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#1 canz

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 08:37 PM

I'm looking for some feedback on Gerovital H3. Here is a little blurp on it:
Gerovital-H3 is known to improve cell metabolism and has an effect on many
mental and body functions. It improves concentration and vitality, alleviates
joint stiffness, enhances well-being and acts as an anti-depressant. It is even
known to improve skin and hair condition.

Gervotial-H3 is also known to lower bad cholesterol, (LDL) and increase good
cholesterol, (HDL) and it can also help to reduce Cortisol levels. Cortisol is
the hormone responsible for stress. It is a rare hormone in that it is one of
the few that increases with age. It is believed that high Cortisol levels lead
to accelerated aging because cortisol attacks the hypothalamus, (the area of the
brain that controls the endocrine system). Ironically, Cortisol may run
“out-of-control” due to its ability to damage the hypothalamus- which controls
the adrenal glands that produce Cortisol! This vicious catch-22 situation leads
to an impaired endocrine system and forms part of the Neuroendocrine Theory of

Gerovital-H3 principally contains stabilized Procaine, and is a known reversible
inhibitor of the brain enzyme MAO, (a substance that breaks down
neurotransmitters and increases with age having a detrimental affect on brain
function), thus accounting for Gerovital-H3's anti-depressant effects.

Gerovital-H3 is most effective when used over long periods at 100mg to 200mg
daily with regular breaks. The tablets are best taken on an empty stomach with

Our new stock of Gerovital-H3 is the guaranteed original formulation of Dr.
Aslan's product, obtained from the Aslan Laboratories in Romania. For example,
this differs from KH3 by also containing potassium metabisulphite, benzoic acid
and disodium phosphate. Plus, compared to KH3, Gerovital-H3 tablets contain
twice as much Procaine. (Note: Diabetics should be aware that the tablets are
sugar coated).

Anyone have any experience with it or something like it? Its fairly inexpensive at lower doses. I've read 1-2mg per kg bodyweight for neurological anti aging and 10-20mg per kg bodyweight for anti depressant effects.
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#2 biknut

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 05:51 PM

I've just become interested in this stuff. Not much information on this sight about it, but there seems to be a lot on the webb. I think I'll give it a try unless someone talks me out of it.

It seems like something I need. I have high blood pressure, MPB, sore knees, my memory's not that great anymore, and I'm feeling a little older lately.

I got to find a place to buy it.

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#3 mitkat

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 06:09 PM

I asked about procaine on here a while ago, about info or if anyone's taking it. I think Rick was taking it, or an analog, or sumthin'. Don't quote me on that, maybe he'll pop by.

I found some from a Romanian source, a month's worth a few months ago. Of course, that's not enough to really tell if it's working, but I decided what the hey. If they are legit or not, I'm not sure, they seem authentic. *pulls wool back over eyes*

#4 rfarris

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 09:03 PM

Anybody know where to get a good price on Vitacel GH-7? That's what I like to take.

#5 biknut

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 11:43 PM

rfarris, It's my understanding that this in the formula. Any thing else is fake. What's your GH-7 made of?

Procaine Hydrochloride 100 mg *
Benzoic Acid 6 mg *
Potassium Metabisulfite 5 mg *
Disodium Phosphate .5 mg *

Edited by biknut, 12 March 2006 - 12:02 AM.

#6 biknut

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:06 AM

Right now it seems like my choices seem to be,





Which one?

Edited by biknut, 09 February 2006 - 12:23 AM.

#7 rfarris

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 07:53 PM

rfarris, It's my understanding that this in the formula. Any thing else is fake. What's your GH-7 made of?

It's my understanding that the whole GH thing is all a fake, but if you skim through LMs topic you'll find that he uses GH-7.

Anything besides the procaine is to keep the procaine level in your blood for more than a few seconds. Vitacel has done some work with it and bound it to ...niacin... I think, and LM says that it means that you can take it with food, or without. They also provide GH-3 under license from the Romanian patent owner. GH-7 is considerably cheaper than GH-3, because of the license issues. I believe it is better.

I take GH-3 for a couple of months and then GH-7 for a couple of months. I don't know where to get it for anything less than retail at the moment. Do you?

#8 mitkat

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 08:16 PM

I got mine from http://www.zalmo.com/3.html. They also have injectable GH3, and a host of other vitamins. Some of it looks shifty, I'm not sure. It's hard to tell if I'm being cautious or enthocentric in saying that. But I've bought some products from them before, with no problems.

