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Solgar and countrylife brand

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#1 chelated

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 07:23 PM

I have been doing a lot of browsing on this site and was wondering why there is not much mention about solgar or country life supplements...I see the most popular tend to be jarrow and now foods...is there a reason for this...is solgar or country life not that good of brands as I thought they were the most regulated...?

#2 Alien65

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 04:40 AM

I have been a fan of Solgar for years. They provide high qualitiy supplements. I also use Country Life supplements. However, thanks to the internet and sites like IHerb I am influenced by price and the availablity of veggie caps. For some reason, Solgar will no longer allow discounting of their products on various web sites. I think that's a big mistake.

#3 balance

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 11:49 AM

Nothing really wrong with solgar, except that they make you pay 5x as much for the same quality product as LEF or others would. Take their Omnium ultimate multi... that is a ridiculously expensive product, which in my opinion doesn't even cover the basics. I had a phone call with some "experts" at solgar once here in holland, it turned out they didn't know anything about their products... I knew more than them, and I studied the material for 8 months, while these specialists said they had studied for 20 years. They completely rip you off. That said, if you're willing to pay more for the same quality, there's nothing wrong with solgar. Just seems they are more into money than people's health to me. Country life I know nothing about, so will not comment on.

Edited by piet3r, 15 January 2008 - 11:56 AM.

#4 pycnogenol

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 05:41 PM

I have been a fan of Solgar for years. They provide high qualitiy supplements. I also use Country Life supplements. However, thanks to the internet and sites like IHerb I am influenced by price and the availablity of
veggie caps. For some reason, Solgar will no longer allow discounting of their products on various web sites. I think that's a big mistake.

I recently asked iHerb about Solgar and this is their response:

"We don't get enough margin to mark it down way below SRP like we do with most of the other lines. The margin we have on it is just enough to sell it at SRP. We get enough margin to bother carrying it but nowhere near enough to
mark it down like our other brands. People do buy it at these prices, believe it or not. They're not huge sellers but they do sell. Also, it is good for us to carry it simply so people don't shop somewhere else just because they could get everything they wanted with a different company. This way people are more likely to be able to get everything they need with us. We get such little margin from them that we can't afford to really mark them down at all. The one cent
difference is just so they don't show up on an internal problem report. As you know, almost all our other brands are significantly discounted. We get good discounts from the other companies, but not from Solgar." - Zack at iHerb.

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