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Kratom anyone?

ron45's Photo ron45 11 Feb 2016

I often see posts about finding mood elevators, anti anxiety products that work, learning aids [dopamine?] sources like the great thread in this forum. I don't know if it has dopaminergic qualiteis or not. I tried Kratom on impulse a while back and I have to say, in the energy dept. or mood elevator area Kratom is from a different planet than any of the powders sulbutamine or phenethylamine, or ANY of the racetams mentioned in posts here. If we are just talking about mood elevation or wakefulness.


Here's a quality that I like, it doesn't hang around all day or nite YMMV, but two to three hours seems to be what I'm seeing. from 4 grams of it.  I don't have time to be buzzed for much longer than that.


There are claims made that some of the strains.... [ it's in the coffee tree family and comes from asia ] are very good for pain. I can't say that based on my own experience but a neighbor was in a lot of pain and I gave him 10, 50mg Tramadol tabs, they helped quite a bit, when they ran out I was asked if I had any more. I didn't but since I'd read about it's pain relieving qualities I gave him about 20 grams of powdered Kratom. He liked it better than the Tramadol., so did his companion who was not in any pain. I'll attach a file [ I'll read it again to make sure it's not naming suppliers] but it is a general rundown of what it is and what it does...


One nice thing about it is if you take too much it will put you to sleep unless you get one of the Pure Energy blends, don't take that too late at nite...unless you need to study all nite.  You can't use it every day or your system acclimates to it quiclky so cycling is importanat. So it has a nice self regulating quality. There are levels of quality. Email me privately if you are interested in something that sounds too good to be true. but is. I recently found a good site. There are many once you begin to look around. I don't sell it. It's just something that works for me and a few of my neighbors.


Other than the mood lift and energy qualities many of us are looking for, I think of it as a recreational drug that is delivered to your door legally and reletivly cheaply when you buy in bulk amounts. Prices vary but are in the dollar a gram range . Unless you are in ohio or tennesee I think those are the two puritan hotbeds for now.




Attached Files