#9 biknut

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 11:59 PM

Thanks mitkat, I'm going to buy the exact same brand but from a different place.
Probably here because they have a store in Texas.


Or else here, from a place in the Peoples Republic of California


#10 mitkat

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Posted 10 February 2006 - 12:09 AM

Man, they have a better price too! When you said Texas, I remembered seeing a seller on Ebay with good prices from Texas. Looks like they are one and the same. I would of bought from them, but they were only selling a 10 month's supply on ebay...thank YOU for finding them! :)

And I'm still not sure if I'm too young to be taking it...I remember scottl chiming in with a little surprise at my interest, I am 24. I haven't found any serious data on a good age to begin, although I'm sure sellers would say "immediately!!" I am also interested in topical treatments, but I worry about the quack factor.

Hmmm...they have a botanical shampoo, but I have to make sure it has no conditioners...

#11 biknut

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Posted 10 February 2006 - 12:21 AM

I've been researching GH3 for two days now. There's a ton of information about. It's funny, I'm 52 and I don't remember ever hereing about it before. It was banned by the FDA till 1994.

The Dr. that invented it, Dr. Ana Aslan, said it should be given to babies. It's reported that she said when a woman that's pregnant takes it, it can't make it's way to her baby, but that's a shame, or something like that.

#12 biknut

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Posted 11 February 2006 - 01:13 AM

Life Extension Foundation


GH3 and K.H.3 are popular products whose active agent is procaine, an anti-aging compound discovered in the 1950s by Romanian physician Ana Asian. Both GH3 and K.H.3 suppress monoamine oxidase (MAO) levels. Elevated MAO destroys the essential neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. GH3 or KH3 also suppress elevated serum cortisol levels, which has been linked to several of the degenerative diseases of aging. There are better cortisol suppressing therapies such as low dose RU486, but at this time, RU-486 is not available to Americans.

GH3 and K.H.3 can be taken every day including the days you take deprenyl, which is a selective MAO inhibitor. An appropriate dose of these drugs is one to two GH3 or KH3 tablets daily. Some doctors believe you should take a five day break from these drugs once a month to avoid too much monoamine oxidase suppression, but our review of the scientific literature does not support the need for taking such a break.

#13 biknut

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Posted 13 February 2006 - 06:35 PM

Talk about fast service. I ordered a 6 month supply of Gerovital H3 from the Tyler, Texas store on Friday, and the mail man delivered it today. This is the original formula made by Sicomed S.A. in Romania. Can anyone read Romanian? Guess I'm starting today. I'm going to find out what a MAOI will do for me. I'm also hoping for reduced hypertension and i could use a little hair growth and recolor (they make claims for all of this). There should also be less soreness in my knees, and don't forget, longer life.

#14 biknut

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Posted 16 February 2006 - 05:53 AM

Now I've taken a total of 5 GH3 pills in the last 2 days. This is my inital report on the observed effects. These pills are Gerovital H3 made in Romania by Sicomed S. A. purchased from the Gerovital store in Tyler, Texas of all places.

The GH3 pills are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach and you can't eat for an hour after. I take 1 when I first get up and 1 about 3 pm or so.

A little over an hour after taking the first pill on Monday afternoon I noticed a slight giddy feeling. My face felt a little funny, similar to being shit faced except not drunk. The feeling was very mild and after a couple of hours wasn't as noticeable. The same feeling returns each time I take another pill and now that I'm getting used to it I can feel it a little longer, but after 2 hours it kind of comes and goes till about 5 hours goes by and after that I can't feel it any more.

I have very high blood pressure so I've been keeping a close eye on it. I take 2 ace inhibitors (20mg enalapril) and 3, .2mg clonidines and a 12.5mg hydrochlorot every day for a year now. Before starting those medications my blood pressure was about 210/115. This combo brings it down to around 175/98. The systolic varies between 167 to 175 and the diastolic 97 to 99 depending on how long its been since taking medication and what time of day it is. Sometimes I've been able to get the systolic down a little more, maybe 155, but the diastolic never goes below 97. Now after taking the afternoon GH3, an hour and a half later I'm seeing 167/84 for a few hours. I hope this will improve more as time goes by.

