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Over- and Undermethylation - worth finding out or bogus?


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#1 MattMcFly1986

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Posted 04 December 2016 - 10:20 PM

I was very intrigued by this article I found on mentalhealthdaily:

Suffering from an atypical depression which I feel stems from Dopamine receptor issues (low motivation, few emotions except for frustration and irritability, brain fog, slow thinking / memory / energy, reduced vocal abilities, crippling perfectionism that won't let me start or finish projects, rarely self-harm, etc.) I am open to suggest new ways to my doctor, but I couldn't find any solid information on Methylation and how it could be analysed in central Europe. I already tried SSRIs, Wellbutrin and am currently on Moclobemide, but I don't feel it to be a good match with me (the Serotonin makes me sleepy and zoned out). I had two thorough blood checks done this year and I have no deficiencies whatsoever. B12, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Thyroid, etc. are all fine. Gut is fine, too. Hormones are fine.

Judging from the symptoms, I'd fall mostly into the Overmethylation category. I've got a doctors appointment next week and I've been pondering whether I should bring the topic of methylation up at all. Is it bogus? Are doctors even aware of Methylation? Has treatment helped anyone? How do you test it? There's no 23andme.com in Austria.


#2 jack black

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Posted 05 December 2016 - 02:19 AM

the link you provided is not very accurate, but not entirely bogus either. i personally believe the whole thing is overblown out of proportion. i wouldn't expect regular MD to be familiar with this though. you can easily test yourself. if methylfolate or SAMe helps you, maybe you are undermethylator. if niacin helps you, maybe you are hypermethylator. most people are neither.

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#3 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 05 December 2016 - 07:32 PM

the link you provided is not very accurate, but not entirely bogus either. i personally believe the whole thing is overblown out of proportion. i wouldn't expect regular MD to be familiar with this though. you can easily test yourself. if methylfolate or SAMe helps you, maybe you are undermethylator. if niacin helps you, maybe you are hypermethylator. most people are neither.


Couldn't have said it better myself - there was a methylation-craze there for a while, and honestly, I think a great portion of the data doesn't support the dramatic impacts which so many claimed for a while.


And, like Jack says, it's easy - just take SAMe or Niacin - you'll find out if it helps pretty quickly.



Since you yourself think you're over-methylated, I suppose it's logical to try Niacin first.


Have you ever been properly diagnosed by an expert psychiatrist though? What you describe could easily be any number of things, but without a proper examination, by an expert, IN PERSON, it's very hard to say too much about it.

#4 MattMcFly1986

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Posted 06 December 2016 - 02:39 PM

Only thing I know is that Acetylcholine seem high in me, and when I add anything that increases it, I get severe mental side effects like panic attacks. I've had that happen to me after only nine days of high EPA / DHA Omega 3 supplements. Does Niacin increase Acetylcholine? How much would you recommend for daily consumption? I also remembr hearing about Taurine being helpful.

#5 jack black

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Posted 06 December 2016 - 03:30 PM

Have you searched? It's a common topic here.

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Posted 14 December 2016 - 01:40 PM

hi matt

you have perfectly described what im dealing with

except my psychiatrist says its due to negative simptomatology of my schizophrenia


low motivation? my biggest problem! (non of the ssri has helped... wellbutrin neither so far)

few emotions except for frustration and irritability? i believe i have affective blunting (canabis and wellbutrin helps with this dont know why)

brain fog, slow thinking / memory / energy? yep all that check check check check (ssri makes it worse but im thinking more clearly on wellbutrin i feel more capable)

reduced vocal abilities? (i believe i have alogia i have very poor rapport for sure)

crippling perfectionism that won't let me start or finish projects? YES oh god YES (perfectionism plus motivational anhedonia and im completely unproductive)

Serotonin makes me sleepy and zoned out? i come to hate ssri i tried them all except sertraline

Acetylcholine seem high in me? even eggs taken for a few days will make everything worse (piracetam made me super focused and productive but effects dissipated)

beside this i have very strong anhedonia both motivational and consumatory (i cant even watch movies and tv shows anymore)

i also have huge problems with memory i dont retain anything (i think its because i cant get involved deeply anymore its like im living inside a baloon)



now i dont know what to ask you lol


have you tried niacin? feeling any better?

have you tried tianeptine maybe?

how did you felt while on wellbutrin? how much were you taking?

i drink a lot of energy drinks because i think its taurin in them that helps me somewhat... 

hows your testo?


things i did found helpfull are...

wellbutrin (300mg)


horse doses of b vitamins

high protein diet

tribulus terestris

uhhh i dont remember what else...


