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Modalert - is this what modafinil is like?

modafinil modalert

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#31 psy333che

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 10:57 PM

Sorry ment to put 200 mg instead of 20

#32 psy333che

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 11:43 PM

Provigil is a great drug for me it keeps me alert all day and 100mg works fine for me
If I need the other 100mg.I take it but mostly all I need is 100mg.
I am prescribed 200mg and I just break it in half. I wasnt aware it was so popular a drug until I came across this site

#33 kiwi

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Posted 15 January 2007 - 09:25 AM

I am packing my own caps from powder I had sent over by Airsealed. That dude is the bomb, so slick in the delivery. I just tipped 20g on a mirror & then roughly divided it into 50 caps, worked well & the stuff seems like pretty good gear.

#34 esmith

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Posted 23 February 2007 - 09:43 PM

I had an idea today ...
Have any of you heard about the particle size patent that Cephalon uses to keep generic manufacturers of modafinil out of the U.S. market? It basically states that efficiency of the drug depends on the particle size. Smaller particles result in faster absorption and higher plasma concentration.

We don't really know if Modalert has the same particle size as Provigil. If it doesn't, what we can do is take Modalert pills, crush them into powder, and repackage them into gel capsules.

#35 mysearchpages

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 12:47 PM

Hai friends I am very glad 2 join this group bze, when i wanted 2 try modafinil the 1st thing came on my browser is imminst.org discussions.
I startd taking modalert 100mg so i want 2 know how effective it is on me, i want 2 test myself with this drug. Any experienced users have suggestions?

#36 slackmaster

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Posted 11 August 2007 - 01:11 AM


Here's my take on modalert from India and USA Provigil. Modalert gives you energy, focus, and good cheer. It helps you lose weight. I take lamictal and zoloft with it. It helps compensate for the spaced fatigue zoloft causes at times, and the lamictal prevents me from getting too manic on it. I'm bipolar, so this drug can cause manic episodes. So far so good.

It might be psychologically addictive due to the slight euphoria, but the euphoria goes away in about a week, all that's left is alertness and focus.
I take it also to deal with my delayed sleep phase syndrome. It's helped me cope with my screwed up circadian rhythms.
You have to experiment with doses and timing to avoid insomnia though.
I tried it with Tylenol PM, but somehow it increased the effect of the PM. I stopped doing that.
It can cause a rebound effect where you crash, but it doesn’t happen very often.
One problem: I've been getting ringing ears at night for about a week. That's the only downside for me; also it's a good idea to ease into heavy cardio exercise while on it. It does raise your heart rate, especially in the beginning.
Cephalon provigil is more potent, longer lasting, and cleaner, but it's too expensive.
That's my experience.

#37 dontj

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 05:07 PM

Hello all, noob here, this forum kept coming up in my google searches so I thought this was the place to ask some questions (other forums so far seem unbelievably poor for noots)...

I got some Modalert from goodhealthpharmacy, and it seems pretty crappy when compared to glowing reports of other brands I've seen online, though I've never taken any other brand myself.  I read the posts on this board saying how crap it is, too late... but it definately does do 'something'...



Hey everybody!

I just registered for the forum because I want to share my experience with Modalert 200 from Sun Pharma. I ordered it through http://usadiscreetmeds.com , which is part of the dozen or so monarchpharm website spinnoffs. I read nothing about usadiscreet (shipped from fiji, nothing to do with usa) but about other monarch sites (thepharmacyexpress.com, raremeds.com, rx2world.com, nightanddaypharmacy.com, healthychoicepharmacy.com, nicepricepharmacy.com, usapharmacypills.com, mydispensary.com, freedom-pharmacy.com, healthpluspharmacy.com). They seem to have a good reputation judging from drugbuyers.com forum and some other places. Strangely, shortly after I ordered (July 29th) modafinil disappeared from all monarch sites mentioned except for thepharmacyexpress.com (where they also have cipla's modapro besides modalert - both indian co's)

The effect is pretty much exactly like Dave and others have described it: no cognitive enhancement - rather heavy head, less concentration, and feeling more "stupid". I am a student doing rather high demanding intellectual work - so my hope was quite the opposite...

So what the hell is (in) modalert???

What makes me think are two things:

1) Somewhere I read that the disolubility of the product in water is poor: but the tab dissolves *immediately* in H2O.
2) Sun Sharma states on their site that the tabs are "film coated extended release tablet[s]" - my tabs are NOT film coated (also why they dissolute in water right away).

