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Candida and Krebs Cycle Disruption

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#1 bladean

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 03:04 PM

Hello, I'm new here, and first say that I'm from Spain, and my English is not perfect.

I have a Candida intestinal overgrowth, and its toxic metabolites makes me sick. Acetaldehyde, impair aldehyde dehydrogenase. Tartaric Acid, impair Malic Acid incorporation in Krebs Cycle.
I'm thinking in Resveratrol for increase NAD, and support aldehyde dehydrogenase (I have NAD NADH imbalance due to acetaldehyde).
And Benagene to repair the disruption of malic acid. (Tartaric acid disrupt incorporation of Malic acid in Krebs cycle, malic acid suplementation don't work)

What do you think?
I tried molybdenum, Pantethine, NADH, R-ALA, without success, only arginine alpha-keto-glutarate seems to work, but this feeds candida overgrowth.

#2 medievil



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Posted 09 February 2011 - 04:53 PM

Why not just get rhid of candida with a antifungal?

I had the exact same issue, at first it caused extreme exhaustion, untill i started amphetamine (wich supresses the immume system) it got completely out of control, started getting random allergy's and insane bloodpressure causing severe chestpains and other shit, after i stopped amp it kept getting worse and started getting random partional seizures i tought i was gonna die lol, they stopped completely after one day when i started flucanozole and my apetite and energy was coming back, unfortionally after a few days i relapsed back without energy and started getting that seizure feeling again, took a course of high dose flucanozole and quickly everything went away and started feeling like my old self again, its a huge difference actually.

This was some scary shit, i couldnt remember what i said 10 minutes ago on msn and felt like i was in some delirium like dreamworld the whole time :wacko:

Serieusly, you dont want to get this stuff going out of control.
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#3 bladean

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 06:25 PM

Why not just get rhid of candida with a antifungal?

I had the exact same issue, at first it caused extreme exhaustion, untill i started amphetamine (wich supresses the immume system) it got completely out of control, started getting random allergy's and insane bloodpressure causing severe chestpains and other shit, after i stopped amp it kept getting worse and started getting random partional seizures i tought i was gonna die lol, they stopped completely after one day when i started flucanozole and my apetite and energy was coming back, unfortionally after a few days i relapsed back without energy and started getting that seizure feeling again, took a course of high dose flucanozole and quickly everything went away and started feeling like my old self again, its a huge difference actually.

This was some scary shit, i couldnt remember what i said 10 minutes ago on msn and felt like i was in some delirium like dreamworld the whole time :wacko:

Serieusly, you dont want to get this stuff going out of control.

Hello, I tried with fluconazol 600mg along 4 months without success. After stopping treatment, candida returns...
Now I'm on undecylenic acid, but I need to repair my energy cycle for resist herxximer reaction.

Edited by bladean, 09 February 2011 - 06:33 PM.

#4 rwac

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 06:42 PM

Olive Leaf extract and a low carb diet helped me a lot with keeping the yeast at bay.

Edited by rwac, 09 February 2011 - 07:00 PM.

#5 medievil



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Posted 09 February 2011 - 06:51 PM

Curcumin and resveratrol have some effiacy for keeping candida at bay if i remember correctly.

#6 bladean

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 07:25 PM

Curcumin and resveratrol have some effiacy for keeping candida at bay if i remember correctly.

Thank you, but any idea to support my detox system, that are overhelmed with toxins.
The targets are aldehyde dehydrogenase, and in krebs cycle malic acid disruption

#7 xEva

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 05:01 AM

I researched yeast for a relative recently. This is from my notes:

• NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) is good for detoxing acetaldehyde and breaking disulfide bonds of gliotoxin.

The results provide strong evidence that gliotoxin, produced by C. albicans during candidiasis, contributes to the survival of the fungus in the bloodstream of the host.

gliotoxin: Its mode of action involves the formation of mixed disulfides with host proteins. Disulfide exchanges play an important role in platelet activation.

