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What do "important people" take to keep themselves young?


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#1 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 29 April 2017 - 11:14 PM

Anyone with eyes and a functioning brain can see that important people, billionaires and high ranking politicians, do exceptionally well compared to the rest of the population. No, they don't outperform supercentenarians but it's certainly better than the norm.
All links are for their Wikipedia pages and all individuals mentioned are filthy rich.

Wilbur Ross (US secretary of commerce)is 79 and has colored hair and although he seems a bit "slow" like people tend to become at that age he still appears able to handle his high position very well.

Warren Buffett is 86 and looks exceptionally well physically and cognitively for his age. Yes, he does have almost fully white hair.

Amancio Ortega is 81 and has retained some hair color.

Carlos Slim is 77 and has a great deal of colored hair. He is also doing well cognitively.

Larry Ellison is 72 and has retained hair colored and is doing cognitively well.

Charles Koch is 81 and clearly seems to be doing good physically and cognitively.

Michael Bloomberg is 76 but looks maybe 5-10 years younger.

Liliane Bettencourt is 94(!!) and looks 70!

Sheldon Adelson is 83 and has colored hair. Looks like he wants your blood lol.

Li Ka-shing is 88 and looks stunning for his age (yes I know he's Asian and Asians tend not to lose hair color as much)!

Ingvar Kamprad is 91 and looks great.

It's not exercise and it's not diet alone, and it's not "having important things to do". Those things may decrease your risk of various age-related diseases but they do not make you look younger. If you think they do then you're sadly ill informed or gullible.

I read there was a 100k a month treatment that is based on increasing NAD that some of the filthy rich are getting to improve their lifespan but I can't find any legitimate source for that. It sure as hell isn't NR or NMN or whatever they're injecting. It may be pure NAD since that's supposedly very expensive.

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#2 Rocket

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 01:17 AM

Jerry Bruckheimer looks scary young for how old he is.
Lou Ferrigno looks fantastic.
Harvey Kevin is 66 and looks a healthy 50.
Geraldo looks pretty good for 70s.
Then there is Christy Brinkley.

I suspect being multimillionaires and having time to exercise daily, and having their diets planned by nutritionists, and able to afford hormone replacement with testosterone (for the men) and hgh, no daily stresses like you and I and everyone else lives through - and the best cosmetic surgeons, blood platelet therapy and laser therapy, that with all that it would be hard not to look younger than the general population.

Look at Charlie Sheen. He looks like he is almost 70. Hard miles!

Yeah, there is some merit to your observation.
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#3 MetaphasicSystems

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 01:41 AM


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#4 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 01:54 AM

No, it's not growth hormone or testosterone, come on people! Look at bodybuilders who abuse it, their aging is accelerated as opposed to decelerated. And it's not exercise either, again look at bodybuilders who do it every single day and more than anyone else does.

Speaking of Jerry Bruckheimer, his scalp hair is colored but his beard is grayish. How does that work? 


I was going to mention Geraldo Rivera. He might just be lucky but he does look exceptionally good, like 20 years younger.


There's a reason I didn't want to use women as an example, and that's because they obviously tend to use various make-up to hide signs of aging, so the looks are obviously very deceitful.

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#5 gamesguru

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 03:16 AM

money is good lotion.  lobster tails aside it's possible they eat a great diet, have a fitness / yoga coach, lead a more satisfying less stressful existence than most, and generally don't have to abuse their bodies for daily tasks.  expensive clothes can also have an effect on the eye.  the fine cheese and lobster tails eventually catch up with them though, as you aren't seeing many celebs over 100 and a lot of them die ironically of the proverbial heart attack in the yacht hot-tub.


but honestly i don't think any of them are exceptionally cognizant.  nothing remarkable about botox or looking young, is there now lads?  my grandparents all made it to 90 and all were pretty dang sharp for being lower class their whole life.  they look alright, maybe 5 or 10 years younger.  not 20.  even the one grandma who shamelessly binges on a gallon of ice cream before church is looking alright.  from a distance

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#6 aconita

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 09:38 AM

Doing well, looking good and being healthy are different things, to live long is different again.


