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Someone want to give me Cliffs on UN.net situation

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#31 nomi

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 07:28 PM


UN.net piracetam is good.


#32 xanadu

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 08:45 PM

grail wrote:

"Surely he would have caught on by now, and would gain more by 'fessing up that he was wrong rather than using the diversionary tactics he has."

"fessing up" what exactly? I'm not sure what Steve was accused of. If he chooses not to discuss Ed Younan, then that's his business. It does not prove fraud on his part. There was a good definition of fraud in the thread that was in leadership forum from one of the advisors. Naturally he was ignored. I don't see anything that even if true would be proof of fraud. The mob may be able to prove LM and or Steve were mistaken about some things or even that they lied about something. That is not fraud. What I see here is nitpicking.

If LM or Steve had been cheating people or hurting people I would be one of the ones calling for their removal and exposure. Who is it they hurt? No one, it would seem. LM claimed in private to hold a MD degree but said he was not licenced. He faxed his documents to Mind but that was deemed insufficient. There were phone calls in which someone said he was L Crost but denied being LM. Maybe he lied, I don't know. I do know that is a far cry from fraud. If either of them had been running a scam and cheating people with poor quality products or non delivery, I would be in favor of using any technicality to get them shut down. I simply do not see that here. Maybe I missed it?

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#33 drmz

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Posted 18 March 2006 - 08:34 AM


UN.net piracetam is good.


and this is based on ? ( third party testing )

#34 nomi

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Posted 18 March 2006 - 06:30 PM


UN.net piracetam is good.


and this is based on ? ( third party testing )

4g on myself divided by 2g morning and 2g afternoon (also i felt a tingle which i dont get w/ bulk pir). 6g on my buddy who's never done pir and he felt a lot shaper.

#35 rhdrury

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Posted 21 March 2006 - 02:56 AM

Thanks for the long reply. I don't have time at the moment to go into all the issues, but a couple of points sprung to mind:

Theories put forward by an individual I can't disclose suggest that Lee could have been chatting on his Blackberry when he was on the phone with Prometheus. While technically possible, this too seems quite bizarre: was he just standing around the shop, apparently within earshot if not open view of other staff and managers, furiously thumbing away at his Blackberry for hours straight?
I mean, yeah, I guess it's possible.

There's a difference between something being 'logically possible' (like the above), and something being 'rationally plausible' (not contradictory...) for example:

Why would he (Lee Crost) deny be LifeMirage on the phone with Prometheus, whilst at the same time he (LifeMirage) be on the forum claiming to be Lee Crost?
Other that just to f*** with your head.

I wouldn't put too much store in such contradictory suggestions by this undiclosable person.

Now]is[/i] LifeMirage:
LifeMirage has been at least two different people. Even cursory examination of writing/grammar/spelling styles makes this point clear. It is claimed by the same person who suggested that LM was chatting on his Blackberry, that LifeMirage's second grammar/spelling style is a result of Lee Crost using his Blackberry: he thumbtypes fast and gets sloppy, especially when he's in a hurry.

However, the types of grammar and spelling mistakes I've seen are more consistent with a person who fundamentally doesn't understand written grammar, but merely writes the way it sounds. For example, ending a sentence and beginning a new one, when the first "sentence" was really a subordinate clause and should have been set off with a comma.

They both have foreign sounding names, so maybe they're just non-native speaking.

It's difficult to say for sure how much one's grammar could degrade when speed typing: I myself often interchange words when I'm typing at my fastest, e.g., "Do you mean bulk, in as individual bulk?" So it's not outside the realm of plausibility that LM's second grammar style is just Lee on a Blackberry.

How fast do you type?

LM must have re-edited at least half a dozen times. Yet grammar and spelling mistakes of the sort I describe went uncorrected until leadership suggested he fix his grammar and spelling. LifeMirage asked leadership to do it for him.

The other possibility, then, is that the LifeMirage that can't spell or use correct grammar is really Lee Crost, and the one that can spell and use proper grammar is Lee Crost again, bothering to use a grammar/spell checker. Again, the lack of consistency in this area is puzzling, but not outside the realm of plausibility.

So Lee Crost can spell?
If he can use a grammer/spell check when acting as Lee Crost, why couldn't he manage it when 're-crafting for leadership'?

I have had email contact with both, on and off, for quite a while.  If they were the same they would easily have known they were chatting to the same person.

What is the logic behind this ? Passive replying with different names doesn't require a very highly developed capacity to run two different personas concurrently. People on dating sites do it real time in chat rooms and i don't think they have a very highly developed capacity to run two different personas concurrently.

