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2004 ImmInst Film Project

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#1 Bruce Klein

Bruce Klein


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Posted 25 July 2004 - 10:11 PM

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Chat Topic: 2004 ImmInst Film Project
With ImmInst's first book, "The Scientific Conquest of Death" nearing publication, the next large project will be the 2004 ImmInst Film Project, potentially called "Exploring Life Extension". During tonights chat members discuss film ideas.

Chat Time: Sunday July 25, 2004 @ 8 PM Eastern [Time Zone Help]
Chat Room: http://www.imminst.org/chat (irc.lucifer.com port: 6667 #immortal)

#2 Bruce Klein

Bruce Klein


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Posted 26 July 2004 - 03:43 AM

<BJKlein> 45min til chat
<lightowl> cool
<Captain_Integral> yo
<Captain_Integral> if anyone wants to try out the definition bot its in #basic
* Rotaerk_ has joined #immortal
<kzzch> It'd be nice if there were a central bot repository where all the bots on the net could communicate with each other.
<kzzch> Seems like an aweful lot of wasteful redundancy for everyone to raise their own bot from scratch :/
* Rotaerk has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Captain_Integral> my bot is a definition bot
<Captain_Integral> and i want it for testing if the net is down
<Captain_Integral> do you want to try it out
* Eliezer has quit IRC (Quit: If you insist on maintaining your own Way, you will aggravate people. But if you stray from your ethics, you will fall into depravity. Evil and ambition scatter into darkness. All that remains is a dubious rumor among the townsfolk.)
<lightowl> how does is work ?
<Rotaerk_> I want his away message to say "I'm Eliezer Yudkowsky, bitch!"
<kzzch> Heh, what did the SingInst say to the FAI? Slap, BITCH!
<Rotaerk_> :)
* Rotaerk_ is now known as Rotaerk
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<Captain_Integral> come to #basic and play with my bot
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<BJKlein> welcome harold..
<BJKlein> thanks for excellent topics/polls/posts
* ChrisRovner has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> hi chris, what South American country do you live?
<ChrisRovner> Hi Bruce. Argentina
* Jonesey has joined #immortal
* enoosphere has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<ChrisRovner> Why, Bruce?
<BJKlein> ah, k.. you know Jose Cordeiro - Ven
<ChrisRovner> Yup
<BJKlein> k.. what about..
<BJKlein> Jose M Salgado? Project Life
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<ChrisRovner> No, I don't know him
<BJKlein> http://www.projectlife.org/
<BJKlein> keep in mind.. he is successful businessman from Venulz. now in CA
<ChrisRovner> Thanks, taking a look
<ChrisRovner> No website yet?
<ChrisRovner> Under construction
<BJKlein> na..
<BJKlein> i know him through David Kekich.. who is supporting the ImmInst Film
<BJKlein> Salgado may help with film also.. will see..
<BJKlein> Salgado's real job is dubbing films
* BJKlein official chat starts..
<BJKlein> topic: 2004 ImmInst Film Project
<ChrisRovner> This film thingy is quite impressive. Congratulations
<BJKlein> http://www.imminst.org/film.php
<BJKlein> hope to be as successful as our first book http://www.imminst.org/book1 thanks
<Jonesey> if this is a porn film i'd like to apply for a role
<BJKlein> as a matter of fact...
<Jonesey> w00h00
<BJKlein> not the first one.. but..
<Jonesey> darn
<BJKlein> we actually need more ideas
<BJKlein> on what kind of film to push for.
<John_Ventureville> not enough content yet?
<BJKlein> content is great.. good line-up of folks..
<John_Ventureville> what is your "thesis statement?"
<Jonesey> i like alan alda's "scientific american frontiers" episode on immortality research
* Guest has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> but need to think about theme
<kzzch> underground style documentary
<John_Ventureville> how about...
<BJKlein> perhaps, kzzch.. but really would like a verion for Discovery Channell
* Guest has quit IRC (Quit: JWIRC applet)
<John_Ventureville> "pursuing immortality is actually a good thing!"
<kzzch> cut two versions
<Jonesey> like "blair witch" kzzch?
<kzzch> no, not that bad :/
* Bitster has joined #immortal
* Jose has joined #immortal
<kzzch> just an earnest depiction of peoples hopes for immortality without too much polish
<John_Ventureville> if you're going to do "Blair Witch style" come out to the lodge, I will chase you around the desert at night with the Great Dane hounds of Hell!
<John_Ventureville> lol
<BJKlein> thinking of title of film to be "Exploring Life Extension" = broad scope
<lightowl> A good start could be to put the viewer in a mindset where the horror of death is totally understood. Something like a fast forward though a human life.
<Bitster> Am I in the right place?
<Jose> Hi immortalists from around the world!
<John_Ventureville> howdy, Jose
<Jonesey> depends what ur looking for bitster
<Jonesey> hi jose
* BJKlein waves to Jose Cordeiro
<Bitster> the imminst film chat
<John_Ventureville> you got it!
<Bitster> starting in.. about 5 mins?
<BJKlein> yep, you're in the right place Bitster
<BJKlein> ops, is my clock fast?
<Bitster> it's abotu damn time , too
<lightowl> that chat is on time.
<John_Ventureville> BJ, what will the running time be for your film?
<Jonesey> mine says it's 8 mins past time
<John_Ventureville> I have 8 minutes past time
<Bitster> give or take
<BJKlein> for the Discover Channel version = 40 min for commericals
<John_Ventureville> wow!
<BJKlein> but longer version = only limited by DVD
<lightowl> Do we need multible versions ?
<ChrisRovner> Discover or Discovery?
<BJKlein> not sure.. but probably 3hrs or so..
<Jose> Even in Venezuela it is 8 minutes past the time:-)
<John_Ventureville> I see now, you are actually going to try COMMERCIALLY release this to the general public!
<John_Ventureville> Dang, I'm very impressed
<BJKlein> ah, well no contact with any distributions yet.. but Discovery is a target
<John_Ventureville> I see
<ChrisRovner> Nice
<John_Ventureville> still, a noble goal
<BJKlein> ya..
<BJKlein> 2 versions.. one commerical
<BJKlein> 1 long and lot of goodies for 'us'
<Bitster> which seems a separate oconsideration from how the film's content will be licensed
<John_Ventureville> what is your finish date for this?
<Jose> BJK, do you plan to give a preview in TransVision2004 in Toronto?
<John_Ventureville> *good idea*
<BJKlein> finish by Dec 20 - 2005
<Bitster> Creative Commons? p2p filesharing?
<BJKlein> sorry 2004
<John_Ventureville> ok
<lightowl> Maybe it would be a good idea to prioritize the different segments of the film, so it would be possible to cut down the length for different channals.
<enoosphere> Hello. The interviews are upcoming, correct? And everything edited to make the final piece?
<Jose> BJK, why don't you give a presentation in TransVision2004? Like the one that Lazarus Long gave last year. It was excellent!
<John_Ventureville> BJ, will there be a narrator?
<BJKlein> film locations = 1. Toronto Transvision 2. Alcor 3. Halperin 4. Anti-Aging Conference, Las Vegas Oct 2004..
<BJKlein> Narrator, thinking hired voice.. or i may try
<John_Ventureville> In a later edition you could include Ventureville
<John_Ventureville> if you do an update
<John_Ventureville> 4-5 years from now
<BJKlein> Jose, no time for presentation at TV.. as working on film..
* Rotaerk has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<BJKlein> Laz did do a great job, from what i hear though
<BJKlein> he will not be attending this year... has child at home, etc.
* BJKlein nods to John
<Bitster> What licensing is being considered for it? anybody?
<BJKlein> enoosphere, yes..
<BJKlein> filming over the next few months.. final version in Dec
<Jose> BJK, are you still meeting Bob Ettinger?
<BJKlein> no distribution plans, yet..
<BJKlein> yes, meeting Bob Aug 3 while traveling to Toronto..
<BJKlein> will snap digital pics and ask a few q's
<Jose> Where are you traveling from exactly? All the way from Alabama?
<BJKlein> would love to have him in film.. but i dont' have the equipment
<John_Ventureville> Bob will not be with us most likely that much longer
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<John_Ventureville> so I'm very glad you are doing that
<Bitster> might I recommend an official Bittorrent, should non-commercial licensing become an option
* Lucifer sets mode: -o Lucifer
<John_Ventureville> I wish FM 2030 were around to be interviewed, oh, well
<BJKlein> sure, Bitster
<BJKlein> FM may be included via Natasha stock footage
<John_Ventureville> very cool
<Jose> Bob Ettinger can probably give you some film material from previous interviews. That would be useful.
<BJKlein> ya, good idea Jose
<John_Ventureville> BJ, swim laps with Bob in his swimming pool!
<John_Ventureville> : )
<BJKlein> excellent.. i love to swim
<John_Ventureville> he's quite athletic considering his age
<John_Ventureville> and remember, he is a WWII war hero
<BJKlein> something like 85 or so?
<John_Ventureville> yes
<BJKlein> ya, i plan to read more on his life before meeting with him..
<BJKlein> he is my hero
<John_Ventureville> cool
<Jose> Lightowl, how is Denmark now? Many immortalists there?
<lightowl> Is there plans to include a spot for the MMP ?
<BJKlein> yes, Aubrey will be interviewed
<lightowl> Jose, it is a verry thin group.
<John_Ventureville> BJ, in my opinion you should try to inject as much humanity as you can into the film, to show immortalists are generally down to earth people who enjoy the little pleasures & struggles of life like anyone else.
<lightowl> I am working to extend it abit.
<Jose> BJK, I also read that you were contacting the Foundation for the Future. I know Sesh Velamoor.
<BJKlein> "Exploring Life Extension" is braod and will include biotech, transhuman, cryonics, and hopefully some AI
<John_Ventureville> that is why I suggested swimming with him
<BJKlein> ah, no reply from FF yet..
<BJKlein> i'll remember your connection Jose
<John_Ventureville> "Joe Six-Pack" will say, "hey, those immortalists are actually alright, even if a little odd"
<Jose> I am departing next week for the Millennium Project meetings in Washington, followed by the World Future Society and then TransVision in Toronto.
<BJKlein> ya, the Discovery version will be a soft sell...
<John_Ventureville> good
<Jose> BJK, I will meet Ray Kurzweil who is keynoting the WFS in Washington. He is also an immortalist:-)
<John_Ventureville> Jose, you lucky bastard!
<John_Ventureville> you sure get around
<BJKlein> Ray contributed to ImmInst's book..
<John_Ventureville> : )
<lightowl> Ray should have a spot in this film to.
