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All you need to know about steroids, HGH,e...

AnabolicFactor's Photo AnabolicFactor 02 Oct 2018

Havent really noticed much from it so far I’ll probably ditch it.


If you're looking for something to alter mood, reduce stress, with some cognitive boost then I'll recommend my stack of jarrow ps100 soy free 2 - 3 gel caps a day, 5mg vinpocetine, 800mg ksm-66, and 1.5g red reishi. I had extremely bad stress to the point of feeling dizzy daily, being nauseated, getting car sick frequently, and constant headaches. My Doc recommended the phosphatidylserine which is where I got a majority of my relief from, I'll be adding lions mane soon to my stack and looking into racetams as well.


John250's Photo John250 02 Oct 2018

Does HGH really help/prevent hair loss from men?
It said here
That hair loss and baldness are attributed to the elevated degrees of DHT (di-hydro-androgenic hormone), which is a by-product of naturally occurring androgenic hormone or testosterone in the body.

I never noticed it. What has worked for me so far for preventing any further hair loss but it will not help with regrowth is Nizoral2%(ketoconazole) shampoo 3x per week. It must be the 2% solution though. And you want to let it sit for 5min before rinsing. It should help block DHT on the scalp but will not block full body DHT which has side effects.

John250's Photo John250 02 Oct 2018

If you're looking for something to alter mood, reduce stress, with some cognitive boost then I'll recommend my stack of jarrow ps100 soy free 2 - 3 gel caps a day, 5mg vinpocetine, 800mg ksm-66, and 1.5g red reishi. I had extremely bad stress to the point of feeling dizzy daily, being nauseated, getting car sick frequently, and constant headaches. My Doc recommended the phosphatidylserine which is where I got a majority of my relief from, I'll be adding lions mane soon to my stack and looking into racetams as well.

I like MPA Cortisolve. It has 800mg patented phosphatidylserine per scoop which is very high but you can just take 1/8th scoop for 100mg and a bottle would last you 224 days so it’s a great value at only .25cents per day

Edited by John250, 02 October 2018 - 04:25 PM.

muscle's Photo muscle 03 Oct 2018

Hi John. Great thread, and thanks for starting it.


This video is pretty boring but near the end the guy injects himself with "CRISPER myostatin Knockout"

It is supposed to cut myostatin molecule or something and as of yet its the only way to achieve the same effects that we have seen on the live stock with crazy muscles.

They even sell DIY kits to make it. I was wondering what you think of this?



AnabolicFactor's Photo AnabolicFactor 03 Oct 2018

I like MPA Cortisolve. It has 800mg patented phosphatidylserine per scoop which is very high but you can just take 1/8th scoop for 100mg and a bottle would last you 224 days so it’s a great value at only .25cents per day



I like the dose amount but then I noticed they use Serinaid which is the soy derived form which I have heard is not as potent as the sunflower derived form. The brand I use, uses sharps patented form and they make a soy version and non-soy. I'd love to try the MPA one to form my own opinion which I'll probably do when i run out of my current brand. Before the jarrow brand I was using Ayusherbs ayuphos which uses a non patented form and I can tell the difference between the two easily.

Edited by AnabolicFactor, 03 October 2018 - 11:46 AM.

Rocket's Photo Rocket 03 Oct 2018

Hi John. Great thread, and thanks for starting it.


This video is pretty boring but near the end the guy injects himself with "CRISPER myostatin Knockout"

It is supposed to cut myostatin molecule or something and as of yet its the only way to achieve the same effects that we have seen on the live stock with crazy muscles.

They even sell DIY kits to make it. I was wondering what you think of this?



Liz Parrish at Bioviva had this very therapy done. In an MRI, is showed that her muscles lost intramuscle fat and gained a little bit of mass. I would definitely do this.


AnabolicFactor's Photo AnabolicFactor 03 Oct 2018

Liz Parrish at Bioviva had this very therapy done. In an MRI, is showed that her muscles lost intramuscle fat and gained a little bit of mass. I would definitely do this.


