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Does your dose of NMN depend on how much e...


RichardAlan's Photo RichardAlan 08 Dec 2018

I usually walk around 7-10 miles a day and am wondering about what dose of NMN to take.  I read some people change the dose depending on how much they exercise.  With my 7-10 miles / day should I be changing my dose or leave constant at the same amount of say 500mg / day?


able's Photo able 08 Dec 2018

I believe most of us who vary our dosage are trying to avoid homeostasis - the body adjusting to the external supplementation and lowering its own production, or excreting more of the external dose.


Some of the studies with NR show 1,000 mg a day resulting in an initial increase in NAD, that then drops down quite a bit in month 2 and beyond.


With that in mind, cycling your dosage may be helpful to avoid the homeostasis.  Or not - no-one really knows.


It does seem to help exercise capacity, and makes sense to me that if cycling, it would be best to do more on days you exercise.


Personally, I take a lot on the 3  days a week I exercise intensely (HIIT).  Other days, I might take a scoop in the morning to help me wake up, but nothing more, and none on weekends.



Oakman's Photo Oakman 10 Dec 2018

^ I second able's opinion, and agree specifically with "No one really knows". Also, there's the financial aspect, supplements like NMN, NR, NAD+ aren't inexpensive, i.e., high dosing costs a lot on a continuous basis, esp. if you use several.


bluemoon's Photo bluemoon 13 Dec 2018



Some of the studies with NR show 1,000 mg a day resulting in an initial increase in NAD, that then drops down quite a bit in month 2 and beyond.



The Chromadex study on the TruNiagen website shows a sustained level of NAD+ increase over several weeks. The U of Colorado study doesn't show a drop after six weeks at 1000 mg either. Elysium Basis' 500 mg dose does show a drop after four weeks. Can you link to the 1,000 mg studies that show a decline? 


able's Photo able 15 Dec 2018

The Chromadex study on the TruNiagen website shows a sustained level of NAD+ increase over several weeks. The U of Colorado study doesn't show a drop after six weeks at 1000 mg either. Elysium Basis' 500 mg dose does show a drop after four weeks. Can you link to the 1,000 mg studies that show a decline? 


Ah, my mistake.  I was mostly thinking of the Elysium study that showed drop from 60% to 40-50% after 4 weeks, but was at 500 Mg per day.


The other 1,000 mg I was thinking of was Dr Brenner himself in the Trammel thesis, showed a drop at the end of his 7 day usage, but that was N=1 and really meaningless.


The U of Colorado only published the single data point at 6 weeks, showing 60% increase, so we don't know if that is stable or not.


I am interested to see the Chromadex study when they publish.  It is encouraging that they show sustained NAD+ increase over 8 weeks at 1,000 mg.  Perhaps that is more effective than 500 mg.
