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Lifespan.io Crowdfunding for NMN Study


Nate-2004's Photo Nate-2004 18 Sep 2018

I assume this may be posted other places in the forum but not in the relevant topic area. Please donate to the crowdfund for this experiment.




sthira's Photo sthira 18 Sep 2018


Kevnzworld's Photo Kevnzworld 18 Sep 2018

I saw this and donated as well. I hope they meet their target soon!

LawrenceW's Photo LawrenceW 19 Sep 2018

From their material.


"However, feeding or administering NAD+ directly to organisms is not a practical option. The NAD+ molecule cannot readily cross cell membranes to enter cells, and therefore would be unavailable to positively affect metabolism. Instead, precursor molecules to NAD+ must be used to increase bioavailable levels of NAD+."


Does this go contrary to what we currently understand which is NR or NMN is consumed orally, liver converts to NAD+ which is then distributed via the bloodstream to the cells of the body?


recon's Photo recon 20 Sep 2018


Reaching our initial campaign goal will enable us to begin testing the anti-aging properties of NMN on our advanced aging ICE mice. 

We will measure a wide variety of physiological responses to NMN in ICE mice, as well as normal control mice. 

Measured parameters will include responses to exercise and metabolic function at both the tissue and cellular levels (e.g. oxidative stress, mitochondrial function). 

These studies will directly assess any potential benefits of administering NMN in the short term to reverse aging.

Estimated study duration: ~3-6 months.



Attaining our first stretch goal will enable us to perform longer term (up to a year) aging reversal studies using NMN.

Long-term treatment with NMN in our advanced aging ICE mice and their longer-lived normal control siblings will allow us to perform many additional behavioral and physiological tests.

These include tests of memory and cognition to determine the efficacy of NMN in preventing and/or reversing age related cognitive decline.

Additional physiological experiments will also assess the longer-term effects of NMN on exercise endurance and preventing and/or reversing overall frailty.

Estimated study duration: ~12 months.



What we are really aiming for is to obtain enough NMN to look at a wide variety of health measures with a final endpoint of maximal longevity determination. 

The costs of treating mice with NMN throughout their lifespan (up to 2 years) will be substantial. 

With your help, together we can begin the world’s first long-term longevity study with NMN. In addition to our other two stretch goals, we will now be able to monitor the “healthspan” of our mice throughout their lifespans and determine the effect of NMN on longevity.

Is NMN the next longevity pill? 

Starting this study would be the launching pad for an answer to this question.

Estimated study duration:  ~24 months.



Please advocate to your friends and family about this crowdfund. It is currently $15,069 from 73 backers.

If you are willing to fork out thousands of dollars for untested compounds, better be willing to fork out at least $10 to help further researches. Even if the trial results are negative, at least it'll help some to move on.


sthira's Photo sthira 20 Sep 2018

Please advocate to your friends and family about this crowdfund. It is currently $15,069 from 73 backers.
If you are willing to fork out thousands of dollars for untested compounds, better be willing to fork out at least $10 to help further researches. Even if the trial results are negative, at least it'll help some to move on.

I'll never understand human nature. On one hand we collectively say we want to stay young, to stay fit and beautiful and healthy; we say we support efforts to end the tragedies of aging.

We complain about lack of scientific progress. Why is it all taking so long, we demand to know.

Then, when opportunities arise to contribute in small ways to the very foundational science that is directly aimed at what we say we want, we fold up our arms, we ignore the requests for funding, we won't give anything because we will not receive immediate gratification. Human nature is astounding.

But the universe will spin on indifferently anyway, and the weakly funded science will remain stick in some quagmire, and people will keep complaining about "science" while spending their money on non-science.

If you really want to do what you say you want to do, to give is only a few cups of coffee, folks, to help this foundational study GIVE $10 NOW. Even if you're rat shit poor like I am, you can do it!

platypus's Photo platypus 20 Sep 2018

What is the publication plan and will the data referred to in the publications be free and open?


QuestforLife's Photo QuestforLife 20 Sep 2018

I like David Sinclair alot, read his research and I will likely support this crowdfunder, as I have other lifespan.io campaigns.


BUT, given the already large interest in NAD precursors, Sinclair's many businesses, his university credentials, his lab, and undoubtedly future plans to create a patentable molecule - does he really need us for this?