Both 'personas' would have known I was the same person.
Their emotional responses were different. If what you say is true then its not a rare trait to be able to turn on and off 'intrinsic character attributes' at will depending on which username you're using at the time - like attaching different personas to usernames. I'm sure fiction writers do it, but they don't 'live it', if you see what I mean.

Lastly, I remember from about the middle of his regime thread him mentioning publishing books. One in about a year (from then), one in three years.
Having a look at brainmeta (his regime is up and going strong there) he mentions the name of the upcomming one.
If this contains any 'medical' recommendations I would have thought that the publishers would have checked his identity extremely well.
How on earth would he get a book published under a false medical persona. And if that was never his plan, would he have been exposed on NOT 'that guy' when the book came out?

#36 mitkat

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Posted 21 March 2006 - 03:10 AM

My thoughts on the book is that it was never going anywhere., was never going to be published. He could of kept saying "oh you know, it's coming - very busy. one day soon, in another year"

But you know, with spelling mistakes.

#37 jaydfox

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Posted 21 March 2006 - 03:23 AM

There's a difference between something being 'logically possible' (like the above), and something being 'rationally plausible' (not contradictory...)

Yes, I was trying to say one thing while employing a certain degree of sarcasm to imply quite another thing.

It's difficult to say for sure how much one's grammar could degrade when speed typing: I myself often interchange words when I'm typing at my fastest, e.g., "Do you mean bulk, in as individual bulk?" So it's not outside the realm of plausibility that LM's second grammar style is just Lee on a Blackberry.

How fast do you type?

When I'm mixing things up like that (and worse), probably just in excess of 100 WPM, nothing spectacular (I have a friend that can type 160 WPM or faster). Of course, after I write my post, I re-read it usually once or twice to fix up grammar and spelling mistakes, unless I'm in a hurry.

#38 rhdrury

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 02:12 AM

Yes, I was trying to say one thing while employing a certain degree of sarcasm to imply quite another thing.

I must have missed that. Sorry.

How fast do you type?

When I'm mixing things up like that (and worse), probably just in excess of 100 WPM, nothing spectacular (I have a friend that can type 160 WPM or faster). Of course, after I write my post, I re-read it usually once or twice to fix up grammar and spelling mistakes, unless I'm in a hurry.

I find that very impressive. How do you do it, any tips?
I can only maintain <1% errors up to 82wpm, but I'm noticing a definite productivity increase with my new (Kinesis) keyboard, Dvorak layout, with some remapping.

Rational society? And people still type on layouts designed to reduce speed, on keyboards designed so the mechanical levers don't jam...

I take it from all the pinned stuff at the top of the section that there is actually a lot of weight of suspicion surrounding LifeMirage. I thought it would all come to nothing. I mean - LifeMirage...
I hope it's resolved soon.

Is the "liorrh" from the fourth image here: http://www.imminst.o...f=169&t=9719&s= (The LifeMirage & Unique Nutrition files, chronicle of nootropic fraud & deception )
the same liorrh (basic member, about 270 posts) as on this forum?

Edited by rhdrury, 22 March 2006 - 02:41 AM.

#39 jaydfox

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 02:51 AM

I'd like to use Dvorak, but I've never dedicated the time to it. I got up to about 40 WPM with high accuracy, and could burst at almost 60 WPM, but with significant errors.

When I'm at home, I type significantly slower than 100 WPM, since I'm on a laptop, and the keyboard is quite awkward. And as I hinted, when I'm typing at my fastest (no proof-reading while I'm typing), I quite often mix up words in the weirdest ways (sometimes it still makes sense, but looks awkward; sometimes it doesn't make sense, and if I don't catch it when I'm editing, I'll be confused later on about what I had intended to type).

#40 eternaltraveler

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 11:42 PM

I use a somewhat modified version of the dvorak layout (dvorak isn't perfect after all). I have the caps lock and backspace keys juxtaposed for example, and I've kept zxcv in the same spot because I use a lot of ctrl functions. If you're going to spend the time to learn a new layout you might as well learn the best one you can find.

#41 xanadu

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 06:39 PM

I notice that in the thread which tries to tie LM to changes on a wiki, the connection between LM and the IP associated with the person who did the changes is referrenced to another thread. That thread is not open to the public. Is every IP which goes back to chicago going to be laid at LM's doorstep? That isn't circumstantial evidence, that's just blaming everything on LM. Maybe we could see the other thread it would be more convincing.