So far my knees felt great the last 2 nights training. If it stays consistently like this I'm going to start cutting back on glucosamine and see what happens. While training I noticed excellent endurance and stamina. More time needs to go by to see if this continues. My focus seemed pretty good too.

One last thing I've noticed, and I hope I don't end up regretting saying this, my 52 yr old nut sack is tighter and seems to stay that way most of the time. I don't think that can be placebo effect. It feels like a 30 yr old one now. The other thing works better too.

That's all I've noticed so far. I'll report back again In about a month unless something significant happens.

#15 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 02:52 AM

Procaine HCl (Gerovital H3): a weak, reversible, fully competitive inhibitor of monoamine oxidase.

MacFarlane MD.

A specially stabilized form of procaine hydrochloride (Gerovital H3) has been shown to be a more potent inhibitor of monoamine oxidase than procaine HCl itself and a weaker inhibitor of this enzyme than iproniazid. This preparation was studied to determine its mode of interaction with monoamine oxidase using purified rat brain mitochondrial monoamine oxidase as the enzyme source. Reaction velocities were determined spectrophotometrically by quantitating the rate of appearance of 4-hydroxyquinoline from kynuramine. Dilutional studies comparing the mechanism of inhibition of monoamine oxidase produced by Gerovital H3 and by ipronizid demonstrated that Gerovital H3 was a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase. Analysis of studies using Lineweaver-Burk and Dixon plots revealed that Gerovital H3 was a fully competitive inhibitor of monoamine oxidase. That Gerovital H3 is a weak, reversible, competitive inhibitor of monoamine oxidase may explain the absence of adverse reactions associated with the clinical use of Gerovital H3 as compared to the severe adverse reactions that have been associated with the use of irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

PMID: 1109354 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


#16 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 03:16 AM

1: Gerontology. 1984;30(2):87-93. Related Articles, Links

Murine regional brain monoamine oxidase activity: time- and age-dependent response to inhibitors.

Bhaskaran D, Radha E.

The inhibitory effect of procaine hydrochloride and Gerovital-H3 on monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in the rat brain was studied at six time points during the 24-hour cycle. It was found that the percent inhibition is time dependent. Both drugs showed maximum inhibition when the MAO activity was at the lowest values during the 24-hour period. In addition to time dependence, these drugs are also age dependent because the MAO activity varies with age.

PMID: 6706127 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


#17 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 03:51 AM

1: Physiologie. 1988 Jul-Sep;25(3):137-49. Related Articles, Links

Changes induced in the bioelectric activity of rat subcortical nervous structures by Gerovital H3 and Aslavital as compared to procaine.

Pop M, Tarba C.

University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Biology, Romania.

Intravenous injection of Gerovital H3 and procaine (20 mg/kg b.w.) into white Wistar rats anaesthetized with nembutal (40 mg/kg b.w.) produces a constant decrease of the wave frequency, more visible at the level of the lateral hypothalamus, but also present in the midbrain reticular formation (the two subcortical nervous structures studied). The wave amplitude is also decreased, especially in the lateral hypothalamus, but the differences gradually recover, a fact more visible in the case of Gerovital H3. Aslavital has similar effects on the wave amplitude, whereas the changes produced in the wave frequency are generally more superficial and transitory. Moreover, the frequency variations in the reticular formation are opposite to those observed in the lateral hypothalamus (i.e., an increase instead of a decrease). Direct intrahypothalamic administration of the drugs (16 micrograms procaine/animal) induces a pattern of responses which is generally opposite to that observed for intravenous injection. Also, the changes produced in the lateral hypothalamus are more superficial this time. An opposition between the effects of Aslavital and of the other two drugs can be observed in this case for the wave amplitude, which is usually increased by procaine and Gerovital H3 and decreased by Aslavital. In many cases, Aslavital induces a burst of positive sharp waves reminiscent of the epileptiform abnormality. The differences observed are tentatively explained by us in terms of dose, drug composition and selective action upon different nervous structures.

PMID: 3144011 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


#18 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 03:55 AM

1: Physiologie. 1979 Jan-Mar;16(1):71-5. Related Articles, Links

Age differences in the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity of homogenates from the liver of rats. The effect of gerovital H3 on the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity.

Cruceanu A, Bucsa L.

