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Anyone recover from blank mind/no inner monlogue

blank mind depersonalization derealization

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#31 Blanker

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 03:57 PM

Anyone else feel like they are not tired when they wake up? Like there is no change in mood at each point throughout the day, no inner path or let's say wholeness. All ways baseline no oscillation.

#32 Quaker32

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 05:32 PM

I don't know why they think that dissociation doesn't exist. But many of the doctors I have seen don't think it is DP/DR per se.


That's why I have asked to be sent to a specialist clinic. What is there in your country that is specialist for this?

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#33 jaiho

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 08:40 PM

DP/DR is in the basket of depression & anxiety. The mind disassociates when under severe stress.

You'll find people who made full recovery from it were on broad spectrum meds, or got out of it by natural means, via tackling anxiety or depression.

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#34 Quaker32

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 09:21 PM

Can you list the meds please.


I am scared of SSRIs although I am taking sertraline at the moment. The reason is because I have heard that these medications can really fuck up the serotonin and other systems in the long-term and I don't want to mess myself up anymore. No thank you.



#35 jaiho

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 09:28 PM

Try adding Nortriptyline to Sertraline. This turns it into an SNRI like clomipramine. One of the most efficent meds you could try before MAOIs.


#36 Quaker32

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 09:35 PM

tbh i want to avoid any of the SSRI, SNRI MAOI etc, as much as possible. Is this safe in the long-term? I noticed that you didn't comment on anything I said about whether it can be damaging :P


I will probably try naltrexone because of my addiction issues anyway, and possibly lamotrigine.

#37 jaiho

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 10:02 PM

Medications aren't damaging. Besides anti psychotics having a slim chance to induce long term side effects.

If you're adamant about avoiding meds, you could try NSI-189.

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#38 Quaker32

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 11:07 PM

without sounding like a dick, but aren't there a lot of people on LC comparing about anhedonia and all sorts of problems from SSRi use? it's hard to get the truth from doctors as well, anyway a lot of the psychiatrists that i have spoken to are plain useless.


have you got any info on studies or things like that? i take it you aren't worried about it, and seem confident in your use of medication....

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#39 Blanker

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 01:54 AM

I will have to request a specialist on my next visit, as she is an open psychiatrist but seems to just passify things idk if it's just me thinking messed up but.I get a feeling that she just isn't open and thinks the feelings and cognitive deficits in which I describe can't exist in a 19 year old but I explain yes they can I just want an ansewr, I mean what motive do I have to be in there explaining these things right?.

It seems if these people actually really cared about curing you because they had it personally or can relate then they would try to help even in there own time with research. Working as a job makes it so calice, or either the fact it's the public health system, I'm considering paying.for treatment as I will spend whatever amount even tho I'm on 600-700 a week working which I find severely difficult.

So do I have MDD? I have Anhedonia, Severe Depression when not on SSRI, Cognitive deficits, dissociation, blank minded no inner monologue like it is not clear or collected or I can't "hear myself". Twitches and spasms in arm's and legs, occasionally in neck and head, heavy ringing of tinnitus all the time frequently it will be like a flashbang is thrown in one ear particularly the.left. (right side of pfc connection?. Lots is unexplainable pain That will flair up in various parts of body especially arm's and legs again, slight loss of libido, still relatively in tack.

I've sevens studies regarding SSRI"s regarding nerve axon retardation in receptors throughout the brain and actual elimination of receptor and.no new receptor neurogenesis so is it a potential that we are in fact incurable of our cognitive deficits and other problems ad no Neuroregenisis in these are as only particular in the hippocampus region.

Feedback on that would be much appreciat d because this had plagued me this.question and the fact that PHD"s are endorsing these finds in rat studies really worries. Me that the damage had all ready occurred but then I ask why do some people take these all there life with no problem and then put it down to maybe targeting by big pharmac or other factors that include differences in neurochemistry.

Please how do I get NSI-189 and what are the long term.effects of NSI-189. I mean God it's still in clinical trials and doesn't seem to have the same working.mechanism as any other anti depressants in the class. Which is intriguing in one element but discouraging in another. The results seem to be good after first phase trials as something like 24 people with cognitive deficits in the classification of MDD appeared to have "significant improvement" and cognitive deficits were "improved". Also heard a lot.of.positive reaction.on the internet.

So based on the fact that it is different to all ad medications not sure of the molecular structure of NSI-189 as not chemist, but here in New Zealand we have a law that constitutes that if all drugs under the misuse of drugs act have similarities to any drug, in the make up of chemical structure, then it is considered prescription or controlled, and thus is illegal.to import, posess, supply etc. Will I be able to get NSI THROUGH the border and could you link me affordable sources please.

Jaiho and Quaker Thank you very much for your replys you guys are very clear and informative. I was wondering.if I could possibly Ask you Jaiho if you are indeed fully recovered and gotten rid of cognitive deficits as they are the most troubling element as I could live with the depression and other bullshit but feeling spaced and not.being able to.concentrate is torture.

