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Against the loss of Substance in the face

face; aging; hyaluron; collagen;

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#1 male_1978

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 06:56 AM



i just turned 40, i have no big wrinkles, but the one thing i really notice about my face is that it has a different shape than it had 15 years before.


- It seems there is less substance below my eyes and

- Some parts seems to be placed a little lower than in old pictures (Eyebrows).


Is there any more or less natural approach to replace the loss of substance there to get back a youthful shape?


Any good ideas?


Thank you a lot!



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#2 QuestforLife

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 09:10 AM

I am exactly the same age as you and I experienced the same thing from around 38 years onwards.


Three things that seem to help;


1. Liposomal Vitamin C seems to be able to fill in cavities under the eyes (this is a skin elasticity problem), but...

2. Since I've moved to a Keto diet I don't seem to need this any more. This could be the additional animal fat in my diet increasing subcutaneous fat, or perhaps the higher endogenous antioxidants my body now produces to deal with fatty acid oxidation is accomplishing the same thing as the Vit C...

3. Hyaluronic acid (and drinking plenty of water). This does plump the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles.


Hope it helps!

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#3 Rocket

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 05:52 PM

I had the same issues starting on my face. I started weight lifting and put on 55lbs (used to be 65lbs). Not only did my face fill out, but I actually look younger in pictures today than 5 years ago with my big face and big head. I have not gained a single wrinkle or had crows feet form in these anabolic years.


Literally everything about my body changed. I have gone through 2 wedding rings because the bones in my hands are bigger. I can't wear gloves that I owned 5 years ago. Hats are tight. Watches don't fit.


Youth = anabolic and growth

adulthood = relatively stable homeostasis (some decline)

Middle age = catabolic and loss

Old age = rapid loss and inability to grow


I believe once you reach your mid to upper 30s and your body switches over to catabolic that by artifically putting it into anabolic again through diet and exercise (must be both and must be weight training) that you can hold off for a while much of the aging process. You can hold off fat loss in the face and even regrow it as I did, you can and will keep your bones from becoming naturally weaker with age (in my case every bone in my body has grown), you will keep and hopefully grow healthy muscle that isn't impregnated with fat as happens with advancing age.

Edited by Rocket, 06 February 2019 - 05:54 PM.

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#4 Juangalt

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 07:07 PM

Question: Do you even lift, bro?

#5 Rocket

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 08:08 PM

Question: Do you even lift, bro?


Isn't that what I said?  :)  

Diet modification and weight training put my body into an anabolic state that to my eyes and my wife's eyes de-aged my face because it filled out whereas previously I was aging like anyone else entering into middle age.

Edited by Rocket, 06 February 2019 - 08:10 PM.

#6 male_1978

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 08:12 PM

Question: Do you even lift, bro?


I am making a lot of endurance excercise and i take nicotinamide riboside. NR gives me energy and better hair, but it doesnt seem to change the apperance of the skin. 


#7 QuestforLife

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 08:15 PM

Isn't that what I said? :)
Diet modification and weight training put my body into an anabolic state that to my eyes and my wife's eyes de-aged my face because it filled out whereas previously I was aging like anyone else entering into middle age.

Plus growth hormone I assume, too - otherwise how did you manage to grow all your bones, lol.

#8 Juangalt

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 08:43 PM

Lifting heavy weights will affect growth hormone and any hypertrophic metabolic effects will fill out your face somewhat (not just what you are working out). Lifting weights also strengthens bone, but I'm not sure if it would prevent against age related bone loss in the face.

#9 Rocket

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 09:33 PM

Plus growth hormone I assume, too - otherwise how did you manage to grow all your bones, lol.


I only started growth hormone recently after all this "bone growth'. I have used more potent anabolics that are known to increase bone synthesis. GH is very weak at replacement doses I am now using. But I have not read reports of peoples bones becoming bigger on anabolics…. just increased healing times for breaks.


Literally, when I started lifting and eating I had absolutely no idea every bone in my body was going to grow. I tried putting on a baseball cap I haven't worn in 4 years to go to the gym and I had to loosen a couple of sizes to fit on my head.


I had no idea weight lifting and body building would so alter my body. Now with this bone growth and bigger hands and wrists and head, it would be impossible for me to ever lose too much weight without looking goofy (I imagine). It seems I'm stuck with needing to always remain 215+.


