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Refined Foods May Be Cause Of Pimples And Acne

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 04 December 2002 - 07:20 PM

I knew it, I knew it.... I've felt for a long time now that eating sugar and high carb foods had a lot to do with pimples.. I've done experiments on myself where I've cut carbs to the bone and have seen a marked reduction in acne.... Now, I wish this information was around when I was turning 16.

Refined Foods May Be Cause of Pimples and Acne
Yahoo! News Wed, Dec 04, 2002

Eating too much refined bread and cereal, rather than chocolate and greasy foods, could be the cause of teenage acne and pimples.

Loren Cordain and scientists at the Colorado State University in Fort Collins have published research showing that refined carbohydrates unleash a series of reactions in the body which increase the production of bacteria that cause acne.

"There's a lot of anecdotal evidence," Neil Mann, a nutrition researcher at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia told New Scientist magazine Wednesday.

Mann and his colleagues are planning to test the theory and will be putting 60 teenage boys on low-carbohydrate diets for three months to see if it has an impact.

complete story >>

#2 bobdrake12

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Posted 04 December 2002 - 09:12 PM

I've felt for a long time now that eating sugar and high carb foods had a lot to do with pimples


Pimples are a minor issue when it comes to sugar.

Check out the excerpts from the article called "The Dangers of Sugar - And Some Alternatives".



Bitter sweet

Some of the dangers of consuming refined sugar are well known - tooth decay and obesity - but sugar can also suppress the immune system, and upset the body's mineral balance. It can reduce helpful high-density cholesterol (HDLs) and promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs). Sugar can cause hypoglycaemia, hormonal imbalance, varicose veins, food allergies, hypertension and depression. Sugar is also addictive; it can cause cravings for more food, particularly sweet food, leading to over-eating.

What is aspartame?

Aspartame is made of three compounds:

Phenylalanine. This lowers the seizure threshold in some individuals, and can cause seizures and brain tumours, according to the head of Brain Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Aspartic Acid. Causes lesions in the brains of lab animals as
well as changes their DNA
. This means future generations can be affected; in animal lab tests health problems skipped a generation and went on to the third, producing obese and sexually dysfunctional lab animals.

Methanol. Causes depression. In fluid form, Methanol (wood
alcohol) breaks down into formic acid (used in industry to strip epoxy and urethane coatings) and formaldehyde (used for embalming corpses). An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assessment of methanol states that methanol "is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed."

Affects of aspartame

Aspartame consumption has been connected with many symptoms including headaches, joint pain, memory loss, numbness, tinnitus, hearing loss, vision problems, weight gain, rashes, seizures, fatigue, muscle spasms, dizziness, asthma and chest tightness.

Betty Martini - a tireless campaigner against the use of aspartame - says that many people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis have lost all symptoms once they stopped using aspartame.

© 2000-2002 Shelley Day, Alternative Healthzine

#3 bobdrake12

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Posted 04 December 2002 - 09:22 PM


More on sugar.



Sugar (excerpts)

"Sugar is without question one of the most dangerous substances on the food market today.

What we are talking about here is sucrose, the white crystalline sugar refined from cane or beet juice by stripping away all its vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, water, and other synergists.

White sugar is an industrially processed chemical not found in nature, and it is not fit for human consumption.

Other sugars such as fructose (in fruit and honey), lactose (in milk), and maltose (in grains) are natural substances with nutritional value.

Raw sugar is a coarse, brown, sticky variety made by simply boiling down whole cane juice and it too is a wholesome food, but it is very difficult to find in the Western world.

The so called 'brown sugar' sold in supermarkets is nothing more than refined white sugar with some molasses spun back into it for color and flavor. It is not a 'health food'.

Sugar suppresses the immune system by causing the pancreas to secrete abnormally large quantities of insulin, which is required to break it down.

Insulin remains in circulation in the bloodstream long after sugar has been metabolized, and one of its main side effects is to suppress the release of growth hormone in the pituitary gland.

Growth hormone is a primary regulator of the immune system, so anyone who eats a lot of sugar every day is going to experience critical growth hormone deficiency and consequent immune deficiency caused by the constant presence of insulin in the bloodstream.

Furthermore, refined white sugar is treated as a toxic foreign agent by the immune system, owing to its unnatural chemical structure as well as the industrial contaminants it retains from the refining process.

Sugar thus triggers an unnecessary immune response while simultaneously suppressing immune function, thereby debilitating the immune system with a double edged sword.

Sugar is the chief culprit in many diseases and degenerative conditions.

It can easily cause diabetes and is a major factor in candidacies, both of which are epidemic in the industrialized Western world.

