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New in the world of nootropic, some questions.

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#1 seika

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 04:46 PM

Hi guys, a new months ago i'm interested in all about related "brain training" and nootropics, so with some research
i'm ready to try this first "basic stack".

Sadenly i'm from argentina and i can't get very good sources of nootropics, but this is what could i get.

- Noostan 800 mg (Piracetam)

- Lecithin of Soy 1200 mg (Source of Choline)

- Fosfovita (I think this one is only in my country, the label say this)

Fosfolipides (Lecithim) 85 mg
L-Phenylalanine 255 mg
Vitamine B1 0,45 mg
Vitamine B6 0,60 mg
Vitamine B12 0,65 mg

From this one (Fosfovita) i'm giving it a shot because that maybe can be a source of Dopamine? (L-fenilanine) , i now that probable is better get some L-tyrosine, but in argentina my country i didn't find it anyware.

- Multivitaminic: Centrum (Yeah have very low doses, but again, i couldn't find someone better yet)

- Fish Oil 430 mg ... and it has .. 4,85 mg of zinc, EPA 15% - DHA 17,50% , Polyunstaturated fat 87,60% (What all this mean?)

So, that's it, this is my "stack".

I plan to take one pill of all this, except fosfovita two pills, so i will be taken 510 mg of L-Phenylalanine. and two pills of piracetam

I know that maybe i should start with a strong "attack dose" of piracetam, the problem is is very expensive the tablets in piracetam here.

Is ok to take all this things "at the same time"? with an empty stomach is the best thing? any order in particular?

Something about the lecithin, anyone know how much coline it has 1200 mg of lecithim?

Well thanks for the help and sorry my english. :)

#2 M4Y0U

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 02:49 AM

Hello there,

The best way for your body to get the vitamins is from the food your consume which means a healthy diet. You need a balanced intake of carbohydrates ( prefer complex ones ), lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. If you have a healthy diet of non-processed food there is no need to take the extra B vitamins. Phospholipids such as lecithin are good to take when you are taking Niacin (B3) because B3 can reduce you choline level. Lecithin is good because of lipids that make up cell membranes and in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. But i see you have no B3 in your Bs so i would be a good idea to buy a vitamin B complex with Niacin in it for optimal results. I don't know what product you are talking about for dopamine but may i suggest you Rhodiola rosea, it could increase your dopamine levels due to it's monoamine oxidase inhibition. It's natural and not expansive.

Centrum is not a good multi and if i were you i would step in a food supplement store and talk to the people there who will suggest their best multi. Fish oil is ok but here again the best way to consume it is from the food you are eating. Why not some soy milk in omega-3-6 cereals with a can of sardines everyday?

Do not take your supplements/pharmaceuticals on an empty stomach. Always start your day with drinking a full glass of water to start your metabolism and eat before you ingest the pills. Personally i start my day with a glass of water and Green+ Daily Detox on an empty stomach then i eat whole grains biologic/organic cereal with soy milk then i can ingest some pills.

Best regards,

Hi guys, a new months ago i'm interested in all about related "brain training" and nootropics, so with some research
i'm ready to try this first "basic stack".

Sadenly i'm from argentina and i can't get very good sources of nootropics, but this is what could i get.

- Noostan 800 mg (Piracetam)

- Lecithin of Soy 1200 mg (Source of Choline)

- Fosfovita (I think this one is only in my country, the label say this)

Fosfolipides (Lecithim) 85 mg
L-Phenylalanine 255 mg
Vitamine B1 0,45 mg
Vitamine B6 0,60 mg
Vitamine B12 0,65 mg

From this one (Fosfovita) i'm giving it a shot because that maybe can be a source of Dopamine? (L-fenilanine) , i now that probable is better get some L-tyrosine, but in argentina my country i didn't find it anyware.

- Multivitaminic: Centrum (Yeah have very low doses, but again, i couldn't find someone better yet)

- Fish Oil 430 mg ... and it has .. 4,85 mg of zinc, EPA 15% - DHA 17,50% , Polyunstaturated fat 87,60% (What all this mean?)

So, that's it, this is my "stack".

I plan to take one pill of all this, except fosfovita two pills, so i will be taken 510 mg of L-Phenylalanine. and two pills of piracetam

I know that maybe i should start with a strong "attack dose" of piracetam, the problem is is very expensive the tablets in piracetam here.

Is ok to take all this things "at the same time"? with an empty stomach is the best thing? any order in particular?

Something about the lecithin, anyone know how much coline it has 1200 mg of lecithim?

Well thanks for the help and sorry my english. :)

#3 seika

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 04:55 AM

Thanks for the advice.