Edited by registered, 14 December 2016 - 01:42 PM.

#7 MattMcFly1986

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Posted 14 December 2016 - 09:11 PM

Errie to read the details of your post. I also have trouble watching TV / movies I want to watch. I can't focus on the story (notice myself not paying attention) and get into the emotions. Been that way for a while now (roughly 2 years). I currently hold off catching up on shows and films I enjoy, simply because I can't fully appreciate them at the moment.

I haven't tried Niacin, Tianeptine (never heard of it) or Taurine yet. Do either of these raise Acetylcholine?

Testosterone is within the norm (had a regular blood test done, no deficiencies at all, and I had thorough blood work done this year).

Wellbutrin took 4 weeks of side effects, then it worked really well for one week, a little too well maybe: I turned into a productive machine. No inner arguing, just getting things done that were in the pipeline. I felt somewhat nervous and sped up (slight heart race). After that one week the positive effects were gone and only the side effects (increased rage, anxiety and sweating) remained. I continued for another month. I took 150 mg XR for two months, but saw no reason to increase to 300 mg since the side effects already felt too strong on 150 mg.

I took a B-Complex, even though I have good B12 levels. Actually, I guess I did take Niacin, since it's one of the B-vitamins.
On a high protein diet, trying to gain some muscle mass

I took Creatine last year, but it didn't agree with my stomach.

Tribulus Terestris- never heard of it.

My life has effectively been on hold for a couple of years now. Lethargy, low motivation, "slow brain" are all doing their part holding me back from working off my personal projects, that I'd be fascinated to do, yet can't muster energy for. The years pass by and potentially great opportunities are never taken. I know a minor course correction could end all this, and it seems ADs aren't the right tool for them. I don't want to lose hope, it's kind of the only thing to hang on to.

#8 jack black

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 03:08 AM




have you read this?


#9 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 12:11 PM

Hey OP, I didn't want to mention it, because you don't seem to have ever been diagnosed by a Dr. - but have you considered if you have depression + SCT? Sluggish Cognitive Tempo - a great deal of us with cognitive issues which frequent the nootropics sites seem to have it.


I have it myself, and fit some of your symptoms fairly well.


Have a look at the wiki-page and see if you identify with the symptoms:




But yet again - I really recommend that you go see a psychiatrist and try and get a professional opinion on your cognitive issues - if you had a proper diagnosis, then we would know more about what to search for.



hi matt

you have perfectly described what im dealing with

except my psychiatrist says its due to negative simptomatology of my schizophrenia


low motivation? my biggest problem! (non of the ssri has helped... wellbutrin neither so far)

few emotions except for frustration and irritability? i believe i have affective blunting (canabis and wellbutrin helps with this dont know why)

brain fog, slow thinking / memory / energy? yep all that check check check check (ssri makes it worse but im thinking more clearly on wellbutrin i feel more capable)

reduced vocal abilities? (i believe i have alogia i have very poor rapport for sure)

crippling perfectionism that won't let me start or finish projects? YES oh god YES (perfectionism plus motivational anhedonia and im completely unproductive)

Serotonin makes me sleepy and zoned out? i come to hate ssri i tried them all except sertraline

Acetylcholine seem high in me? even eggs taken for a few days will make everything worse (piracetam made me super focused and productive but effects dissipated)

beside this i have very strong anhedonia both motivational and consumatory (i cant even watch movies and tv shows anymore)

i also have huge problems with memory i dont retain anything (i think its because i cant get involved deeply anymore its like im living inside a baloon)



now i dont know what to ask you lol


have you tried niacin? feeling any better?

have you tried tianeptine maybe?

how did you felt while on wellbutrin? how much were you taking?

i drink a lot of energy drinks because i think its taurin in them that helps me somewhat... 

hows your testo?


things i did found helpfull are...

wellbutrin (300mg)


horse doses of b vitamins

high protein diet

tribulus terestris

uhhh i dont remember what else...