I was reading through the youtube comments and someone had mentioned that there's a superior delivery method and the one in the video would most likely yield little or no results.


John250's Photo John250 03 Oct 2018

Hi John. Great thread, and thanks for starting it.

This video is pretty boring but near the end the guy injects himself with "CRISPER myostatin Knockout"
It is supposed to cut myostatin molecule or something and as of yet its the only way to achieve the same effects that we have seen on the live stock with crazy muscles.
They even sell DIY kits to make it. I was wondering what you think of this?


I have actually never heard of this. I will have to do some research.

Yuri's Photo Yuri 05 Oct 2018

Hi John


Do you know any oral supplements which increase HGH and which are relatively safe


Perhaps not so strongly as bodybuilders need but for anti aging one does not need too strong things


John250's Photo John250 05 Oct 2018

Hi John

Do you know any oral supplements which increase HGH and which are relatively safe

Perhaps not so strongly as bodybuilders need but for anti aging one does not need too strong things

Only oral is mk677 and in low doses ie 5-10mg it would work well for those purposes with minimal sides.

muscle's Photo muscle 06 Oct 2018

This is basically a guide on how to make the crispr cas9 myostatin knockout ready for injecting. Its a little to complicated for me to figure out but I am willing to be the first test subject if anyone can explain it.




YoungSchizo's Photo YoungSchizo 06 Oct 2018

Does someone know a information thread/site about HGH usage/dosage/effects/sides for dummies?

If it's really save to use for someone with a psychotic disorder I'm going to try it in the hopes to level out antipsychotic induced weight gain and the inability to gain muscle mass due to antipsychotics.

John250's Photo John250 06 Oct 2018

Does someone know a information thread/site about HGH usage/dosage/effects/sides for dummies?

If it's really save to use for someone with a psychotic disorder I'm going to try it in the hopes to level out antipsychotic induced weight gain and the inability to gain muscle mass due to antipsychotics.

What specifically do you want to know?

YoungSchizo's Photo YoungSchizo 06 Oct 2018

What specifically do you want to know?

You already told me 1/2iu should be safe to use in my case. I was just looking for in-depth information about HGH (sort of a wiki but more extended). Just to educate myself on HGH.

User1000's Photo User1000 06 Oct 2018

Has anyone felt terrible while taking Ostarine/MK-2866? I was taking it alongside Cardarine until I noticed how tired and crappy I felt. 

Since cutting it out I have more energy.


John250's Photo John250 06 Oct 2018

You already told me 1/2iu should be safe to use in my case. I was just looking for in-depth information about HGH (sort of a wiki but more extended). Just to educate myself on HGH.

1/2iu is low but start there for a week then go to 1iu for a month and if you’re happy with the results stay there but it’s perfectly safe to go up to 2-3iu’s.

Has anyone felt terrible while taking Ostarine/MK-2866? I was taking it alongside Cardarine until I noticed how tired and crappy I felt.
Since cutting it out I have more energy.

It’s because it all comes from China and there are a lot of impurities. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t even really Ostarine as the Chinese are notorious for faking Sarms with cheap prohormones that have side effects including lethargy from stress on the liver.

User1000's Photo User1000 06 Oct 2018

It’s because it all comes from China and there are a lot of impurities. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t even really Ostarine as the Chinese are notorious for faking Sarms with cheap prohormones that have side effects including lethargy from stress on the liver.


Both were purchased from irc.bio which I was led to believe was reliable due to the testing they claim to perform.


Yuri's Photo Yuri 08 Oct 2018

Only oral is mk677 and in low doses ie 5-10mg it would work well for those purposes with minimal sides.


What do you think about  Symbiotropin (Pro HGH)?


John250's Photo John250 08 Oct 2018

What do you think about Symbiotropin (Pro HGH)?

I honestly don’t know much about it but in the past I read there can be some pretty big side effects from those pituitary extracts. Back in Arnold’s day they didn’t have the HGH they have now they used the form derived from pituitary and it caused a lot of side effects but it was in injectable form. I highly doubt the oral form does anything. The amino acids will help a little bit but nothing compared to real HGH.