Not necessarily all of whom can afford it do care much about looking good but when one can afford the best plastic surgeons, injecting fillers every 6 months, get prescriptions for hormones at will, etc...it isn't that difficult to look good, I guess.


It doesn't necessarily mean to be healthy, to do actually well and to be likely to live long.  


Abusing is what the word means which is different from using, hormones kept at youthful physiological levels is different than by far supra physiological levels.


Comparing to bodybuilders means not knowing what bodybuilders do, it isn't just the supra-physiological levels of hormones, they don't just take some testosterone and HGH (the wealthy ones), they take whatever causes unnatural hypertrophy and low fat.


Those results you see aren't just testosterone and HGH, there is much more involved, not to mention PCT, antyaromatization, injecting fakes or poor quality (likely inevitable soon or later)...


Really, leave alone the heavy juicing bodybuilder if you don't know what you are talking about because isn't that simple to evaluate the implications.


In despite of that there are some bodybuilders looking great and amazingly younger than they are.


I have very few grey hair, just some on my temples, if I keep my hair trimmed short you'll be almost unable to notice them at all... but my beard is almost 50% grey....I don't think beard and hair color necessarily have to match.


In a more discrete way than women do but men use make up as well, especially those under the lights as usually the wealthy are.

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#7 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 02:33 PM

You can be 100% sure that these filthy rich and highly influential people do not use the teenager's method of "staying youthful" which is to inject hormones or get plastic surgery, make-up or whatever. Obviously they don't. And they don't do petty yoga or other mindfulness crap.

They are not Hollywood types with their effeminate sex obsessions and child-like desires. These are people that care about being wealthy and powerful.

If they take something outside of an interview studio it's not because it makes them look better but because it actually improves their lives.


As for hormone replacement, this topic has been exhausted thoroughly. Physiological levels of hrt are inferior to supraphysiological levels. In men with sarcopenia you need a lot more than a teenager's testosterone levels to gain muscle mass.


The question we're looking to answer is WHAT do they know that we don't? I actually think the rich pay for expensive doctors who know less than some of us do in respect to halting aging and extending lifespan.

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#8 Florian E.

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 03:13 PM

Some holywood stars use/used drip clinics.






or Laser / Ultherapy




and many other things...



Edited by Florian E., 30 April 2017 - 03:15 PM.

#9 joelcairo

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 03:53 PM

An important problem is observational bias: If you simply list all the older people who still perform and run businesses and so on, obviously these will be healthy, high-functioning individuals. How about all the other members of the rich and famous who have disappeared into retirement or who have died?


Anyway cognitive performance is different from fitness is different from how young you "look" is different from hair color (which is so easily and frequently manipulated as to be of really no value whatsoever in evaluating public figures).

Edited by joelcairo, 30 April 2017 - 03:57 PM.

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#10 stefan_001

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 04:08 PM

Li Ka-Shing bought 20% of Chromadex. We all know what Chromadex produces: Nicotinamide Riboside

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#11 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 04:33 PM

Did anyone say Li Ka-Ching $$?

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#12 VP.

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 06:31 PM

No big secret. All the people on your list have high IQ's. 



#13 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 30 April 2017 - 10:30 PM

Is that why Donald Trump is doing so well physically and cognitively, and as he says he feels like he is 30 mentally, because he has such a high iq?

Iq has no effect whatsoever on the deterioration of your body. Obviously. Maybe stupid people make bad decisions in their lives but so what...

#14 VP.

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 12:13 AM

IQ tends to be a indicator of overall genetic fitness that carries through to many other areas. Inbred families tend to have low IQ's along with a host of other problems. https://www.scientif...ife-expectancy/

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#15 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 12:23 AM

This is absolutely not true. It's the polar opposite, being an indicator of poor genetic fitness.

People in the far past had low intelligence compared to people of today. Mutations are more likely to cause excessively high intelligence as opposed to too low. As people are getting more mutated they tend to have a higher iq (look at China and the Han Chinese population, great example; lost body odor, physically very weak, etc)

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#16 Rocket

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 01:05 AM

No, it's not growth hormone or testosterone, come on people! Look at bodybuilders who abuse it, their aging is accelerated as opposed to decelerated. And it's not exercise either, again look at bodybuilders who do it every single day and more than anyone else does.
Speaking of Jerry Bruckheimer, his scalp hair is colored but his beard is grayish. How does that work?