<Jose> John, it is good to travel when things are difficult back home:-)
<BJKlein> ya.. he lives in Mass ? no?
<kzzch> Somehow, I don't think Joe Sixpack watches the discovery channel
<Jonesey> bob ettinger is a fun guy, fascinating to talk to
<lightowl> Maybe Ray will get a chance to promote his new book
<John_Ventureville> the WFS must be getting hip to things if Ray Kurzweil is going to be the keynote speaker
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<Bitster> wfs=?
<John_Ventureville> I always thought of the WFS as being "behind the times"
<Jose> BJK, BTW, Ray has no PhD. I think you wrote that by mistake in your book:-(
<John_Ventureville> World Future Society
<Bitster> thanks
<kzzch> If you want Joe Sixpack on board, Imminst needs to sponsor a car in NASCAR.
<Rotaerk> what's starglider's website url?
<BJKlein> he has Hon. Phd
<Bitster> lol
<John_Ventureville> kzzch, LOL
<John_Ventureville> very true
<BJKlein> ImmInst needs to create a culture of Life Extension
<enoosphere> In addition to financial, what sort of help do you still need with this film?
<BJKlein> need connections with distribution channels
<Jose> Kurzweil is finishign to books now: one on Immortality (Fantastic Voyage) and another on the Singularity.
<Rotaerk> no one knows
<John_Ventureville> BJ, what exactly do you mean by creating a culture of life extension?
<enoosphere> The softsell to Joe Sixpack is a good idea, but from experience, Joe Sixpack is hard to reach.
<John_Ventureville> I can't wait to buy "Fantastic Voyage"
<John_Ventureville> or Max More's upcoming book
<John_Ventureville> or the one the ImmInst is doing
<BJKlein> John, talking about making LE more main stream as a legitimate scientific goal..
<John_Ventureville> or Dr. Hughes latest effort
<lightowl> Will the ImmInst book be available on amazon ?
<BJKlein> which will push more funding,
<John_Ventureville> BJ, mainstreaming extreme life extension has always been a challange
<John_Ventureville> lol
<BJKlein> lightowl, yes.. and B&N, etc
<John_Ventureville> cool
<John_Ventureville> Amazon.com gets most of my paycheck
<John_Ventureville> *at least it feels like it*
<Jose> BJK, did my Venezuelan friend offer you some support. He can surely commit some money to a good project like yours:-)
<lightowl> heh, me 2
<Bitster> hm. is joe sixpack hard to reach because he's always opn the other end of some advertiser's pipe?
<BJKlein> Jose, yes.. he asked more questions about the film.. and looks to be receptive.
<Bitster> I'm wondering if I 'm oversimplifying, here
<kzzch> I say forget Joe Sixpack
<Bitster> but actual conten distribution is easy
<enoosphere> Because he gets that glassy-eyed look at the beginning of any such conversation.
<Bitster> ala: Internet
<BJKlein> we shall wait until Las Vegas in Oct to firm the support
<Bitster> it's promotion that's the trick
<kzzch> Joe Sixpack doesn't give a shit about the future, and never will.
<enoosphere> True, he is only worried about today.
<Jose> BJK, don't forget to bring to Toronto Halperin's book since I will become a full paying member there!
<BJKlein> tackling LE memetics - firm your base and work from there..
<Bitster> eventually, tomorrow becomes today
<lightowl> If 4 month enough to make a good film? I would think more time was needed.
<Bitster> education and motivation are imporatnat goals
<BJKlein> Jose, I have your packet ready!.. thanks
<Bitster> that's the point
* Natasha has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> welcome Natasha..
* Jose has quit IRC (Quit: JWIRC applet)
* Jose has joined #immortal
<Jose> BJK, Jose Salgado is planning to launch his Project Life in Las Vegas. You can certainly talk to him there.
<BJKlein> Rudy Hoffman looks to join ImmInst as a Full Member at TV04 as well..
<Jose> Hi Natasha. Looking forward to seeing you again in Toronto:-)
<Natasha> He there - we are in the middle of an electrical storm so I may
<Natasha> get bumped off
<BJKlein> Yes, I plan with Jose Salgado and David Kekich to produce a short film version with only them to help promote their projects..
<BJKlein> DVD's as calling cards
<Bitster> heh
<Natasha> are we discussed film ideas?
<BJKlein> DVD = inexpensive to produce from what i understand
<BJKlein> yes, Natasha.. please feel free
<BJKlein> thinking of naming = Exploring Life Extension
<Natasha> check out EZTV for alternative to film = I produced there and
<Natasha> they made films inexpensively and the owner Michael is
<BJKlein> hope to get attention of Discovery Channel, etc
<Natasha> highly skilled
<BJKlein> k.. thanks
<lightowl> If the DVD format i chosen, i recommend makeing it region free. ( please )
* BJKlein nods to lightowl
<Natasha> for any project = no matter how small, you have to think
<Natasha> film festival, otherwise it is a waste of time
<BJKlein> ah, k..
<lightowl> thks.
<Natasha> film festivals for indeependent films are a shoe in
<Natasha> talking heads is boring and there have been so many
<Natasha> documentaries on life extension
<Jose> Discovery has produced several great programs about cryonics:-)
<Natasha> how about anovel idea?
<BJKlein> Natasha, do you have footage of FM 2030, etc you are able to allow ImmInst to use for the film?
<Natasha> I've been in more than a dozen films on life extension and
<Natasha> I think there is a better wayh to do them for today's audience
<Natasha> forgive myh typos, I don't hae myh glasses on
<BJKlein> np
<Natasha> Yes i have a lot of footage of FM, I was viewing it yesterday
<Natasha> it was cvery sad -
<BJKlein> i would not like to violate any licenses
* BJKlein nods to sadness
<Jose> Natasha, how would you call the film?
<Jose> How a name like "Immortality: From Science Fiction to Science Reality?"
<Natasha> \Im thinking .. and talking to Max who is right beside me
<BJKlein> current idea "Exploring Life Extension" = more broad
<Natasha> I was saying that over the past 15 years I have been in so many tht
* BJKlein waves to Max
<Natasha> they are boring by today's standard
<Natasha> I was alsso thinking about the film
<Jose> Hi Max, too!
<lightowl> Subtitle: when and how ?
<Natasha> Synthtic Pleasures and other feature releases
<Natasha> and how they are more creatie than the basid documentry
<Natasha> Gaming is really hot right now
<BJKlein> the background images are what will keep the film interesting.. i agree
<Jose> Lightowñ, I like your subtitle. I think it is greatWhen and How?
<lightowl> tnks:)
<Jonesey> u gonna mention the legislative battle in AZ bjk?
<Natasha> most of the documentaries are hyyped too much
<Natasha> how about a straight shooter - taking it seriously for a change
<BJKlein> when we travel to Alcor I will contact Nancy Lopez.. who helped Alcor with legislative battle
<BJKlein> Lopez = AZ Rep
<Jonesey> great golfer
<lightowl> I think it is important to be realistic, and not to futuristic. To much POP is baad for docs.
<Natasha> has anyone been watching Plastic Surgery 90210 on TV
<Jose> Natasha, straight shooter like what? "Do you want to live forever?"
<Natasha> No, forever is too long and more like a Satre play "No Exit" how
<lightowl> Discovery Europe/Nordic is failing to be serious in their choises of docs.
<BJKlein> Natasha, straight shooting in that you mean... why live forever?
<Bitster> perpetual life, not eternal
<BJKlein> heh, Jose has same question
<lightowl> Have anyone seen the doc explorations lately. It really ruins some great topics with nasty background music and split screen filming.
<Bitster> "amortality" rather than "immortality"
<BJKlein> Natasha, how close are you guys to Jim Halperin in TX..
<Natasha> The facts are written and published that we are going to live longer
<Bitster> dying when you want, rather than when you must
<Natasha> how do we prepare? What are the obstacles, how do we over
<BJKlein> I may be making a trip to Dallas in Oct 2-3
<Natasha> come them... Is there really over population and envirnmental damage
<Natasha> how will this be resolved
<Natasha> key people giving short summaries of the facts is whaqt
<BJKlein> some who may be included in the film:
<BJKlein> Nick Bostom, Jose Cordeiro, James Hughes, Max More, Mike Treder,
<BJKlein> Natasha Vita-More, Aubrey de Grey, Peter Passaro
<Natasha> people what to hear
<BJKlein> Nick Bostom, Jose Cordeiro, James Hughes, Max More, Mike Treder,
<BJKlein> Natasha Vita-More, Aubrey de Grey, Peter Passaro
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<Bitster> how will Joe 6pack be able to afford to retire?
<BJKlein> Joe Waynick, Alcor CEO, Tanya Jones, Alcor COO
<BJKlein> Jim Halperin - David Kekich
<Natasha> I didn't know Nick bostro is a life extensionist. We need those who are
<Bitster> or to actually afford the treatments?
<Natasha> really supportive of it
<Nanogirl> good evening
<lightowl> Ray kurzweil ?
<BJKlein> Nick is .. in ImmInst book also
<BJKlein> Ray may be geographically to far
<John_Ventureville> BJ, I think you have found *THE* expert consultant in Natasha
<John_Ventureville> Hello, Gina
<BJKlein> only have $ for 4 locations
<lightowl> damn.
<Nanogirl> Hi John
<BJKlein> but, all names are tentative
<BJKlein> will depend on final theme and quality, etc
<Nanogirl> am i in BJ?
<lightowl> I offer $500 if that will help on fifth location.
<BJKlein> heh, would love to film you, Gina
<Nanogirl> I thought you were talking about the book
<enoosphere> Could you video conference with those you cannot reach because of limited transportation funds and film the interview that way? Might look interesting on film.
<Natasha> Idea: I would cover 5 key issues and show varied sides of the
<BJKlein> ah, sorry talking about film
<Nanogirl> : )
<Natasha> issues. This would be a highly extropic way to deal with
<Nanogirl> I didn't know about the film?
<Natasha> informaation and give the project timely significaqnce
<Jose> BJK, Kurzweil can probably send you some pre-recorded footage. The same with Marvin Minsky. It would give you lots of credibility:-)
<BJKlein> http://www.imminst.org/film.php
<Nanogirl> thank you
<BJKlein> good idea, Jose.. thanks
<Natasha> We have Marvin on video from Extro conferences
<Natasha> Ray is on the radio this evening by the way
<lightowl> net-streamed ?
<Bitster> in an open format? /cynic
<BJKlein> Natasha, key issues maybe = biotech, nanotech, cryonics, transhumanism, and AI
<Natasha> No, but is with Assimov's daughter on Robits
<Natasha> Yes.l I was talking to Ray yesterday about Hollywood films and sc
<lightowl> damn, I doubt its available in EU.