Heavy sugar consumption therefore causes a constant siphoning of nutrients from the body. Recent evidence suggests that sugar causes dental caries not so much by contact with the teeth but rather by leaching the teeth of calcium from within.

Sugar depletes the body of potassium and magnesium, which are required for proper cardiac function, and is therefore a major factor in heart disease.

The nutritional leaching caused by sugar can give rise to intense food cravings and eating binges, as the body seeks to replenish the nutrients 'stolen' from it by sugar.

Sugar is an addictive substance. In Sugar Blues, William Dufty writes; 'The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree.'

Abruptly giving up sugar invariably brings on the sort of withdrawal symptoms associated with narcotic drugs- fatigue, lassitude, depression, moodiness, headaches, aching limbs.

#4 Bruce Klein

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Posted 04 December 2002 - 09:34 PM

Sugar is an addictive substance. In Sugar Blues, William Dufty writes; 'The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree.'

Abruptly giving up sugar invariably brings on the sort of withdrawal symptoms associated with narcotic drugs- fatigue, lassitude, depression, moodiness, headaches, aching limbs.

Thanks Bob... appreciate the info.

#5 bobdrake12

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Posted 04 December 2002 - 11:17 PM


Many believe that the impact of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can be reduced by the elimination of food additives and refined sugar, yet there is no money in that kind of treatment.

Thus, what is prescribed is a variety of prescription drugs. There is money in prescription drugs.

Unfortunately, the profitable medicine, prescription drugs, can have negative side-effects.

In summary: We have sugar which can lead to disease, which can in turn lead to treating that disease with "medicine", which can lead to even further disease.

This is an example of how the system works.



Attention Deficit Disorder & Hyperactivity Success (brief excerpt)

by Dr. Allen Buresz

What Are the True Facts?

The vast majority of medical doctors consider Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) to be of unknown causes. Yet it's a known fact that the elimination of food additives and refined sugar produces dramatic improvements. Why haven't you been told this well-known fact?


#6 bobdrake12

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Posted 20 December 2002 - 11:48 PM

Bruce and all,

I have included another article on the culpret behind acne.

As an aside, I recently ask a vet who specialized in cancer whether it was OK for a cancer patient to eat refined sugar.

The specialist responded that eating refined suger was fine for a cancer patient.

Note one of the articles in the this thread shown above states:

Sugar suppresses the immune system by causing the pancreas to secrete abnormally large quantities of insulin, which is required to break it down.

Another question I asked the specialist was whether radiation therapy could cause cancer. The specialist responded that radiation from the sun could cause cancer but radiation therapy would not cause cancer. By the way, the specialist was recommending radiation therapy as part of the treatment for my cat.

Quoting an article in from the Harvard Medical Schools posted in the Cancer, Causes, risk reduction, potential cures topic:

Radiation therapy also can increase your risk of developing a second cancer.

This provides a couple examples why I believe it is vital to perform and understand research on health issues before anyone in your family (In my case, my cat Malissa, who contracted cancer through vaccinations which is a procedure I stopped having performed four years ago when I found that another of my cats, Snowball, also contracted cancer from vaccinations and died as a result.) does contract a serious illness.

These specialist might be myopic in their approach or perhaps even out to sell a procedure. In any event, I believe it is worthwhile to be informed (risk versus benefits for treatments and most of all risk reduction to possibly avoid the disease).



Fri, Dec 20, 2002

Western Culture May Be Culprit Behind Acne: Theory (excerpts)

By Jacqueline Stenson

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Calling into question the current medical belief that diet does not affect acne, a new report suggests that regularly eating breads, cakes, chips and other staples of Western culture may promote the skin condition.

Dr. Loren Cordain, a professor of health and exercise science at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, and colleagues arrived at their conclusion after studying two non-Westernized populations: the Kitavan Islanders of Papua New Guinea and the Ache hunter-gatherers of Paraguay.

In the December issue of the Archives of Dermatology (news - web sites), the study authors report that they found no evidence of acne among 1,200 Kitavan Islanders aged 10 or older, including 300 of them between 15 and 25. They ate primarily fruit, fish, tubers and coconut but almost no cereals or refined sugars.

The researchers also saw no acne among 115 Ache hunter-gatherers, including 15 aged 15 to 25. Their diet consisted mostly of the root vegetable sweet manioc, peanuts, maize and rice, as well as some wild game. About 8% of their diet was made up of Western foods such as pasta, sugar and bread. Previous studies also have found that acne is rare or nonexistent in people living in non-industrialized cultures but tends to appear when they transition to a Western way of life, the report indicates.