I was going to mention Geraldo Rivera. He might just be lucky but he does look exceptionally good, like 20 years younger.

There's a reason I didn't want to use women as an example, and that's because they obviously tend to use various make-up to hide signs of aging, so the looks are obviously very deceitful.

I know bodybuilders who use steroids and hgh and they all look great! I don't know where you get that from that all steroid use ages people and makes them look like hell. Sylvester Stallone and Lou Ferrigno are/were users and look great. If you use anything to over excess its bad.
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#17 orion602

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 07:36 AM

Is that why Donald Trump is doing so well physically and cognitively, and as he says he feels like he is 30 mentally, because he has such a high iq?

Iq has no effect whatsoever on the deterioration of your body. Obviously. Maybe stupid people make bad decisions in their lives but so what...

His physician (since 1980) said he is taking "small dose of finasteride" for hair, some antibiotics for rosacea and statin. But it may be far from complete list http://www.telegraph...ind-presidents/


Anyone with eyes and a functioning brain can see that important people, billionaires and high ranking politicians, do exceptionally well compared to the rest of the population. No, they don't outperform supercentenarians but it's certainly better than the norm.


Its likely they have paramount health care, but still, so far it doesnt look like they have secret rejuvenation treatments available only to them. I won't believe it, until there are larger amounts of them above100 years old, or, better, reaching supercentenarian age and getting oldest person in the world titles. It would actually be great, to have some real alive examples of successful radical life extension beyond 120-150.

David Rockefeller who died this march made it close to 102, but it was only 4 years more than his grandfather who died 80 years ago. So, where is the secret rejuvenation breakthrough?

I would love to know, what treatments and drugs he was getting though (without conspiration teories stuff)



#18 Rocket

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 03:33 PM


No, it's not growth hormone or testosterone, come on people! Look at bodybuilders who abuse it, their aging is accelerated as opposed to decelerated. And it's not exercise either, again look at bodybuilders who do it every single day and more than anyone else does.
Speaking of Jerry Bruckheimer, his scalp hair is colored but his beard is grayish. How does that work?

I was going to mention Geraldo Rivera. He might just be lucky but he does look exceptionally good, like 20 years younger.

There's a reason I didn't want to use women as an example, and that's because they obviously tend to use various make-up to hide signs of aging, so the looks are obviously very deceitful.

I know bodybuilders who use steroids and hgh and they all look great! I don't know where you get that from that all steroid use ages people and makes them look like hell. Sylvester Stallone and Lou Ferrigno are/were users and look great. If you use anything to over excess its bad.



Can someone tell me how I know older bodybuilders who look great is somehow making me ill informed!? People are morons.

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#19 joelcairo

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Posted 01 May 2017 - 05:46 PM

Ferrigno, Stallone, and you might as well throw Schwarzenneger in there as well, all look pretty good, but they're only 65-70 so it's not much of an achievement. If you want longevity, do whatever William Shatner is doing. I don't know how he looks without makeup or how many cosmetic peels, injections and surgeries he's had, but he's 86 and seems to have the vitality of someone 10 if not 20 years younger.


But seriously, it's probably got more to do with good genes and relatively clean living. Some people are just out on one end of the normal distribution, and that's to be expected.

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#20 Forever21

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Posted 02 May 2017 - 05:44 PM

North Koreans look pretty young. 

#21 Rocket

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Posted 03 May 2017 - 12:47 AM

North Koreans look pretty young.

Yeah because they are all starving and by default living on caloric restriction.

There was a story out of Michigan about 10 years ago where 3 children were kept in horrible conditions locked in a house and starved since they were very young. The news showed a pic of them and even though they were teenagers they looked like they were all about 10 years old. They looked like tall 10 year olds. It was totally unreal how young they looked. But a horrible horrible story.

Edited by Rocket, 03 May 2017 - 12:51 AM.

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#22 Forever21

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Posted 03 May 2017 - 03:19 AM


North Koreans look pretty young.

Yeah because they are all starving and by default living on caloric restriction.