<Natasha> ience fiction and the problem with scripts. Central hero or central
<BJKlein> Ray audio link: http://www.imminst.o...ST&f=111&t=4022
<Natasha> "human" character is not transhumanist in philosophy
<Jose> Natasha, were you also on radio today?
<John_Ventureville> almost a luddite
<Bitster> drama is always "man vs. (something)"
<Natasha> transhumanism as a philosophy is the wave of the future to
<Natasha> deal with world problems and to develop positive solutions
<Natasha> this is the selling point of hte film project on life extension
<John_Ventureville> tying all these threads together may be a challenge
<Jose> BJK, include robotics
<BJKlein> John = Exploring Life Extension
<Natasha> If there are 5 issues the film addresses, they can be woven
<BJKlein> LE ties all in, perhaps
<Natasha> together nicely through editing
<John_Ventureville> Natasha, I see
<Natasha> Hey, I gotta go, love to you all
<BJKlein> Natasha, you suggest voice over.. hired voice?
<kzzch> patrick stewart :p
<BJKlein> thanks Natasha, very helpful!
<John_Ventureville> goodnight!
<kzzch> he does a lot of voice acting
<Natasha> a dignified maale and female - gender balanced :-)
<John_Ventureville> Bruce and Susan could do that...
<John_Ventureville> : )
<Bitster> I think you can find wnough skilled lecturers around to do a voice over without shellingout for celebrity
<Natasha> bye bye xxxx
<BJKlein> heh.. southern voices
<John_Ventureville> "y'all want to live forever and you can wit' nano-tek!"
* Natasha has quit IRC (Quit: JWIRC applet)
<John_Ventureville> *I can see it*
<Bitster> lol
<Bitster> sportscaster
<Bitster> s
<Bitster> hehe
<lightowl> Do we have enough moneys for this project ?
<John_Ventureville> having a narrator with academic cred may be a good idea
<BJKlein> 5k for travel thus far..
<enoosphere> BJK, is the film meant to convey LE ideas to a general audience (even sell it to them softly) or does it take LE as a certainty and discusses what comes next?
<BJKlein> 5k after finish for distribution..
<BJKlein> there is another 10 wildcard
<lightowl> Should I write you private for contribution ?
* Jonesey has quit IRC (Write Error: Connection reset by peer)
<BJKlein> enoosphere, not sure.. but i feel take LE as certainty.. and then build around this certainty tech fact.. and working scientists, etc
<enoosphere> I can see validity in Natasha's approach to the film, but doing so might take a certain leap from an audience that might not know very much about the subject.
<John_Ventureville> BJ, had this film been a year or two down the road the Venturists might have been able to help
<John_Ventureville> but we are still trying to get off the ground with our business enterprise
<BJKlein> thanks, John.. we plan more films.. down the road
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<John_Ventureville> cool
<BJKlein> help by sending PI mag's is great
<John_Ventureville> that we can do
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<BJKlein> will have some for friends at TV04
<John_Ventureville> great
<John_Ventureville> I am sitting on over a thousand "extra" copies
<Bitster> Pi=?
<John_Ventureville> we are still negotiating with Alcor to try to get them to send a sample copy to everyone on their lists
<John_Ventureville> Physical Immortality magazine
<Bitster> nice
<John_Ventureville> CI had no problem
<John_Ventureville> but Alcor is giving us stiff resistance it seems!
<John_Ventureville> lol
<Bitster> is there a link to more info?
<BJKlein> 200 per qtr to advertise. not bad
<John_Ventureville> nope
<Jose> John, it will be great to distribute your magazines in Toronto:-)
<John_Ventureville> not at all
<John_Ventureville> would you do that for us?
<John_Ventureville> : )
<BJKlein> down the road :)
<BJKlein> http://www.venturist.org/pi.htm
<John_Ventureville> Oh...........
<Bitster> thank
<Bitster> s
<BJKlein> sure
<John_Ventureville> ok!
<John_Ventureville> ; )
<John_Ventureville> I guess you need to get your cred established there before you start doing favors like that for the Venturists
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<BJKlein> ya, that long and windy road
<John_Ventureville> is that your reason?
* Lucifer has left #immortal
<BJKlein> more akin to investment return..
<John_Ventureville> ?
<BJKlein> can we gain 4 new members per qtr
<BJKlein> ImmInst Full Membes Employed
<BJKlein> = 50 per year
<Jose> BJK, who else from ImmInst will be in Toronto?
<John_Ventureville> I see
<BJKlein> Michael Anissimov - ImmInst Co-Founder
<BJKlein> Kip Werking..
<BJKlein> i think Kevin Perrott - ImmInst Director
<BJKlein> Peter Passaro - ImmInst Advisor
<Jose> Great to see all those immortalists around:-)
<BJKlein> shall be fun conversation
<Jose> BJK, now that you are planing to fly to Toronto and Texas, have you lost your fear to fly?
* Jonesey_ is now known as Jonesey
<BJKlein> Max More and Natasha Vita-More = ImmInst Full Members
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<John_Ventureville> BJ is flying???
<BJKlein> rental car
<John_Ventureville> ok!
<lightowl> heh
<BJKlein> cheeper than flying, believe it or not
<Jose> BJK, why not your own car?
<BJKlein> and i like to see the country
<BJKlein> don't want to put miles on it
<lightowl> I would take the bike :)
<BJKlein> and better gas milage than my blazer
<Jose> I think that driving is more dangerous than flying:-(
<BJKlein> thought about motor bike, but danger for immortalist
<epimetheus> so how do you get to europe? :)
<enoosphere> Do you not fly becuase of danger for immortalist?
<BJKlein> boat
<BJKlein> but never been yet
<epimetheus> very relaxing
<BJKlein> enoosphere, yes.. fly crash = not much for alcor
<Jose> Dear friends, I have to go:-(
<Bitster> train ride?
<enoosphere> Never thought of it that way....
<BJKlein> thanks jose, take care on your trips
<Jose> Great to talk to you this time:-)
<lightowl> What is your feelings on pirating the film for a wider aufience ?
<John_Ventureville> Jose, take care
<lightowl> audience ?
<BJKlein> lightowl, wish for the film to have widest aud. possible
<Bitster> lol
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<John_Ventureville> will the documentary be available on Mobius?
<BJKlein> internet distribution is good in my mind
<John_Ventureville> : o
<Bitster> "pirating" is only possible if the films has closed license
<epimetheus> yep, just torrent it
<BJKlein> imminst does not with to make much money.. just gain eyeballs on the first film
<Bitster> I'd love to seed it, permanently
<lightowl> well, unsolicited distribution
<BJKlein> with=wish
<epimetheus> you'll make the money from the PR
* BJKlein nods
<lightowl> The I think we should make a DVD iso available for download.
* nex has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> welcome nex
<BJKlein> http://www.transhuma...resenters.shtml
<BJKlein> link to potential film participants
<epimetheus> is there a script yet?
<Bitster> wouldn't cd size be a little easier to choke down?
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<BJKlein> no script.. epimetheus.. but thinking about that now.. theme..
<BJKlein> and who will be in it.. etc..
<epimetheus> where are you at with the theme?
<lightowl> Bitster, yep, but quality is nice. Both would be recommended.
<BJKlein> 5 key ideas =
<BJKlein> nanotech, biotech, AI, cryonics, transhumanism
<BJKlein> all = Life Extension
<Bitster> I guess I always fall into the low quality end of the debate
<BJKlein> title (maybe) = Exploring Life Extension
<lightowl> Also, I have a fealing bandwith will multiply in the future.
<Bitster> especially since this isn't exaclty an eyecandy sfx extravaganza
<Bitster> heh
<Bitster> certainly
<Bitster> Verizon's strting fiber to the home
<BJKlein> epimetheus, please see: http://www.imminst.org/film.php
<Bitster> wireless is going nuts
<lightowl> It would be great to have a dusin copies to deal out when meeting people on the subject.
<BJKlein> yes.. DVD is inexpensive way
<Bitster> but, overall, It doesn't appear that connectivity is following exponential growth rates
<epimetheus> lot to cover.. thought of breaking it up?
<BJKlein> perhaps
<enoosphere> Film structure suggestion: Where are we right now, what is in the labs, and extrapolation
<BJKlein> ya.. status quo on LE tech
<Bitster> http://www.creativecommons.org/
<epimetheus> a gentler introduction for a wider awdience appeal
<BJKlein> wide audience is target for Discovery version
<BJKlein> another version longer for us types - immortalist
<lightowl> Does anyone have a SETI radio breadcast frequesy in EU ? :)
<epimetheus> biotech is a good bridge because its connected with traditional science
<BJKlein> biotech = Aubry de Grey
<BJKlein> MM prize
<epimetheus> maybe you can get aubrey to be the narrator
<BJKlein> hmm. perhaps
<BJKlein> english accent
* Chubtoad has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> Thomas! welcome
<BJKlein> brb
<epimetheus> hey chubtoad
<Chubtoad> hey
<Chubtoad> chat over 1 hr ago?
<lightowl> Have we discussed the things that will be possible with immortality, like intersolar spacetravel
<lightowl> Should that have a segment in the film?
<epimetheus> actually a female narrator would be cool too
<lightowl> I am pro female marrator :)
<lightowl> narrator :)
<Chubtoad> where will you find the narrator?
<John_Ventureville> Bruce, do you have a good speaking voice?
<John_Ventureville> to save on money you should probably be the narrator
<enoosphere> That might be too much for the focus of the film.
<John_Ventureville> BJ, you have the mien of an actor/narrator
<enoosphere> Or maybe a quick summary at the end about the exciting possibilities ahead?
<epimetheus> yeah,,, like the moore thing
<epimetheus> plenty of material if you focus on sens, aubrey, mmp - good introduction
<epimetheus> (for the dicocovery thing)
<epimetheus> discovery
<enoosphere> Going too far into the future might alienate some viewers. I think it would be more interesting to hear what these researchers are currently working on, to get a better sense of where we are now. Otherwise, some might dismiss it outright as SF.
<epimetheus> correct enoo
<lightowl> agreed, but we must also show why we want to go there.
<epimetheus> enancing and extending quality of life for the increasingly populous geriatric community is a legitimate reason
<enoosphere> That is true, but for the lay audience, just getting over the idea of life extension may be enough, let alone immortalists traveling the stars.
<lightowl> I want to travel the universe. Thats just not possible at my current state.'
<lightowl> :)
<enoosphere> I think that "quality of life" will be more important to more people.
<epimetheus> the objective has to be getitng some legitimacy traction
<lightowl> yes, healthy life extension
<enoosphere> Though one of the main reasons I want to live forever is to travel the universe too :)
<Bitster> space travel is a very accessible topic for the average person
<Rotaerk> I wanna create a universe
<Bitster> moreso than robotics or cryonics
<Bitster> or nano, ai...