Phoebus's Photo Phoebus 20 Sep 2018

where are people like peter thiel? he funded that goofy young blood thing for millions, but cant kick down 30k for this?


the NMN patents will eventually make Sinclair a multi millionaire, but he need to beg for scraps from me? 


I dont get it.


brian1965's Photo brian1965 21 Sep 2018

Please advocate to your friends and family about this crowdfund. It is currently $15,069 from 73 backers.


Just checked it, and they've already raised $35,870 (original goal was $30,000).  It was less than $5,000 just a couple days ago, when I chipped in. 


Would love to see how long they can keep wild-type and ICE mice alive.  Wouldn't it be something if NMN kept them alive for 2-3X their normal lifespans?


sthira's Photo sthira 21 Sep 2018

Awesome! Excellent news!

brian1965's Photo brian1965 21 Sep 2018

What is the publication plan and will the data referred to in the publications be free and open?


Looks like, for a $25 pledge, you can get online access to quarterly updates of the study.  If you want to get a "framed, signed proof by Dr. Sinclair" of the follow-up research paper, you'd have to pledge $2,000.  Here are the various pledge levels, and the rewards for each:


Pledge $25 -- get online access to project data and quarterly updates.

Pledge $50 -- all of the above, plus a PROJECT T-SHIRT.

Pledge $75 -- online access, plus DNA / PROTEIN GEL ELECTROPHORESIS PRINT.

Pledge $100 -- online access, plus PROJECT T-SHIRT plus DNA / PROTEIN PRINT.

Pledge $150 -- online access, plus PERSONAL THANK YOU VIDEO FROM DAVID SINCLAIR.

Pledge $200 -- all of the above.

Pledge $500 -- online access + VIDEO CALL WITH TEAM (30-minute video), can ask questions.

Pledge $1,000 -- online access + YEAST BIOLOGY TRAINING COURSE IN NEW YORK CITY — Learn techniques used in aging research by performing experiments with yeast cells! This intensive multi-day course will be taught at Biotech Without Borders citizen science lab in Brooklyn, and be approximately 20 hours total. Travel Not Included.

Pledge $2,000 -- online access + SIGNED PROOF OF FORTHCOMING RESEARCH PAPER + PERSONAL LETTER OF APPRECIATION — Receive a copy of a peer-reviewed scientific paper resulting from this work, framed and signed by Dr. David Sinclair and the senior science team, along with a letter of appreciation from David. Shipping Included.

Pledge $5,000 -- online access, project t-shirt, DNA print, Sinclair thank you video, signed paper and letter AND 1 hour video call with Dr. David Sinclair. Shipping Included.

Pledge $10,000 (1 available, already pledged) -- online access, project t-shirt, DNA print, Sinclair thank you video, signed paper and letter, and have a private dinner and tour with Dr. David Sinclair and the senior science team. Travel not included.









Steve H's Photo Steve H 21 Sep 2018

Thanks for the support and interest in the project guys :)  We are currently in discussion with the project team about some of the concerns raised here. It is likely we will be hosting an AMA as part of that process so people can ask the team questions.

Meanwhile, I can say that like the majority of university labs, Harvard relies on grants and donations to conduct science. The Sinclair Lab is no exception to that rule and in order for them to conduct these experiments, they need to raise funds. It is certainly true that David is well known but that does not always translate into money for experiments if it did then Aubrey de Grey would not need to travel the world giving talks and SRF would be fully funded. Just the same way, the Sinclair Lab relies on donations and grant money to keep it going and this is one reason the project team opted to use our fundraising platform.

Some people think it would be easy for David to get this money from investors, I can tell you from personal experience that this is not. Investors generally want ROI and are not inclined to donate to early-stage research and fundamental aging science, that situation is slowly changing recently with a new breed of investors arriving who understand that investing in Life extension tech is a longer haul than traditional investing. However currently the problem still remains, early-stage research is not well funded and for experiments outside of the grant system which include this one then fundraising is the only option. 