In Western cultures, studies have indicated that acne affects 79% to 95% of adolescents and persists into middle age in 12% of women and 3% of men.

While genetic factors are known to play a role in acne, the authors point out that other groups of Pacific Islanders and South American Indians who live in more Westernized settings have higher rates of acne.

So the investigators turned their focus to environmental differences that might contribute to acne. The most likely environmental factor that can elicit the hormonal cascade underlying acne is dietary in nature," Cordain told Reuters Health. "High-glycemic-load carbohydrates have been demonstrated to cause the exact hormonal changes known to occur with acne."

He said there is evidence to suggest that high-glycemic carbohydrates--those that substantially boost blood sugar levels--"set off a series of hormonal changes known to underlie the development of acne."

Elevated blood sugar leads to increases in insulin production, Cordain explained. This affects other hormones that ultimately can cause excess oil in the skin to be produced, pores to be clogged and bacteria that cause acne to thrive, he said.

High-glycemic foods include cereals, bagels and other breads, doughnuts and cakes, crackers, chips and candy.

Low-glycemic diets, including plenty of fruits and vegetables, might offer a new treatment option for people with acne, Cordain suggested.

SOURCE: Archives of Dermatology 2002;138:1584-1592

#7 fruitimmortal

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 01:13 AM

I agree!! an improper diet causes error in matter. improper thinking and the beliefs the masses hang onto about death are caused by defects in the human system/brain. only people in their right mind are able to crasp the facts of life-extension..... [!] Long live the wise and forever the perfect Genius

#8 bobdrake12

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Posted 21 December 2002 - 01:38 AM

an improper diet causes error in matter. improper thinking and the beliefs the masses hang onto about death are caused by defects in the human system/brain. only people in their right mind are able to crasp the facts of life-extension.....


I believe you nailed it!

I have included an article below that provides further evidence showing displaying how improper diet and improper diet relate.



Posted Image

The Eating-Well Way to Boost Brain Power (excerpts)

By Liora Nordenberg

Like or loathe the constant advice on what to eat, drink and do to stay well, now there's another reason to pay heed: Eating right, say nutrition experts, can give a boost to our brains as well as our bodies.

Say No to Cravings That Can Craze

What explains the mood-food connection? Balanced brain functioning relies on healthy production of chemicals called neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which enable the brain's nerve cells to communicate and control our emotions and thoughts.

Poor eating habits can thwart the neurotransmitters and contribute to mental disorders—problems like anxiety and depression—and might also foster the growth of memory-destroying toxins in the brain. So registered dietitian Amy Tuttle recommends: "Eat well enough, regularly enough, so you don't generate mood swings."

Some foods referred to as "anti-nutrients" can be especially bad for the brain. By depleting the body of vitamins and minerals, they can contribute to depression, anxiety, and fatigue, says Barnet Meltzer, M.D., in his book Food Swings.

Anti-nutrients include:

o Simple Carbohydrates: like refined sugar and flour. Glucose fuels the brain into a short-lived sugar high, but expect that to be followed by a fatigue-defined "crash."

o Processed and Saturated Fats: A good first step to enhanced thinking is to use olive oil or safflower oil (which are high in unsaturated rather than saturated fats) in place of butter or hydrogenated margarine or oils. In one recent Canadian study, rats fed a diet high in saturated fat (40 percent, similar to the diet of many Americans) showed impairment in memory, spatial ability, and rule-learning. Instead of saturated fat, eat more fish, flaxseed oil, green leafy vegetables and walnuts—they're high in Omega-3 fatty acids which can enhance brain function and help fight against emotional disorders such as depression.

o Caffeine: Too much caffeine over-stimulates nerves, creating a quick rush of nervous energy that can be followed by a dive into depression or irritability. Try to limit yourself to that one morning cup to perk you up.

o Alcohol: Alcohol depletes the body of tryptophan, an amino acid that converts to mood-lifting serotonin. By lowering serotonin levels, alcohol can lead to depression. Forego excessive alcohol in favor of high-tryptophan foods: beans, peanut butter or spinach, for example. Tyrosine, another amino acid, is converted into mood-enhancing norepinephrine and dopamine. Tyrosine is found in apples, carrots and soybean products, among other foods.

Get-Smart Foods

Feeling glum? Go for a plum. Indeed, fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which are rich in complex carbohydrates, supply the brain with a steady glucose dose for a calming effect and brain power for problem-solving and memory.

For a truly smart meal, combine complex carbohydrates with proteins like those in meat and eggs, along with antioxidants, which are known not only for their disease-fighting potential, but for their ability to foster clear thinking.

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