<lightowl> Rotaerk, me 2 :)
<enoosphere> I'm not so sure that it is. The average person in my life hardly gives robotic space travel a second thought (Cassini, for example).
<epimetheus> space travel yes, livining for ever no (science fiction for general population)
<enoosphere> Let alone human space travel. Get too far into that glorious future and you lose too much of your audience, unless you are selling it as fantasy.
<epimetheus> the aging community is a very important issue at the moment including research on aging disorders
<epimetheus> great opportunity for imminst to break into
<lightowl> I think it will be hard to address all the issues of aging and immortality in this one movie.
<lightowl> film
<enoosphere> Put Life extension into persepective with those who have elderly relatives in nursing homes, loved ones with cancer, the ills and pains of aging, etc., then you have captured the audience.
<Chubtoad> I think we need to avoid the word antiaging at all costs. I saw some ad for a show on antiaging madicine and it turned out to be about botox injections.
<epimetheus> better to hear inteviews from 70+ people saying the would like to live longert than young kinds talking about space (respectfully)
<BJKlein> fighting for life = (against involuntary death) theme
<BJKlein> agree with chub.. be positive - life extension (not anti-aging)
<epimetheus> and stay away from "faces of death" type of material
<BJKlein> although there are many scientist who push and use the term
<John_Ventureville> Faces of Death!!!!!!
<John_Ventureville> yeouch!
<Chubtoad> scare people into life extension?
<BJKlein> heh, love faces of death.. but the imminst film will lean toward more professionalism
<BJKlein> dr kevorkian style
<BJKlein> muhaha
<epimetheus> we can re-educate through the film if we makethe disticntion about bulshit cures versus real biotech research
<epimetheus> show very accomplished professionals in their 80's giving their opinion
<enoosphere> The Kronos Institute use to advertise anti-aging technology, but now advertise with "longer, healthier life for you, your children, and your grandchildren."
<BJKlein> not sure on voice for film.. i may try a sample of myself.. and let Natty Coleman (filmmaker) decide
<enoosphere> Didn't want to appear too fringe, according to the book "Biorapture".
<BJKlein> would love to have good female voice though
<epimetheus> lots of arts/law undergrds who would do it for free
<Bitster> haha faces of death
<epimetheus> just chose an nice neutral accent
* DavidtheDuke has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> welcome back, david
<lightowl> young people are possobly the easiest audience to convince through this kind of media.
<lightowl> or any media ( except newspapers )
<epimetheus> precisely why we need to get traction/credibility with oldre audiences - they are the ones that need it
<lightowl> I find it verry hard to convince elderly people. I doubt they would even view this kind of doc.
<epimetheus> need to speak in their language
<epimetheus> they are looking for hope too
<enoosphere> Who is the audience again?
<BJKlein> two segments = two versions
<BJKlein> Discovery version = wide..
<lightowl> I am wondering about the same thing. Has it been desided.
<enoosphere> Discovery and us.
<BJKlein> ya
<epimetheus> focus on discovery - we know about ourselves
* Th3Hegem0n has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> Discover = 40 min to allow for commercials
<lightowl> Discovery does not target elderly, are they ?
<BJKlein> na.. Dis = science type general
<epimetheus> it can be syndicated
<BJKlein> hope so
<BJKlein> not sure how that woks
<Bitster> heh
<BJKlein> works
<enoosphere> But they have an older audience, don't they? Not the younger demographics.
<BJKlein> hm. not sure
<epimetheus> depends who is your agent
<Bitster> I can't count the number of times ppl have said "I watch TV, but only Discovery
<enoosphere> That's true, but then have you asked them exactly what they watch?
<Th3Hegem0n> ...wtf Jimmy Neutron man..!
<lightowl> Well, what group of people do we want to be our audience ?
<enoosphere> That show with the motorcycle guy and his kids.
<Bitster> lol
<epimetheus> you need to get some feedback from non-imminst members
<BJKlein> perhaps
<Th3Hegem0n> aka the ignorant
<epimetheus> indeed
<enoosphere> lol
<Th3Hegem0n> hahaha
<epimetheus> but its our obligation to educate
<Th3Hegem0n> absolutely
<Th3Hegem0n> and increase their brain capacity to tolerable levels
<BJKlein> we must educate or die
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<BJKlein> immortalist depend on a network of support
<enoosphere> Yes it is, but to also be aware of our audience. So that they will in fact be educated.
<Bitster> or at least, take our place in the welfare lines
<BJKlein> building support by multi-media is using leverage
<Th3Hegem0n> dude i'll give you some money
<Th3Hegem0n> i got 10 bucks in my car
<epimetheus> what about starting with close family members who also happen to be 60+ what is their feedback?
<BJKlein> hmm.. most are religious
<lightowl> The way I see it, it is the young and the middle aged people who have the power to make a difference.
<epimetheus> what are the important issues for them?
<Th3Hegem0n> my grandma is extremely religious
<epimetheus> then work down to 50+ , 40+ etc
<Th3Hegem0n> she had a discussion in which her funeral was involved and she was laughing about it
<BJKlein> it's their immortality = heaven
<BJKlein> our immortality = heaven on earth
<Th3Hegem0n> let em have it
<enoosphere> So do we not want to target them?
<epimetheus> not necessarlily - they have become cyncal
<Th3Hegem0n> you need to target jackass teenagers like myself
<epimetheus> you can capture their imagination
<BJKlein> not for the first film, don't think efficient
<BJKlein> or overall effective in helping ImmInst at this stage..
<enoosphere> But then again, the elderly are one of the fastest growing segments of Internet Users.
<BJKlein> the last to support us will be religious
<enoosphere> Maybe they are not as cynical as we think.
<Th3Hegem0n> we suburban teenagers are loaded with cash
<Bitster> as far as "growing segments" go
<BJKlein> the first to support ImmInst = transhumanist, middle and younger aged scientists
<enoosphere> Ok, I see your point.
<BJKlein> build from support and then out..
<epimetheus> then you can look at the aging brain in 40+ yo - panick the baby boomers
<BJKlein> ya
<BJKlein> good
<BJKlein> brain cells dying..
<BJKlein> stem cell help = biotech
<BJKlein> eventual = nanotech
<BJKlein> eventual = AI
<lightowl> Meybe we should target very young, children even, through school or something.
<BJKlein> screw up = cryonics
<John_Ventureville> lol
<enoosphere> lol
<BJKlein> success = transhuman
<John_Ventureville> Da-Dah!!!
<enoosphere> Wow, I feel like applauding.
<epimetheus> don't forget simple ways of implementing gene regulation in biotech - stuff that's possible now
<lightowl> children have a hand in the parrents pockets.
<John_Ventureville> BJ, if you can, please include Anders Sandberg
<John_Ventureville> a fine gentleman and so damn bright
<BJKlein> circle unbroken = life extension )immortality)
<BJKlein> will hope to film Anders
<BJKlein> at TV04
<John_Ventureville> nice
<epimetheus> what child do you know that cares about immortality or aging?
<BJKlein> eh, Highlander
<BJKlein> Buffy
<Th3Hegem0n> i'm 17 is that young enough
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<BJKlein> boarderline
<epimetheus> exactly - you represent the exception - not the rule
<Th3Hegem0n> ...oh
<epimetheus> think of the audience
<lightowl> Exactly my target group. If we could get all teenagers to see, it would be great.
<Captain_Integral> you havent yet had that desire feeling that you will probably die
<Th3Hegem0n> hell yeah
<John_Ventureville> the college years seem to bring an interest in our ideas
<Th3Hegem0n> cause teenagers are retarded as shit and we think of crazy ass shit like this
<John_Ventureville> late teens/ early to mid twenties
<Th3Hegem0n> i have like 6 friends and we have our own group
<Captain_Integral> only the LSD smoking ones
<Th3Hegem0n> no dood marijuana
<John_Ventureville> the frontal lobe of the teenager just hasn't fully developed yet
<epimetheus> heeh
<John_Ventureville> : )
<Bitster> lsd smoking?
<Th3Hegem0n> haha
<BJKlein> Th3Hegem0n, do you talk about what happens (or not) after death?
<enoosphere> Like BJK said, will it be the teenagers who support first or will it be those who are already adopting a transhumanist philosophy?
<BJKlein> with your group?
<Th3Hegem0n> all the time
<BJKlein> no kidding..
<Th3Hegem0n> serious talking
<BJKlein> shit, that's shweet
<Th3Hegem0n> i explained the singularity and all of it's implications to like 12 friends
<Th3Hegem0n> and they were like oh my god your so smart
<lightowl> I find it much easier to convince young people. Thats just my position.
<epimetheus> if you are looking at serious dollars you will have to think on targetting a greater audience
<BJKlein> that's nice stuff.. singlarity already..
<epimetheus> build credibility and traction
<epimetheus> else it fall in the category of all the other fringe stuff
<BJKlein> agree
<Th3Hegem0n> hey smart teenagers grow up to make a lot of money
<epimetheus> facts of life gentlemen
<BJKlein> but the young shall grow up (no matter our work to the contrary)
<enoosphere> But we need the money now, not when the smart teenagers grow up. (though we will need it then too).
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<Th3Hegem0n> you can target more then one audience
<epimetheus> yeah ok heg, talk to me after you've made your first mil
<BJKlein> Th3Hegem0n, has like 10 in the car?
<Th3Hegem0n> i will trust me
<BJKlein> no?
<John_Ventureville> *don't trust anyone over 30!*
<Th3Hegem0n> dude petsmart ain't making me a million
<enoosphere> lol
<BJKlein> heh, Petsmart!
<epimetheus> im sure you will - if you are detemined enough - by then you will understand the concept of speaking in other peoples language and building rapport
<John_Ventureville> BJ, what about discussing pet life extension?
<BJKlein> i'd like 10 goldfish, please.
<John_Ventureville> people get so attached to their pets nowadays
* BJKlein has 2 golden retrievers
<epimetheus> just get a pet rock
<John_Ventureville> you're an example, then
<lightowl> We are working on the mice already :)
<Bitster> I was smart once, too. Now, here I am selling christmas trees
<enoosphere> Keeping that pet around just a little longer...Life Extension Technology.
<BJKlein> suspects that freezing pets is a good nich market
<John_Ventureville> *pet rocks live a long time*
<Th3Hegem0n> yeah it will
<Th3Hegem0n> petsmart shoppers are insane
<epimetheus> we think we are working on mice
<John_Ventureville> freezing pets is not as good as pet anti-aging medicine!