I thought that (about "nootropics") it was better to take the pills before eating or in an empty stomach, so the other nutrients i could take from food don't "fight" each other to get absorved or something like that .. i don't know if that thing i read it here ..

#4 M4Y0U

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 07:09 AM

Thanks for the advice.

I thought that (about "nootropics") it was better to take the pills before eating or in an empty stomach, so the other nutrients i could take from food don't "fight" each other to get absorved or something like that .. i don't know if that thing i read it here ..

I believe it doesn't make any sense. Why you want to take all your pills after you eat is that it's easier on the digestion. Reason for someone to take a pill on a empty stomach is to hasten the effect of a pill since it will be digested faster. If the you believe the ''nutriments will fight each other'' theory then you should not eat until you digested you pill and your system absorbed the chemicals which i believe doesn't make any sense anyway since you got to eat a breakfast because it is more important for your brain and body than piracetam itself. Oh and piracetam is a pharmaceutical drug not a supplement or a nutriment and i don't know any food interaction with the racetams family that might make is less effective.


#5 Zoroaster

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Posted 24 January 2010 - 11:28 PM

Thanks for the advice.

I thought that (about "nootropics") it was better to take the pills before eating or in an empty stomach, so the other nutrients i could take from food don't "fight" each other to get absorved or something like that .. i don't know if that thing i read it here ..

I believe it doesn't make any sense. Why you want to take all your pills after you eat is that it's easier on the digestion. Reason for someone to take a pill on a empty stomach is to hasten the effect of a pill since it will be digested faster. If the you believe the ''nutriments will fight each other'' theory then you should not eat until you digested you pill and your system absorbed the chemicals which i believe doesn't make any sense anyway since you got to eat a breakfast because it is more important for your brain and body than piracetam itself. Oh and piracetam is a pharmaceutical drug not a supplement or a nutriment and i don't know any food interaction with the racetams family that might make is less effective.


Indeed Piracetam and other water-soluble supplements, including all herbs like Rhodiola, should be consumed without food. This is not just for speed of absorption. Taking them with food reduces the absolute percentage absorbed by a number of mechanisms including the fact you mentioned that there is competition for absorption. You don't have to wait long to eat afterwords since a class of water and some powder goes down pretty quickly. If your piracetam is in gelcaps it will take 15 minutes max to dissolve and move into your small intestines. If you eat 30 minutes later you should definitely be fine, but even 20 minutes later probably wouldn't hurt you. I take my water-soluble supplements when I first wake up, then I shower and get ready and am ready to eat before I run out the door. If you take them with food, you're wasting them.

Note that this is only for the water-soluble supplements. Your lecethin, fish oil, and likely your Fosfovita are all fat soluble and thus will benefit from having some food along side of them to get the bile going before they hit your intestines. So I would suggest taking the piracetam when you wake up, and everything else with breakfast.

#6 seika

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 03:27 AM

Thanks for the advice.

I thought that (about "nootropics") it was better to take the pills before eating or in an empty stomach, so the other nutrients i could take from food don't "fight" each other to get absorved or something like that .. i don't know if that thing i read it here ..

I believe it doesn't make any sense. Why you want to take all your pills after you eat is that it's easier on the digestion. Reason for someone to take a pill on a empty stomach is to hasten the effect of a pill since it will be digested faster. If the you believe the ''nutriments will fight each other'' theory then you should not eat until you digested you pill and your system absorbed the chemicals which i believe doesn't make any sense anyway since you got to eat a breakfast because it is more important for your brain and body than piracetam itself. Oh and piracetam is a pharmaceutical drug not a supplement or a nutriment and i don't know any food interaction with the racetams family that might make is less effective.


Indeed Piracetam and other water-soluble supplements, including all herbs like Rhodiola, should be consumed without food. This is not just for speed of absorption. Taking them with food reduces the absolute percentage absorbed by a number of mechanisms including the fact you mentioned that there is competition for absorption. You don't have to wait long to eat afterwords since a class of water and some powder goes down pretty quickly. If your piracetam is in gelcaps it will take 15 minutes max to dissolve and move into your small intestines. If you eat 30 minutes later you should definitely be fine, but even 20 minutes later probably wouldn't hurt you. I take my water-soluble supplements when I first wake up, then I shower and get ready and am ready to eat before I run out the door. If you take them with food, you're wasting them.

Note that this is only for the water-soluble supplements. Your lecethin, fish oil, and likely your Fosfovita are all fat soluble and thus will benefit from having some food along side of them to get the bile going before they hit your intestines. So I would suggest taking the piracetam when you wake up, and everything else with breakfast.

Thanks for the data.

And do you know how much of choline 1200 mg of lecithin of soy have?

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