These toxins [gliotoxin] are characterised by an internal disulfide bridge, which is responsible for their toxicity (10). Gliotoxin has been shown to inhibit host proteins like alcohol dehydrogenase (11), creatine kinase (12) and transcription factor NF-κB (13) by binding to free sulfhydryl groups of these enzymes.

cysteine counteracts the poisonous effects of acetaldehyde, Cysteine supports the next step in metabolism, which turns acetaldehyde into the relatively harmless acetic acid. thiamine (B1) works with cysteine on acetaldehyde even better.

• B5:

Pantethine is the active form of B5 and it assists the removal of the most toxic of the byproducts of Candida metabolism. Acetyladehyde

• Curcumin:

Curcumin was a more potent antifungal than fluconazole against P. brasiliensis, the causal agent of the neglected disease paracoccidioidomycosis.

Curcumin dramatically inhibited the adhesion of Candida species isolated from AIDS patients to BEC, demonstrating that curcumin is a promising lead compound that warrants further investigation into its therapeutical use in immunocompromised patients.

Sorry I did not keep the links. But you can google quotes to find them.
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#8 bladean

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 02:50 PM

I researched yeast for a relative recently. This is from my notes:

• NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) is good for detoxing acetaldehyde and breaking disulfide bonds of gliotoxin.

The results provide strong evidence that gliotoxin, produced by C. albicans during candidiasis, contributes to the survival of the fungus in the bloodstream of the host.

gliotoxin: Its mode of action involves the formation of mixed disulfides with host proteins. Disulfide exchanges play an important role in platelet activation.

These toxins [gliotoxin] are characterised by an internal disulfide bridge, which is responsible for their toxicity (10). Gliotoxin has been shown to inhibit host proteins like alcohol dehydrogenase (11), creatine kinase (12) and transcription factor NF-κB (13) by binding to free sulfhydryl groups of these enzymes.

cysteine counteracts the poisonous effects of acetaldehyde, Cysteine supports the next step in metabolism, which turns acetaldehyde into the relatively harmless acetic acid. thiamine (B1) works with cysteine on acetaldehyde even better.

• B5:

Pantethine is the active form of B5 and it assists the removal of the most toxic of the byproducts of Candida metabolism. Acetyladehyde

• Curcumin:

Curcumin was a more potent antifungal than fluconazole against P. brasiliensis, the causal agent of the neglected disease paracoccidioidomycosis.

Curcumin dramatically inhibited the adhesion of Candida species isolated from AIDS patients to BEC, demonstrating that curcumin is a promising lead compound that warrants further investigation into its therapeutical use in immunocompromised patients.

Sorry I did not keep the links. But you can google quotes to find them.

xEva, very interesting, I had no idea about Gliotoxin, this matches with the sensitivity that I have to sulfites and sulfides. But NAC contains cysteine amino, that this are an sulfur amino, and I can't tolerate.
Any idea to counteract Gliotoxins?

#9 xEva

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 08:18 AM

It's too bad you can't take it. NAC was quoted as the best and my relative reported that it had immediate effect on reducing toxicity she experienced. Cysteine is considered one of the best in detoxing acetaldehyde and NAC is long used for breaking disulfide bonds (for example in mucus). In addition, it's glutathione precursor.

Then you could try B vitamins, especially B1 and also B5, as both detox acetaldehyde. Also, I read that biotin somehow interferes with candida turning invasive. But it was just a statement that I did not check in pubmed.

Also you can consider Nicotinamide riboside:

Inhibitory effect of nicotinamide on enzymatic activity of selected fungal strains causing skin infection: 2010 nicotinamide exhibited biological activity towards C. albicans, T. rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which resulted in a decrease in the activity of enzymes produced by the fungi.

Recent results establish protective roles for NAD(+) that might be applicable therapeutically to prevent neurodegenerative conditions and to fight Candida glabrata infection. In addition, the contribution that NAD(+) metabolism makes to lifespan extension in model systems indicates that therapies to boost NAD(+) might promote some of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.