<John_Ventureville> now that would sell!!
<epimetheus> we are working on journal citations
<Th3Hegem0n> dude i got a mouse, i'm going to make him live long
<John_Ventureville> you can do it with calorie restriction
<enoosphere> How about a documentary on Immortalists and their pets?
<Th3Hegem0n> i am it will be cool
<John_Ventureville> but he might not appreciate it
<Bitster> how long is the warranty on an aibo?
<epimetheus> my pomeranian is very intersted
<BJKlein> hmm.. how about we keep it to just their pets?
<John_Ventureville> my employer's pom can hold off Great Danes and German Shepards
<Th3Hegem0n> feed your dog science diet and it will live 25 years long
<epimetheus> kept a sample of my burmese's blood when he died in the ln
* RJB has joined #immortal
<BJKlein> RJB, do you have pets?
<John_Ventureville> I want to freeze all the pets here at the lodge, so they can be uplifted down the road and all become management trainees
<BJKlein> also.. have many q's for you if ready re: ImmInst Film
<BJKlein> to RJB
<RJB> No, I'm not a petish person in general and could never keep them during the times I traveled alot
<John_Ventureville> "Ma'am, please be patient with the new manager, he used to be a housepet!'
<Th3Hegem0n> ..lol
<BJKlein> RJB, do you like possible film title "Exploring Life Extension"
<RJB> Getting a dewar for a horse is going to be tough...
<BJKlein> heh
<John_Ventureville> *just freeze the brain*
<John_Ventureville> "nyaaaaahhhh, whinnnnnneeey, I want full-body only!" says Mr. Ed
<Th3Hegem0n> .......
<Bitster> lol
<RJB> BJ, its fine. Doesn't raise the "immortality" red flag. I think you buy a lot by not raising the red flag of "religioius destiny". As long as you can invoke the idea that the hazard function will get you sooner or later you don't trample on too many toes.
<John_Ventureville> Alcor charges him $1,000,000
<BJKlein> do you like possible 5 film key themes: biotech, nanotech, cryo, ai & transhumanism
<BJKlein> or rather 5 themes running in the one film..
<John_Ventureville> transhumanism could turn off the kind of people RJB is referring to
<RJB> AI probbably isn't necessary for, and may even be a threat to life extension.
<BJKlein> possible target Discovery Chan. etc 40 min for commericals
<Th3Hegem0n> dude that would be a kick ass movie
<BJKlein> ya... AI is questionable.. depending on segment film captured from interviews
<BJKlein> and how it may relate
<John_Ventureville> but AI just might be the key to indefinite lifespan
<RJB> perhaps rather than transhumans -- evolution of humanity -- doesn't get you into "exclusive club land" where people don't know all the acronyms.
<BJKlein> ya
<BJKlein> cyborg = better
<John_Ventureville> even just mentioning evolution can turn off some people
<BJKlein> fuck those people
<BJKlein> (sorry)
<RJB> J, why? If we needed AI we wouldn't be able to lay out 50 million transistors for a microprocessor at this point in time.
<BJKlein> scratch that
<John_Ventureville> BJ, remember to say that in your film
<John_Ventureville> ; )
<Th3Hegem0n> haha
* BJKlein remembers
<enoosphere> I'm applauding again.
<Th3Hegem0n> dude that's weird that you break out into applause at your computer
<John_Ventureville> that will get you tons of publicity (but not the kind you like)
<Bitster> lol
<BJKlein> RJB, please see: http://www.imminst.org/film.php when you have a chance
<RJB> Is there a term for evolution that doesn't get you into the swamp -- imrpovement? betterment? How about achieving humanity's potential?
<enoosphere> Yep, probably :)
<John_Ventureville> "upward sweep"
<Bitster> natural selection
<Bitster> recursive self improvement
<John_Ventureville> "mojo enhancement"
<Th3Hegem0n> hehehe
<John_Ventureville> lol
<enoosphere> Designerless Design
<Th3Hegem0n> differential reproductive success
<Rotaerk> ns is a component of the evolutionary process
<John_Ventureville> true
<Bitster> but the alarm bells tend not to go off
<BJKlein> what is the % of Discovery Channel viewers who are Creationists?
<Bitster> ppl turned off by "evolution" aren't going to be won over anyway
<BJKlein> 20 - 30% ?
<John_Ventureville> BJ, hardcore creationists?
<John_Ventureville> probably not many
<RJB> Well, that is one thing that will be different -- we will not have "natural selection" we will have directed "evolution" (enhancement)... There was an article in SA recently about the problem of athletes gene doping -- how do you tell that -- sequence the DNA from every cell in the body??? Not likely...
<Th3Hegem0n> 60-70
<Th3Hegem0n> my dad watches that shit
<Th3Hegem0n> he's religious as hell
<John_Ventureville> most people have mixed feelings on the subject
<John_Ventureville> they compartmentalize their thoughts and feelings about it
<BJKlein> Th3Hegem0n, he needs to watch it more then.
<Th3Hegem0n> he won't change
<epimetheus> RJB you use exactly the same technology to deliver antiaging enhancements
<BJKlein> or turn up the sound or something
<Th3Hegem0n> you don't understand, we are southern people
<Th3Hegem0n> heh
<RJB> I think an aggressive campaign -- pick a small state, say R.I. and then stand outside every Church (on public property of course) and hand out flyers for a film about how humanity is going to create paradise on Earth.
<Bitster> the major objection of creationists is the "accident".
* BJKlein lives in Alabama
<enoosphere> I'm not sure if that will work. I know many identified religious people who watch the Discovery Channel "religiously".
<RJB> (... every church sunday morn...)
<Bitster> obviously, with technology, we are the designers,
<Th3Hegem0n> exactly...
<Bitster> so there's really not much of an objection
<BJKlein> RJB, do you know Bart Kosko?
<BJKlein> author = Heaven in a Chip
<epimetheus> so build a bridge from SA and get traction from their credibility
<Bitster> sa=?
<RJB> ep, well they are similar -- but a full anti-aging therapy is a bit beyond what you would require for genetic enhancements for athletics
<BJKlein> Scientific American = Mag
<Bitster> ty
<RJB> Don't think I know BBart.
<BJKlein> he is Fuzzy Logic fella
<epimetheus> no exactly all you need to do is deliver fucntioning genes
<BJKlein> is that not Scientific American, the Mag?
<epimetheus> which encode fucntioning peptides
<epimetheus> which fold into fucntional enzymes
<epimetheus> which extend lifespan
<RJB> ep -- for genetic enhancements for athletics I can think of 3-4 genes and you can deliver them separately. For anti-aging, you may need hundreds and they probably need to be installed as "groups" that is quite a bit trickier.
<epimetheus> not hundreds. just 5 will do the trick
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<Captain_Integral> does anyone have a link to a listing of all the flaws in CFAI
<epimetheus> think teleologically
<BJKlein> good news.. Mel Gibson has agreed to narrate the ImmInst film
<enoosphere> lol!
<epimetheus> great an aussie
<epimetheus> teleologically not theologically :)
<BJKlein> what's the diff, heh
<epimetheus> with an end in mind and refeering to the number of genes needed for aa
<Chubtoad> narrator=7000
<RJB> e, you and I are reading different journals...
<BJKlein> so that explains it
<epimetheus> hehe... have you heard about dna damage?
<RJB> BJ -- that is *interesting* given his last film...
<RJB> I know a lot about DNA damage -- what are you talking about?
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<epimetheus> great. how do you minimize it?
* Th3Hegem0n has left #immortal
<BJKlein> Mel explains it as working on crossover apeal
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<RJB> Live in the depths of the ocean is one way.
* Th3Hegem0n has joined #immortal
<RJB> Living on the dark side of the moon might be another.
<BJKlein> what about lead roof?
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<BJKlein> or underground..
<Bitster> and we use the term "live" loosely
<RJB> Would help somewhat... There isn't a good understanding as to the division of the sources of damage between radiation, toxins and free radicals.
<BJKlein> what if we sleep standing up?
<RJB> For F.R. damage you have got to deal with caloric restriction until Aubrey's solution for moving the mt genome to the nucleus is implemented (if it can be done).
<epimetheus> try dna repair
<John_Ventureville> "The Passion of Bruce Klein" Mel records hours of BJ being chased and beaten by fundamentalist luddites!
<BJKlein> or with head toward the sun..
<epimetheus> then look at the enzymes driving it
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<epimetheus> hehe
<lightowl> heh, this seems to have gone silly :)
<John_Ventureville> I had a long day
<RJB> BJ, probably doesn't help much -- actually if you are sleeping at night, all you are getting is the background radiation, not anything from the sun -- don't know how much difference this makes in dangerous particles however.
<John_Ventureville> please forgive me
<epimetheus> 500,000 mutattion occur per cell per day
<BJKlein> BJ suffers for the sins of 1,000 immortalist
<John_Ventureville> RJB, would there be any benefit to living inside (if you are very rich to do it) a huge lead container buried underground to protect from cosmic rays, background radiation, etc.?
<lightowl> Are we still on the subject of the film?
<enoosphere> You martyr, you.
<epimetheus> the rate of dna repair detemines if a cell goes apoptotic, carcinogenic or senescent
<RJB> e, the problem probably isn't with most of those mutations -- single point mutations are mostly corrected properly. Its the double strand breaks that are the problem.
<epimetheus> i think we were on the subject of cryogenically preserving pet rocks
<Bitster> but of course, bj, after crucifixion, rises again on the thrid day
<Th3Hegem0n> hahaha
<RJB> Nope. Its the number of DSB that determines whether p53 sends the cells off to apoptosis land...
<Bitster> those christians never seem to learn....
* BJKlein make a wry grin
<epimetheus> overexpress dna repair related genes and oyu increase the rate of dna repair
<John_Ventureville> with the help of the Father (...of cryonics, Robert Ettinger)
* BJKlein shall swim with the father
<RJB> Cfxn doesn't destroy the brain -- I bet if you get it within 3 days you are probably still ok!
<Bitster> rofl
<BJKlein> ah, depends on if your under the sun
<RJB> Doesn't help you -- looks like DNA repair for DSB is fundamentally broken -- it introduces deletions and insertions into the genome.
<BJKlein> lead hat, perhaps
<John_Ventureville> whew! So if I travel through time and Romans crucify me (right before the Alcor standby team beams me back to Phoenix) I wll be fine
<epimetheus> some dna repair enzymes hae more specificity than others
<John_Ventureville> good to know
<Th3Hegem0n> if i had a time machine i'd go back and save jesus to prevent this whole mess
<BJKlein> eh, there'd just be some other myth
<RJB> J, you will have to have chelation therapy from drinking liquids the romans stored in lead vessels and/or piped through lead pipes
<John_Ventureville> ever see the "Mad TV" movie sketch where a Terminator robot is sent back in time to save Jesus? Very, very funny.