Studies on liver homogenates obtained from Wistar rats revealed that the ageing process produces the loss of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and higher values in the thermolabile fraction of this enzyme. The biotrophic treatment with Gerovital H3 has a strong influence upon glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase with tendency to diminish the thermolabile fractions.

PMID: 106418 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


#19 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 04:00 AM

Shit i thought everyone taking nootropics were nuts. Now i guess that includes me.

1: Am J Psychiatry. 1981 May;138(5):593-600. Related Articles, Links

An overview of pharmacologic treatment of cognitive decline in the aged.

Reisberg B, Ferris SH, Gershon S.

The most widely known substances that have been investigated for treating cognitive deterioration in the aged are cerebral vasodilators, Gerovital H3, psychostimulants, "nootropics," neuropeptides, and neurotransmitters. The rationale for the choice of specific agents has shifted as our conceptions regarding the origins of cognitive decline have changed; we now know that most cognitive deterioration occurs independently of arteriosclerotic vascular changes. Substances currently being investigated because of their effects on brain electrophysiology, on neurohumoral processes, or on central neurotransmitters show promise.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial

PMID: 7015883 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1: Am J Psychiatry. 1981 May;138(5):593-600. Related Articles, Links

An overview of pharmacologic treatment of cognitive decline in the aged.

Reisberg B, Ferris SH, Gershon S.

The most widely known substances that have been investigated for treating cognitive deterioration in the aged are cerebral vasodilators, Gerovital H3, psychostimulants, "nootropics," neuropeptides, and neurotransmitters. The rationale for the choice of specific agents has shifted as our conceptions regarding the origins of cognitive decline have changed; we now know that most cognitive deterioration occurs independently of arteriosclerotic vascular changes. Substances currently being investigated because of their effects on brain electrophysiology, on neurohumoral processes, or on central neurotransmitters show promise.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial

PMID: 7015883 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


#20 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 04:26 AM

I'm not sure what language this is in, but if anyone can read it how about a review?


#21 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 04:58 AM

Dear Dr. Dean,
I am writing to you having been recommended
to do so by Dr Ralph Cinque,
who thinks you may be more qualified to
answer a question I put to him regarding
Gerovital H3 and Centrophenoxine.
I have been taking Gerovital H3 for a
while with excellent results, and have
recently heard about Centrophenoxine as
an anti-aging substance. I know that GH3
breaks down into the body into two substances
(PABA and DEAE) and that the
main byproduct of Centrophenoxine is
DMAE, which apparently is very similar to
DEAE. The question I put to Dr Cinque
was whether there was any point in taking
GH3 and Centrophenoxine together
for this reason, and whether there might
be any sort of negative reaction to doing
so, e.g too much acetylcholine release.
Gerovital H3 & CentrophenoxineI would not give up GH3 but wondered
what, if any, the differences were
between DEAE and DMAE and whether
Centrophenoxine would be a useful (or
useless) addition to me taking Dr Aslan's
product. I would be very grateful for any
comments that you might have.
Regards, Mr. W.

Dear Mr. W.,
You ask very good questions. I have previously
addressed them in my articles about
DMAE, and Centrophenoxine. GH3, DMAE,
and centrophenoxine all have very similar
actions. There is no advantage in combining
any of these, and I don't think there is any particular
advantage of one over the other. DMAE
and DEAE are essentially the same thing.
You should continue to experience
benefits no matter which you are taking.
Ward Dean, M.D.

#22 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 05:15 AM

Bidirectional microdialysis in vivo shows differential dopaminergic potency of cocaine, procaine and lidocaine in the nucleus accumbens using capillary electrophoresis for calibration of drug outward diffusion
Luis Hernandez3, 4, Norberto A. Guzman2 and Bartley G. Hoebel1

(1) Department of Psychology, Princeton University, 08544-1010 Princeton, NJ, USA
(2) Princeton Biochemicals, Inc., 08543 Princeton, NJ, USA

(3) Europhor SA, Parc Technologique du Canal, 10, avenue de l'Europe, F-31520 Ramonville, Toulouse, France
(4) Laboratory of Behavioral Physiology, Los Andes University, 5101-A Merida, Venezuela