We show that reduced levels of H3K56ac sensitize C. albicans to genotoxic and antifungal agents. Inhibition of Hst3p activity by conditional gene repression or nicotinamide treatment results in a loss of cell viability associated with abnormal filamentous growth, histone degradation and gross aberrations in DNA staining. 2010

#10 bladean

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 11:40 AM

It's too bad you can't take it. NAC was quoted as the best and my relative reported that it had immediate effect on reducing toxicity she experienced. Cysteine is considered one of the best in detoxing acetaldehyde and NAC is long used for breaking disulfide bonds (for example in mucus). In addition, it's glutathione precursor.

Then you could try B vitamins, especially B1 and also B5, as both detox acetaldehyde. Also, I read that biotin somehow interferes with candida turning invasive. But it was just a statement that I did not check in pubmed.

Also you can consider Nicotinamide riboside:

Inhibitory effect of nicotinamide on enzymatic activity of selected fungal strains causing skin infection: 2010 nicotinamide exhibited biological activity towards C. albicans, T. rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which resulted in a decrease in the activity of enzymes produced by the fungi.

Recent results establish protective roles for NAD(+) that might be applicable therapeutically to prevent neurodegenerative conditions and to fight Candida glabrata infection. In addition, the contribution that NAD(+) metabolism makes to lifespan extension in model systems indicates that therapies to boost NAD(+) might promote some of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.

We show that reduced levels of H3K56ac sensitize C. albicans to genotoxic and antifungal agents. Inhibition of Hst3p activity by conditional gene repression or nicotinamide treatment results in a loss of cell viability associated with abnormal filamentous growth, histone degradation and gross aberrations in DNA staining. 2010

Very interesting, but nicotinamide, could it unbalance the ratio NAD / NADH??
Why are Nicotinamide riboside best?
Benagene could it be an option?

Thank you

#11 bladean

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Posted 11 February 2011 - 02:27 PM

Very interesting, but nicotinamide, could it unbalance the ratio NAD / NADH??
Why are Nicotinamide riboside best?
Benagene could it be an option?

Thank you

Bad news about nicotinamide riboside: researchers found that yeast cells formerly capable of dividing 13 times, divided over 23 times when given nicotinamide riboside. There are still further testing for nicotinamide riboside in humans.
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#12 xEva

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Posted 12 February 2011 - 01:14 AM

Yeah, I don't know why there is "Nicotinamide riboside" in my notes when it should have been simply nicotinamide. But it's not a supplement proper, even though LEF offered it in 2007, according to google. Good thing you checked it :)

I would not worry about the NAD / NADH ratio. Drugs have side effects. View nicotinamide as a drug you may need to take for a while. It has a long safety record as a supplement.

In your place I would reconsider your position on sulfides. I know about the toxic sulfites you're talking about, like in some cheap wines and such. It's not the same as cysteine and glutathione, natural substances produced by your own body to deal with toxins. From what I've read, NAC is the best for yeast toxicity, and my relative confirmed it.


Edited by xEva, 12 February 2011 - 01:24 AM.

#13 bladean

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Posted 12 February 2011 - 02:30 PM

Yeah, I don't know why there is "Nicotinamide riboside" in my notes when it should have been simply nicotinamide. But it's not a supplement proper, even though LEF offered it in 2007, according to google. Good thing you checked it :)

I would not worry about the NAD / NADH ratio. Drugs have side effects. View nicotinamide as a drug you may need to take for a while. It has a long safety record as a supplement.

In your place I would reconsider your position on sulfides. I know about the toxic sulfites you're talking about, like in some cheap wines and such. It's not the same as cysteine and glutathione, natural substances produced by your own body to deal with toxins. From what I've read, NAC is the best for yeast toxicity, and my relative confirmed it.


