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Elixir Naturals

elixir naturals

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#1 Mind

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Posted 04 March 2016 - 08:02 PM


This thread is sponsored by Elixir Naturals. It can be used for promotion or informal interaction with existing or potential customers. Elixir Naturals is free to delete any of their own contributions from this thread at their sole discretion, but cannot edit the content of a contribution by another user. LongeCity is not affiliated with Elixir Naturals in any way and does NOT endorse or vouch for the safety of its products or services. LongeCity provides, at its discretion, this thread to Elixir Naturals in grateful acknowledgement for a donation made to LongeCity. This thread is not, and must not be used by anyone, including Elixir Naturals, as a means of conducting business, recording transactions or serving official notices or otherwise be relied on in any way. LongeCity may withdraw access to this thread, or remove this thread at its sole discretion at any time for any reason. Elixir Naturals may decide to render this thread inaccessible by visitors at any time or remove, but not alter, posts made by others in this thread. With the exception of an express permission to advertise in this thread, the LongeCity User Agreement (Bylaw A) applies as normal in this thread.


#2 Science+Nature

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 03:56 AM

Elixir Naturals

Welcome to the world of science + nature = Elixir Naturals, the all natural, cutting-edge science based nutraceutical company.  We let the consumer understand what causes their condition first-hand, before one our 6 signature formulas can help give them the therapeutic benefits they deserve.


I would like to introduce you to our awesome natural gluten free formulas:


Enter coupon code "longecityrocks" for 25% OFF


MigrAway:  Our migraine and tension headache relief formula.  The idea behind our  MigrAway product is that you shouldn't have to choose between being in pain and suffering damage to your stomach or liver. Instead of focusing on ending the pain after it starts, MigrAway is designed as a prophylactic solution to prevent migraine pain from starting in the first place.  Science shows that migraines are caused from two reasons.  First, blood flows equally through blood vessels surrounding the brain, if the blood vessels expand and contract this will cause abnormal inflammation in these vessels which causes pain.  Second is linked to an imbalance of the neurotransmitter called serotonin in the brain.  MigrAway uses anit-inflammatory properties that target vessels surrounding the brain and ingredients that balance serotonin, to alleviate the pain associated with migraines.


NutriEye:  is formulated specifically after the findings of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2).  Designed to provide total eye health, our NutriEye product contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin. This product contains key nutrients to protect against macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of age-related blindness. Macular degeneration is common as we age, but it often shows no symptoms until the condition has progressed. NutriEye helps you to ensure your best possible vision before you find your eyesight impaired. Our proprietary vision formula allows you to take control of your optical health and know that you're giving yourself the best chance of retaining clear vision throughout your adult years. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are both carotenoids and have been used for years to promote eye health. Proper optical nutrition may also ease conditions of eye strain, like dry, tired eyes.


NicQuit:  Our best QUIT SMOKING formula.  Our NicQuit product provides a healthier alternative to other stop smoking aids. NicQuit is designed to help even the heaviest smoker wean from nicotine and become smoke free without experiencing withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, and mood swings. How does it work? NicQuit contains ingredients such as Lobelia and L-theanine, which work together to ease cigarette cravings, break the cycle of addiction, soothe your damaged lungs, and help you relax without the need for nicotine.  The science behind Lobelia is that it mimics the nicotine chemical and blocks the receptor in the brain that nicotine binds with thus breaking the addictive nature of nicotine with an all natural and non addictive plant extract. Licorice was used in Native American medicine to pull toxins from the body and clear the lungs.  L-theanine is a natural relaxation agent. Combined, they give your body exactly what it needs to help you get over your habit for good.


AgeLess:  New research has linked a variety of age-related health conditions, such as high cholesterol, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer's, to free radical damage within our bodies. The best way to fight this damage is with natural substances known to prevent it from occurring. Our AgeLess product contains polygonum cuspidatum root, which has been widely used in Traditional Asian Medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Overall, the root has anti-inflammatory properties and protects against cell, cardiovascular, and neurological damage. More specifically, it contains resveratrol, a natural polyphenol that heals your body from within your cells. It  regenerates the cell mitochondria, providing each cell with more energy to efficiently repair itself. The overall effect may include more energy, better health, and improved skin and muscle tone.


Slimmer Down:  Weight loss can be difficult, and we won't lie to you and pretend you don't have to do any work to meet your goals. But, what we can provide is the assurance that you have what it takes to reach your desired weight. Our Slimmer Down product can help. It makes your weight loss journey easier by helping to regulate your appetite and boost your metabolism. Many people reach a weight loss hump they can't seem to get over. The weight melts off at first, and then they get stuck. Slimmer Down can restart your engine to get you over that difficult hurdle. It contains garcinia cambogia plus resveratrol, this unique combination, helps suppress the appetite without dangerous chemicals or high doses of caffeine.  The main ingredient in garcinia cambogia is hydroxycitric acid, which has also been shown to prevent fat storage.