Registered, have you ever tried Reboxetine? There is some evidence that it might help with the negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.


There's of course also BREXpiprazole, which has shown some benefit as well - it's a drug based on Aripiprazole (abilify) but with even MORE atypical properties - it's also the first antipsychotic which have been officially approved for the treatment of depression.

It was also in clinical trials for the treatment of ADHD! Alas, it failed to prove effective enough in that group, but SOME efficacy was noted - as such, it's obviously got a very, very different profile when it comes to cognitive effects, since in general, antipsychotics worsen the attentive dimension of ADHD significantly - apparently Brexpiprazole is different...


They're considering naming it as an entirely new class of drugs actually: SDAM - serotonin-dopamine activity modulator.


It might give some effects on cognition - talk to your Dr. about it.

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 01:14 PM

i have none of that sluggish thing (except daydreaming! i do that all the time) but i have ALL symptoms of adhd inattentive type 1/1

when i eventualy start doing something i have some sort of flow but i dont start any activity 


wellbutrin - like reboxetine - is  norepinefrine reuptake inhibitor i think although weak one but i might try raising that transmiter even more 

i doubt that i will get reboxetine any time soon so if you know some natural ways of boosting norepinefrine that would be great 


brexpiprazole looks very interesting but its not available yet in my country

+ im kinda afraid of changing antipsychotic because this one works for now


thanks jack black 

will read it now

#11 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 02:21 PM

i have none of that sluggish thing (except daydreaming! i do that all the time) but i have ALL symptoms of adhd inattentive type 1/1

when i eventualy start doing something i have some sort of flow but i dont start any activity 


wellbutrin - like reboxetine - is  norepinefrine reuptake inhibitor i think although weak one but i might try raising that transmiter even more 

i doubt that i will get reboxetine any time soon so if you know some natural ways of boosting norepinefrine that would be great 


brexpiprazole looks very interesting but its not available yet in my country

+ im kinda afraid of changing antipsychotic because this one works for now


thanks jack black 

will read it now


Biochemically speaking, it should be impossible to have both ADHD and Schizophrenia at the same time though, and there seems to be more similarities to ADHD than to Schizo when it comes to SCT - generally speaking, many functions work in reverse when it comes to purely attentive disorders and Schizo - the negative symptoms are eerily similar though, but one could say the same for the symptoms of severe depression as well. (atypical depression)


Immensely simplied:


Schizo - High dopamine, low NMDA-activity

ADHD - Low dopamine, High NMDA-activity


I've got SCT and I was on 3,3 GRAMS of Magnesium-L-threonate - some people with schizotypal traits have reported hallucinations, brain-fog and depersonalization at such levels - MagLT is actually a clinically active NMDA-antagonist at such doses - but I hardly felt a thing.


I am, as far as I know, the first person with both ADHD and SCT who has ever tried MagLT. (I can find no other reports online)

Now, the NE-thing though, could be something, since some effects have been seen, so it's worth checking out Reboxetine. (stay away from Atomoxetine though! NMDA-antagonism!)



Another note - abnormalities in the mGlur 2-3 receptors in the PFC have been connected to the negative symptoms, and YoungShizo, a user on this forum, tried Fasoracetam, which works as an agonist of those receptors - but even at high doses, he noticed NO EFFECT. 0_o


Most people definitely report effects from Faso, but YS was the first reported schizo to ever try Faso - and he noticed nothing.

Meanwhile, I actually noticed several clear effects from Faso - decreased anxiety, better mood and a slight effect on attentive symptoms.



So yeah, there are certain biochemical signs that some diseases work practically in reverse from each other.

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 03:40 PM

i dont know anything about biochemistry of ADHD but schizo can be described as having 

- hyperdopaminergic activity in the mesolimbic system leading to positive symptoms and at the same time

- hypodopaminergic activity in the mesocortical system leading to negative symptoms


also i did find cases of comorbid ADHD with people who have schizophrenia

i needed to explain to my psychiatrist that its perfectly safe to give me methylphenidate so i stumbled upon that connection


as i said on another thread i read something about 8 genetical types of schizophrenia (dsm5 doesnt recognize any type anymore)

curently im without positive symptoms but i have negatives

poor rapport gruesome anhedonia weak executive functions are things im sure i have 

and whatever else my psychiatrist noted when she said im having negative symptomatology (she didnt specify why she said that unfortunately))




i never tried large doses of mg

but those found in ZMA for example are perfectly fine to me 

actually i feel very refreshed in the morning so i take magnesium citrate whenever i can


yes fasoracetam... racetams mainly dont do anything in my case but will try fasoracetam eventually


also sarcosine (which i cant find anywhere but its my best hope so far) and DAA and dimethylglycine (sarcosine is methylglyicine) which i plan on trying