Received: 13 July 1990 Revised: 27 February 1991

Abstract Cocaine and two other local anesthetics were applied directly into the nucleus accumbens for 20 min by diffusion from a 4 mm microdialysis probe in freely moving rats. Cocaine (7.3 mM) increased the extracellular concentration of dopamine (DA). Equimolar procaine did also, but was not as potent as cocaine. Equimolar lidocaine had no effect. The concentration of these drugs outside the probe as measured by capillary electrophoresis in vitro was about 28% of that inside the probe, i.e. 72% remained inside. However, an in vivo test showed that about 53% cocaine and procaine, and 37% lidocaine remained in the perfusion fluid after passing through a probe inserted in the brain. This suggests that in vivo about 68 nmol cocaine diffused into the nucleus accumbens (NAC) during the 20 min. Five conclusions are drawn: (1) this confirms our earlier finding that local injection of cocaine increases extracellular DA, but in this case the cocaine was infused via the probe without disturbing the animal; (2) the action of cocaine on dopamine terminals in the accumbens is independent of local anesthesia; (3) procaine may enhance mood by a cocaine-like effect; (4) capillary electrophoresis has potential for measuring cocaine levels in small samples and (5) in vitro calibrations are of limited value to evaluate in vivo performance of microdialysis probes.
Key words Cocaine - Procaine - Lidocaine - Nucleus accumbens - Microdialysis - Dopamine - Capillary electrophoresis

#23 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 05:53 AM

The putative cognition enhancer Gerovital H3 contains procaine, a local anaesthetic related to the
psychostimulant cocaine,1 and other ingredients that produce para-amino-benzoic acid and
diethylaminoethanol in the body. One reported action is increased production of choline, though
many other actions, including monoamine-oxidase inhibition, are claimed. The related
dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) is marketed as a dietary supplement.

#24 LifeMirage

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 11:53 AM

Dear Mr. W.,
You ask very good questions. I have previously
addressed them in my articles about
DMAE, and Centrophenoxine. GH3, DMAE,
and centrophenoxine all have very similar
actions. There is no advantage in combining
any of these, and I don't think there is any particular
advantage of one over the other. DMAE
and DEAE are essentially the same thing.
You should continue to experience
benefits no matter which you are taking.
Ward Dean, M.D.

I would disagree……while there are some chemical similarities they are different compounds.

#25 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 02:26 PM

LifeMirage, Do you believe a person such as myself that's 52 yrs old will benefit from a MAOI? Do you think gerovital H3 is safe.

#26 LifeMirage

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 05:32 PM

GH3 is pretty safe and may have mild benefits.

#27 biknut

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 05:36 PM

LifeMirage, Thank you for the reply.

#28 LifeMirage

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Posted 01 March 2006 - 05:37 PM

Your welcome.

#29 biknut

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Posted 05 March 2006 - 04:10 AM

It's now been almost one month since starting GH3. I've already gone though one bottle of the Romanian formula made by S A Sicomed, and I'm half way though a different brand marketed by Tierra Mega-Nutrients International. Both brands are the exact same formula. I bought two different brands to see how they would compare. I take one pill first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and a second one in the afternoon about 3 pm. The Romanian brand comes 25 pills to a bottle and the Tierra brand has 60 to a bottle. Both brands seem about the same to me.

The Romanian brand says take 2 a day 12 days then take a month off. The Tierra brand says take for a month then take 5 days off. I'm thinking I'll go with the 5 days off if that long. LEF says they don't think you need to take any days off.
These are the effects I've noticed so far.

1. GH3 is a GREAT libido enhancer. Better by far than any other libido supplements I've tried including Arginine.

2. It really has had a very positive effect on my high blood pressure. I take .2mg Clonidine and 20mg Enalapril twice a day for over a year. This has only brought it down to about 175/98. Now with the addition of GH3 Its about 148/81. That's a huge improvement for me. The effect lasts about 6 hours a pill. The Clonidine in comparison only lasts about 4 hours.

3. I stopped taking Glucosamine about 3 weeks ago to see if it helps my sore knees. It's at least as good, maybe better so far. I'm still not completely sure about this effect yet because I've slacked off on my training lately but soon I'll get back on schedule. Lets just say right now I think it looking good for this too.

The only effect that I've noticed that I don't like is ever since I started taking GH3 I don't feel like I've slept as well. This is curious because one of the benefits is supposed be better sleep. I'm not sure what's going with this. We'll see how it goes in the next month.

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#30 syr_

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Posted 05 March 2006 - 01:22 PM

Can you tell me how big are the tabs? :)

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