#42 jaydfox

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 06:43 PM

I notice that in the thread which tries to tie LM to changes on a wiki, the connection between LM and the IP associated with the person who did the changes is referrenced to another thread. That thread is not open to the public. Is every IP which goes back to chicago going to be laid at LM's doorstep? That isn't circumstantial evidence, that's just blaming everything on LM. Maybe we could see the other thread it would be more convincing.

Every Full Member can read that thread. This is not a conspiracy to blame everything on LifeMirage. I suppose next you'll say that without granting you access to our (web/access/forum) admin logs, it's reasonable for you to believe that we're just posting whatever we want as part of a smear campaign.

Stop whining, you ninny.

Edit: added italicization to make clear which thread I was referring to.

Edited by jaydfox, 23 March 2006 - 07:01 PM.

#43 jaydfox

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 06:45 PM

elrond said:

I use a somewhat modified version of the dvorak layout ... zxcv in the same spot because I use a lot of ctrl functions

In the past, when using dvorak, I've actually remapped the ctrl-[xcv] shortcuts in some applications to ctrl-[qjk], for that very reason.

#44 opales

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 06:51 PM

I notice that in the thread which tries to tie LM to changes on a wiki, the connection between LM and the IP associated with the person who did the changes is referrenced to another thread. That thread is not open to the public. Is every IP which goes back to chicago going to be laid at LM's doorstep? That isn't circumstantial evidence, that's just blaming everything on LM. Maybe we could see the other thread it would be more convincing.

The IP that changed the wikis is one that LM and Steve have been both using. In fact it is Steve's primary IP address when logging on to ImmInst.

#45 DJS

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 06:58 PM

*Mommy, please make the annoying person go away*

#46 stellar

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 09:14 PM

Xanadu, among all the evidence that has been presented, you still find some way to dismiss it. Even if more evidence was brought forth, you'd find some way to attack it.
Sure seems like you have some sort of vested interest in this whole ordeal. There is no other explanation.

For the love of god, will you do us all a favor and SHUT UP already?

#47 jaydfox

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Posted 23 March 2006 - 09:19 PM

There is no other explanation.

Well, he could be a "troll", just trying to stroke his ego by being as difficult and stubborn as possible. While he thinks it makes him look smart and concerned and level-headed, going so far as to point out the "witch hunt" atmosphere, it really just makes him look unintelligent, uninformed, and uninterested in being informed.

Edit: changed "stupid" to "unintelligent", which is a more professional way of saying the same thing, and creates an alliteration.

#48 rhdrury

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Posted 24 March 2006 - 11:57 PM

I use a somewhat modified version of the dvorak layout (dvorak isn't perfect after all).  I have the caps lock and backspace keys juxtaposed for example, and I've kept zxcv in the same spot because I use a lot of ctrl functions.  If you're going to spend the time to learn a new layout you might as well learn the best one you can find.

yes, except I have to carry my keyboard everywhere...

I find Caps lock about as useless as the Insert button, so I switched that with Tab, which I find one of the most useful.

I have Enter, Backspace, Alt-Tab (great for switching between open pages), and Alt-F4 (for closing pages) at my Left thumb - great for navigating the web; and Space, Backspace, Ctrl+S (for saving), and Alt-F-W-F (new file) at my Right thumb.

What would you say would be the ideal Dvorak-based layout for English standard (a.o.t. say programming)?
I find the problem with Dvorak is transpose errors, because of the alternation between hands...

Anyone tried a Touchstream? Really geat idea, really didn't work for me.
OK, I've just looked it up and it looks like they've got out of business... Maybe I wasn't the only one.

xanadu's one of these great people who everyone knows isn't a troll, but is nevertheless distinctly troll-like, and yet somehow manages to command a weird kind of respect that keeps people responding to him.


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Posted 25 March 2006 - 12:50 AM

I notice that in the thread which tries to tie LM to changes on a wiki, the connection between LM and the IP associated with the person who did the changes is referrenced to another thread. That thread is not open to the public. Is every IP which goes back to chicago going to be laid at LM's doorstep? That isn't circumstantial evidence, that's just blaming everything on LM. Maybe we could see the other thread it would be more convincing.

I suppose you are also convinced that Michael Jackson, as he frequently attests, has never had cosmetic surgery.

#50 rhdrury

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 03:21 AM

no - it was that rare skin color changing condition, wasn't it?

#51 drmz

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 04:01 PM

I notice that in the thread which tries to tie LM to changes on a wiki, the connection between LM and the IP associated with the person who did the changes is referrenced to another thread. That thread is not open to the public. Is every IP which goes back to chicago going to be laid at LM's doorstep? That isn't circumstantial evidence, that's just blaming everything on LM. Maybe we could see the other thread it would be more convincing.