#13 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 15 December 2016 - 08:59 PM

Well, since you're a CLASSIC schizophrenic, with definitive hallucinations and such, you might actually be interested in another hypothesis I have... According to recent genetic studies, there's a possibility that Schizo is actually a form of dementia - classified by mutations to the genes which govern synaptic pruning - apparently they are over-expressed in classic schizo.


If that theory holds true, then DIHEXA should clear every single symptom, in one fell swoop!


Check that drug out, and see if maybe you'd be interested in participating in a potential future group buy of Dihexa. We really need to do another one of those.




Normal magnesium should be perfectly fine as a supplement for Schizo's btw - it's only MagLT which has any appreciable NMDA-antagonising effects - most others will work on different parts of the body instead. So unless you start doing 6 GRAMS worth of Mag-citrate, you'll probably never notice anything bad.





Scientists Move Closer to Understanding Schizophrenia’s Cause



Schizophrenia risk from complex variation of complement component 4



(the finding is that you produce too much of the protein C4-A during critical development of the brain, resulting in a lifetime of overly aggressive pruning)



Edited by Stinkorninjor, 15 December 2016 - 09:02 PM.

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Posted 16 December 2016 - 08:10 AM

well... since my biggest cognitive issue is bad memory i will look into this dihexa

one of my previous psychiatrist said i have 'pseudodementia' but i have little info on that condition

i cant remember almost anything from my life (its understandable i cannot remember anything when i was psychotic but i dont remember life before that)

nor i can form new memories easily 

if i remember something its in the form of generalized conlusions for example i might remember if i liked a movie or not but i cant remember any details about that movie

#15 MattMcFly1986

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 10:43 AM

There is so much info-babble spread across that site I can't help but zone out- kind of symptomatic of my situation- overwhelmed by information.


Hey OP, I didn't want to mention it, because you don't seem to have ever been diagnosed by a Dr. - but have you considered if you have depression + SCT? Sluggish Cognitive Tempo - a great deal of us with cognitive issues which frequent the nootropics sites seem to have it.


I have it myself, and fit some of your symptoms fairly well.


Have a look at the wiki-page and see if you identify with the symptoms:





There's of course also BREXpiprazole, which has shown some benefit as well - it's a drug based on Aripiprazole (abilify) but with even MORE atypical properties - it's also the first antipsychotic which have been officially approved for the treatment of depression.

It was also in clinical trials for the treatment of ADHD! Alas, it failed to prove effective enough in that group, but SOME efficacy was noted - as such, it's obviously got a very, very different profile when it comes to cognitive effects, since in general, antipsychotics worsen the attentive dimension of ADHD significantly - apparently Brexpiprazole is different...


They're considering naming it as an entirely new class of drugs actually: SDAM - serotonin-dopamine activity modulator.


It might give some effects on cognition - talk to your Dr. about it.


Never heard of SCT, but it's a possibility.  SDAMs sound interesting. The company that makes Brexpiprazole has a local production, so it might be possible it's available here.

Might be the final AD I try. Moclobemide is working a bit (I think, very subtle) but only when I take it at night. If I take it during the day it is making me really slow and tired (why- is it the Serotonin?)


Biochemically speaking, it should be impossible to have both ADHD and Schizophrenia at the same time though, and there seems to be more similarities to ADHD than to Schizo when it comes to SCT - generally speaking, many functions work in reverse when it comes to purely attentive disorders and Schizo - the negative symptoms are eerily similar though, but one could say the same for the symptoms of severe depression as well. (atypical depression)


Immensely simplied:


Schizo - High dopamine, low NMDA-activity

ADHD - Low dopamine, High NMDA-activity

I can only describe what happens to me at least once a day, where I'd get these outburst of energy, say I'm watching TV and annoying ads are on, I get hyper and start repeating them in an exaggerated manner. Or I do some rapid movement to dispense some energy. Or I get hyper while playing with the cat. So it's mostly of a reactionary manner. I don't know, been like this forever, but I can only release it by myself (used to be able to do it more publicly when I was a kid). Kind of like I'm a shy, shackled introvert who needs to let off some steam daily. Maybe this somehow ties to my irritability / anger as well. An excess aceytlcholine period (induced by one week of taking a high EPA / DHA Omega 3 supplement) gave me my first panic attack last July, during which I felt like I wasn't in control of myself and could potentially hurt myself or others. I guess I do have this fear at times, since I feel somewhat unpredictable when I'm in this hyper energy state, like I could jump around from room to room and accidentally knock something over, or pet the cat too hard, fears like that. Supposedly this also ties in with perfectionism (having control). On the opposite spectrum, should I have a really bad day, or a major slip-up I would either hit myself on the temple once, or throw an object.

Not sure how to categorize these symptoms. They only happen for a few minutes daily and are tough to replicate in front of others.

#16 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 17 December 2016 - 11:23 AM


There is so much info-babble spread across that site I can't help but zone out- kind of symptomatic of my situation- overwhelmed by information.


Hey OP, I didn't want to mention it, because you don't seem to have ever been diagnosed by a Dr. - but have you considered if you have depression + SCT? Sluggish Cognitive Tempo - a great deal of us with cognitive issues which frequent the nootropics sites seem to have it.


I have it myself, and fit some of your symptoms fairly well.


Have a look at the wiki-page and see if you identify with the symptoms:





There's of course also BREXpiprazole, which has shown some benefit as well - it's a drug based on Aripiprazole (abilify) but with even MORE atypical properties - it's also the first antipsychotic which have been officially approved for the treatment of depression.

It was also in clinical trials for the treatment of ADHD! Alas, it failed to prove effective enough in that group, but SOME efficacy was noted - as such, it's obviously got a very, very different profile when it comes to cognitive effects, since in general, antipsychotics worsen the attentive dimension of ADHD significantly - apparently Brexpiprazole is different...


They're considering naming it as an entirely new class of drugs actually: SDAM - serotonin-dopamine activity modulator.


It might give some effects on cognition - talk to your Dr. about it.


Never heard of SCT, but it's a possibility.  SDAMs sound interesting. The company that makes Brexpiprazole has a local production, so it might be possible it's available here.

Might be the final AD I try. Moclobemide is working a bit (I think, very subtle) but only when I take it at night. If I take it during the day it is making me really slow and tired (why- is it the Serotonin?)


Biochemically speaking, it should be impossible to have both ADHD and Schizophrenia at the same time though, and there seems to be more similarities to ADHD than to Schizo when it comes to SCT - generally speaking, many functions work in reverse when it comes to purely attentive disorders and Schizo - the negative symptoms are eerily similar though, but one could say the same for the symptoms of severe depression as well. (atypical depression)


Immensely simplied:


Schizo - High dopamine, low NMDA-activity

ADHD - Low dopamine, High NMDA-activity

I can only describe what happens to me at least once a day, where I'd get these outburst of energy, say I'm watching TV and annoying ads are on, I get hyper and start repeating them in an exaggerated manner. Or I do some rapid movement to dispense some energy. Or I get hyper while playing with the cat. So it's mostly of a reactionary manner. I don't know, been like this forever, but I can only release it by myself (used to be able to do it more publicly when I was a kid). Kind of like I'm a shy, shackled introvert who needs to let off some steam daily. Maybe this somehow ties to my irritability / anger as well. An excess aceytlcholine period (induced by one week of taking a high EPA / DHA Omega 3 supplement) gave me my first panic attack last July, during which I felt like I wasn't in control of myself and could potentially hurt myself or others. I guess I do have this fear at times, since I feel somewhat unpredictable when I'm in this hyper energy state, like I could jump around from room to room and accidentally knock something over, or pet the cat too hard, fears like that. Supposedly this also ties in with perfectionism (having control). On the opposite spectrum, should I have a really bad day, or a major slip-up I would either hit myself on the temple once, or throw an object.

Not sure how to categorize these symptoms. They only happen for a few minutes daily and are tough to replicate in front of others.