Nonetheless, back on subject, putting my body into an anabolic growth state GREATLY improved my face. I look as youthful as  I did 10 years ago. Nasolabial folds are diminished, no crows feet, no sunken eyes.... no wrinkles as whatever was forming 5 years ago is smoothed out by the skin stretching over my bigger head.

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#10 QuestforLife

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Posted 06 February 2019 - 10:30 PM

I only started growth hormone recently after all this "bone growth'. I have used more potent anabolics that are known to increase bone synthesis. GH is very weak at replacement doses I am now using. But I have not read reports of peoples bones becoming bigger on anabolics…. just increased healing times for breaks.

Literally, when I started lifting and eating I had absolutely no idea every bone in my body was going to grow. I tried putting on a baseball cap I haven't worn in 4 years to go to the gym and I had to loosen a couple of sizes to fit on my head.

I had no idea weight lifting and body building would so alter my body. Now with this bone growth and bigger hands and wrists and head, it would be impossible for me to ever lose too much weight without looking goofy (I imagine). It seems I'm stuck with needing to always remain 215+.

Nonetheless, back on subject, putting my body into an anabolic growth state GREATLY improved my face. I look as youthful as I did 10 years ago. Nasolabial folds are diminished, no crows feet, no sunken eyes.... no wrinkles as whatever was forming 5 years ago is smoothed out by the skin stretching over my bigger head.

I've noticed stronger, thicker fingers (and obviously bigger muscles) since I began to lift but nothing like you're reporting.

How often do you lift, and what is your typical food intake look like in a day?

#11 MKultra

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Posted 07 February 2019 - 01:14 PM

your head actually got bigger because of weight lifting?? never heard of. i thought bone was kind of fixed after a certain age (then growing weaker as we age). Interesting.


i started weight lifting last year in november, found it a drag at first but now i'm enjoying it a lot, competing with myself. 


Some week ago i used 40% Glycolic Acid to try to even out my skin tone + hopefully fix some of my scarring i have in my face. I used it for 2 minutes (previously tried it for 40 seconds, but there was little/no change or any redness). There was no burning or anything this time either, just slight tingling. It does seem to look more even now. i'm making sure to take collagen, vitamin c.. also ordered hyaluronic acid. As a cream i find something that contains Navarra Asparagus which according to research can thicken your skin and increase collagen too.


#12 Engadin

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Posted 07 February 2019 - 06:03 PM

It may not be much related on the biochemical side to what you are talking about here, but unexpected bone growth wise it just came to my mind Turnbuckle's feet growth when on stem cell self-renewal with C60 here: https://www.longecit...with-c60/page-2





Results of the SC protocol after three months (approximately 30 treatments)—
Hand eye coordination: Better than when I played little league as a kid. I’ve also seen an improvement in throwing with my non-dominant hand.  
Mental: I’m perceiving subtle problems in written materials I’d thought were perfect, instantly seeing how to improve them. 
Knees: I’ve had pains in both for years, and a feeling of swelling and instability in one and occasionally both. These problems steadily lessened and now are gone. A sharp pain in one knee that was like an ice pick when I knelt on it is gone. This had plagued me for 15 years, but now I can kneel on stone with no problem.
Skin: Becoming steadily tighter and smoother. No age wrinkles on face. No broken capillaries evident (likely due in part to getting more sun). Skin pinch test on neck has gone from 3 seconds to 1.
Morphology: Fat is disappearing, muscle mass increasing. (I will be reporting on a method of dramatically increasing weight loss in the next few days.)
Stamina: Much increased.
Appetite: Reduced.
Feet: The most incontrovertible effect of C60 is shoe size. This had been stable for 40 years, but in 2012 began inching up coincident with my first use of C60, ultimately producing an average increase of ¼ size/year. After I started this stem-cell protocol 3 months ago it has accelerated at what may be 4 times that rate. (Hopefully it will stop before I run out of common shoe sizes.)
Hair: Quality seems better. Straighter and healthier looking. Bald spot that had filled in back in 2012 then receded again now has new hair, but has a way to go.
Hearing: No official test, but I no longer have trouble hearing others in noisy environments.
Balance: Improved.
Vision: Hard to say as it was fine to begin with. No change in prescription.
Height: No change since starting this protocol. One inch gain since first use of C60 in 2012.
Hands: No change compared to a cast of one hand from 30 years ago. A messed up flexor tendon sheath in one palm that had been getting worse for years has been restored. I can’t even tell which one it was.
Hypertension: Still have to use medication, but it has stabilized so I don’t have to check it as often.
Epigenetic age: I had this tested before I began and will test it again after one year.


Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Engadin, 07 February 2019 - 06:10 PM.

#13 Phoebus

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Posted 08 February 2019 - 10:29 PM

your head actually got bigger because of weight lifting?? never heard of. i thought bone was kind of fixed after a certain age (then growing weaker as we age). Interesting.




Joe rogan's head seems to have gotten rather large over the years 


And Barry Bonds famously developed an enormous skull somehow mysteriously 


so it seems possible 

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#14 TheFountain

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 12:30 AM

Let's talk more about how anabolic increase leads to growth and youthful replenishment. 


I wanna know more. 

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#15 Rocket

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Posted 09 February 2019 - 01:39 AM

your head actually got bigger because of weight lifting?? never heard of. i thought bone was kind of fixed after a certain age (then growing weaker as we age). Interesting.

i started weight lifting last year in november, found it a drag at first but now i'm enjoying it a lot, competing with myself.

Some week ago i used 40% Glycolic Acid to try to even out my skin tone + hopefully fix some of my scarring i have in my face. I used it for 2 minutes (previously tried it for 40 seconds, but there was little/no change or any redness). There was no burning or anything this time either, just slight tingling. It does seem to look more even now. i'm making sure to take collagen, vitamin c.. also ordered hyaluronic acid. As a cream i find something that contains Navarra Asparagus which according to research can thicken your skin and increase collagen too.

I have used anabolic substances. That could be an explanation but I really am dumbfounded at how my skeletal structure grew! I have not heard in forums other people talk about this.

Looking at pictures, straight on, my jaw looks more square. My face is less round at the bottom.

Yes bones are supposed to weaken after your 30s are over, but. weight lifting, eating a lot of food, and using anabolics a few times and my body became anabolic and added bone growth, tissue growth, and back on point, my face De-aged and plumped out.

My feet are the least affected by the new growth. They have grown as I keep shoes and boots a long time and they are tighter than before. But I can still wear them.

But my hands are where I notice it the most. I am on my 3rd wedding ring because fingers grew. Gloves that I bought a few years ago can't even pull them on.... My favorite watch won't fit over my hand.

I wonder how much of my 55 pounds is stuff other than muscle? Bones, skin, organs.

I was hoping that my spinal discs would regrow with the bones as I have a ruptured l5s1. But to no avail the disc did not heal. I have less pain and less frequent pain. I should have more issues being 55lbs heavier, but I don't. So maybe some growth and healing of the tear occurred.

It seems if you put your body into an anabolic state that it also affects facial tissue and can plump things up again.

It will only be temporary as aging is inevitable.

I have started on replacement hgh as an experiment and love the results on skin and nails.... Immediate results. My wife tolerates my hobbies and she wants to know what I am taking because she has a very hard time cutting my toenails.

Edited by Rocket, 09 February 2019 - 01:57 AM.

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#16 TheFountain

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Posted 12 February 2019 - 01:46 AM

I have taken Biosil, biotin and glucosamine for years and I think these three definitely increase cartilage, bone mass and collagen. Not to mention what they do for your hair and nails!

#17 bosharpe

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Posted 25 February 2019 - 12:19 PM

I am exactly the same age as you and I experienced the same thing from around 38 years onwards.


Three things that seem to help;


1. Liposomal Vitamin C seems to be able to fill in cavities under the eyes (this is a skin elasticity problem), but...

2. Since I've moved to a Keto diet I don't seem to need this any more. This could be the additional animal fat in my diet increasing subcutaneous fat, or perhaps the higher endogenous antioxidants my body now produces to deal with fatty acid oxidation is accomplishing the same thing as the Vit C...

3. Hyaluronic acid (and drinking plenty of water). This does plump the skin and reduce the depth of wrinkles.


Hope it helps!

How much Lipo Vit C do you take, QFL?

#18 QuestforLife

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Posted 25 February 2019 - 03:34 PM

How much Lipo Vit C do you take, QFL?


I don't take it anymore as I found once I switched to a keto-diet I don't require it for its original purpose (filling in the hollows under my eyes).


But it was effective for this @ 1g a day.