All that said, we have now reached $36,000 which means that the base experiment is funded and we are onto the more ambitious and potentially interesting stretch goal at $45,000:

Attaining our first stretch goal will enable us to perform longer term (up to a year) aging reversal studies using NMN. Long-term treatment with NMN in our advanced aging ICE mice and their longer-lived normal control siblings will allow us to perform many additional behavioral and physiological tests. These include tests of memory and cognition to determine the efficacy of NMN in preventing and/or reversing age related cognitive decline. Additional physiological experiments will also assess the longer-term effects of NMN on exercise endurance and preventing and/or reversing overall frailty.
Estimated study duration: ~12 months.



We are also currently talking about the publication plan with the project team and it looks likely open access is something they would like to do, hopefully, we can get that to happen so everyone can access the published data for free. 

Ultimately and from my personal POV I see David's success as ours, because if we as a community fund the basic research that leads to the development of actual products that address the aging process robustly on some level and then we can buy it OTC in 2-3 years time I see that as a win. We want these technologies developed and that costs money to do and it will cost money to get them, of course, it will. But isn't this why we are here? To support the development of these technologies now so they arrive in our lifetime? Of course, this last part is just one man's opinion and I appreciate some of you may not agree with me.

Edited by Steve H, 21 September 2018 - 10:08 AM.

ryukenden's Photo ryukenden 28 Sep 2018


Steve H's Photo Steve H 19 Oct 2018

Great news, the NAD+ Mouse Project has reached its first stretch goal which means the following:


Attaining our first stretch goal will enable us to perform longer term (up to a year) aging reversal studies using NMN. Long-term treatment with NMN in our advanced aging ICE mice and their longer-lived normal control siblings will allow us to perform many additional behavioral and physiological tests. These include tests of memory and cognition to determine the efficacy of NMN in preventing and/or reversing age related cognitive decline. Additional physiological experiments will also assess the longer-term effects of NMN on exercise endurance and preventing and/or reversing overall frailty.
Estimated study duration: ~12 months.



So we will be now getting some longer-term NMN data in both ICE and WT mice. Thanks to everyone who donated and helped us to get there :)


QuestforLife's Photo QuestforLife 19 Oct 2018

Great news.

Kevnzworld's Photo Kevnzworld 22 Oct 2018

My understanding from reading the criteria, is that we won’t have lifespan data from WT mice if the goal of 60K isn’t reached.
That was the main objective for most of us. There are many existing studies with data on genetically modified mice with both NR and NMN.
What’s missing is a legitimate lifespan study with WT mice, and if and unless more money is raised or something changes...we still won’t have that.
As someone that donated $100, this is pretty disappointing.

brian1965's Photo brian1965 22 Oct 2018

I'm still hoping we reach 60K.  There're only 12 days left though, and if necessary, I wonder if it's possible to extend the deadline. 


I agree that the ultimate interest -- and value -- of this test is to determine if WT (wild type) mice truly see a lifespan extension with NAD+ precursors.



Phoebus's Photo Phoebus 22 Oct 2018

I read all these articles about silicon valley billionaires and their quest for immortality and all the money they are spending on it, like tons of money 


Still cant comprehend whey this study isn't fully funded. This is like 35 cents to a billionaire. Was reading about one billionaire who spent $250,000 on supplements and procedures to maintain youth, and was continuing to rack up more. So why not spend the money here to get actual data instead of hoping and wishing and praying whatever pill you are popping is actually working? 


makes no sense to me at all. 



Edited by Phoebus, 22 October 2018 - 02:26 PM.

theone's Photo theone 26 Oct 2018

Just pledged another $500.   Only $7400 to go. We Can Do It!


Nate-2004's Photo Nate-2004 26 Oct 2018

This study is funded but the excess would help extend it and allow for additional data.

Posted 20 September 2018 - 01:57 AM


Reaching our initial campaign goal will enable us to begin testing the anti-aging properties of NMN on our advanced aging ICE mice. 

We will measure a wide variety of physiological responses to NMN in ICE mice, as well as normal control mice. 

Measured parameters will include responses to exercise and metabolic function at both the tissue and cellular levels (e.g. oxidative stress, mitochondrial function). 

These studies will directly assess any potential benefits of administering NMN in the short term to reverse aging.

Estimated study duration: ~3-6 months.



Attaining our first stretch goal will enable us to perform longer term (up to a year) aging reversal studies using NMN.