The symptoms you describe are very reminiscent of Situational Hyperactivity - which is something which Dr. Russell Barkley has noted that SCT-ers can rarely manifest. I have it as well, but mostly when I'm talking to someone about something which I am very interested in.


It should be noted that I have low-level ADHD as well, and that up to 33% of everyone with SCT displays such symptoms.

The fact that you only "let it out" when no-one else is around could be a coping-mechanism which you have learned while growing up, since Hyperactivity and impulsivity is not accepted by society.


However, there's also the fact that hyperactivity from nervous fidging and such, is actually a part of various anxiety-disorders as well, so it could very well be that which you are describing too.


You need to do a proper psychological evaluation of various psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders, so you can get a better grip on what all of this means.

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 17 December 2016 - 11:26 AM.

#17 kurdishfella

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Posted 12 May 2017 - 10:58 AM

here is a treatment I put together the doses might be a little high so figure your own dosages:


nicotinic acid (flush kind) - 1000mg Daily
Hydroxo B12 - 1mg Daily
Electrolytes - (No idea,)
Glutathione - 1000mg daily
Folinic acid - 1600mg daily
Histidine - 1000mg daily
zinc - 50mg daily
carnosine (I don't know if you need this if you already take histidine or the other way around , because they both  raise histamine lvls) - 1000mg daily
Manganese - 10mg daily
Vitamin c - 2000mg daily
b6 (as P5P) - 50mg daily
molybdenum -500 mcg daily
Pantothenic - 1000mg daily
Quercetin - 2000mg daily
vitamin E - 1000mg daily
chromium - 200 mcg daily

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#18 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 12 May 2017 - 06:13 PM

It's the new New Age crap. Feeling demotivated? Maybe you just need to astral project your soul, dude! Get some of that spirit essence boiling in your vibrations, make them positively charged? Come over to my place and bring some weed, will ya? I've got just the cure for every little issue you have!

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#19 Ark

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Posted 12 May 2017 - 07:29 PM

Hey OP, I didn't want to mention it, because you don't seem to have ever been diagnosed by a Dr. - but have you considered if you have depression + SCT? Sluggish Cognitive Tempo - a great deal of us with cognitive issues which frequent the nootropics sites seem to have it.

I have it myself, and fit some of your symptoms fairly well.

Have a look at the wiki-page and see if you identify with the symptoms:


But yet again - I really recommend that you go see a psychiatrist and try and get a professional opinion on your cognitive issues - if you had a proper diagnosis, then we would know more about what to search for.

hi matt
you have perfectly described what im dealing with
except my psychiatrist says its due to negative simptomatology of my schizophrenia

low motivation? my biggest problem! (non of the ssri has helped... wellbutrin neither so far)
few emotions except for frustration and irritability? i believe i have affective blunting (canabis and wellbutrin helps with this dont know why)
brain fog, slow thinking / memory / energy? yep all that check check check check (ssri makes it worse but im thinking more clearly on wellbutrin i feel more capable)
reduced vocal abilities? (i believe i have alogia i have very poor rapport for sure)
crippling perfectionism that won't let me start or finish projects? YES oh god YES (perfectionism plus motivational anhedonia and im completely unproductive)
Serotonin makes me sleepy and zoned out? i come to hate ssri i tried them all except sertraline
Acetylcholine seem high in me? even eggs taken for a few days will make everything worse (piracetam made me super focused and productive but effects dissipated)
beside this i have very strong anhedonia both motivational and consumatory (i cant even watch movies and tv shows anymore)
i also have huge problems with memory i dont retain anything (i think its because i cant get involved deeply anymore its like im living inside a baloon)

now i dont know what to ask you lol

have you tried niacin? feeling any better?
have you tried tianeptine maybe?
how did you felt while on wellbutrin? how much were you taking?
i drink a lot of energy drinks because i think its taurin in them that helps me somewhat...
hows your testo?

things i did found helpfull are...
wellbutrin (300mg)
horse doses of b vitamins
high protein diet
tribulus terestris
uhhh i dont remember what else...

Registered, have you ever tried Reboxetine? There is some evidence that it might help with the negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.