Rocket's Photo Rocket 11 Oct 2018

A light hearted question... What do you suppose Sly Stallone has been taking all these years to look so good at his age?

John250's Photo John250 11 Oct 2018

A light hearted question... What do you suppose Sly Stallone has been taking all these years to look so good at his age?

Just hrt I’d guess. Pharmacy grade HGH and testosterone. He’s not very big it’s maybe 160 pounds and he’s like 5 foot seven

triguy's Photo triguy 14 Oct 2018





"Follistatin may also stimulate the development of prostate cancer. For example, rapamycin, a compound that decreases follistatin levels, inhibits the growth of prostate cancer cells [R]."


I didn't know rapamycin decreases follistatin levels.....now I wonder which isoform does this


Malf's Photo Malf 17 Oct 2018

Hi John. Great thread, and thanks for starting it.


This video is pretty boring but near the end the guy injects himself with "CRISPER myostatin Knockout"

It is supposed to cut myostatin molecule or something and as of yet its the only way to achieve the same effects that we have seen on the live stock with crazy muscles.

They even sell DIY kits to make it. I was wondering what you think of this?



Did he get bigger muscles later?


Malf's Photo Malf 17 Oct 2018

Just hrt I’d guess. Pharmacy grade HGH and testosterone. He’s not very big it’s maybe 160 pounds and he’s like 5 foot seven


Im in my 30s but im scared to take testosterone injections, I was wondering is there any way to help naturally im not trying to get jacked just need a slight boost. I heard the supplement test boosters are crap, right now im trying to eat clean and starting to work out again.


I dont really want to take steroids or TRT for fear of high cholesterol and heart issues it runs in my family.


muscle's Photo muscle 17 Oct 2018

Did he get bigger muscles later?

No. He only did one injection to show people that it is safe. It would have to be injected every day for a month to knock out enough myostatin.

Galaxyshock's Photo Galaxyshock 17 Oct 2018

If we become able to block myostatin, does it kinda ruin the sport as you don't even need to lift to build the muscles?

If we become able to block myostatin, does it kinda ruin the sport as you don't even need to lift to build the muscles?


Rocket's Photo Rocket 17 Oct 2018

We already can block myostatin via gene therapy. And there are myostatin inhibiting peptides. It doesn't seem to translate into humans the way it does in the animal studies. Liz Parrish underwent gene therapy for inhibiting myostatin and she isn't exactly supersized.


John250's Photo John250 17 Oct 2018

Im in my 30s but im scared to take testosterone injections, I was wondering is there any way to help naturally im not trying to get jacked just need a slight boost. I heard the supplement test boosters are crap, right now im trying to eat clean and starting to work out again.

I dont really want to take steroids or TRT for fear of high cholesterol and heart issues it runs in my family.

First thing you should do is get your total and free testosterone levels checked. From there you can assess if you need testosterone replacement therapy or if your levels are just slightly low or average you could use natural testosterone boosters. If your testosterone levels are very low that can actually mess up cholesterol as well so you need to weigh those options first.

John250's Photo John250 17 Oct 2018

If we become able to block myostatin, does it kinda ruin the sport as you don't even need to lift to build the muscles?

If we become able to block myostatin, does it kinda ruin the sport as you don't even need to lift to build the muscles?

That still doesn’t necessarily mean people get freaky huge. There is more that goes into it than just how much muscle you can put on. The shape of the muscle, aesthetics, etc. or play a huge factor. Take flex wheeler for example. He naturally has no myostatin gene but he competed on stage it only 225 pounds. He had one of the freakiest cartoon like physics of all time. His 225 pounds looked like 275 pounds because he had small bones and joints and paper thin skin.


unbreakable's Photo unbreakable 18 Oct 2018

I didn't have time to read the whole thread, so sorry if the question has already come up:


Which oral anabolic steroids are the safest in your opinion?