Dear xEva, I find this:

Yeasts of the genus Candida are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised patients. Despite new insights in recent years, the pathogenesis of Candida infection is still incompletely understood. Previous studies have suggested that gliotoxin, a secondary fungal metabolite with well-known immunosuppressive effects, is produced by various species of the genus Candida, and a possible role of gliotoxin as a virulence factor ofC. albicans has also been discussed. However, until now, no definitive evidence has been provided that members of the genus Candida are able to produce gliotoxin. To clarify this question, we tested a total of 100 clinical isolates of C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. krusei and C. parapsilosis for gliotoxin production using a highly sensitive HPLC protocol, and, for selected isolates, confirmed our findings by tandem MS. This approach did not detect intracellular or extracellular gliotoxin production by any of the isolates examined, although various culture conditions were applied. Therefore, in contrast to previous studies, our data strongly suggest that at least the Candida species investigated in this study are not able to produce the secondary metabolite gliotoxin.
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#14 xEva

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Posted 13 February 2011 - 06:22 AM

That's interesting. That's 2007 paper you quote. I let them experts sort it out.

Here is what wiki has to say in this regard:

results of a recent study of 100 clinical Candida isolates, however, have cast doubt on the occurrence of this metabolite in this group of fungi.[1] However, a study published in 1991 by Shah and Larsen found "Clinical Isolates of yeast produce a Gliotoxin-like substance" in 32 of 50 isolates tested.[2]

And here is a 2010 German article: Candida albicans and its metabolite gliotoxin...

Gliotoxin (GT), which possesses immunosuppressive properties, is produced by various fungi, including the opportunistic pathogens Aspergillus fumigatus and C. albicans.

In any rate, when I replied to your plea, I was not planning on having to convince you of anything. Just to share some info I found recently :)


Edited by xEva, 13 February 2011 - 06:23 AM.

#15 bladean

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 10:17 AM

Thanks I try with it

#16 bladean

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Posted 16 February 2011 - 11:30 AM

That's interesting. That's 2007 paper you quote. I let them experts sort it out.

Here is what wiki has to say in this regard:

results of a recent study of 100 clinical Candida isolates, however, have cast doubt on the occurrence of this metabolite in this group of fungi.[1] However, a study published in 1991 by Shah and Larsen found "Clinical Isolates of yeast produce a Gliotoxin-like substance" in 32 of 50 isolates tested.[2]

And here is a 2010 German article: Candida albicans and its metabolite gliotoxin...

Gliotoxin (GT), which possesses immunosuppressive properties, is produced by various fungi, including the opportunistic pathogens Aspergillus fumigatus and C. albicans.

In any rate, when I replied to your plea, I was not planning on having to convince you of anything. Just to share some info I found recently :)


What dosage Can I use of NAC?
What is the protocol that she used ?

Thank you

Edited by bladean, 16 February 2011 - 11:35 AM.

#17 medievil



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Posted 16 February 2011 - 06:55 PM

Hey, can you tell me how the metabolites make you sick? Ive experienced complete loss of apetite and exhaustion for weeks when i had this, do you experience this?

#18 medievil



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Posted 16 February 2011 - 06:57 PM

Ive also experienced severe muscle pains and body aches at times, wich i managed to mostly resolve with B12 injections, i made a topic about that a few months ago, at the time unaware and thinking it was a B12 defiency causing it.

The last few weeks ive been really good after taking flucanuzole, haha really big difference.

Edited by medievil, 16 February 2011 - 06:58 PM.

#19 xEva

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 01:52 AM

The dosage of NAC she was took was 600mg 3 times a day initially, then twice a day. She said it had immediate effect on fibromyalgia-like pain and MS-like symptoms (various twitches and tics, accompanied by severe fatigue).

She also took allicin and ate lots of garlic with coconut oil when she did not have to go out. By the time she was taking niacinamide, she could not tell if it did anything. She was already better. She says that NAC was the most helpful for pain and "twitches" and it fits its profile as both the disulfide bond disruptor and antioxydant.

She did not use a protocol but haphazardly tried everything she had handy, while waiting for her iherb order to arrive. She took garlic, B vitamins and in addition B5, biotin, B6, cooked with lots of coconut oil, then started on NAC, curcumin, niacinamide, allicin.. All within normal dosages, maybe a bit larger initially.

Edited by xEva, 17 February 2011 - 02:02 AM.

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#20 Alec

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 03:54 AM

Do some research on NAG and Saccharomyces boulardii if you haven't already. Saccharomyces boulardii may help with candida problems (link). See this also: http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/2302983

I've found that about 20 g/day of microfiltered whey protein isolate is helpful for gastrointestinal issues so maybe you can give it a try too.