#3 Bruce Klein

Bruce Klein


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Posted 26 July 2004 - 03:45 AM

<RJB> J, you will have to have chelation therapy from drinking liquids the romans stored in lead vessels and/or piped through lead pipes
<John_Ventureville> ever see the "Mad TV" movie sketch where a Terminator robot is sent back in time to save Jesus? Very, very funny.
<BJKlein> death begets it
<epimetheus> the generic ones can introduce as many mutations as they repair
<RJB> E, ok, pulling rank, list the types of DNA repair...
<Th3Hegem0n> hahaha
<John_Ventureville> The Terminator is shooting Romans and Jews left and right with Jesus bringing them back from the dead and then saying to the robot, "please stop this, it is the will of my father that I die!"
<Th3Hegem0n> hahahahhaha
<John_Ventureville> it was really funny
<BJKlein> i had three strange days a few months ago..
<RJB> E, or even list the number of DNA repair enzymes -- that was in Science a few years back...
<BJKlein> susan left for a business trip..
<RJB> Did she fly?
<BJKlein> yes..
<RJB> Bet that made your day...
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<BJKlein> eh.. she has ideas of an afterlife..
<Th3Hegem0n> you can't reason with females
<RJB> Arrrrrggggghhhhh.....
<BJKlein> so i can't even convience my wife of my ideas
<BJKlein> but she wishes for longer life
<John_Ventureville> you are not alone!
<RJB> Well, women generally think of men as crazy anyway...
<BJKlein> so anyway.. yeah.
<Th3Hegem0n> hm i get called a "dork"
<BJKlein> three days alone.. just thinking of one idea
<Th3Hegem0n> by my girlfriend
<BJKlein> walking to the fridge, thinking.. i'm just an animal..
<BJKlein> i'm just a smelly... sweaty.. pissing animal..
<RJB> However, it is interesting -- if indefinite lifespans are to become a reality, one of the main raisons d'etre for women goes down the tubes
<Captain_Integral> i am thought a magician by those that dont understand what i do
<BJKlein> looking into the mirror..
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<John_Ventureville> ?
<BJKlein> yep.. two eyes.. ears.. just like an ape..
<epimetheus> http://www.cgal.icne...air_Genes.html:
<BJKlein> hairless apeman.. that's me.. it's real..
<Th3Hegem0n> munchy time
<epimetheus> not in any particular order
<BJKlein> watching the discovery channel.. yep.. see all those ape humans..
<BJKlein> then after three days.. back to normal..
<BJKlein> or whatever normal is.
<BJKlein> back to glossing over the fact that i'm animal
<epimetheus> ill follow this up with you on he forum RJB what;'s you handle
<John_Ventureville> BJ, you had an "Altered States" moment!
<BJKlein> yepp, non-drug induced altered state
<enoosphere> An animal with the ability to analyze itself in such a way for three days.
<RJB> Ok, e, +points for you, its a good link (one I was unaware of). I could have listed 5 or more of them without looking it up.
<BJKlein> just by thinking about it.. it really played with my view of the world
<Bitster> which raison d'etre i sthat, exactly?
<RJB> e, mean email?
<John_Ventureville> BJ, you had a John Hurt-style goin' ape in the 'ole sensory deprivation tank experience (just not anywhere as severe!
<enoosphere> Did you come to any conclusions, BJ?
<RJB> The problem really comes down to homologous end joining and non-homologous end joining pathways that repair double strand breaks.
<RJB> I've been in a SDT and one doesn't go crazy.
<epimetheus> no who are you on immonst
<John_Ventureville> "Altered States" is one of my favorite films
<John_Ventureville> RJB, in Hollywood films they do....
<BJKlein> conclusion = i can really play with my thinking, more easily than though before.. and,
<BJKlein> we are really really animals
<BJKlein> no lie
<BJKlein> and, this is not a game..
<BJKlein> no play over if you die
<John_Ventureville> *some of us may be a vegetable*
<John_Ventureville> but I understand what you are saying
<RJB> On Imminst its bradbury but I rarely look there for messages.
<BJKlein> humans are brilliant at overlooking this and not wanting to see that we are animal
<enoosphere> I see your point. Now I'm afraid to look in the mirror. I'm going to look in the mirror right now...
<RJB> Bit, making and raising babies... (r. d'etre)
<BJKlein> heh..
<BJKlein> and when humans start to see the world as such... i suspect they move to drink a beer to forget about it..
<RJB> BJ must have more hair than I do. I'm losing it from the back of my head but still have enough to be of interest on my chest but not on my back. Don't look like any ape I've seen.
<John_Ventureville> I'm a pretty dang hairless ape when it comes ot chest and back hair
<enoosphere> That is why many people do what they do today anyway...they want to escape the reality of it all.
<enoosphere> the animal of it all.
<BJKlein> hmm, yes i've seen your pics, you look human.
<BJKlein> but you are primate as well
<John_Ventureville> lol
<John_Ventureville> again, this is a primary reason why religion is so prominent in human society
<BJKlein> i suspect religion is one way to escape the reality of death
<enoosphere> I had a moment once when I was praying to God and suddenly realized what I have already known for a long time...No one was listening. The only one talking and the only one listening was me.
<John_Ventureville> and even where religion is not vital to a person, the general pain and disillusionment of life & effects of aging and disease, can really wear away the youthful desire to fight death and live.
<BJKlein> we are mearly complex globs of chemical interacting with each other in chaos
<enoosphere> All at once it seemed like there was nothing to hold on to. The universe is cold and unforgiving and my life and my death is in my own hands. I didn't know if I wanted that responsibility.
<epimetheus> have fun people, im off
<John_Ventureville> take care
<BJKlein> enoosphere, i know the feeling...
* epimetheus has left #immortal
<John_Ventureville> enoos, I have had that feeling & but others where I feel someone is listening and really cares
<BJKlein> moving from feeling there is a mother.. to see that mother is a killer
<John_Ventureville> do I have a highly developed "God Module?"
<John_Ventureville> hmmm
<John_Ventureville> mother is a killer?
<enoosphere> Even if someone were listening, it would still all be in my hands.
<BJKlein> metaphore
<John_Ventureville> you mean mother nature
<BJKlein> for nature
<John_Ventureville> ok
<BJKlein> life.. etc
<John_Ventureville> yes
<enoosphere> And that someone could not possibly want us to die if we don't want to. Reality doesn't care.
<John_Ventureville> BJ, as the old saying goes, "MOTHER NATURE IS A BITCH!"
<BJKlein> hmm, or rather indifferent
<enoosphere> BJ, do you ever look around at other people and want to shake them? Maybe that is why you are making a film?
<BJKlein> at the start..
<enoosphere> right, indifferent.
<BJKlein> but now moving toward more leveraged ways to shake
<John_Ventureville> and the follow-up rebuttal, "civilization is a protest against nature."
<John_Ventureville> Greg Burch uses that as a signature line
<John_Ventureville> I like it
<enoosphere> But, funny enough, civilization still seems to want us to believe in our mother, even while we protest.
<BJKlein> from internet, to book, to film.. then mind control..
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<BJKlein> no.. scratch the last one
<enoosphere> lol. Though sometimes that seems the only solution.
<BJKlein> evolutonary psychology explains much of the way our brain is wired..
<John_Ventureville> BJ, you will wind up being cast as the "Anti-Christ."
<enoosphere> make everyone wake up. Don't let them keep bliss through ignorance.
<BJKlein> i see it as saving lives..
<BJKlein> just as religious folks see it..
<RJB> BJ, actually it isn't "chaos" entirely -- there is quite a bit of "natural evolution" that got set off starting with the big bang.
<BJKlein> but with heaven on earth
<John_Ventureville> in about 30 years I see it as being all a moot question anyway, at least if a singularity actually happens
<enoosphere> But what pain will others suffer, even if a singularity occurs.
<BJKlein> agree, RJB.. but it looks as chaos to us.
<BJKlein> or to the non-scientist
<enoosphere> Sometimes I think transhumanists have the greater capacity to love than the religious person.
<John_Ventureville> RJB, so a natural "culling" is going on right now?
<John_Ventureville> I feel sorry for the third world person with no opportunity for education, a decent income, a cryonics policy, etc.
<John_Ventureville> They are the ones I feel like SCREAMING over.
<BJKlein> yepper..
<BJKlein> i feel sorry for my ancestors.. and all other life forms
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<BJKlein> but we can help, and shall do what we can
<John_Ventureville> because I cannot accept the total annihalation of the many noble people who lived in past centuries, I choose to believe there is some form of afterlife
<BJKlein> i know the work and thoughts of Robert Perry and David Pizer..
<enoosphere> I talk to a lot of people who feel scientists and intellectuals are cold and uncaring, but at moments like this I see how wrong they are.
<John_Ventureville> Mike Perry has you covered whether you sign up for cryonics or not!
<John_Ventureville> lol
<BJKlein> but, i see no way for such due to the problem of recreating entities
<John_Ventureville> I see science and technology as still being in their early infancy
<John_Ventureville> and so in a thousand years things may look so better
<BJKlein> sure.. but the basic physical laws are understood
<BJKlein> they do not change
<John_Ventureville> it would seem that way
<John_Ventureville> *but in a thousand years*
<John_Ventureville> *or one million!*
<BJKlein> and looking at such... those who have died with no cryonics, are gone for good
<enoosphere> The basic laws will be the same.
<enoosphere> in a thousand or a million.
<John_Ventureville> I feel like we are ancient Greeks debating why going to the moon just could never happen
<BJKlein> well.. i do think we better change one law which is a problem - heat death
<enoosphere> Cryonics is a step better because you actually give those future entities something to work with.
<RJB> No, even a non-scientist gains experience and operates based on that experience -- if it were chaos then experience wouldn't do you a damn bit of good.
<enoosphere> The law won't change. We'll just find a way around it :)
<enoosphere> Not so sure if that applies to recreating the deceased.
<Bitster> well, there's a big difference between coming back in this century, and in severl million years
<Th3Hegem0n> yeah, we will have been long dead
<Th3Hegem0n> humanity
<BJKlein> i do see one way around heat death.. infinite conservation of energy
<RJB> There is a reasonable chance one "could" recreate someone if one had enough information about them. For example -- how do I know that BJ isn't a really poor quality fax of the BJ that was here last week?
<John_Ventureville> what about punching a tunnel into another dimension?
<John_Ventureville> as a means for humanity to live on after this universe perishes?
<BJKlein> RJB, a diff. person is space/time is a diff person.
