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AZ Rep Lopez - Champion of Cryonics

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 02:48 AM

Posted Image
Linda Lopez
Democrat District 29
Email Address: llopez at azleg.state.az.us

Rep. Lopez was a champion for Alcor during the House discussions - Mar 11, 2004. She asked and answered numerous question in favor of Alcor as a scientific organization trying to help its members.

Part of Lopez's AZ House Testomony Mar 11:

Downing: Madam Chair, Representative Lopez, if you perform a medical procedure on a body that is dead, isn't that normally called an autopsy?

Lopez: Madam Chair, under some circumstances it might be, but under the circumstances at Alcor this is called cryopreservation. I would just like to remind Mr. Downing that in the past there have been times when people were presented with some sort of information that they thought might be scientific fiction, that it would never come to pass. For instance I would say probably in 1940 if you told a doctor that they could transplant a heart, that someday they would be able to transplant a heart, or transplant the lungs or the liver, that they would have looked at you incredulously and thought, you've got to be living in some kind of, weird kind of space to think that this might ever happen. And for us to make judgment about the procedures that Alcor is using, in the name of science and research and for the betterment of humanity, I think that's very inappropriate. REF


- Alcor Alert (Mar 10) Discussion
Member Emails and Reps Feedback

- Alcor Alert (Feb 21) Discussion
Member emails and Reps scorecard

Recording of the Mar 11 HB 2637 AZ House Session:
Excellent 45 Min Overview on the situation - well worth the listen. Also available is the Feb 26 Health Committee Meeting
- Audio: http://www.l5news.org/alcor/
- Transcript: http://www.alcor.org...bate031104.html

For those interested in helping Lopez in her reelection bid:

Out-of-state contributions are allowed, and there is a limit of $300 per person (whether in state or not). You must include your name, address, phone number, and profession. Alcor & ImmInst, or course, cannot contribute because of their 501©(3) status.

Linda's entire campaign budget last election was just under $10K. Her campaign kickoff was Feb. 28, 2004

Contributions can be sent to:
Linda Lopez for State Rep
c/o Rosie Garcia
3557 N. Tinstar Pl.
Tucson, AZ 85745

#2 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 14 March 2004 - 04:29 AM

Lopez: Thank you. Madam Chair, Mr. Stump, would you be able to tell me whether or not with this amendment, would Alcor have unfettered access to the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act?

Stump: This amendment--the Number Two Amendment allows them still to use the Anatomical Gift Act.

Lopez: Madam Chair, Mr. Stump, would they have _unfettered_ access to the UAGA?

Stump: Madam Chair, Ms. Lopez, our language, if you'll note on 4 E, says an affidavit is required to be licensed pursuant to this section ... should not be considered an organ procurement agency or organ procurement organization as defined in section 36, 841. What this amendment does is make certain that cryonics facilities are actually not both of those things, while at the same time preserving their access to the Uniform Gift Act.

Call me simple minded, but I still can't tell what the answer means. How about a simple yes or no.

#3 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 14 March 2004 - 04:34 AM

Lopez: Thank you Madam Chair. I rise in opposition to this amendment and I was in the Health Committee meeting where this bill was discussed, and the reason that we came in at the final hour in support of the bill with the amendment was because there were to be further amendments that would be offered on the floor that would satisfy Alcor. Unfortunately this amendment does not meet the needs of Alcor and its members. And so I must oppose this amendment. Thank you.

You gotta love that one.

#4 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 14 March 2004 - 05:02 AM

Downing: "Until somebody comes back from the dead I'm almost convinced that this bill is in the right framework, and I think there's other ways to come back from the dead than to get frozen. "

Wonderful, paydirt. For the same reason the record helped in the Sumeria case. It also reveals the religious overtones on the other side. What a shame that our side remains silent on the issue.

#5 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 14 March 2004 - 05:06 AM

"Downing: I went through some of the scientific literature that they provided me, I found, I couldn't find any, other than references to, at the cellular level, I couldn't find any serious, what I could consider, references to the major scientific journals. And so I would think this is a matter that needs regulation, needs attention, needs attention even beyond this bill,... "

....through this first bill, and I think there will be others,...

If that doesn't raise major red flags, no one is paying attention.

#6 faith_machine

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 03:54 PM

I just briefly looked at this info., but I can see the Downing is a very extremist, fundamentalist, type of person. Anyone who would say that he looked at the scientific literature and found nothing is outright lying he looked for it, or worse, he looked at it and tells others it isn't there because he doesn't want them to find it... This type of person is a true enemy of life-extension research!.

#7 thefirstimmortal


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Posted 15 March 2004 - 04:53 AM

I just briefly looked at this info., but I can see the Downing is a very extremist, fundamentalist, type of person.  Anyone who would say that he looked at the scientific literature and found nothing is outright lying he looked for it, or worse, he looked at it and tells others it isn't there because he doesn't want them to find it...  This type of person is a true enemy of life-extension research!.

Well, in Downing's defense, I'm not interested in looking at his version of Immortality, or testing the verasity of his claims ;) , of course, I'm also not trying to regulate his.

I wonder if any christains have done any double blind trails on there route to everlasting life.

#8 bgwowk

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 05:34 AM

"Downing: I went through some of the scientific literature that they provided me, I found, I couldn't find any, other than references to, at the cellular level, I couldn't find any serious, what I could consider, references to the major scientific journals. And so I would think this is a matter that needs regulation, needs attention, needs attention even beyond this bill,... "

This reminds me of Bob Stump's claim that his legislation is the result of a "five month investigation" of Alcor, during which time neither he nor his staff visited Alcor even once. In Downing's case, he was faxed literature on the House floor Thursday afternoon with literally 20 minutes notice and mixed signals about what kind of literature he really wanted.

In fact, the first paper suggesting the possibility of cryonics was published in Nature in 1966, before the word "cryonics" was even invented.

Suda I, Kito K, Adachi C, in: Nature (1966, vol. 212), "Viability of long term frozen cat brain in vitro", 268-270.

The first paper specifically discussing the application of nanotechnology (by name) to reverse freezing damage was published in PNAS in 1982.

Drexler KE, in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1981, vol. 78), "Molecular engineering: An approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation", pg. 5275-5278.

Nature and PNAS are probably the #1 and #3 major scientific journals in the world. Since Downing it obviously intrinsically hostile, there's probably no point straightening him out. But immortalists should know that this ammunition is available should you need it when it will make a difference.


#9 Bruce Klein

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 04:01 AM

Email from Rep. Lopez:


I visited the link. Thank you so much for your support! I have learned so much as a result of my involvement with this bill. I only wish my colleagues would have taken the time to study the issue. The bill passed on 3rd read just a short while ago (we're still on the floor!). I'm hopeful that reason and logic will prevail in the Senate - not that those two ever have much to do with what happens in this legislature! Again, thank you so much!

Linda J. Lopez
State Representative - District 29

#10 Bruce Klein

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 04:08 AM


Yes, I listened to your excellent speech via the Internet. It seems the
bill passed 43 Aye, 14 Nay, 3 not voting. Please give my best to the 14.

Again, thanks for taking the time to help us - the immortalist community.
As you so eloquently said, this is a life or death consideration for us.

Rest well and keep your spirits up. There is much more work ahead!


#11 lynx

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 10:57 PM

Linda Lopez has taken the plunge and filed papers to run for State Senate, I hope she wins!!

Maryland Lawyer

Edited by lynx, 26 November 2007 - 06:20 AM.

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