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#19 Arcanist

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Posted 04 March 2019 - 11:31 AM

Ecdysterone seems to modify some facial volume parameters in a "fuller" direction:



#20 QuestforLife

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Posted 04 March 2019 - 01:06 PM

I have used anabolic substances. That could be an explanation but I really am dumbfounded at how my skeletal structure grew! I have not heard in forums other people talk about this.

Looking at pictures, straight on, my jaw looks more square. My face is less round at the bottom.


Did you or do you take C60?


I think there is a lot to be said for anabolism as a de-aging strategy, providing it is cycled with periods of catabolism.

#21 TheFountain

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Posted 27 June 2019 - 01:07 AM

Amlactin again,


Proven to reverse sagging in those with Facial atrophy syndrome. 

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#22 Boopy!

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Posted 04 July 2019 - 04:28 PM

PLEASE tell me,  Rocket,  that you are kidding about your wife cutting your toenails.   Why would you put her through that?   secondly,  hate to tell you  but if your toenails are hard to cut,  that is actually what happens when people age.   It really is true.   I work with the elderly and trust me,  a newborn has very easy to cut toenails.  As we age,   toenails get a LOT harder and rougher.   I like to think we grow a thicker skin/hide -- literally.   From the inside out.   And cut your own toenails.

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#23 bosharpe

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Posted 16 November 2019 - 10:51 PM

Has Whole Body Vibration been mentioned here before, in regards to bone density?

#24 Empiricus

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Posted 20 November 2019 - 02:13 PM

Has Whole Body Vibration been mentioned here before, in regards to bone density?


I find it very hard to believe that a well-known occupational safety hazard becomes safe when the exposure takes place in a fitness center for supposed health purposes.  

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#25 bosharpe

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Posted 20 November 2019 - 02:16 PM

I find it very hard to believe that a well-known occupational safety hazard becomes safe when the exposure takes place in a fitness center for supposed health purposes.  


Thank for the reply. Can you elaborate?

#26 lancebr

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 06:13 AM

I don't take it anymore as I found once I switched to a keto-diet I don't require it for its original purpose (filling in the hollows under my eyes).


But it was effective for this @ 1g a day.


You mentioned that you were taking liposomal vitamin C at 1 gram a day for the hollowness under your eyes.


At the 1 gram per day....about how long did it take for your under eye hollowness to fill in?

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#27 QuestforLife

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 12:50 PM

You mentioned that you were taking liposomal vitamin C at 1 gram a day for the hollowness under your eyes.


At the 1 gram per day....about how long did it take for your under eye hollowness to fill in?


I can't remember now. I find it hard to believe that my eye hollowness filled in completely. I think back in 2018 I was just starting to really notice the hollowness and/or discolouration beneath the eyes and that large quantities of home made liposomal Vitamin C (3 g/day initially, then 1g/day later) improved the situation noticeably in quite a short time (a few weeks at most).


Since this time I've not been on Vitamin C (other than small amounts now and again). I've mainly been looking at improving other elements of my skin like the wrinkles. The hollowness under my eyes has returned however, so I think it is about time I did another Vitamin C experiment. I will report back when I do. 


I tend to judge my eye hollowness by looking in a mirror first thing in the morning in the bathroom, where the light is strong but diffuse coming through the frosted glass. It shows any hollowness up very clearly. 

#28 lancebr

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Posted 21 May 2021 - 09:42 PM

I can't remember now. I find it hard to believe that my eye hollowness filled in completely. I think back in 2018 I was just starting to really notice the hollowness and/or discolouration beneath the eyes and that large quantities of home made liposomal Vitamin C (3 g/day initially, then 1g/day later) improved the situation noticeably in quite a short time (a few weeks at most).


Since this time I've not been on Vitamin C (other than small amounts now and again). I've mainly been looking at improving other elements of my skin like the wrinkles. The hollowness under my eyes has returned however, so I think it is about time I did another Vitamin C experiment. I will report back when I do. 


I tend to judge my eye hollowness by looking in a mirror first thing in the morning in the bathroom, where the light is strong but diffuse coming through the frosted glass. It shows any hollowness up very clearly. 


Thanks for the reply.


I wish I could find something that really would work for the under eye hollowness.


Remember reading about some people using a product called Volufiline that is suppose

to increase adipose fat cells...but don't want to end up with bags under the eyes either

due to to much fat under them.



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: face;, aging;, hyaluron;, collagen;

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