Now, I like the sound of both Sunifiram and Pramiracetam but are they both safe together? I mean like I know I need to take some choline with both of them because of burnout of the Acetylcholine receptor or something like that. Anyway, thoughts? Has anyone tried this stack?
I keep seeing that Pramiracetam "unlocks" areas of thought. Do you know what it meant by that?
P.S. I have tried Noopept before but it didn't really do much for me the first time I took it apart from make me feel stimulated. I didn't get much from it so I stopped after first dose and now I want to try these because my short-term memory is rubbish. Not sure how long it will take to notice anything though. If you don't recommend both of these, which is better? Do I need to take Choline with Sunifiram?
Thanks. :-)