Good luck

Edited by Alec, 17 February 2011 - 03:57 AM.

#21 xEva

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 05:04 AM

Actually, I did not want to bring it up, but my relative believes that it was not candida but yeast that bugged her, and that she got it from a supplement. She says that she was supplementing with the same brand of inactive yeast for over a year "by a spoonful" until she ran across a new batch that "did not feel right" and so she stopped (that was ~6 months ago). She believes that bad batch was contaminated with viable toxic strain. She says that toxicity was not obvious until the bug became invasive after she had a bout of flu followed with a short course of broad-spectrum abx.

Here is what she emailed me:

the later research on Saccharomyces boulardii showed that it is just a subtype of S. cerevisiae, a yeast known to cause pathology. There is also a growing number of reports from all over the world that call for revision of "S.boulardii" suplementation. Here are some quotes:

http://www.springerl...nljuyw3ahqwug8/ 2000:

"The common biochemical characteristics make it difficult to differentiate between the strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and that of Saccharomyces boulardii with routine methods. In other cases, authors demonstrated an identity between the two strains with a more detailed analysis. These reports raise concern about the potential side effects of such biotherapeutic agents. "

http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/14648435 2003:

"CONCLUSION: S. boulardii (synonym: S. cerevisiae) is considered an non-pathogenic probiotic yeast, and live yeast cells are used for supportive therapy of diarrhea. The present case and a review of the literature demonstrate that fungemia and sepsis are rare complications of the administration of S. boulardii in immunocompromised patients. For this reason the therapeutic usage of probiotics should be carefully considered regarding its risk-benefit potential."

http://cid.oxfordjou...40/11/1635.full 2005:

"This review confirms that the most important risk factor for S. cerevisiae fungemia is the use of probiotics. This raises the question of the risk-benefit ratio of these agents in critically ill or immunocompromised patients who are likely to develop an infection after exposure to high amounts of a pathogen with a low virulence. S. boulardii should certainly be contraindicated for patients of fragile health, as well as for patients with a central venous catheter in place. Whether this probiotic still has a place in less severe situations needs to be reassessed."

Supplementation with yeast is justified only if you have cholera, C.dificile or pathogenic E.coli, because these yeast produce metabolites that break down these bugs' toxins and interfere with their adherence to intestinal mucosa. They are also justified in case of chronic diarrhea, but otherwise may lead to chronic constipation.

You may want to reconsider supplementing with yeast.

Edited by xEva, 17 February 2011 - 05:07 AM.

#22 Adaptogen

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Posted 11 September 2014 - 07:20 PM

I suffer from fissured and occasionally geographic tongue, so it seems that I am at high risk of having oral(?) candida. http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/24881280


What would be the recommended treatment here? Is oral candida an indication of intestinal candida?


I already consume a decent amount of raw garlic, lots of strong tea, curcumin, anthocyanins..I imagine that these would have some sort of an anti-fungal effect, but i just dont know. What kind of side effects might manifest from this? I too seem to have impaired aldehyde dehydrogenase/alcohol metabolism. I was actually doing some research on the "european flush" the other day. maybe there is some sort of link with candida outgrowth.

Edited by Adaptogen, 11 September 2014 - 07:45 PM.

#23 D Mason

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Posted 13 September 2014 - 04:43 AM

I'm surprised there hasn't been any mention of probiotics.  


From what I've read, Everyone has a little Candida, which is a bacteria. 


It's only when it starts to out number the good bacteria is when it becomes a problem.  


It feeds on sugar, like yeast.   If you go to a diet of only vegetables and meat, and supplement with probiotics.  One with at least 10 strains, you should start to feel better almost immediately.  


There's tons of new research on gut bacteria coming out these days.   Good luck. 

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#24 AOLministrator

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Posted 30 October 2014 - 11:20 AM

I suffer from fissured and occasionally geographic tongue, so it seems that I am at high risk of having oral(?) candida. http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/24881280


What would be the recommended treatment here? Is oral candida an indication of intestinal candida?


