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Suggesting a Nutrigenomics section of the Forum

nutrigenomics nutrahacker knowyourgenetics 23andme geneticgenie

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#1 world33

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 09:29 AM


I would like to suggest a new section of the forum dedicated to Nutrigenomics where people can post their homozygous and heterozygous genetic mutations found out through genetic tests, such as 23andme.com, and people can suggest what supplements to try, according to current scientific research, to address those particular most common mutations.

I have, for example, a C667T homozygous mutation that allows me to convert only 30% of folic acid and folate into the active form methylfolate and supplementation with methylfolate has considerably improved my mental well being (the mutation affects up to 10% of the population). There are so many other genetic mutations that affect the conversion and assimilation of other vitamins with repercussion on health and longevity.

Adding a specific section of the forum called "Nutrigenomics" would help all those people with genetic mutations to understand what supplements to take.

Nutrahacker.com, Yasko's knowyourgenetics.com and the Phoenix Rising ME / CFS Forums provide some interesting information and interpretation of some mutations and recommended supplements but I think there is no specific and dedicated Forum where people can just post their most important genetic mutation results and obtain some feedback. The current Nutrition or Supplements sections of the LongeCity forum would not give enough importance to such a specific and tailored topic.

I think Nutrigenomics is the future of tailored nutrition and supplementation. Giving tailored advise to address specific genetic mutations can contribute to the main scope of the LongeCity mission which is to increase longevity. Please note that I have no interest or affiliation whatsoever in the Nutrigenomics field and my suggestion is only given based on my personal experience in trying supplements suggested by nutrahacker.com. Those supplements were the most beneficial out of the many (dozens) that I have tried to relief my sever morning anxiety I developped in my thirties. I cannot imagine how many people, as in my case, who are currently taking antidepressants and/or benzos to manage their depression or anxiety could benefit just by taking an active form of vitamin of B9 (methylfolate) once carried out a genetic test and received some advise on their specific genetic mutations.

I attach, as an example, the nutrahacker.com report I received and based my selection of supplements on (the basic version of the nutrhacker.com version is free by the way). Not all supplements are worth considering and I reccommend focusing on those mutations that have a low genotype frequency. Unfortunately nutrahacker.com does not reference the scientific sources of their interpretation and recommendation so a specific section of the LongeCity Forum with a more scientific approach could help many people better interpret their results.

What is your take on this suggestion? Thanks for any feedback.

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Edited by world33, 17 November 2015 - 09:32 AM.

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#2 albedo

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 11:17 AM

I liked the idea. Trying to studying the field and posting here: http://www.longecity...ized-nutrition/


(There is also a Forum section on Genetics with some information: http://www.longecity.../176-genetics/)

Edited by albedo, 17 November 2015 - 11:20 AM.

#3 sthira

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 01:47 PM

I like this idea, too. Thanks for suggesting it.

#4 albedo

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 06:30 PM

I basically started the Personalized Nutrition thread as I liked more this term in a generic forum rather than using the more scientific terms of nutrigenetics or nutrigenomics which are not the same. So maybe we can start using my thread?

#5 Mind

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 08:12 PM

It is a good idea. If we implement this, maybe a a Sub Forum under Supplements, or under Lifestyle.

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#6 world33

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 10:11 PM

I basically started the Personalized Nutrition thread as I liked more this term in a generic forum rather than using the more scientific terms of nutrigenetics or nutrigenomics which are not the same. So maybe we can start using my thread?


Thanks albedo, I will read that thread. I think Nutrigenomics deserves a specific Forum subsection under Nutrition or Supplements. If people start posting their genetic results in a forum post it is going to be a long, long post where people just get lost in my opinion. Thanks anyway to pointing out that useful post.
It would also be good to try to involve people like Dr. Rhonda Patrick to contribute to that section: her videos such as the interesting one at https://www.youtube....h?v=bVV2RFEiqN4 give an overview on Nutrigenomics and some of the mutations that affect the assimilation and conversion of vitamins such as Bs and A. Interesting enough I found out through my genetic test and that video from Rhonda that I have a few genetic mutations that do not allow me to efficiently convert beta-carotene (the vegetable precursor of Vitamin A) into Vitamin A and I need to take Vitamin A from animal source instead (like Cod Liver Oil). That may explain why, already at an early age, I was very short sighted.
Another interesting finding I obtained from the interpretation of my genetic test is that I have a CBS homozygous mutation (rs1801181) that affects only 7% of the population that increase my level of sulfites. Since I have been supplementing with Molybdenum, wich is a cofactor that helps to convert toxic sulphites into sulphates in the sulphite oxidase process, I feel much better; I remember the first time I tried Molybdenum I felt like a wave of relaxation and mental clarity that I have not felt for a long time, similar to valium but with no side effects.

I think the Longevity mission should start by addressing the specific genetic mutations that undermine every person optimal health and metabolism causing deficit, depletion, limited conversion and so on. I could take all the supplements suggested by the SENS Research Foundation but if I did not take my methylfolate, which is important for DNA and RNA replication, due to my C667T homozygous mutation which, as I have already mentioned, allows me to convert only 30% of my folate intake I would still not address the root causes of my mental health and potentially reduced longevity.

I am very happy that you all agree on the importance to start a new section of the forum on Nutrigenomics. I really think it is the future and even if we really are at the beginning of the scientific research in this field it would give LongeCity a competitive advantage.

#7 pleiotropic

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 12:53 AM

 I could take all the supplements suggested by the SENS Research Foundation 



SENS recommends supplements?  News to me.  I thought they recommended donating to fund research rather than spending money on supplements.  Could you link something about this?

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#8 world33

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Posted 18 November 2015 - 01:36 AM

I could take all the supplements suggested by the SENS Research Foundation

SENS recommends supplements?  News to me.  I thought they recommended donating to fund research rather than spending money on supplements.  Could you link something about this?

Apologies not directly suggested, I was referring to lists of supplements compiled by people that took the time to reasearch on their studies such as this one:
or other similar studies such as the one from Dr. C. David Rollo of McMaster University in Canada:

Please let's not derail from the main topic of this thread if possible. Thanks for understanding :-)

#9 albedo

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 03:20 PM

It is a good idea. If we implement this, maybe a a Sub Forum under Supplements, or under Lifestyle.


Surely they are overlaps but it is fundamentally all about nutrition (personalized). I would maybe suggest under Nutrition.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nutrigenomics, nutrahacker, knowyourgenetics, 23andme, geneticgenie

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