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Anti-white-male propaganda

anti-white anti-white male

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#61 TheFountain

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 01:25 AM



What are solutions to anti-white male trends you're experiencing?

First and foremost, let's stop with the 'diversity' tax bracket program because all they are doing is the opposite of their apparent objective of 'diversifying' the environment.

To them 'diversity' apparently means hiring 98% black males and a couple white females.

If that is diversity, my name is Abraham Lincoln.

Hmmm. How about in Hollywood (since you're citing racial bias in the media)? Should the film industry diversity tax breaks be stopped?


All of it. And people should be used via their merit as actors, filmmakers, producers, special FX artists. what ever. 


I don't know if this question is a "set up" for some cherry picked data you have up your sleeve but then again I don't give a shit. 

#62 A941

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 04:44 AM

Yes I too thik that the media portrays men as morons, thanks to the feminists and the SJW who are telling people that men, especially white and heterosexual (cis) men, have all the perks and no obligations, no hardship to go through at all.


But thanks to these people men actually have it much harder than women, and thats nothing I have made up, it is this way in allmost any western country.


-Men have no reproductive rights, if the condom rips or the woman lies about being on the pill, the man has to deal with HER decision, be it abortion, adoption or him paying for the next 18 years with a good chance of not seeing the child, if she doesnt want, something that keeps the male suicide rate up, much higer than that of females.

-Men get sentenced to longer jail sentences

-Men are held responsible for the wrongs of women, be it drunk sex (when both are drunk) in which case the man is a rapsit, or put at disadvantage in court where "innocent until proven guilty" has been turned arround and rape shield laws keep important evidence out of court, making it simple for a malevolent  woman to ruin a man, something that happens far to often.

-Men pay allimony, only 2 or 3% of women have to do it.

-Men fail in education and graduate less tahn girls because the system has been modeled against them

-Men are not only portrayed as sexual predators in the media but also seen as such by companies etc. (Airlines not letting unaccompanied children sit next to men, or the 1in4 women are raped myth)

-There are no men shelters in such quantity as womensshelters (I know only of two) because no one cares and men have to "man up"


And the Stuff not connected to that but still not making it better:

-Men die earlier

-Work longer

-do the dangerous, dirty and dull jobs

-are drafted

-are the majority of the homeless, the poor, the proison inmates,...



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#63 TheFountain

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 10:03 AM

In the following video, The Amazing Atheist, A white male youtube blogger wonderfully, passionately and intelligently rebukes the attack from a race baiting black guy and he does so in a most politically incorrect and inspiring fashion.


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#64 mtn2011

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 12:45 PM

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it



Edited by mtn2011, 23 December 2015 - 12:45 PM.

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#65 A941

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 07:43 PM


Damn it, that ammount of stupidity is disgusting.

I have always voted for liberal parties but I will vote for the most brutal rightwing idiots just to straighten those SJW-Fucks out, just to see all their feminist bullshit be burned down to the ground.

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#66 A941

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 04:33 AM

Ah those little icons you can use to tell people what you think about a certain post, are fun ;-)


One of the reasons I want to stay alive for a very, very long time is because i want to witness the end of all those insane, abhorrent Abominations we see around here.

I want to see how a new generation will look in disbelief if told about todays world, as we have when we heard about the middleages.

People may think that I may be some sort of compassionless asshole, but the opposite is true, I think many deserve a new begining,  a 2nd chance to become a better person, that things may be forgiven for the sake of peace. BUT even if i think that those who enslave the body can be reformed, I dont think so about those who enslave the mind, they deserve to be cast out from our world and their filthy work shall be devoured by oblivion, so that we can go into a brighter better future and create a better world, and not be soiled by these new and ancient horrors imagined by evil and twisted people.

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#67 niner

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 05:25 AM

A941, I wouldn't pay too much attention to that Salon article.  They are just using a new form of clickbait that toys with your emotions in order to get you to forward it.  It works, doesn't it?

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#68 sthira

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 05:33 AM

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it


It's more a case of the 1% (who own most of the wealth) who must be stopped. Why the Occupy Movement didn't flourish I'll never understand. Instead of aiming our frustrations and energies at one other -- regardless of our races, creeds, sexual orientations, religions -- why not aim at the root?



Edited by sthira, 24 December 2015 - 05:54 AM.

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#69 niner

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 05:40 AM

Don't you mean the 1%?  They're the ones with all the money and power.  The 99% are us.

#70 sthira

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 05:56 AM

Don't you mean the 1%? They're the ones with all the money and power. The 99% are us.