So is Monarch selling fakes? Or what's inside the "sun pharma" tabs?

PS: BTW my packaging is exactly like the one from airsealed.com (below) I also ordered from them to compare two sources of the same product - so I'll update soon.
Posted Image

Edited by dontj, 22 August 2007 - 08:44 PM.

#38 revnik

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 09:34 PM

Hmm Modalert is the real deal, maybe sligltly less potent than Provigil but it's definitly the-real-deal.

Keep in mind that Modafinil is a drug agianst narcolepsy, you'll need to be tired to really feel the effects of MOD. That there's some cognitive enhancement in sleep-deprived people is not to be twisted but when you've had a good night sleep the effects on cognitive enhancement might not be all that great (or at least less noticeble).

Monarch is legit and surely isn't selling fakes. Yeah ok it's Idian etc but please stop being paranoid (no harm intended). Take a 200mg tab and try going to sleep 2 hours after, bed it won't work out.

#39 revnik

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 09:38 PM

Also keep in mind that 200mg is a pretty high dosage to start off with, surely if you aren't all that tired.

#40 dontj

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 10:08 PM

I was more than tired when I took the modalert tab. Started with 100mg after breakfast and took the second half aboout 5 hours later when I saw that the promised reaction was definitely not coming. Had big trouble trying to sleep about 9 more hours later - although I felt tired. Had that weird feeling mentioned by someone above, almost falling asleep but not really making it and waking up again. That was yesterday.
Today I tried the full 200mg after a small breakfast. Felt quite unmotivated to do studying, was tired and had problems dealing with numbers, which I normally don't have. Also a kind of low mood not to go as far as to say that I felt depressed.
I am not taking more until I have more certainty.

Has anybody that's been disappinted by modalert (sunpharma) had good experiences with other "generics" (modapro, alertec...)?

#41 revnik

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Posted 22 August 2007 - 10:19 PM

Other types of generics probably won't change allot to your reaction to the drug itself. Seems like Modafinil just isn't the right deal for you...

Or maybe you got some adverse reactions going on with other supplements/drugs you're currently taking (anti-depr.-noobs-sleeping pills...?)

#42 dontj

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 12:13 PM

Thanks a lot revnik!
Frankly, opposed to some other people here on the board, I am quite clean... ;-) Nothing except for harmless stuff: coffee in the morning, multivites, ginseng, fish-oil, green tea.. THC was already some months ago.
Supposing that my modalert is real, I guess it's just what you say revnik - not the right stuff for my mind/body.

But do you think the real deal - brand provigil - will suit me better or should I back-off from my mind-enhancing endeavor?

#43 revnik

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 06:12 PM

Honestly: no, but then again I've no expierence with the real provigil. Sometimes generics can indeed cause side effects not common to the original brand.

Never hurts to try I guess but it might turn (if not already) in to one hell of an expensive joke :-D Maybe try Adrafinil (Modafinil precursor), Cephalon is the only one who sells it so it's real for sure and way more affordable.

#44 dontj

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 07:10 PM

Yeah - the whole thing might get more expensive than budgeted. But gotta spend money on something!
I read the adrafinil ist not too good on the liver - but then again - neither are alcohol and many other things and it's not like I'll swallow every day... Any source suggestions (also for real provigil)? Can't find it in the reliable pharmacies on my radar. Thx!

#45 revnik

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 09:06 PM

Nubrain sells 40tabs of Adrafinil for about $30 for so far as I can recall and is quite reliable. Provigil I don't know...

Also some people like Deprenyl better when it comes to motivation/stimulation but would be carefull with this one. Good luck with the numbers, have a math exam myself on monday!

#46 khanzas

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Posted 26 August 2007 - 05:25 PM

Started with 100mg after breakfast

From what I've read, pre-breakfast is the best time to take moda.

#47 bettjett

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 05:29 PM

Just wanted to ask if anyone's sure that thepharmacyexpress.com site is on the up & up. I was refered there by USa Discreet Meds where I've been successfully buying modafinil for several months. But a recent email from usadiscreetmeds said they could no longer use VISA in the US, and therefore were no longer selling them. They referred me to thepharmacyexpress.com site. Yes, they're being sold there, at a really low price, but they require your checking account number for payment. I did a quick Google and a lot of info turned up saying the site was a scam (at least a site called pharmacy express). I thought maybe it was a different site, so I decided to go for it. When I was checking out, I hit the "confirm" button and my browser popped up saying not to trust the site, their security certificate wasn't valid. Sooo, I'm stuck with impossibly high prices to get Provigil. Has anyone out there used thepharmacyexpress.com site, and if so, is it legit???


