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is this correct about fasting?


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#1 ironfistx

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Posted 22 March 2017 - 02:07 AM

I saw this on a review of an amazon book. Is that how it works?

I'm pretty dense about it.

"Fasting has been called “the burning of rubbish.” The body enters a state called autolysis(after three days of fasting) in which the liver produces all kinds of good stuff including bile, ketones and special enzymes that travel throughout the body looking for dead cells / tumors. To quote from Paavo Airola: “ During a prolonged fast, the body will live on its own substances. When it is deprived of food, particularly of protein & fat, your body will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis, or self-digestion. But your body will not do it indiscriminately. In its wisdom your body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead.”

As far as my story? Age 64 male. I hurt my knees playing tennis in October 2016. I rested for the entire month of November. The pain in my left knee went away, but not in my right knee. After a couple months of rest, Aleeve, Monovisc & cortisone shots, physical therapy ( the three sets of 10 kind, not what the author did), I started playing tennis again in January but after a few weeks of indoor tennis on hard concrete floors, on January 25th 2017, I blew my right knee out pretty bad. I immediately did a 14-day juice fast. After about eight days of fasting, I started to feel a painful throbbing/pounding in my right knee, which indicated that my body, instead of ingesting food, was now ingesting the scar tissue in my knee. It’s been over a month now since my “injury” and today was the first day that I could walk a complete mile without pain. My plan is to continue doing the light repeated motion PT recommended by Kelsey and the author and another 14-day fast in April. My hope is to be back on the tennis courts by May. I’ll report back then.

One more word about fasting, which has been used to relieve arthritis since time immemorial. There are plenty of books on the subject including Paavo Airola’s “There is a Cure for Arthritis.” I usually fast a few times a year so my body is used to it. If you never fasted, it will be harder to reach autolysis comfortably and safely. Also, fasting is contradicted in people who have liver or kidney issues— you need these organs working at peak efficiency in order for those organs to perform the powerful bodily house-cleaning. So be careful and when in doubt consult your physician."

Edited by ironfistx, 22 March 2017 - 02:11 AM.

#2 gill3362

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Posted 10 April 2017 - 08:49 AM

I am not at all sure about the actual biological mechanics of it all, and I am not convinced that the throbbing in the knee indicated autophagy happing in that localized area. However, yes, fasting can truly help arthritis and joint issues by drastically reducing inflammation. 


Maybe someone with more science-backed input will come along. In the meantime, if you are really interested in fasting, I suggest this podcast: http://www.fastingtalk.com/

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