<RJB> JV, tunnels may not work -- all the theory about them went up in smoke with Hawking's most recent talk.
<John_Ventureville> great!
<John_Ventureville> *just what I needed to hear*
<Th3Hegem0n> wormholes through black holes? lol no way
<enoosphere> How does one infinitely conserve energy.
<John_Ventureville> now I can only look forward to a few billion years of future life!
<John_Ventureville> almost not worth it.....
<enoosphere> Maybe...I'm not saying no...but I'm also not going to depend on someone recreating me sometime in the future. I'd rather just live.
<BJKlein> once continuity of existance has been broken (death with no cryonics).. that person is gone
<Th3Hegem0n> it's called the law of conservation of energy enoo
<RJB> BJ, heat death is not going to take place for a very very very very very very very loooooong time.
<John_Ventureville> ; )
<BJKlein> yeah, but as an immortalist, heat death is key
<enoosphere> What is a long time to an immortal?
<Th3Hegem0n> .... a few billion is a short time....
<BJKlein> to know if all is for not.. or not
<Th3Hegem0n> i want to live a lot longer than a few billion years
<Bitster> is there some condition you can wirte into a cryonics policy to forbid resuscitation procedures that are repeatable?
<BJKlein> Bitster, you can write it as you wish
<RJB> So long as the BJ this week seems to be concerned about the same things as the BJ last week it could well be a BJ fax. All a reasonably competent individual would have to do is read the Imminst web site and they could emulate BJ in this forum.
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<BJKlein> sure, RJB... but a copy is a copy
<enoosphere> Yes, but that would not be BJ..what about the other facets of his life?
<enoosphere> A copy is a copy.
<Th3Hegem0n> ...but you would be dead...
<enoosphere> Yes, exactly BJ :)
<RJB> E, the energy conservation problem was addressed by Dyson in something like "Time without end in the Universe" or something similar to that.
<BJKlein> heh
<RJB> Actually you don't need to read it -- the basic idea is that you simply slow down your clock.
<enoosphere> I'll look into that. The eventual evaporation of the universe seems to be another death that an immortalist must deal with eventually.
<Th3Hegem0n> indeed
* BJKlein kick heat death
<Th3Hegem0n> well it's not like we don't have 4 billion years of massively greater intelligence in front of us though....
<enoosphere> Why leave to later what we can do today?
<Th3Hegem0n> ...because we can do it better later
<enoosphere> Oh, well, ya...
<RJB> BJ, CaCa -- how do you know someone has "continuity" -- JV could have been replaced in his sleep last night by a sloppy fax and he could have woken up this morning believing he was the real JV and nobody would know the difference.
<Th3Hegem0n> ...caca?
<RJB> BJ, I understand -- but if the original is *DEAD* he or she *DOESN'T CARE ANYMORE* Its generally the people around them who care when someone dies.
<BJKlein> RJB.. i don't see how making something as close to the orignial as possible is immortality
<BJKlein> I CARE!
<John_Ventureville> RJB, believe me, my employer would know! LOL
<enoosphere> The original is still in oblivion.
<BJKlein> why don't you care about your existance, RJB?
<BJKlein> ORIGINAL existance
<RJB> You care now -- but you won't care when you are dead.
<Th3Hegem0n> there is no other...
<BJKlein> sure, but i dont' plan to die..
<BJKlein> i don't plan to need a copy
<BJKlein> i plan to stay around
<RJB> J, ok, make it a not-so-sloppy fax, one where you would *really* have to look closely to discover the difference.
<John_Ventureville> Anyone here see the new Outer Limits episode where the reptilian aliens have a teleportation device that has a really dark side to it?
<Th3Hegem0n> it's still not the same person
<BJKlein> continuance
<Th3Hegem0n> your period on this planet as a concious being is gone
<RJB> You are going to *have* to have copies unless you can reduce the external hazard function to zero and I would argue that you *cannot* do that.
<BJKlein> steam in space and time..
<Th3Hegem0n> actually
<BJKlein> that is key to immortality
<Th3Hegem0n> RJB you don't need copies
<John_Ventureville> 1. at point A scan human 2. destroy original 2. build copy from scan at point B
<enoosphere> What is the point of all of this if all we can depend on are copies?
<Th3Hegem0n> you still die, even if your copy lives on
<RJB> Its like getting to absolute zero -- you can expend more and more energy trying to get there but you will never reach it. In fact you will spend so much time and energy trying to reduce the external hazard function to zero that you will probably end up hating your life.
<Th3Hegem0n> so why do you care about being copied? lol
<enoosphere> I don't want a copy to survive. I (that "I" is emphasize).
<enoosphere> want to survive.
<BJKlein> RJB, you can reduce hazards to near zero.. over an infinite time frame.. it's a way of life
<John_Ventureville> I would envision my copy as my "brother/child" and far better than simply being utter gone from the universe
<BJKlein> always working.. always living.. = immortality
<BJKlein> we are living proof
<BJKlein> just dont' screw it up!
<Th3Hegem0n> but you would be gone, that's the whole point of immortalism
<BJKlein> and make a copy, heh
<John_Ventureville> I want to one day have children, and so probably because of my personal psychology I like the idea of having copies (but not to fill the universe up and annoy everyone)
<Th3Hegem0n> not to make sure your presence is around, to make sure that YOU stay around
<BJKlein> your copy may become more liked than you :)
<enoosphere> lol
<John_Ventureville> BJ, I sure hope he's more popular than I am!
<BJKlein> but, if it helps.. i really like you just like you are now
<John_Ventureville> : )
<RJB> BJ, you *really* need to study some other areas of science a bit more. For example we could be within 20 l.y. of the front of radiation from a nearby G.R.B. that will hit the planet in 20 years. If that happens your hazard function was not *anywhere* close to zero. And if you don't have copies at the bottom of the ocean or a very deep mine you are toast.
<John_Ventureville> thanks, lol
<BJKlein> i understand, RJB.. space risks are big.. but not impossible
<BJKlein> we need to get to work
<John_Ventureville> RJB, I won't be sleeping well tonight thanks to you.
<John_Ventureville> : (
<RJB> You yourself know the space risks aren't all -- a SUV with a defective brake line might do the trick.
<BJKlein> Gamma will not hurt Cyborg
<RJB> You need to study nanotech a bit more....
<BJKlein> jeez.. let me go ahead and shoot myself
<BJKlein> cryonics is safest bet, eh?
<Th3Hegem0n> no way
<Th3Hegem0n> only as a last resort
<enoosphere> Even if you are right RJB, can't we add a few more years for the original to enjoy?
<John_Ventureville> cryonics is the safety net of last resorts
<Th3Hegem0n> yeah
<RJB> Digs out Nanosystems -- pgs 151-153 - discussion of the fact that UV radiation breaks atomic bonds -- any radiation with more energy per photon than UV (e.g. X-ray & gamma ray) will break atomic bonds to a greater extent.
<enoosphere> The point of all this is to give us that time. The entity that is me and my copies is not my concern. Only me. My copies are not me.
<RJB> Cyborgs *ARE* impacted by gamma rays.
<BJKlein> ok..
<Th3Hegem0n> .....
* LarryJoe has joined #immortal
<RJB> E. Probabilities are high -- biotech gets you a few hundred, bio+nano gets you a few thousand, to get beyond that you are either going to need to be very lucky (and have reduced your hazard function very low) or gone the copy/upload route.
<enoosphere> Well, if that turns out to be true...I'd rather make that decision in a few thousand years :)
<BJKlein> so we must depend on having enough time to find a way to find all Gamma risks.. and move to avoid.. we can do this.. it's not impossible
<Th3Hegem0n> nano = 0
<Th3Hegem0n> nano is complete control
<enoosphere> Right now my focus is on getting there.
<RJB> E, copies are you unless you run them.
<Th3Hegem0n> yes, but you won't wake up in the morning
<Th3Hegem0n> but everybody else will, including your copyu
<BJKlein> change 'upload' to networked
<Th3Hegem0n> but your still fucked
<RJB> Nano isn't "complete control" -- heat, radiation and pressure can destroy nano just as they are now used to destroy bacteria (e.g. autoclaves).
<Th3Hegem0n> you have a very limited vision of nano implications
<BJKlein> RJB, a copy is a diff. entity is space/time.
<RJB> networked requires a variety of copy subsets...
<enoosphere> Well, I don't mind having copies, or being networked, as long as one component is the original.
<enoosphere> not the sloppy fax.
<RJB> BJ, are you familiar with the database term "ROLLBACK"?
<John_Ventureville> BJ, I like your point about networking vrs., uploading
<BJKlein> no, not copy.. extensions
<BJKlein> connections.. not = copy
<Th3Hegem0n> yes
<Th3Hegem0n> connections
<Th3Hegem0n> thank you bj
<John_Ventureville> what is rollback?
<enoosphere> okay, extension.
<BJKlein> not familar with rollback.. but think i understand
<John_Ventureville> I'm not familiar with it
<Rotaerk> going back to previous version?
<BJKlein> information flow back to center
<RJB> If you consciousness gets crunched the entity you consider you to be is gone (no matter what you have in your extensions) -- its like having a body cut off from your leg and destroying the body but saving the leg. What good does that do you?
<BJKlein> your dead..
<BJKlein> i agree
<BJKlein> avoid that problem
<enoosphere> Don't die.
<BJKlein> by having good extensions
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<BJKlein> that detect risk
<Th3Hegem0n> good connections
<Th3Hegem0n> not your crappy ones
<RJB> BJ, No, Ro got it right. -- In RDBMS at this time you can modify the database and the data you view is *your* version of the database. But execute a rollback and it returns to precisely its original state.
<Th3Hegem0n> but it's still not your conscioussness in there, it's his
<enoosphere> But that rollback version is not the original state....it exists in a different time and space.
<BJKlein> brain cells are dying all the time..
<BJKlein> i'm stil me\
<BJKlein> i hope
<RJB> Unless you have some concept that "consciousness" is somehow *not* based in physical reality you can always get back to the original (though it may be in a different place and time) so its future path forward may be different from that the original took before it was crunched.
<Th3Hegem0n> conscioussness is not some magic thing that hops into whatever thing it likes
<Th3Hegem0n> it is supported by the substrate comprising it
<BJKlein> consciousness is based on physical reality.. no doubt
<Th3Hegem0n> remove the support, remove the consioussness
<RJB> e, it is the original *internal* state. If we teleported BJ to Europa tonight, would tomorrow BJ *not* be BJ?
<BJKlein> RJB, please rephrase your last paragraph.. please
<BJKlein> dont' teleport me, for goodness sake
<Th3Hegem0n> if you destory him, no
<enoosphere> I'm not so sure it would be the same BJ. Teleportation brings up the same problems as uploading, as copies, etc.
