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Low Dopamine Genes

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 14 Apr 2018

I have a few mutations in my dopamine genes im curious about:






https://www.selfdecode.com/gene/th/ (maybe I dont  have any mutations here)

https://www.selfdecode.com/gene/dbh/ (mutation implying  low norepinephrine but high dopamine? (not sure here)

https://www.selfdecode.com/gene/comt/ (mutation implying I have low COMT so High dopamine? dont know for sure here either)


what drug can fix each of these issues?


I can take a dopamine agonist like  pramipexole for the first 3 links (even tho Pramipexole isnt an agonist on Dopamine receptor 1 but its just an example)


what about the other 3? TH ,DBH and COMT? wtf are those and how do I fix them? Do genetic mutations in those cause low or high dopamine and do I wanna increase or decrease those?


Maybe all I need is a dopamine agonist drug that hits D1,D2 and D3 . Does hitting the D2 receptor  with drugs also hit the  D2Sh (short) and D2Lh (long)?

Edited by farshad, 14 April 2018 - 10:51 PM.

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 14 Apr 2018

 Dopamine drug that are agonist on D1,D2 & D3?

Anybody know of a drug that is an agonist on all these 3? Bromocriptine is a agonist on them but its weak on D1. Pramipexole doesent Hit D1. cabergoline is weak on D1 also. Just for future reference , any drug that actually hits ALL these 3 dopamine receptors and are not weak? especially on D1 .

Edited by farshad, 14 April 2018 - 11:24 PM.

kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 15 Apr 2018

oh wow theres a whole bunch more https://www.selfhack...amine-function/


kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 15 Apr 2018

wonder why selfhacked didnt mention the 5ht2c gene when its blocked dopamine is increased in one part of the brain ,anyway I had no mutation with it anyway.