It's the same IP, not just every IP which goes back to chicago. I don't assume all computers connected to the internet in Chicago connect to the internet by the same proxy.

#52 xanadu

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 07:35 PM

The witchhunt is widening.

#53 eternaltraveler

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 07:57 PM

Xanadu I really don't see where you are coming from on this one.

#54 mitkat

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 08:14 PM

I can see where he's going unfortunately, but he's not helping by being so inexplicit about it. Is this a user actually hinting that da_sense has anything to do with the entire LM scandal? I shouldn't even be entertaining that idea, or that LifeMirage was some globe-trotting superhacker.

We all know this originates in Chi-town, are there no Imminst users who live there? Can no one go into Sherwyn's for a friendly chat? I know lots of leadership members have called, but someone (anyone) should just go, soon, so this can stop. kthnx

#55 jaydfox

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 08:22 PM

My main point in analyzing the grammar was the consistency, implying two persons using the account, or one person who only occassionally can be bothered to use a spell/grammar-checker. I already have reason to believe that either Edward Younan or Lee Crost is a non-native English speaker, perhaps both. So the reason for the bad grammar isn't terribly important (though Edward seems to be the one with a better claim to bad grammar, given his admitted difficulties in grade school and his near lifelong use of large doses of multiple nootropics).

#56 xanadu

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 09:01 PM

elrond wrote:

>Xanadu I really don't see where you are coming from on this one.

Well after all, if a respected member of Imminst like da sense is now suspect, that is really going overboard. What is he suspected of, recommending noots? Is that a crime now? LM was accused of fraud and ID theft but only speculation was given as proof. His real crime seems to be recommending nootropics. If he commited vandelism, I do not approve of that. I'm not taking sides, I just think the whole thing is a shame. How long before the noot forum is closed and the subject becomes taboo?

#57 eternaltraveler

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 09:32 PM

LM was accused of fraud and ID theft but only speculation was given as proof.

LifeMirage faxed leadership a copy of lee crost’s state id and college information claiming they were his. He also stated that he was a graduate of Albany Medical College and that he had no relationship with any supplier (outside of consultation). Later I spoke with Lee Crost over the phone and he categorically denied that he was LifeMirage on Imminst, though he was aware that a person he knew, Edward, was using this identity. Furthermore both the real Lee Crost and Edward have a direct relationship with multiple suppliers.

Lifemirage later said that it was him I talked to on the phone and that he merely denied being LifeMirage over the phone because he didn't want to talk about it at work, however he was unable to recount any details of the conversation I had with Lee Crost over the phone.

He lied to leadership which resulted in his appointment as an advisor, later when this was discovered and his appointment was rescinded he behaved in a manner which resulted in his suspension.

Now bits of evidence are filtering in that ties "Lifemirage" to other issues.

Where is the witch hunt?


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Posted 25 March 2006 - 11:09 PM

The thing is, Slavic languages (except, bizzarely, Bulgarian) don't have articles -- a shortcoming impossible to overcome fully for native speakers, almost like lacking a sixth sense, IMO. Now, what is the probability that a native speaker of English would make such grammatical mistakes repeatedly? For obvious reasons, I can't be very certain, but I'd guess it should have to be very small.

A defining observation. By the way, your English is excellent.

#59 xanadu

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 11:28 PM

Elrond wrote:

"Where is the witch hunt?"

OK, you don't like the way he behaved so you guys banned him. The phone call hardly proves ID theft though it is odd. Steve was banned because he was friends with LM and used the same IP at times. Of course if two people use the same proxy they will have the same IP. Seems like quite a stretch to ban Steve. Then I'm accused of being either a paid conspirator or some sort of troll because I look at the other side of the issues. Is it guilt by association now? Or is this to cow the others into taking only the correct side of things? That's where it starts to look like a witch hunt. If you had stopped with LM, it would not look that way. Going after Steve makes no sense. Going after me only makes sense as setting an example to the others of what will happen if you speak up and don't take the right point of view. Now I hear accusations against da sense which is really nuts. I will say that the board has not jumped on that bandwagon yet.

Is it permitted to look at things from the other point of view? Why are people called names, insulted in various ways and threatened when they don't seem to go along with the popular opinion? Is it neccessary to demonize those who oppose the beliefs of the board? What happened to friendly debate where facts are discussed instead of character being attacked?

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#60 DJS

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Posted 25 March 2006 - 11:41 PM


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