Wild Fish Oil:  Elixir Naturals Wild Fish Oil is formulated with the highest concentrate on the market of 900mg EPA + 700mg DHA Omega 3s per serving.  We use sustainable sourced fish from deep ocean waters, we do not use farm-raised fish.  Our cutting-edge molecular distillation process is designed to remove mercury, heavy metals, dioxins, furans and total PCB's to .0003 ppm, which beats the most stringent contaminant standards in international trade.


Our core business here at Elixir Naturals lies in the development and distribution of natural, high-quality supplements and products that assist in your journey to health.


Aside from being extremely nutritional and natural, our products have all undergone clinical testing and are completely free of fillers, artificial ingredients, binders, and synthetic modifications.  All of our products are doctor recommended and represent the advances nutritional science is making.  We are all about providing you with products that support healthy living and put you one step closer to achieving your health goals.


Thank You and have a healthy day!!


Rob D.

#3 Science+Nature

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 05:22 AM

MIGRAINES SUCK!!  The brain works in mysterious ways with neurotransmitters, axons, synapses, dendrites and like all other organs in the human body, it needs oxygen via blood flow.  The brain is surrounded with a lot of blood vessels that are vital to the flow of oxygen.  Sometimes these blood vessels can become irregular in the flow of blood.  Lets imagine that you put a rubber band between two of your fingers, but not in the middle, lets put the two fingers a quarter off the middle of the band.  Now if you pull your fingers apart the rubber band will stretch or constrict on one side causing less blood flow through that side and dilate or expand on the other side causing more blood flow.  As this abnormal blood flow process occurs the constricted side of the blood vessel is asking for more blood flow.  This will trick the heart into pumping more blood to that part of the blood vessel in a "lub dub" or pounding sensation to the brain.  As the abnormal blood flow through the vessels surrounding the brain continue, this will cause the debilitating disease what we call migraines.  


I have dedicated 24 years of my life to help migraine sufferers.  Through massive amount of studies and research I have concluded there is hope, the formula I have compiled has shown improvement in the frequency of chronic migraine headache sufferers through targeted anti-inflammatory and certain neurotransmitter balancing plant extracts.


Thank You,

Rob D.  


Use coupon code "longecityrocks" for 25% OFF our MigrAway formula



Edited by Elixir Naturals, 12 March 2016 - 09:38 PM.

#4 Science+Nature

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Posted 05 March 2016 - 04:14 PM

Nicotine addiction: Your brain is made up of billions of nerve cells. They communicate by releasing chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. Each neurotransmitter is like a key that fits into a special "lock," called a receptor, located on the surface of nerve cells. When a neurotransmitter finds its receptor, it activates the receptor's nerve cell.

The nicotine molecule is shaped like a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine and its receptors are involved in many functions, including muscle movement, breathing, heart rate, learning, and memory. They also cause the release of other neurotransmitters and hormones that affect your mood, appetite, memory, and more. When nicotine gets into the brain, it attaches to acetylcholine receptors and mimics the actions of acetylcholine.

Nicotine also activates areas of the brain that are involved in producing feelings of pleasure and reward. Recently, scientists discovered that nicotine raises the levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the parts of the brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward. Dopamine, which is sometimes called the pleasure molecule, is the same neurotransmitter that is involved in addictions to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Researchers now believe that this change in dopamine may play a key role in all addictions. This may help explain why it is so hard for people to stop smoking.

I have many friends and family that suffer from some type of addiction weather it be nicotine, drugs, alcohol, sex, chocolate, caffeine, or gambling, they all seem to stem from the nucleus accumbens or the pleasure center of the brain.  One of the most harmful of these addictions is cigarettes containing nicotine.  One does not even realize the damage cigarettes causes every organ in the human body due to it's readily availability nature around the world.  All smokers ask themselves that one question, why did I start smoking in the first place when it smells so nasty.  Well I can't answer for everyone but for the most part maybe you stole one from your mom or dads pack to see what it was like out of curiosity, and then you introduce it to your best friend and the cycle continues.  Believe me when I tell you cigarettes is one tough habit to kick, but when you do quit it is one of the greatest self satisfactions you will ever experience in your life!!

This is where we came up with the Elixir Naturals NicQuit formula, all the ingredients are listed on the website ElixirNaturals.com . NicQuit uses natural plant extracts to mimic and block the receptors in the brain that the chemical nicotine binds to without causing any harm or side effects.  They are non-habit forming ingredients.  It is recommended you stop smoking for at least 72 hours while taking NicQuit for the licorice to flush the nicotine out of your system and the lobelia to replace the nicotine binding agents.  