There was a story out of Michigan about 10 years ago where 3 children were kept in horrible conditions locked in a house and starved since they were very young. The news showed a pic of them and even though they were teenagers they looked like they were all about 10 years old. They looked like tall 10 year olds. It was totally unreal how young they looked. But a horrible horrible story.





Yep so youth vigor doesn't seem to be restricted to the top milieu. They share this with the very bottom. It's those in the middle that are the market of the food industry.


Something North Koreans and the rich have in common during dinner...there's not much on their plate. see 

Haute cuisine

#23 Rocket

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Posted 03 May 2017 - 01:27 PM


North Koreans look pretty young.

Yeah because they are all starving and by default living on caloric restriction.

There was a story out of Michigan about 10 years ago where 3 children were kept in horrible conditions locked in a house and starved since they were very young. The news showed a pic of them and even though they were teenagers they looked like they were all about 10 years old. They looked like tall 10 year olds. It was totally unreal how young they looked. But a horrible horrible story.



How can someone post an eye witness observation as "unsure"? It's not like I posted an alternate derivation of General Relativity that is open to debate. Even the newscasters remarked about how weird it was that these teens looked like skinny children younger than their actual ages.

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#24 joelcairo

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Posted 03 May 2017 - 04:51 PM

It wasn't me, but I assume it was marked as unsure because those kids didn't look young because the aging clock had been slowed down slightly, they looked young because starvation had resulted in hormonal and developmental abnormalities that will likely be apparent for the rest of their lives. Forced starvation is not something that is likely to extend anyone's lifespan or healthspan.

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#25 PeaceAndProsperity

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Posted 03 May 2017 - 06:16 PM

It wasn't me, it wasn't you, it wasn't him. Just ignore the flags, they mean nothing (unless you're dealing drugs on this forum or trying to market some product or idea).

#26 Paulsen

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Posted 03 May 2017 - 07:18 PM

Lets say a person is rich, old and has a few billion dollars. It is completely logically, that he will try probably try to extend his lifespan and spend a lot of money on it. What is to a billionare to spend a few 100 millions dollars or more on getting best scientists, paying them good money to keep mouths shut and start a company, which will research how to extend lifespan and develop some drugs.


And the billionares stick together here, so there are probably underground companies, which can do a lot, if you have money of course. 


World is overpopulated, resources are finite, so they just don't tell, what they know.


Most likely c60 and NAD+  and like are much more researched than it is publicly known. Research founds needed for testing and studies are pocket change for billionares compared with possible benefits,...

Edited by Paulsen, 03 May 2017 - 07:20 PM.

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#27 Forever21

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Posted 04 May 2017 - 01:09 PM



North Koreans look pretty young.

Yeah because they are all starving and by default living on caloric restriction.

There was a story out of Michigan about 10 years ago where 3 children were kept in horrible conditions locked in a house and starved since they were very young. The news showed a pic of them and even though they were teenagers they looked like they were all about 10 years old. They looked like tall 10 year olds. It was totally unreal how young they looked. But a horrible horrible story.



How can someone post an eye witness observation as "unsure"? It's not like I posted an alternate derivation of General Relativity that is open to debate. Even the newscasters remarked about how weird it was that these teens looked like skinny children younger than their actual ages.




It wasn't me.

#28 orion602

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Posted 04 May 2017 - 10:13 PM

It was me lol.

But it wasnt related to Michigan story, but rather to "all North Koreans are starving" remark. I pretty much doubt they are all starving. yes, there was a famine quarter of century ago, but we can't get reliable information whats really going on there now. At least in the capital people are doing relatively well,

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#29 Forever21

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Posted 05 May 2017 - 02:07 AM

It was me lol.

But it wasnt related to Michigan story, but rather to "all North Koreans are starving" remark. I pretty much doubt they are all starving. yes, there was a famine quarter of century ago, but we can't get reliable information whats really going on there now. At least in the capital people are doing relatively well,



I liked your post because of honesty.


But I think by North Koreans he's not really referring to literally every single one of them.

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#30 stolpioni

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Posted 11 May 2017 - 08:01 AM

A happy, optimistic life doing what you love brings good health. This is the key, it's that simple.

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