benefits of daily medication is something that I, with time, realized has a much greater benefit than just situational medication.


And it's also generally what the studies behind treatments with medications have deduced as well.


With that said, it's important to get the most fitting medication possible, so as to make medicating daily possible.

 Hi Stinkorninjor, thanks for reply, been following a lot of your general posts :)

Well you see I don't know exactly, and this is kind of the main reason for this post and me going down this journey of investigation..

what is the best way to find out?

I can give u basic noticed symptoms.... major Forgetfull/air-headedness, day dreamer. Difficulty staying on one task, general concentration issues, anxiety, restless legs, overactive mind, racey thoughts, constant ideas and epiphanies :P generally and not getting anything done...
i get quite obsessive and hyper focused very easy on my passions (music technology, internet searching etc)
I would not call myself impulsive or hyperactive.. well i guess i sometimes make impulsive purchases of cool gear and toys, but i wouldnt call that a major symptom.

i dont really interrupt people or change topic quickly in conversation... generally fairly quiet and can be realtively attentive and normal in conversation.

so my self diagnosis - generally points towards Innattentive type?


Very glad to hear that you find my posts to be interesting! =)


Anyways, you certainly sound fairly similar to myself, and I have a diagnosis of ADHD-PI - altho' my symptoms fall more excessively towards the inactive and demotivated side of the spectrum, hence I'm most likely SCT, rather than ADHD-PI.


Methylphenidate has a very limited effect on my symptoms, which is another indicator that I may not have ADHD - I'm only helped, slightly, by the lower doses, and on the higher doses, most I get is just the side-effects.


I've done genetic testing on myself, via 23andMe.com and then extra analysis of the raw data through Promethease - the data revealed that I do not have any of the candidate-genes related to Dat1 (dopamine-transporter, faulty DAT often means that it's too effective - shuffling the dopamine off to be stored or destroyed too quickly - methylphenidate affects this process directly - meaning that those that carry this polymorphism in perticular, will get the best results out of Methylphenidate) or COMT (enzyme which breaks down dopamine and norepinephrine - some people have TOO efficient versions of this, meaning their body gobbles it up too fast for it to do much good).


However, the test DID show that I carry the DRD4 vntr-7 mutation - this gene controls the behaviour of one of the least understood of the Dopamine-receptors - and is also one of the candidate-genes for ADHD. The D4 -receptors are mostly located in the brain, and not in other areas of the body or the CNS - unlike most of the other cathecolamine-receptors. (serotonin, Dopamine, norepinephrine - they're all cathecolamines, with receptors called 5-htp, D1, D2, etc)


There is some evidence pointing towards faulty D4 -receptors being more connected to the inattentive symptoms of ADHD, and it would certainly make sense in my case.



You need to get a proper diagnosis from a Dr. first tho' man - if a Dr. gives you a diagnosis of either ADHD-C or ADHD-PI, then we've got more to go on here.


hey man, i didnt actually go to a psychiatrist which i probably should... but i went to a normal GP. a specific diagnosis would be a good idea.

Is there any other way that you know of about getting a snapshot of your brain and its make up... If you could get clinical results that your brains D4 receptor is faulty, or that you have lower levels of this, treating it would be much easier. instead of just throwing ammo blindly at it in hope that something works!

that being said - have you found any herbs and general dopamininergic supps like tyrosine to be helpful.  if so which ones?
i have been taking tyrosine and rhodiola which im pretty sure in at least someway is helping... but its much more subtle and behind the scenes.

also got a batch of racetams on its way (Oxiracetam and Aniracatem) and CDP choline... assuming customs doestnt confiscate it, im very curious on how that might assist me.



Definitely recommend a specific diagnosis. Of course, since your GP has already prescribed you some medication, you still did a good call, since even if it doesn't work much, you'll at least have SOMETHING to help you continue, while you keep digging deeper into yourself.


You can test yourself genetically, by using 23andme.com and Promethease - it costs around 140 euros, or 145 U.S Dollars. The data will give you info on if you have some of the candidate-genes for ADHD.


Mind you tho', this data isn't full-proof - candidate means that it's not entirely clear how involved these genes are with the disease, and its different variations. So using a medication to hit that perticular part of your brain, which this gene controls, may not solve all of your problems. (nor may it be possible to obtain the correct medications in any easy and sustainable fashion)


Another way to get some tangible data, is to order a scan of your brain, testing reactions to problem-solving and so on, while on medication, and without medication. There's a guy called Dr Amen who's leading the charge for SPECT-scanning of brains, as a complement in diagnosing.