There's of course also BREXpiprazole, which has shown some benefit as well - it's a drug based on Aripiprazole (abilify) but with even MORE atypical properties - it's also the first antipsychotic which have been officially approved for the treatment of depression.
It was also in clinical trials for the treatment of ADHD! Alas, it failed to prove effective enough in that group, but SOME efficacy was noted - as such, it's obviously got a very, very different profile when it comes to cognitive effects, since in general, antipsychotics worsen the attentive dimension of ADHD significantly - apparently Brexpiprazole is different...

They're considering naming it as an entirely new class of drugs actually: SDAM - serotonin-dopamine activity modulator.

It might give some effects on cognition - talk to your Dr. about it.

Avoid abilify at all costs!

#20 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 13 May 2017 - 08:54 AM


Hey OP, I didn't want to mention it, because you don't seem to have ever been diagnosed by a Dr. - but have you considered if you have depression + SCT? Sluggish Cognitive Tempo - a great deal of us with cognitive issues which frequent the nootropics sites seem to have it.

I have it myself, and fit some of your symptoms fairly well.

Have a look at the wiki-page and see if you identify with the symptoms:


But yet again - I really recommend that you go see a psychiatrist and try and get a professional opinion on your cognitive issues - if you had a proper diagnosis, then we would know more about what to search for.

hi matt
you have perfectly described what im dealing with
except my psychiatrist says its due to negative simptomatology of my schizophrenia

low motivation? my biggest problem! (non of the ssri has helped... wellbutrin neither so far)
few emotions except for frustration and irritability? i believe i have affective blunting (canabis and wellbutrin helps with this dont know why)
brain fog, slow thinking / memory / energy? yep all that check check check check (ssri makes it worse but im thinking more clearly on wellbutrin i feel more capable)
reduced vocal abilities? (i believe i have alogia i have very poor rapport for sure)
crippling perfectionism that won't let me start or finish projects? YES oh god YES (perfectionism plus motivational anhedonia and im completely unproductive)
Serotonin makes me sleepy and zoned out? i come to hate ssri i tried them all except sertraline
Acetylcholine seem high in me? even eggs taken for a few days will make everything worse (piracetam made me super focused and productive but effects dissipated)
beside this i have very strong anhedonia both motivational and consumatory (i cant even watch movies and tv shows anymore)
i also have huge problems with memory i dont retain anything (i think its because i cant get involved deeply anymore its like im living inside a baloon)

now i dont know what to ask you lol

have you tried niacin? feeling any better?
have you tried tianeptine maybe?
how did you felt while on wellbutrin? how much were you taking?
i drink a lot of energy drinks because i think its taurin in them that helps me somewhat...
hows your testo?

things i did found helpfull are...
wellbutrin (300mg)
horse doses of b vitamins
high protein diet
tribulus terestris
uhhh i dont remember what else...

Registered, have you ever tried Reboxetine? There is some evidence that it might help with the negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.

There's of course also BREXpiprazole, which has shown some benefit as well - it's a drug based on Aripiprazole (abilify) but with even MORE atypical properties - it's also the first antipsychotic which have been officially approved for the treatment of depression.
It was also in clinical trials for the treatment of ADHD! Alas, it failed to prove effective enough in that group, but SOME efficacy was noted - as such, it's obviously got a very, very different profile when it comes to cognitive effects, since in general, antipsychotics worsen the attentive dimension of ADHD significantly - apparently Brexpiprazole is different...

They're considering naming it as an entirely new class of drugs actually: SDAM - serotonin-dopamine activity modulator.

It might give some effects on cognition - talk to your Dr. about it.

Avoid abilify at all costs!



Care to elaborate a bit on this? If the thread-starter shows mostly negative symptoms of Schizophrenia, this seems reasonable.


There's also the fact that so many other atypical AD's cause elevated prolactin, which is of course rather bad if you are a male - Aripiprazole actually LOWERS prolactin! So that, in itself, is a big, big win for many male patients.



With that said, there are now other possibilities as well - a selective 5ht3-antagonist, something like Ondansetron, could prove efficacious without any of the side-effects of either Aripiprazole, Brexpiprazole or any of the other atypical AD's.

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#21 VITAcure.me

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Posted 16 February 2018 - 04:38 PM

From your symptoms, it sounds like over-methylation, but as mentioned you can try Vitamin B3 and see if it helps or not. For more guidance, you could Google: "Walsh Research Institute," go to their website, and under "Resources" you can find practitioners around the world.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: methylation

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