<BJKlein> my original would end up dead
<enoosphere> The original would be dead.
<BJKlein> and their'd be a copy at the end
<enoosphere> You beat me again BJ :)
<Th3Hegem0n> it's not "your original" lol, it would be you
<BJKlein> ya!
<John_Ventureville> I think we have seen too many SF TV shows where there is an energy creature which is composed strictly of "mental energies" and is without substrate
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<Th3Hegem0n> exactly
<BJKlein> anyone see I Robot, yet?
<Th3Hegem0n> fuck yeah
<RJB> Provided one has a complete "information state" of the brain at point X, then you can have X+delta1, X+delta1+delta2, etc. Either you have to claim that each and every one of those instantiations is a *different* BJ or its possible to subtract the deltas (i.e. execute a rollback) and get back to BJ at the time the backup was taken (copy was made).
<John_Ventureville> I saw it
<enoosphere> finished the book, not too excited about the movie version, but will see it soon nonetheless.
<BJKlein> RJB, it's all to a degree..
<John_Ventureville> I want Sonny to be my roommate
<BJKlein> not one or the other..
<Th3Hegem0n> sonny is too human, he will stab you
<BJKlein> i'm more me by not being teleported..
<Rotaerk> so...hmm...I'm thinking "continuity" of consciousness would simply require that an exact copy of the brain is placed into the exactly same place in an equal environment
<Th3Hegem0n> no lol
<Th3Hegem0n> you cannot break apart a brain and conscioussness remain
<Th3Hegem0n> i'm sorry
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<Rotaerk> as in the same things are going on around the person as well as inside...
<Rotaerk> well you're not conscious when you sleep
<Rotaerk> it'd be like sleeping and waking up in the same place
<Th3Hegem0n> so
<Th3Hegem0n> your physical substrate is fine
<Th3Hegem0n> it's just resting
<Th3Hegem0n> or whatever it does
<Rotaerk> but as far as your consciousness is concerned, .
<Rotaerk> it's not concerned.
<John_Ventureville> at the end of the film I had this uneasy feeling that these robots were just too "advanced" to nicely be put back into the box
<Th3Hegem0n> it's turned off
<Th3Hegem0n> but it can come back on
<Rotaerk> your brain could be dismantled and reconstructed
<Th3Hegem0n> geez lol
<John_Ventureville> *that it was just a matter of time*
<RJB> Oh boy, I can see this is going to be difficult. BJ isn't going to fly and he isn't going to teleport... I promise when I get back from Europa I'll show you some nice slides of the under-the-ice glow-in-the-dark, completely stacked mermaids.
<Th3Hegem0n> no
<enoosphere> I, Robot 2?
<Th3Hegem0n> then the conscioussness would not be supported
<BJKlein> RJB.. look forward to it.
<John_Ventureville> RJB, and BJ will say "YOU ARE NOT THE REAL RJB!" WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY FRIEND??"
<Rotaerk> consciousness isnt magic
<Th3Hegem0n> exactly
* BJKlein pinches RJB
<Th3Hegem0n> ..ow my head hurts
<BJKlein> do you feel that?
<RJB> He is waiting for a letter with a valid email address...
<Rotaerk> the state of the brain determines the state of the consciousness...I would think
<Rotaerk> so if the state of the brain is maintained, so is that of the consciousness
<Th3Hegem0n> i think there are some processes that must be maintained while asleep
<BJKlein> but a copy exact would know the valid pass on email.. i fear
<Th3Hegem0n> otherwise i don't htink we would be awake in the morning
<enoosphere> Or we are a copy when we awake in the morning?
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<Th3Hegem0n> no because we would die
<RJB> Yep, we could have fun with BJ's wife by xoxing BJ in his current "ape-like" state, then in a week or so start switching the re-"civilized" BJ with the xox every night...
<John_Ventureville> lol!
<BJKlein> heh, susan already thinks im an apeman.. it's ok
<enoosphere> But the original BJ might not like that.
<enoosphere> Then again, he would be in oblivion and not care.
<BJKlein> we have a warm and loving relationship.. until the kid question comes up...
<BJKlein> offspring or not offspring.. tis the 1mill $ immortalist question
<RJB> We will simply freeze them and let them drive to Mars to assist in its colonization once the highway gets built (though it raises an interesting question as to whether BJ's dislike of flying also applies to space travel...)
<Th3Hegem0n> i encourage the intelligent to outbreed the morons because the problem is becoming and existential disastor
<BJKlein> RJB, depends on the risk matrix
<BJKlein> and recoverablity
<RJB> ("them" being the nightly post-ape state "retrained" BJs)
<Rotaerk> x = new Integer(3); y = x; delete x;
<Th3Hegem0n> yeah
<LarryJoe> heh
<BJKlein> i'm a philosphical pioneer.. not a real pioneer
<RJB> Or we could just turn them over to EY and he can setup the FAI to keep the modded BJs as pets.
<enoosphere> The Post-Ape Martian Chronicles.
<Rotaerk> I'd just rather leave the mystery of consciousness up to the intelligence of the FAI
<Th3Hegem0n> why?
<Rotaerk> and then have it teach me once I'm intelligent enough... if I need to become more intelligent
<Th3Hegem0n> it's pretty simple
<RJB> I think we are going to unravel it before then -- it looks like they are making good progress on general intelligence.
<BJKlein> eh, you have permission to cryogenically store all rogue copies of BJK.. until the real BJK stands up
<John_Ventureville> BJ, I will admit that should you attain immortality, you and Susan will have millennia to have children. In the end you may have more kids than anyone in pre-22nd Century human history! Hundreds of cute, little rugrats!
<enoosphere> Should we really depend on the FAI, the Singularity, or some other technological rapture to solve our problems?
<John_Ventureville> *spaced over many years, of course*
<Rotaerk> enoosphere: that's its point.
<Th3Hegem0n> yes we should
<BJKlein> yeah.. EY can have all my rugrats
<Th3Hegem0n> because they are way smarter than we are and we will kill ourselves
<BJKlein> and RJB can have a few also
<John_Ventureville> I'll adopt a few to work around the lodge
<BJKlein> enoosphere, we shall need the advice of smarter-than human AI's or become them..
<John_Ventureville> they can live at the Creekside Orphanarium
<John_Ventureville> : )
<BJKlein> either way.. humans suck
<enoosphere> Well, in a sense I agree, but we might as well keep on working on it until then.
<RJB> Actually Susan will run out of eggs in 40-70 years -- so unless they harvest a bunch and have them frozen that isn't an option at this time. Of course you could do a from-scratch synthesis of a combined BJ/Susan genome once one has the complete DNA sequence from both of them.
<Rotaerk> enoosphere: or we can put all our efforts into FAI
<BJKlein> RJB, she has plenty of DNA.. yeah.. as you said
<enoosphere> Set better initial conditions for those smarter-than human AI's.
<RJB> Doubt it is in the cards for me...
<BJKlein> no sig. other, RJB?
<RJB> If we get an FAI overlord, I'm outta here.
<Th3Hegem0n> i would never voluntarily have kids
<John_Ventureville> I don't think I will be able to outwit my religious programming to breed, but then again I might never find the right partner to hook up with
<BJKlein> hmm.. how do we avoid an overlord?.. seems inevitable
<Th3Hegem0n> overlord?
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<John_Ventureville> RJB, James Swayze feels the same way
<Th3Hegem0n> definitely not
<enoosphere> By becoming the overload.
<John_Ventureville> he does not like the SYSOP of Eliezer
<Th3Hegem0n> if by overlord you mean prevent yourself from hurting others
<Th3Hegem0n> then yeah...
<Rotaerk> FAI overlord is an oxymoron.
<Th3Hegem0n> yeah lol
<BJKlein> overlord = GodAI
<Th3Hegem0n> See, the way it's actually programmed is ... Friendly
<BJKlein> or Devil
<RJB> There is a very fine limit -- would a FAI allow NASCAR racing? Rock climbing? Playing with fireworks? etc. etc. etc.
<Th3Hegem0n> yes
<Th3Hegem0n> of course
<Th3Hegem0n> but it wouldn't let anyone die
<BJKlein> let?
<Rotaerk> (unwillingly)
<BJKlein> suicide
<Th3Hegem0n> unintentionally
<enoosphere> It seems like many see immortality in their children, in our technological creations, in uploading, etc. That seems to be stretching it.
<Th3Hegem0n> sorry it took me a minute to spell that
<RJB> If I want to die then I intend to die.
<Th3Hegem0n> yes
<Th3Hegem0n> it won't interfere
<Rotaerk> of course suicide may not be your volition:
<BJKlein> i still dont believe RJB want's immortality through his copy.. i just cant' believe it, sorry.
<Th3Hegem0n> indeed
<Rotaerk> you may only want to die due to temporary emotional problems
<RJB> BJ, I think I've actually reached that point...
<BJKlein> yippe
<Th3Hegem0n> it always seems obvious in retrospect
<RJB> Not because I like the point but I can't convince myself that there is likely to be a different concrete solution.
<BJKlein> i shall change your mind, because i like your the orignial
<RJB> BJ, the copies *are* the original.
* BJKlein folds arms
<John_Ventureville> they are and yet they are not!!!
<enoosphere> lol
<John_Ventureville> lol
<RJB> Chuckles...
<LarryJoe> hi guys, i'm new to this chat room...but lurked alot on the imminst forums
<John_Ventureville> howdy
<BJKlein> welcome LarryJoe
<enoosphere> Hello.
<Th3Hegem0n> RJB i don't know who you are but that's a completely ignorant comment
<RJB> Good, lets tar and feather LJ
<enoosphere> lol
<Rotaerk> if you have 2 simultaneous copies, they immediately become different people
<BJKlein> make a copy of him..
<Rotaerk> because they are in different environments
* BJKlein pats Rotaerk
<Th3Hegem0n> no they don't
<Th3Hegem0n> er
<Th3Hegem0n> yes
<Th3Hegem0n> lol
<BJKlein> yes they do, heh
<RJB> Th3, not to me it isn't... I'm comfortable with losing one or more deltas -- the British seem to have a problem that a significant fraction of the population is doing it on a regular basis.
<John_Ventureville> David Pizer has a very funny short poem about copies
<Rotaerk> the only way, I'd think is to like...somehow freeze the brain at a state...so that it cant change anymore...then record
<Th3Hegem0n> so you would rather end your existance in favor of somebody else to act like you
<John_Ventureville> I will have to dredge it up for the group sometime
<RJB> Ro, they don't become different people if you link them together so that each can access the delta's of the other.
<Th3Hegem0n> yes

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