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apoptosis, senscent cell clearance, mircophagy, DNA repair

2dg metformin foix foxo4 urolithin a nmn niagen nad+

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#1 rhearon

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Posted 05 August 2017 - 05:33 PM

In over my head here, but am wondering if anyone has thoughts on what seems like a potential cycle for cellular renewal. the idea would be to use (in some order, but likely not at the same time):

1. metformin and 2-deoxyglucoe to induce apmk dependent apoptosis in cancer cells and mediate potential  autoimmune response (see: http://cancerres.aac...ntent/70/6/2465 and https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/25673763 )

2. FOXO4 for senescent cell apoptosis (see: http://www.cell.com/...8674(17)30246-5 )

3 urolithin A to induce and restore microphagy (see http://palgrave.natu...l/nm.4132.html and https://www.readbyqx...tion-and-aging)

4. NMN and/or NR (NIAGEN) to help restore DNA damage repair (see: http://b92.627.myftp...uring-aging.pdf and https://www.hindawi....010/157591/abs/ )

I'd appreciate any feedback, as well as any insights into metformin in combo with 2DG for cancer prevention. Thanks

#2 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 06 August 2017 - 07:11 AM

Why not repairing your body by stem cells generated new body parts?


If you want, see that topic for the stem cells technologies already in use in people.



You can repair any material object by replacing its parts. Thats the same for the human body. Our cells, for example repair themselves by destroying their old structures and replacing them with new ones. When your heart becomes old and unfunctionoal, crammed with cicatrices and tight, hardened and closed coronary arteries, then the best would be to replace it with a new one, genetically identicle with yours, made from your own stem cells, with no cicatrix and fresh fully opened coronary arteries.


In that moment I am very convinced, that the combination of constant artifitial and natural "repair by replacement" of our bodies is the key for living forever. Until the parts exist, for each level of organization - molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels - the human will be alive. The replacement has the potential of repairing everything - from scratched skin to malignant cancer with multiple metastases. Just like a computer - until spare parts exist, the computer will always be functional.


Edited by seivtcho, 06 August 2017 - 07:19 AM.

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#3 rhearon

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Posted 11 August 2017 - 08:49 PM

Be that as it may, we don't have that technology now. I'm still interested in any responses to the above.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 2dg, metformin, foix, foxo4, urolithin a, nmn, niagen, nad+

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