#48 dontj

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 05:38 PM

thepharmacyexpress.com is actually the same source as usadiscreetmeds and a whole bunch of other sites (see my first post in this thread). Monarchpharm just uses different sites (that also look really similar) to sell the same meds at sometimes different prices. I think when I ordered from usadiscreetmeds.com the certificate was also expired - but NP. I'd say go for it!

#49 suspire

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 06:14 PM

Are you kidding? I would not give your bank account number to some shady website with invalid security certificates. The only folks who have my bank account #s are my power company and credit card companies. This is a recipe for disaster.

If you do decide to do it, I'd check your bank account balance on a daily basis...forever.

#50 revnik

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 08:11 PM

I believe thepharmacyexpress.com is legit. The payment method is way more safe then giving out your visa number!

Omegainternetsolutions works in much the same way as paypal:

There are 5 ways to fund your account -

1. Western Union - Your Omega account is funded in about 15 minutes from when Omega receives the MTCN number
2. Money Gram - Your Omega account is funded within 30 minutes when Omega receives the transaction number
3. EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer from your bank account takes 2-3 days for your Omega account to be funded
4. Personal Checks - Your Omega account is funded within 5 - 7 days from when it is banked at Omega.
5. Cash Deposit - This is the fastest method. Please see the FAQ - "Can I deposit Cash into my Omega account" for more details.

Maybe check out drugbuyers.com forum for some reviews? It looks very ok to me!

#51 brotherx

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 09:39 PM

I am not sure about the risk/benefit analysis of adrafinil. You might take the following into consideration:

"Long-term use has also been associated with occasional instances of elevated liver enzymes, specifically SGOT, SGPT, GGPT and hepatic alkaline phosphatase. Thus, if you plan to use Adrafinil for an extended period of time, you should have your liver function tested to establish a baseline, and then after 3 months and again every 6 months thereafter. If abnormalities appear, reducing the dose or stopping the drug should permit a return to normal."



#52 jimmy73

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Posted 08 September 2007 - 06:49 AM

I think a lot of people have unrealistic expections for modafinil and think that by taking 1 tablet they will develop super intelligence, feel highly energized and motivated and then be able to take on super villians and save the world ;)

Basically, all it does is stop you feeling mentally tired and helps to keep you focused. If your body is tired i.e. legs, muscles etc, modafinil will not take away that feeling in your body, it is not an energizer.

My experience of taking modafinil has been really positive. I've taken both Modalert and Modapro and to me they both had the same affect in that they stopped me feeling tired during the day, esepcially the post lunchtime crash that I used to get. Also, I do suffer from depression sometimes, but not currently taking any medication for it, and have found that modafinil has acted as a mood enhancer too. I haven't felt depressed at all since taking it and feel a lot more positive and have felt more motivated to do things.

I only take 200mg in the morning and that seems to suit me fine. Also, I've heard that if you are taking other medication, modafinil won't have much affect, not sure why, but some people have even said that taking painkillers negates it affect, so bear this in mind when you are trying it.

Also, I've found that I am solving the metro sudoku puzzle a lot faster on the morning train now!


#53 gooner

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Posted 11 October 2007 - 03:29 PM

I suffer from Narcolepsy.I buy 200mg tabs from airsealed.com and am satisfied with product and shipping although Western Union charges are a rip.

I take one 200mg tab in the morning,there is no noticable physical effect i.e buzzing, nervousness, twitching, just an alertness that I only used to have fleetingly, now I am alert all day and have more energy.If I take another 200mg at 6pm I can easily stay awake allnight.Normally 200mg is enough to last me up to 10pm with a slight drop off in the last hour or so.My night time sleep patterns have not been disrupted.I wake at 7am well rested.

Over the 6 months that I've been using Modalert on 2 occasions I stopped taking it just to see the effects.Once for 3 days and once for 2 days.On both occasions the first day I felt a little lethargic and tirerd by the second I had no energy and was vvery sleepy also experienced depression, as soon as I started on the Modalert again at 200mg in the morning all symptoms were reversed.