Long-term treatment with NMN in our advanced aging ICE mice and their longer-lived normal control siblings will allow us to perform many additional behavioral and physiological tests.

These include tests of memory and cognition to determine the efficacy of NMN in preventing and/or reversing age related cognitive decline.

Additional physiological experiments will also assess the longer-term effects of NMN on exercise endurance and preventing and/or reversing overall frailty.

Estimated study duration: ~12 months.



What we are really aiming for is to obtain enough NMN to look at a wide variety of health measures with a final endpoint of maximal longevity determination. 

The costs of treating mice with NMN throughout their lifespan (up to 2 years) will be substantial. 

With your help, together we can begin the world’s first long-term longevity study with NMN. In addition to our other two stretch goals, we will now be able to monitor the “healthspan” of our mice throughout their lifespans and determine the effect of NMN on longevity.

Is NMN the next longevity pill? 

Starting this study would be the launching pad for an answer to this question.

Estimated study duration:  ~24 months.


Edited by Nate-2004, 26 October 2018 - 04:29 PM.

Oakman's Photo Oakman 26 Oct 2018



theone's Photo theone 30 Oct 2018

We Did It! The NAD+ Mouse Project has reached  GOAL 2 ($62,960).


Phoebus's Photo Phoebus 30 Oct 2018

one person chipped $10k, and two others chipped $5k each 


theone's Photo theone 30 Oct 2018

I read all these articles about silicon valley billionaires and their quest for immortality and all the money they are spending on it, like tons of money 


Still cant comprehend whey this study isn't fully funded. This is like 35 cents to a billionaire. Was reading about one billionaire who spent $250,000 on supplements and procedures to maintain youth, and was continuing to rack up more



Wealthy people are their own strange breed. They  spend vast amounts of money on frivolous crap. At the same time they are some of the most frugal people on earth  (to the point of acting irrational and illogical).


With that said I think it's safe to assume that the majority of us in this community are in the top 5-10%  bracket (not only in wealth but also in knowledge). Most importantly many of us have access to the 1%. Let's use this access and our own relative wealth to further the cause along.



theone's Photo theone 30 Oct 2018

I would like to retract my previous statement. I should not be making such blanket statements. 




Steve H's Photo Steve H 01 Nov 2018

Thanks to everyone who donated the Harvard team announced a final 75k goal as they really wanted to have the MRI and post-mortem data from the lifespan study too. We are now very close achieving that in the last 24 hours of the campaign. I am personally very excited about how much useful data the study could now potentially yield. Thank you so much to everyone here who has helped make that happen and to David Sinclair who put in 10k worth of fund matching as well.


bluemoon's Photo bluemoon 02 Nov 2018

Thanks to everyone who donated the Harvard team announced a final 75k goal as they really wanted to have the MRI and post-mortem data from the lifespan study too. We are now very close achieving that in the last 24 hours of the campaign. I am personally very excited about how much useful data the study could now potentially yield. Thank you so much to everyone here who has helped make that happen and to David Sinclair who put in 10k worth of fund matching as well.


So a pretty famous Harvard biologist couldn't get a very small $75,000 grant? Something doesn't make sense here. Can you explain it, Steve H.?


Steve H's Photo Steve H 02 Nov 2018

The same issue exists for the entire field. The traditional grant system is risk-averse, the pot is shrinking, and more scientists are turning to other ways to raise the funds they need. 


There are four main bottlenecks to progress in aging research which we talk about here: https://www.leafscie...ch-bottlenecks/

Sinclair Lab is in exactly the same boat as everyone else and has the same problems the Buck, SRF, UCB, and others have - funding. We know this is the case because we have spent a long time talking with researchers and they are always complaining about the lack of funding, David and his team are just the same. It speaks volumes that David put in 10k of his own personal money for the project at Harvard, that should show you how bad grant funding and money for aging research really is. The fact we also have to exist to meet unmet funding demands is also very telling of the landscape of grants and funding too. 



Edited by Steve H, 02 November 2018 - 03:33 PM.

Oakman's Photo Oakman 02 Nov 2018

That's obscene. Biopharma companies spend millions on drug studies, but NMN can't get 10 of thousands for something that could affect million's health and aging? Talk about a broken system...this has to be the poster child for what's wrong with drug research in America.
