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fish oil fatty acids could be related to alzheimer development

fish oil

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#1 normalizing

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Posted 22 March 2017 - 11:55 PM

i was just reading this article; http://www.medicalne...cles/316500.php


from what it seems, 6 fatty acids were distributed uneven in the brain of alzheimer patients. some of them are available in fish oil in high doses. now, its not directly related to fish oil, it could just be disruption of processing in the brain of people with alzheimer and not actually related to consuming them, but this finding is still claiming that they were in high volume in people with alzheimer so draw your own view on this

#2 William Sterog

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 08:45 AM

The fatty acids shown to correlate with AD in this study were: docosahexaenoic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and oleic acid.[/size]

"[This] work suggests that dysregulation of UFA's metabolism plays a role in driving AD pathology and that these results provide further evidence for the metabolic basis of AD pathogenesis."

The authors also concede some of the study's limitations. Due to its observational nature, the research cannot explain causality, so it could not be established whether the UFA dysregulation causes AD or whether it is the other way around.

Their study sample was small, as there are not many studies available that examined tissue samples together with cognitive evaluations. Furthermore, the nature of nontargeted metabolomic studies is quite limited, as not all metabolites can be identified at once, so further studies are needed to locate other metabolites.


They are not correlating the intake of this fatty acids with Alzheimer's, they are saying that the metabolism of the fatty acid is not working properly in patients with the disease, which is not new, we know that people with ApoE4 are in risk of developing Alzheimer's. This condition is related somehow to the management of fatty acid an its accumulation in the brain tissue, or that's what I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong, but this doesn't mean that Fish Oil is going to make you develop Alzheimer's. 


In fact:



A higher intake of fish was associated with a lower risk of AD. However, there was no statistical evidence for similar inverse association between long-chain omega-3 fatty acids intake and risk of dementia or AD, nor was there inverse association between fish intake and risk of dementia.



DHA and EPA can be beneficial in AD by enhancing removal of Aβ42, increasing neurotrophin production, decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine production, and by inducing a shift in phenotype away from pro-inflammatory M1 activation.



So, as I see it, you don't need to worry unless you have a screw up fat metabolism already. Here is some information about the issue: 


Dietary omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and Alzheimer's disease: interaction with apolipoprotein E genotype



And, even if you have this problem, it is possible that you could avoid Alzheimer's very easily:


Daily consumption of tea may protect the elderly from cognitive decline.

The longitudinal study involving 957 Chinese seniors aged 55 years or older has found that regular consumption of tea lowers the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly by 50 per cent, while APOE e4 gene carriers who are genetically at risk of developing Alzheimer's disease may experience a reduction in cognitive impairment risk by as much as 86 per cent.


In conclusion, if you have ApoE4: be careful with supplementing fatty acids, if you are healthy: you can still enjoy your fish, if you don't really know: add a lot of tea to your diet. 

Edited by William Sterog, 23 March 2017 - 08:47 AM.

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#3 ceridwen

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 10:24 AM

Hmm supplementing with fish oil seemed to bring back some memory for me. before taking it I did not know what I was doing the previous day! Many old people particularly women seem to drink a lot of tea. It doesn't seem to help them at all.
  • unsure x 1

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#4 normalizing

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Posted 23 March 2017 - 08:45 PM

 i should check if i have the ApoE4 then

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