If you have all 3 of these, traditional oral diagnosis, SPECT-scans, and genetic testing, then you will be as close to an accurate diagnosis and treatment-plan as you can come, in the world of today.

It's hard to get all 3 tho', admittedly.



I was a bit premature with the whole SPECT -thing - I'm afraid they haven't been proven as a useful tool yet. Neither have genetics, but at least there is SOME evidence there, some studies, that imply that it could be useful for diagnosing.





BTW - CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING MODAFINIL!! ^^ It's one of the least intrusive stimulants there is, and if you happen to have just the right make-up of your issues, you will see fantastic results. It's also exceedingly hard to get it prescribed for ADHD, so cudos on having a GP that would subscribe it to you.


Let us know what you experience with your drugs! =)

Btw, I urge you to try and get some Intuniv (Guanfacine XR, SR) as well, because I'm DYING to know what the effects is when you combine it Modafinil... in theory, it could be IMMENSELY synergistic, but it could also be terrible. We just don't know, because no-one seems to have ever tried the combo.


BTW - if you want to try Racetams, order some Fasoracetam instead, it's actually got a documented effect on ADHD-symptoms - for a specific group that is. A guy called Hakon Hakonarson is doing a study on its efficiency as we speak. I've tried it myself, and recommend it. The effects are somewhere inbetween Rhodiola Rosea and Methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin, etc).

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 11 August 2015 - 09:23 PM.

#12 Kaleido

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Posted 12 August 2015 - 07:05 AM





Well, what type of ADHD have you been diagnosed with? It's important that we know more about you, before we suggest anything.


However, if I may make a suggestion - I was much like you at first - I didn't want to go into daily use of medication, but the benefits of daily medication is something that I, with time, realized has a much greater benefit than just situational medication.


And it's also generally what the studies behind treatments with medications have deduced as well.


With that said, it's important to get the most fitting medication possible, so as to make medicating daily possible.

Very glad to hear that you find my posts to be interesting! =)


Definitely recommend a specific diagnosis. Of course, since your GP has already prescribed you some medication, you still did a good call, since even if it doesn't work much, you'll at least have SOMETHING to help you continue, while you keep digging deeper into yourself.


You can test yourself genetically, by using 23andme.com and Promethease - it costs around 140 euros, or 145 U.S Dollars. The data will give you info on if you have some of the candidate-genes for ADHD.


Mind you tho', this data isn't full-proof - candidate means that it's not entirely clear how involved these genes are with the disease, and its different variations. So using a medication to hit that perticular part of your brain, which this gene controls, may not solve all of your problems. (nor may it be possible to obtain the correct medications in any easy and sustainable fashion)


Another way to get some tangible data, is to order a scan of your brain, testing reactions to problem-solving and so on, while on medication, and without medication. There's a guy called Dr Amen who's leading the charge for SPECT-scanning of brains, as a complement in diagnosing.




If you have all 3 of these, traditional oral diagnosis, SPECT-scans, and genetic testing, then you will be as close to an accurate diagnosis and treatment-plan as you can come, in the world of today.

It's hard to get all 3 tho', admittedly.



I was a bit premature with the whole SPECT -thing - I'm afraid they haven't been proven as a useful tool yet. Neither have genetics, but at least there is SOME evidence there, some studies, that imply that it could be useful for diagnosing.





BTW - CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING MODAFINIL!! ^^ It's one of the least intrusive stimulants there is, and if you happen to have just the right make-up of your issues, you will see fantastic results. It's also exceedingly hard to get it prescribed for ADHD, so cudos on having a GP that would subscribe it to you.


Let us know what you experience with your drugs! =)

Btw, I urge you to try and get some Intuniv (Guanfacine XR, SR) as well, because I'm DYING to know what the effects is when you combine it Modafinil... in theory, it could be IMMENSELY synergistic, but it could also be terrible. We just don't know, because no-one seems to have ever tried the combo.


BTW - if you want to try Racetams, order some Fasoracetam instead, it's actually got a documented effect on ADHD-symptoms - for a specific group that is. A guy called Hakon Hakonarson is doing a study on its efficiency as we speak. I've tried it myself, and recommend it. The effects are somewhere inbetween Rhodiola Rosea and Methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin, etc).


Ja im quite lucky i founf this GP, he is very easy with the pen... haha it took me about 2 mins to convince him to give me a script for both Modafinil and concerta.
and cool thing is that medical aid covered 80% of both purchases ( which equated to alot! concerta and modafinil are super pricey here)

Going to try the Modafinil now and will see how it works....