I'm teetotal so how this reacts with alchohol or any other drug is unknown to me although I do drink 4 cans of Red Bull daily these are spaced throughout the day and give me a slight lift.

If you suffer from depression Be careful when you stop using as you will go lower than normal I do not know how long this can last.

Hope this helps.


#54 Heliotrope

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 03:21 AM

I had an idea today ...
Have any of you heard about the particle size patent that Cephalon uses to keep generic manufacturers of modafinil out of the U.S. market? It basically states that efficiency of the drug depends on the particle size. Smaller particles result in faster absorption and higher plasma concentration.

We don't really know if Modalert has the same particle size as Provigil. If it doesn't, what we can do is take Modalert pills, crush them into powder, and repackage them into gel capsules.

I've heard similar things, that in order to make Provigil competitive against generic modafinil like Alertec/Modalert/ModaPro/Modiodal, Cephalon has the patent on the effective moda particle size and says only the modafinil molecules in their Provigil work well.

My Q is: wouldn't the larger particle sizes manufactured by Sun Pharma or Intas etc dissolve and break down into smaller sizes in human body? If not, does manually crushing the Modalert into powder really work like esmith suggested above?

In general, does particle size really have any validity? What bout other supplement/medication particle sizes?

#55 DanielSon

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 10:17 AM

I do drink 4 cans of Red Bull daily these are spaced throughout the day and give me a slight lift.

Wow! How long have you been doing this for? I have gone so far as drinking 6-10 energy drinks per week; but 4 per day? Lovely tasting stuff, Red Bull is though!


#56 Beth_K

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 11:22 AM

I'm a dirty spammer.

Edited by FunkOdyssey, 25 November 2008 - 05:09 PM.

#57 Wandering Jew

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 02:47 AM

. But, it could be baking powder

But don't let minor things like that stop you.

yeah or sugar or worse some toxic crap

Was thinking about emptying my wallet to airsealed. But these korean /chinese guys say they'll give you 5 kg for only $500. That sounds too good. who sells this expensive stuff for only $100 per 1,000 gram?

#58 Selmasun

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 12:02 PM

I think the Modafinil medications have become really popular in recent years. You just have to look at the different products (e.g. Provigil, Modalert, ...) and then you can see how much money the pharma industry is making with them. I am not a fan of such drugs but I know people who have to take it because of their sleeping disorders. When you look at the history of Modafinil you realize how the medication has developed into a popular lifestyle drug. A lot of people take it to improve their concentration or stay up all night, that's a very dangerous development.

#59 Mark123

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Posted 13 April 2010 - 07:34 PM

I think a lot of people have unrealistic expections for modafinil and think that by taking 1 tablet they will develop super intelligence, feel highly energized and motivated and then be able to take on super villians and save the world ;)

Basically, all it does is stop you feeling mentally tired and helps to keep you focused. If your body is tired i.e. legs, muscles etc, modafinil will not take away that feeling in your body, it is not an energizer.

My experience of taking modafinil has been really positive. I've taken both Modalert and Modapro and to me they both had the same affect in that they stopped me feeling tired during the day, esepcially the post lunchtime crash that I used to get. Also, I do suffer from depression sometimes, but not currently taking any medication for it, and have found that modafinil has acted as a mood enhancer too. I haven't felt depressed at all since taking it and feel a lot more positive and have felt more motivated to do things.

I only take 200mg in the morning and that seems to suit me fine. Also, I've heard that if you are taking other medication, modafinil won't have much affect, not sure why, but some people have even said that taking painkillers negates it affect, so bear this in mind when you are trying it.

Also, I've found that I am solving the metro sudoku puzzle a lot faster on the morning train now!


Nice!!!! (about the metro sudoku solving!) I am hoping to try some modalert soon when it arrives.. and hopefully, i will be able to solve all 3 during my 19 minute ride! At the moment, I can only solve the first 2 and then get half way through the last one :( :) lol. where did you get yours

#60 Runner

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Posted 14 April 2010 - 11:23 AM

Oh, and real quick like...check this video out -- you need real player or real alternative to watch it. though. If you already have a super high IQ then modafinil might actually hurt your intelligence: it's a long video, but watch it at least until the second speaker finishes:

Download real alternative here

Nick Boström on cognitive enhancement, webcast presentation at the Oxford conf.
Click below for an excellent video:

Can someone tell me whats in this video, i cant watch it on my mac

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