Experiment #3: Inducing Mitophagy with NR
Following personal Experiment #1 and Experiment #2, this experiment is an attempt to determine if a lower dose of NR (2625 mg / day) might induce mitophagy.
2016-12-04 Day 1. Begin taking 7 capsules (875 mg) of NR three times per day for a total of 2625 mg / day. I have not taken C60-OO or any supplements or medications for a two weeks.
2016-12-07 Day 4. I have noticed any symptoms or side effects since beginning this treatment other than an occasional sensation of flushing a few minutes after ingesting NR.
2016-12-08 Day 5. There are no noticeable symptoms.
2016-12-09 Day 6. Last day of this trial.
2016-12-12 Day 9. Unlike Experiments #1 and #2, during this trial my normally regular, quiet lifestyle was interrupted due to unexpected business travel followed on days 6 and 7 by physically demanding, days-long home repair. During days 6-9, I experienced an unusual level of muscle ache and stiffness. I can’t determine the extent which this treatment or the home repair might have contributed to these muscle ache symptoms, or even if this this dose was sufficient to induce mitophagy at all. A follow up experiment #4 at the earlier higher dose of NR (3750 mg/day) with my normal lifestyle will help clarify this situation. If NR has been effective in inducing mitophagy, I would expect that there would be fewer symptoms of muscle ache in an experiment #4 even at the higher dose.