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Intergenerational Behaviours

Posted by Neurosail , 24 July 2008 · 839 views

Blog: ten
Word count: 771
Title: Intergenerational Behaviours
Subtitle: No worries, we'll force our kids to pay for it!

Intergenerational Behaviour

Should a government tax the future generations? The U.S. is in trillions of dollars in debt. The Commonwealth of Australia released a paper "Intergeneration Equity: Issues of Principle in the Allocation of Social Resources Between this Generation and the Next." In that report "The purpose of this paper is to analyse and clarify the basic suppositions and rationales implicit in the 'Intergenerational Report' in the context of some of the major competing views about our obligations of justice to future generations."

The term "justice" caught my eyes. The term "justice" means state issue revenge. Why are the governments of the U.S. and Australia taking revenge on the next generation by their actions today?

There are two schools of thought used in this report. The first rationale is "the Benefiter-Pays Principle in which it can be augured that if a future generation benefits from the expenditure of a project, then it is o.k. to tax them. An example may be a dam project or a bridge where the children and the children's children would make use of the project.

On the other hand, it can be said"…leaving a higher tax burden for the next generation would amount to compromising their wellbeing presumably because future individuals would have less disposable income than otherwise to enhance it."

I agree with the second rational that children in the future should not be require to pay for our mistakes. It is in the fiscal sustainability of a generation to pay its own debt. The World Commission on Environment and Development defines sustainable development as "development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Do not place such a heavy burden on the future that they can't have a quality of life better than our own. I also agree with this statement, "…to suppose that we have positives duties to future people- a duty to ensure that our current activities advance their well being, or enable it to be advance in some way."

It is our reasonability to give the next generation as much as we can and improve the quality of life. In this way, the Longevity Dividend has its value. By doing research today, to achieve extended, today and future children lives, in a healthier, freer, and cleaner world. It can be done by offering incentives so that we do not leave a debt to the children. It should be "gratis" from this generation to the next generation.

Not only should we clean-up our mess, but also the "dirty soil" of the past generations. As Harry S Truman phased "The buck stop here", it refers to "passing the buck," i.e., handing responsibility to someone else, and the fact that the president has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions." (Wikipedia)

We must also stop passing the buck to the next generation. Bill Clinton was a skirt chaser with the Lewinsky scandal and have cost Hilly the Whitehouse because nobody wants Bill in the Lincoln bedroom with another intern, but he did balance the budget.

"In his final State of the Union, President Clinton said the USA should continue to balance its books and pay off the debt entirely. The subsequent technology downturn which began impacting the economy in mid-2000 combined with lost revenue from the Bush Administration's tax cuts and increased military and other spending have eliminated Clinton-era surpluses and both the deficit and debt have grown to the largest in US history. In fiscal years starting 30 September 2001 and ending 30 September 2006 the national debt increased nearly 50%." (Wikipedia)

What we need is "The Balanced Budget Amendment is any one of various proposed amendments to the United States Constitution which would require a balance in the projected revenues and expenditures of the United States government. Most such proposals contain a supermajority exception allowed for times of war or national emergency." (Wikipedia) The House of Representatives should have passed this amendment back in October 1982, as well as the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972. Why weren't these good amendments passed? Now the budget is out of control again. George W. Bush got a Harvard MBA and can't run the business called the United States. He should get his MBA revoked from that worthless school, if they can't teach better than this! The government is a business, a business of the people.

What can we do? Make sure we do not leave any unnecessary debt to our children. Take care of the planet by helping as much as you can. Live a long and happy life! Posted Image

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