Use coupon code "longecityrocks" at check out for 25% OFF all Elixir Naturals products!!

Thank You and have a healthy day!!

Rob D.

#5 Science+Nature

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Posted 07 March 2016 - 03:08 AM

Final Nutri-Eye-Brochure outside 3.jpg Final Nutri-Eye-Brochure-Inside 3.jpg

#6 Science+Nature

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Posted 12 March 2016 - 09:18 PM

MARCH MADNESS: 40% OFF our Wild Fish Oil Supplement

Use coupon code "longecityfish40" offer ends March 31st

With coupon that comes out to: $13.17 per bottle

Maximum 10 bottles per order




Our Wild Fish Oil contains 900 EPA plus 700 DHA per serving.  Each serving is 2 softgels daily.

Each bottle contains 180 Softgels which is a 3 month supply.


Thanks and have a healthy day!!



Edited by Elixir Naturals, 12 March 2016 - 09:44 PM.

#7 Science+Nature

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Posted 14 March 2016 - 07:40 PM


Due to the overwhelming response to our 40% OFF sale of our Wild Fish Oil product, we have decided to give you 40% OFF all of our products until March 31st.

Use discount code "longecity40" at check out 

Maximum 10 bottles per order


Click on the link for a list of our products:



Thanks and have a healthy day!!


Rob D.

#8 Science+Nature

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Posted 25 March 2016 - 09:14 PM

900 EPA + 700 DHA Wild Fish Oil

Only 5 days left to receive: 40% OFF 




Use coupon code "longecityfish40" offer ends March 31st

With coupon that comes out to: $13.17 per bottle

Maximum 10 bottles per order

180 Softgels per bottle: 3 month supply

2 Softgels per serving


Thanks and have a healthy day!!

#9 Science+Nature

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Posted 07 May 2016 - 06:54 AM

April showers bring May flowers.

May flowers brings you 40% OFF our Wild Fish Oil Supplement

Use coupon code "longecityfish40" offer ends May 31st

With coupon that comes out to: $13.17 per bottle

Maximum 2 bottles per order




Our Wild Fish Oil contains 900 EPA plus 700 DHA per serving.  Each serving is 2 softgels daily.

Each bottle contains 180 Softgels which is a 3 month supply.


Thanks and have a healthy day!!

#10 Science+Nature

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Posted 06 January 2017 - 10:00 AM

Did you know that approximately 70% of the population is living with a folate deficiency? Among other things, low folate levels make it less likely that people will respond well to products that support a healthy mood.

This deficiency usually occurs because folic acid, the most common form of folate in supplements and fortified foods, must be converted to its active forms to be used by the body. The enzyme needed to convert folate to its active form, methylfolate, is called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). The problem lies in the fact that almost half of all people have genetic variations that reduce the ability of the MTHFR enzyme to make this conversion. Folate deficiencies are tied to a host of conditions.

For people with MTHFR gene variations, supplementing with the already activated form of folate (5-MTHF) is far more effective in providing this form of folate than introducing the pre-converted form to the body through typical folate supplements. L-Methylfolate (5-MTHF) supplements provide the active form of folate naturally present in the body and available for biological action.


Use coupon code longecityrocks for 25% off.



#11 Science+Nature

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Posted 06 January 2017 - 10:26 AM

TMJ has become a common problem owing to today’s lifestyle. Stress being one of the major causes for it, the number of people suffering from TMJ is on a constant rise. The temporomandibular joint is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull and any damage to it causes TMJ. The major factors that cause TMJ are stress, arthritis, poor posture, teeth grinding, misalignment of jaw or teeth, injury to the teeth and gum chewing. It thus becomes a common problem today as most people ignore the need to maintain good posture and cause stress to several joints and parts of the body as a result.

At Elixir Naturals we offer natural supplements to compliment healthy diets and offer added benefits to the body. TMJ is one such natural dietary supplement that helps ease the tension and pain associated with the temporomandibular joint. The supplement offers the following benefits:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Prevents teeth grinding
  • Helps relieve jaw pain
  • Promotes restful sleep

The supplement has been especially formulated to relax the joint and reduce pain inducing habits. It has natural ingredients that not only relieve pain and stress but also enhance relaxation. Anxiety and stress cause several damages and ill effects to our health and it is necessary to take all necessary actions to completely remove these from our system. Unless we keep ourselves healthy, head to toe, we will not be able to carry on with life and perform our tasks and actions. TMJ is a dietary supplement and thus it requires to be complimented by a good and balanced diet to be able to work effectively.




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