I already consume a decent amount of raw garlic, lots of strong tea, curcumin, anthocyanins..I imagine that these would have some sort of an anti-fungal effect, but i just dont know. What kind of side effects might manifest from this? I too seem to have impaired aldehyde dehydrogenase/alcohol metabolism. I was actually doing some research on the "european flush" the other day. maybe there is some sort of link with candida outgrowth.


Get ripped, eat tons of meat and a lot of sleep. Bicycle basically until you collapse for at least 1 hour a day, just set impossible training goals, drink a lot of apple cider vinegar or other acid but not all the time, only most of the time. You want to shock the system. Sometimes, like once a week or every two eat only sugar foods, flood your digestion with it in one single instance. Then most of the time eat only high quality mammalian muscle meat and animal products (eggs, yoghurt, etc) and whole grain sourdough bread at best for carbohydrates. Milk is already too sugary, drink butter milk instead. For gut flora probiotics are shit, what you need to do first is to eliminate sugar and basically train your digestion to process a shitload of fibre and foreign substances like essentially dirt. Max out on muscle recruitment, lift hard and short and then take plenty of time to regenerate. It will spike testosterone and growth hormone and that will regenerate all kinds of things. If you can burn 5000 kcal a day and easily deadlift 130kg then you are cured.


Edited by Aolministrator, 30 October 2014 - 11:23 AM.

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#25 AlexCanada

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Posted 05 June 2015 - 07:59 AM


I suffer from fissured and occasionally geographic tongue, so it seems that I am at high risk of having oral(?) candida. http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/24881280


What would be the recommended treatment here? Is oral candida an indication of intestinal candida?


I already consume a decent amount of raw garlic, lots of strong tea, curcumin, anthocyanins..I imagine that these would have some sort of an anti-fungal effect, but i just dont know. What kind of side effects might manifest from this? I too seem to have impaired aldehyde dehydrogenase/alcohol metabolism. I was actually doing some research on the "european flush" the other day. maybe there is some sort of link with candida outgrowth.


Get ripped, eat tons of meat and a lot of sleep. Bicycle basically until you collapse for at least 1 hour a day, just set impossible training goals, drink a lot of apple cider vinegar or other acid but not all the time, only most of the time. You want to shock the system. Sometimes, like once a week or every two eat only sugar foods, flood your digestion with it in one single instance. Then most of the time eat only high quality mammalian muscle meat and animal products (eggs, yoghurt, etc) and whole grain sourdough bread at best for carbohydrates. Milk is already too sugary, drink butter milk instead. For gut flora probiotics are shit, what you need to do first is to eliminate sugar and basically train your digestion to process a shitload of fibre and foreign substances like essentially dirt. Max out on muscle recruitment, lift hard and short and then take plenty of time to regenerate. It will spike testosterone and growth hormone and that will regenerate all kinds of things. If you can burn 5000 kcal a day and easily deadlift 130kg then you are cured.




How many cats can I deadlift if I follow this protocol?


I may be starting Sporanox in a few days. Trying to see if there is an alternative anti-fungal, anti-infection drug that is covered by ohip.  I have been having endless symptoms of candida overgrowth including terrible reactions to food and feeling often like I am drunk even though I never drink. My skin on my face is yellow. Brain fog is immense, energy poor, stamina terrible, irritable mood. Fungal growth on toe nails and also parts of my back etc are getting worse.


Hopefully whatever it is inside of me can be reasonably dealt with. Because something is seriously disrupting my body and general health. My hormone levels are through the floor. 


Can one expect to usually feel rapid improvement in most cases with anti-fungal treatment? Or will it be more likely a long battle with intense die off reactions?   When I tried anti-fungal supplements earlier this year the die off was intense and rage inducing. Even tumeric made me very irritable, angry and negative much of the time.    It felt like fighting whatever was in me was more trouble than it was worth and yet somehow I have to get rid of it.    

Edited by AlexCanada, 05 June 2015 - 08:00 AM.