I spent a lot of years un medicated so one tends to learn habits around alot of the symptoms - so in that sense i dont feel like i need constant, stronger stimulants... which is why i feel modafinil might be up my alley.

i think a good regime for me would be modafinil (provided i respond well to it) twice a week... then perhaps concerta (again, provided) once a week for extra boost in nailing super boring admin and to do's...
then the rest of the time, just good diet, sleep exercise. perhaps rhodiola and or racetams etc.

Darn - i remember reading about fasoracetam but when it came to ordering i couldnt remember its name...,
apparently Phenylpiracetam might also be geared more towards add than the rest.. next order - definatly one of those 2

that being said, i had a very positive effect with oxiracetam yesterday... i was super tired, lazy and unmotivated at work... i swalowled 900mg, and it gave me an instant energy and mood lift and had a productive afternoon, followed by a really good band practise after...

Oh ja forgot about intunitiv... Also very interested in that... maybe next time ill ask him.
however, we seem to be a little limited with fancier add meds (given they only prescirbe Ritalin, Concerta and Strattera for ADD here)

i have been meaning to try out Agmatine - do u think it might give similar efffects (NDMA etc) which might serve as a basis?   Always would prefer to try a naturally occurring compound first if available.

Edited by Kaleido, 12 August 2015 - 07:09 AM.


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Posted 30 August 2015 - 04:18 AM

I have only tried dexedrine and ritalin. Dexedrine is far superior IME.

From what I have read anecdotally they usually rank:

Good luck getting desoxyn though

#14 Kaleido

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Posted 31 August 2015 - 08:49 AM

Unfortunately the only meds available to me in my country are: Ritalin (IR, LA) , Concerta, Strattera :(
so no chance on that unless i order internationally in an illegal / risky postage...

not keen on strattera, and ritalin seems to have unpleasant side effects...  I tried concerta 27mg the other day, and to be honest, i had one of the most ADD ridden days ever, very strange... slight increase in  motivation i guess, but forgetfull and unfocused as ever.   That being said, i had a poor night's sleep the night before, so that might be a factor.. (but ultimately im looking for something that will help on those specific bad brain days, and less sleep days)

Modafinil, I have now tried 100 mg a day and 200 mg dosage... its strange for me as well... gives me this very warm feeling inside... not much energy boost ( a little)  and focus effects tho... i dont see it being terribly helpful, but will do a few more tests to see

however as i said, im keen on experimenting with dosages with ritalin... perhaps much lower doses will be better - as low as 2.5 mg and 5 mg a few times a day? = roughly 10-20mg per day.... anyone had success with very low doses of MPH? 



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Posted 07 September 2015 - 10:58 AM

Sucks you can't get an amphetamine derivative. They are usually way better than methylphenidate preparations for the majority of adults.

If I were you I would go with Ritalin IR.

You should read scattered minds by Dr Gabor Maté. Great book about the origins and treatment of ADHD.

#16 Kaleido

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Posted 09 September 2015 - 06:28 AM

Sucks you can't get an amphetamine derivative. They are usually way better than methylphenidate preparations for the majority of adults.

If I were you I would go with Ritalin IR.

You should read scattered minds by Dr Gabor Maté. Great book about the origins and treatment of ADHD.

Ja it sucks... Wish there was a way to lobby the health sector to change that policy but i doubt it,
We have such a rampant problem here in South Africa with Methamphetamine abuse, i think they see the word amphetamine and run for the hills.  very unlikely they will change that.

How about in Australia? can u get amphetamine prescriptions?  from what i hear Aus also has real bad meth problem... but i am guessing your government is a little more forward thnking and intelligent on these matters

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#17 Doc Psychoillogical

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Posted 02 June 2017 - 02:48 AM





              What are your experiences Disliked or Approved with either medication?

                                Preferability of, Costs, Availabilities, Dosing, Forms:

*Generics *Brands *Manufacturer *Extended-release *Instant-release *Pro-drug  


                  How do they compare in effects negative & positive?

                                                                                               Effects if any, upon Individual:                                                    *Physicality*Mentality*Personablity(Interpersonal/self)*Emotionality*Sociability(Intrapersonal/others)


Differences/Similarities between the two? 

                                                                           What have you felt are the most:

                                                   *Pros *Cons *Benefits *Uses *Disadvantages *Advantages *Side effects...

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: adhd, add, meds, focalin, ritalin, side effects

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