Ha! Thanks, yes I'm a retard...
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#71 pamojja

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 10:09 AM

 I will vote for the most brutal rightwing idiots just to straighten those SJW-Fucks out, just to see all their feminist bullshit be burned down to the ground.


Ah those little icons you can use to tell people what you think about a certain post, are fun ;-)


Sorry, imagined Trump or HC Strache voted in, and feminist sentiments be burned down to the ground.


We need all the masculine and feminine wisdom we can muster, black, white and in-between.

Edited by pamojja, 24 December 2015 - 10:10 AM.

#72 The Brain

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Posted 24 December 2015 - 03:56 PM

Yes, you only have to look at the patriarchal societies to see how fucked they are, relying on ill treating women to promote a false sense of superiority.
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#73 TheFountain

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 01:54 AM

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#74 TheFountain

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 01:58 AM

And I watched this one a couple months ago. SUPER relevant. 


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#75 pamojja

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 04:25 PM


(3) Do white males face the same levels of police brutality here as non-whites?

(4) Are the incarnation rates between white males and non-whites are roughly similar?

3-YES! Furthermore there is no outrage over it. Because it's not hip, it's not cool and it's not in fucking style. 



4-I don't know but I will tell you this. Statistically speaking, violent crimes are definitely committed more by blacks than whites. And if you don't believe that something is wrong with you. Here's something that'll shut off that inner dialog telling you it isn't true.


"However, if black crime rates were the guide, it would seem that blacks are, if anything, underrepresented in prison populations. The table below presents FBI data on homicide offenders. Blacks exceed all other groups in murders committed in 2013. In prior years it was actually worse.




And what ever your reasoning or excuse is for this does not matter because I am simply answering your absurd question. 




The Counted

People killed by police in the US this year: 1126


Race & ethnicity
Per million

2.86 White

6.99 Black

3.37 Hispanic/Latino

1.29 Asian/Pacific Islander

3.4 Native American

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#76 niner

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 07:28 PM

The Counted
People killed by police in the US this year: 1126
Race & ethnicity

Per million
2.86 White
6.99 Black
3.37 Hispanic/Latino
1.29 Asian/Pacific Islander
3.4 Native American

This makes no sense.  More Native Americans than either Whites or Latinos?  Native Americans are like one percent of the population.  Also what's up with the small handfuls "per million"?  They were using scientific notation and dropped the exponent??

#77 pamojja

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 07:44 PM

This makes no sense.  More Native Americans than either Whites or Latinos?  Native Americans are like one percent of the population.  Also what's up with the small handfuls "per million"?  They were using scientific notation and dropped the exponent??


Guess 'per million' is meant for each ethnicity. In 'total' the numbers look like this:


567 White

294 Black

187 Hispanic/Latino

42 Other/Unknown

23 Asian/Pacific Islander

13 Native American

#78 TheFountain

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 02:21 AM



(3) Do white males face the same levels of police brutality here as non-whites?

(4) Are the incarnation rates between white males and non-whites are roughly similar?

3-YES! Furthermore there is no outrage over it. Because it's not hip, it's not cool and it's not in fucking style. 



4-I don't know but I will tell you this. Statistically speaking, violent crimes are definitely committed more by blacks than whites. And if you don't believe that something is wrong with you. Here's something that'll shut off that inner dialog telling you it isn't true.


"However, if black crime rates were the guide, it would seem that blacks are, if anything, underrepresented in prison populations. The table below presents FBI data on homicide offenders. Blacks exceed all other groups in murders committed in 2013. In prior years it was actually worse.




And what ever your reasoning or excuse is for this does not matter because I am simply answering your absurd question. 




The Counted

People killed by police in the US this year: 1126


Race & ethnicity
Per million

2.86 White

6.99 Black

3.37 Hispanic/Latino

1.29 Asian/Pacific Islander

3.4 Native American


This statistic is probably related to your quote of mine from the FBI data base about the amount of violent crime committed by blacks outnumbering any other ethnical group. They end up in harms way more frequently as a result.


That is not to say all cases are the result of violent behavior by blacks, but it is a major contributing factor in that number you stated.


Even so I don't quite buy that figure. 


Here's something counter to that you can read and contemplate.



#79 niner

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 03:16 AM


This makes no sense.  More Native Americans than either Whites or Latinos?  Native Americans are like one percent of the population.  Also what's up with the small handfuls "per million"?  They were using scientific notation and dropped the exponent??