#26 AOLministrator

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Posted 07 June 2015 - 03:30 PM

Anti-fungal will not do shit for you, just like antibiotics. The issue is that bacteria tend to grow exponentionally and you always have some bacteria and/or fungus dominate some tissue in your body. Antibiotics are good for sudden and invasive life or death situations, but not if just feel a little sick. Same is true to anti-fungal.


You eat this shit and then maybe you feel somewhat better, but after a few days it will just be like before. What you need is to bomb the field and then settle alternative bacteria and fungi immediately after. I have eaten mouse intestines, dirt and those probiotics yoghurts after mild DIY antibiotic treatment and it somewhat works well. Your shit will smell like mouse shit for several days, that's how you can know it worked. But mice are not optimal, since they are only somewhat alike humans. I only had mice around as donors though. Anyway, also check out blue cheese and baking yeast. Those fungi don't run well inside of you on the long term, but they can fuck with the dominant fungus quite some intermediately.


What you really want is to eat the shit of a perfectly healthy human. It doesn't take much, like 20-100g. They sell fecal transplants now, but it might not be available on insurance. I suppose, you could raise a small piglet and eat that. Pigs are basically humans. Just keep away from parasite shit.


Seriously, if I was serious about this shit then I would just raise some fucking pigs and eat their intestines. It just fucking works dude, this is not voodoo magic, it is the very rational realization and conclusion of plain microbial biology. If you eat the shit fresh within an hour after death probably better than kind of pill-shit they can prescribe you. What do you care what this looks like, or smells like? Get over it.


Eat the shit with a really huge meal in between in portions. That's how you prevent it largely from getting destroyed in the stomach. You only need to do this once, ideally 1-2 days after anti-fungal or antibiotics treatment.

Edited by Aolministrator, 07 June 2015 - 03:46 PM.

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#27 AlexCanada

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Posted 09 June 2015 - 10:20 PM

It's too bad you can't take it. NAC was quoted as the best and my relative reported that it had immediate effect on reducing toxicity she experienced. Cysteine is considered one of the best in detoxing acetaldehyde and NAC is long used for breaking disulfide bonds (for example in mucus). In addition, it's glutathione precursor.

Then you could try B vitamins, especially B1 and also B5, as both detox acetaldehyde. Also, I read that biotin somehow interferes with candida turning invasive. But it was just a statement that I did not check in pubmed.

Also you can consider Nicotinamide riboside:

Inhibitory effect of nicotinamide on enzymatic activity of selected fungal strains causing skin infection: 2010 nicotinamide exhibited biological activity towards C. albicans, T. rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which resulted in a decrease in the activity of enzymes produced by the fungi.

Recent results establish protective roles for NAD(+) that might be applicable therapeutically to prevent neurodegenerative conditions and to fight Candida glabrata infection. In addition, the contribution that NAD(+) metabolism makes to lifespan extension in model systems indicates that therapies to boost NAD(+) might promote some of the beneficial effects of calorie restriction.

We show that reduced levels of H3K56ac sensitize C. albicans to genotoxic and antifungal agents. Inhibition of Hst3p activity by conditional gene repression or nicotinamide treatment results in a loss of cell viability associated with abnormal filamentous growth, histone degradation and gross aberrations in DNA staining. 2010



In theory would Riboside cause Candida die off? Or just prevent it from getting worse and gradually healing?


I am on Fluconazole right now and first day die off was intense. 3rd day after that initial dose and still feeling it especially heavy fog and dysphoria. 

Edited by AlexCanada, 09 June 2015 - 10:21 PM.

#28 AlexCanada

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Posted 14 June 2015 - 11:46 PM

Pantothene 25mg sublingual makes me feel more wired, more energetic but also notably more dysphoric! Is this part of candida/fungal detox or might something else be the mechanism behind it? It's like I am more capable of doing something with my time, more motivated buy holy hell does it feel Dysphoric.


NAC on the other hand what might I expect? I may pick some up tomorrow. Is the detox effect relatively smooth?  

#29 AlexCanada

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Posted 12 July 2017 - 02:53 AM

Does anyone have Candida updates?  


BTW what types of supplements are to be absolutely avoided if you have Candida? 

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