Thanks guys :)

#40 Blanker

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 01:59 AM

Will try to get a prescription for.nortriptyline and combine with setraline but like Quaker very conscious about long term sides (not that there is really much to loose) and isn't it converted into a TCA?

#41 Blanker

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 02:06 AM

Are there people that fully recovered cognitive deficits if so I would like to hear would give me hope.

#42 jaiho

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 03:36 AM

checkout the NSI-189 thread, destroyedbeing. 

It's efficient for MDD and also great for restoring cognition. 

It isn't illegal to import anywhere.

#43 Blanker

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 05:55 AM

Anyone know if this could be from stroke as well and if had stroke would they be able to pick it up on MRI following incident.
Thanks Jaiho will do

#44 Quaker32

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 10:44 AM

You were on SSRIs before weren't you?


You will hate me, but try and relax a bit fi you can. I can't do it well, but if you CAN, then it will only make things easier for you.


Stroke? Possibly, although I doubt it. But if they give you the chance to get an MRI then take it, no harm can be done. Get a full blood test as well just to rule out stuff. Do you have derealisation? Have you noticed any visual changes? It might be worthwhile to have an eye test as well just to rule out anything. That's what my doctor said.


I am dealing with an absolutely c*** of depression right now. Seriously bro, if it wasn't for my mum, I would probably chuck myself out of a window. I feel hideous. 


If SSRIS have messed us up, we might be able to sue them down the line. I guess that would be pretty cool.


Have you tried naltrexone or lamotrigine? I can feel my addiction coming on again and I need to get hold of some naltrexone. I've got lamotrigine at home but am unfrocking sure about it.


God damn, i just want to find a decent medication regime and stick to it. I don't even think that meds will be our way out if it, probably therapy as well, but at least let's get the meds right. 


If I get referred to this specialist DP clinic, I will keep you updated. 



#45 Blanker

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 12:45 PM

I have serialization and visual changes definitely. Had an eye test and blood test (not sure if blood test was full) and everything is clear so not much has come from those. I'm also worried MRI is conducted then I will not see any damage if there was a stroke because it's been months since incident and years since first episode. Thus I'm sure no damage would be present in finding.

A neurotransmitter test sounds like another viable option for us which would also be very intriguing in the results in which we get from it, very expensive tho hopefully could get funded.

I'm happy you have your mum there for you man, family are really the only people that keep you going and people that believe in you and want the best for you.

I was on SSRIS for month periods intermittently, could be the reason it messed me up so bad, but had derealization and depersonalization from we could say a drug induced psychosis one night from marijuana. So is it the SSRI to blame for decline, or Trauma, would be very intrigued to know y I ur circumstances and other factors other than SSRI as you would be prescribed them based on other issues.

I doubt that sueing would be a possibility as they will refer to your service and your official diagnosis of why you were there in defence and consenting to "treatment" unless they can or proove directly that they fucked us up.

I have been relaxed and am relatively relaxed, the methylphenidate agitated but hey at least I feel some kind of emotional response right?. I'm trying to keep my composure but I just want us to have help with this as we are suffering in silence.

Regarding the Naltrexone and lamotrigine no I haven't but have been researching k kappa opioid receptor play in dissociation and am very keen on trying them, I don't Care about.the addiction element of.I have to be on 30 drugs for the rest of myk life so be it, if that's what it takes to have a quality of life back.

How's your experience with using these substances? Would be very intrigued to hear. And would like to know any sources for legitimate NSI-189 if anyone can link me to known pure quantities.

I'm very open to thearapy but unfortunately can't concentrate on what they say and have tried CBT with no benefit whatsoever so very discouraging. Dam in spell checking half these word a as forgetting how to spell. Lol.

Thanks for the replys very.much appreciate it. It's good and bad to have people that can reach out to discuss these.dilemmas in which we are suffering.

Off topic question but can anyone relate to feeling guilt over a particular act in the past and feeling ad if tho that could of courses this problem as you committed a horrible thing and now you're paying.for it. Etc spiritual connection, intrigued to hear response.

#46 Madman

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 02:26 PM

How long as have you been in this situation for for ? Years or months ?

#47 Quaker32

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 07:41 PM

I have been months.



Edited by Quaker32, 15 January 2017 - 07:41 PM.

#48 Blanker

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 11:05 PM

4-5 years but around 6 months ago the Anhedonia and let's say severe dp dr set in from over thinking major trauma.

#49 Quaker32

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 08:51 AM

Can you elaborate on that please. What was your trauma and what were you "over-thinking". Were you in an inner conflict with yourselves? 


How did your DP symptoms manifest? Was it gradual or sudden? thanks,

#50 Blanker

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 09:39 AM

Had a best friend die and couldnt take it (still dpd and had dr at this point) but couldn't Handel it and then lost all of my emotion and now severe cognition problems.