Guess 'per million' is meant for each ethnicity. In 'total' the numbers look like this:


567 White

294 Black

187 Hispanic/Latino

42 Other/Unknown

23 Asian/Pacific Islander

13 Native American


Oh, now I get it.  Thanks pamojja.  So Whites, Hispanics, and Native Americans are all shot by police at about the same rate, roughly three per million.  But that's about triple the rate at which Asians/Pac Islanders are shot.  Why are people not freaking out about this "obvious" Pro-Asian bias?  (Note to Internet:  I'm being sarcastic.)  If you normalize all these numbers against the crime rates for each ethnicity, it looks like if anything, Blacks are underrepresented in police shootings.  So go figure...  Mathematics is just another tool of the racist patriarchy.

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 04:55 AM

Guy lost me when he said Jews are not white. Get real.


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#81 pamojja

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 07:39 PM

People killed by police in the US this year: 1126

Race & ethnicity
Per million

2.86 White
6.99 Black
3.37 Hispanic/Latino
1.29 Asian/Pacific Islander
3.4 Native American


Found the numbers through this paper:


Police Killings and Police Deaths Are Public Health Data and Can Be Counted

Summary Points
  • During the past year, the United States has experienced major controversies—and civil unrest—regarding the endemic problem of police violence and police deaths.
  • Although deaths of police officers are well documented, no reliable official US data exist on the number of persons killed by the police, in part because of long-standing and well-documented resistance of police departments to making these data public.
  • These deaths, however, are countable, as evidenced by “The Counted,” a website launched on June 1, 2015, by the newspaper The Guardian, published in the United Kingdom, which quickly revealed that by June 9, 2015, over 500 people in the US had been killed by the police since January 1, 2015, twice what would be expected based on estimates from the US Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI).
  • Law-enforcement–related deaths, of both persons killed by law enforcement agents and also law enforcement agents killed in the line of duty, are a public health concern, not solely a criminal justice concern, since these events involve mortality and affect the well-being of the families and communities of the deceased; therefore, law-enforcement–related deaths are public health data, not solely criminal justice data.
  • We propose that law-enforcement–related deaths be treated as a notifiable condition, which would allow public health departments to report these data in real-time, at the local as well as national level, thereby providing data needed to understand and prevent the problem.



#82 pamojja

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Posted 31 December 2015 - 07:46 PM

Even so I don't quite buy that figure. 


Here's something counter to that you can read and contemplate.


I read your counter arguments in your links before, like this:


All sociologists have suffered from the same basic problem: finding urban white communities that are as disadvantaged as the poorest black neighbourhoods, so that you can get a fair comparison.


Edited by pamojja, 31 December 2015 - 07:50 PM.

#83 TheFountain

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 10:26 AM


Even so I don't quite buy that figure. 


Here's something counter to that you can read and contemplate.


I read your counter arguments in your links before, like this:


All sociologists have suffered from the same basic problem: finding urban white communities that are as disadvantaged as the poorest black neighbourhoods, so that you can get a fair comparison.





#84 pamojja

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Posted 01 January 2016 - 02:44 PM





So 13% of the American population receive 26%. Isn't that unfair? ;-)



Happy New Year, everyone.

Edited by pamojja, 01 January 2016 - 02:45 PM.

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#85 TheFountain

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Posted 22 January 2016 - 01:37 AM

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#86 RGCheek

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Posted 17 August 2016 - 04:13 AM

Niner, what about white males that are struggling to get by like everyone else?


Do we as a community really underestimate how much white struggle there is in America? And how much there will be opening up into the future? Particularly white male struggle? 

What is this white male community that you speak of?


White males are too busy shiving each other in warehouses, loading docks, stores and corporate offices to ever be anything resembling a community.

Edited by RGCheek, 17 August 2016 - 04:13 AM.

#87 TheFountain

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Posted 25 August 2016 - 09:04 PM


Niner, what about white males that are struggling to get by like everyone else?


Do we as a community really underestimate how much white struggle there is in America? And how much there will be opening up into the future? Particularly white male struggle? 

What is this white male community that you speak of?


White males are too busy shiving each other in warehouses, loading docks, stores and corporate offices to ever be anything resembling a community.


As much as i'd fucking hate to admit it, you're right.


The support within the white community is non-existent. 


Our fellow white males are too shamed and pussified to support us socially and our women are too shamed and whored out to every other race to support us morally or any other way. 


At least in America.


I heard british whites (while still having troubles with shame based morale) generally tend to have more balls than American whites. 

#88 TheFountain

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 06:33 PM


Who ever voted this video "off topic" needs to watch it before they gently stroke my white dick. 

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