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Low dose Dopamine Agonist. DAWS

VICREP's Photo VICREP 18 Feb 2014

I have just started taking .5mg Ropinirole daily at an attempt to get my libido up. I'm planning to get the dose up to 1-1.5mg.

This seems a relatively low dose compared to what I have read online and I'm curious as to whether I'm setting myself up for a tough withdrawal. Or is a low dose relatively safe.?

datrat's Photo datrat 18 Feb 2014

I think in general that's a very safe dosing strategy. The only problem though with a generalization is how closely any one individual matches it. For most people there would be no problem with what you plan to do.

VICREP's Photo VICREP 19 Feb 2014

Can I expect the libido benefits to increase with chronic use? I notice a libido boost acutely when I up the dose but this usually fades.

So are the libido benefits more prominent after the adaption phase?

datrat's Photo datrat 19 Feb 2014

Can I expect the libido benefits to increase with chronic use? I notice a libido boost acutely when I up the dose but this usually fades.

So are the libido benefits more prominent after the adaption phase?

Unfortunately I can't help you with this question. I was taking ropinirole to see if it would help with side-effects I was experiencing while on an snri, which included greatly reduced libido. At any dose I tried I didn't experience any increase in libido, but my results were skewed by the snri.

VICREP's Photo VICREP 24 Feb 2014

The ropinirole has been working well for libido at .5mg twice daily however I'm planning to stop due to fear of DAWS.

Any advice?

NeuroNootropic's Photo NeuroNootropic 24 Feb 2014

Bupropion is a safer option for boosting libido in case you want to try another substance. I'm not sure if it works instantly like caffeine or requires a couple of weeks to kick in. If you're prone to anxiety then I recommend keeping the dose low as it acts mainly as a norepinephrine releaser.

Maca is another option, but I have not had any luck with it. Rhodiola Rosea can also boost sex drive. Both require a couple of weeks before kicking in. Some feel that Maca instantly increases sex drive, but most say that it kicks in after a week or so.

VICREP's Photo VICREP 24 Feb 2014

I have tried bupropion and maca with no success. After all the things I have tried, I find that dopamine agonist or melanotan 2 are the only things that give me a glimpse of what my libido once was.

Are dopamine agonist safe to be use acutely for libido?

Flex's Photo Flex 10 Mar 2014

Don´t know, but I found this paper (and other) where they mentioned pramipexole, ropinirole, rotigotine implication in DAWS.
Seemingly people who got problems with impulse control(about 19%) may develop Daws due decreased Dopamine transporter aviability and therefore increased dopaminergic ammount in the brain.

The agonist medication in turn, leads to cell apostosis in the limbic areas.

Impulse control disorder in patients with Parkinson's disease under dopamine agonist therapy: a multicentre study

truboy's Photo truboy 04 May 2018

What is DAWS?

medievil's Photo medievil 04 May 2018

Dopamine agonist withdrawal symption, from the study's ive read it lasts about 2 weeks.