First instance it happend was from smoking marijuana and then going psychotic. Sudden manifestation but downhill and progressed into this so I'm wondering if it could be second stroke possibly as tunnel envisioned and all that like everything in my head just went boom

And.here I am.

#51 jaiho

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 09:55 AM

Are you seeing a therapist destroyedbeing?

You haven't had a stroke. You suffered extreme stress which triggered MDD/Anxiety.

Depression also kills cognitives. 

Therapy + Meds can do wonders. Just try not to read into the internet too much, self medicating is a hard path.

#52 Blanker

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Posted 16 January 2017 - 12:34 PM

Hey Jaiho, yes I am they seem to think it's ADD but methylphenidate not having a profound effect on cognition or other symptoms.

Thanks for explaining to me what meds in particular should I ask for I am planning to order in some NSI-189 when I find a source.

How do you exsplain adverse reaction to weed must be psychosis or something as cognition has never returned. It just took on the MDD element now with absolutely no emotion or feeling. And a whole other line of symptoms. I'm wondering why no MDD before but other symptoms like brain fog but cognition was also better but hard.


#53 AlmostEasy

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Posted 17 January 2017 - 03:29 AM

You're on the wrong forum, no one here has any idea what you're talking about or what might be causing it.


I'm about 8 years deep into this.  Check my forum posts.


Mine may be Lyme disease, but there are hundreds of conditions that can result in these incredibly similar crossover mental / cognitive symptoms.  Seriously check my posts, especially my latest ones.






Good luck.  There's enough resources here if you did to get a much better idea of what's going on.  I have posts in this username all over the internet if you search, you'll get a lot of information through that if you really want answers.

#54 Quaker32

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 12:58 PM

Why are you being so cryptic about this? I don't think your post was very useful at all.


Also why are you calling this ME/CFS? I think you need to explain yourself better.

Edited by Quaker32, 19 January 2017 - 01:25 PM.

#55 AlmostEasy

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 02:07 AM

I'm tired man.  I'll grab one post that goes into more detail that I was referring to:




I don't need to do anything, I'm offering free help.  That took me 10 seconds to find, no one is going to spoon feed you answers to your problems.  Look at those links I provided from people that found cures for their debilitation and I'm sure that'll inspire you enough to want to look deeper.


Good luck.

#56 Quaker32

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 02:19 AM

I didn't ask to be spoon fed okay, so I don't know why you are taking that kind of tone. You sound bitter that you haven't found a cure and that you have had to do so much work on your own.


I totally get that, and I feel exactly the same way ok, but when you wrote that initial post about CFS, I didn't feel the it was particular helpful to the original poster without a bit more info on it. 


If somebody knows so much information, why should somebody else have to trawl through loads of info? The whole point is that we share because we are all somewhat fucked and trying to get better. No need to act superior because you have been here longer or because you have more poastz on the internetz. 





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#57 AlmostEasy

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 03:27 AM

Just check it out man, it's good stuff.  Good luck.

#58 dreamedm

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 04:04 AM

I don't think I have ME/CFS. I've checked out the symptoms. Blank mind is also a result of depersonalization.

#59 Blanker

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 04:23 AM

I think the SSRI has more to play than most things here in all honesty guys my main cognitivedeteriatuins resulted during the period of being on and of them and they actually thought me what depression really was.

I think if it is possible to recover from ssri induced brain damage, it would be to stop the drug obuasly and supplement with neurotransmitter amino acid protein components. That's what I am going to try I think doctors and psyches have done so much damage from false research and being told to push drugs on people if they have the slightest problems Dr anxiety to stress, they generally throw dangerous psychotropic drugs at you willingly without knowing serious long term sides and actual drug mechanisms of action.

Detox would be good place to start with l-glutamine for protein synthesis and abstaining from psychotropic medications, specifically ssri class and stimulants. I will becoming of methylphenidate ad having no good effect and making me more spaces as dopamine over exaggeration also can cause neurotoxicity in synaptic cleft with floodation and conversion into neurotoxin.forgot name lol.

This is hypothetical from st yes I have gathered but I will try this method and any other suggestions would be much appreciated as decline has been rapid with administration of SSRIS.

Not meaning to scare anyone as well but ssri atrophy has been linked to corpses in a morgue after being treated with ssris for many years. These people probably committed d suicide due to effects. We could also attribute this to depression but highly surprising all were l I :( term SSRI users.

I just want to heal without prescription meds can anyone enlightenn me with the potential of NSI-189 in curing ssri related damage or does it act ad a reuptake inhibitor and blocker of serotonin as well. Thanks in advance.

I'm looking my job because of this can't concentrate all ways slow moving lethargic and depressed, just want an answer and possible way to go a about worse case scenarios.

Edited by Mind, 13 September 2019 - 05:35 PM.

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#60 Blanker

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Posted 20 January 2017 - 04:32 AM

I was also very young when I started and unaware and naive.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: blank mind, depersonalization, derealization

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