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magnesium dmso


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#1 kurdishfella

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Posted 19 November 2019 - 04:34 PM

Has anyone tried DMSO with transdermal magnesium chloride? Would it even work? I read somewhere that the molecule weight of the substance has to be under 300 to work with DMSO, and when I google it says magnesium weight is 24,305 u, would it work? Do you just put the DMSO on your skin then the magnesium and wait? Does it dissolve by itself and do I have to heat the DMSO first how would I do that?

If DMSO is so strong at carrying stuff trough your skin, why is it not more popular? You would think people would use it for more things like progesterone and other supplements or drugs.

Edited by farshad, 19 November 2019 - 04:35 PM.

#2 kurdishfella

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Posted 19 November 2019 - 05:51 PM

also it toxicity something to worry about with DMSO and at which levels? and do I need some special water with the DMSO or can I use it alone?

Edited by farshad, 19 November 2019 - 05:52 PM.

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#3 kurdishfella

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Posted 19 November 2019 - 08:03 PM



Benefits of Magnesium with DMSO:

DMSO is an excellent binder and carrier. Meaning, it can easily pass through the skin carrying other things, like Magnesium, with it.

Simply put, DMSO enhances the absorption rate of things already on the skin or that are applied with it.



how does DMSO go through the skin? like what if you have dysfunctional skin so that nothing gets absorbed because your skin blocks it out due to excessive inflammation or somth, is that even possible?


In order to be absorbed through your skin and into your bloodstream, a compound needs to have at least two things going for it. It needs to be lipophilic, or fat-soluble. And it needs to be very, very small. A lot of the compounds found in commercially-marketed transdermal patches are neither.

Of course, there are ways to get around these limitations. You can break a large molecule down into nanoparticles, or encase it in a substance that diffuses more easily into the lipid layer of the skin. You can use tiny little needles to poke tiny little holes in the skin, which allows the substance to penetrate into the deeper tissues. You can use chemicals to alter the surface of the skin and make it more porous. You can even use electrical stimulation to open the pores, or a technique known as microdialysis.

Edited by farshad, 19 November 2019 - 09:00 PM.

#4 kurdishfella

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Posted 20 November 2019 - 04:20 PM

Vitamin B Complex Transdermal Patches

etc with DMSO

Edited by farshad, 20 November 2019 - 04:20 PM.

#5 kurdishfella

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Posted 22 November 2019 - 12:36 AM

oh wow someone had a similar idea as me years ago




also i have a theory, when you are excited or your fight or flight response is activated, you have more adrenaline etc in your gi tract and metabolism is boosted, when you take a drug during this time orally, could this perhaps increase drug absorption? etc




Edited by farshad, 22 November 2019 - 01:03 AM.

#6 pamojja

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Posted 22 November 2019 - 10:03 AM

also it toxicity something to worry about with DMSO and at which levels? and do I need some special water with the DMSO or can I use it alone?


Since DSMO can carry impurities through the skin, its better used with destilled water only. 99.9% can irretate the skin with an individual threshold, usually 50% DMSO/water above the shoulder and up to 70% below is well tolerated.


You would find most of your question and much more in the book: The DSMO Handbook, by Dr. P. A. Fischer, answered.

Edited by pamojja, 22 November 2019 - 10:05 AM.

#7 kurdishfella

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Posted 22 November 2019 - 04:22 PM

Since DSMO can carry impurities through the skin, its better used with destilled water only. 99.9% can irretate the skin with an individual threshold, usually 50% DMSO/water above the shoulder and up to 70% below is well tolerated.


You would find most of your question and much more in the book: The DSMO Handbook, by Dr. P. A. Fischer, answered.

Don't feel like paying for a book but I have tried reading about it online as much as I could. Here is what i've learned, correct me were I am wrong if.


You want to use pharmaceutical grade/research grade 99.99% purity DMSO, instead of industrial grade. I'm not sure about what the percentage stands for because some say it means the dosage but other the impurity of dmso, but if a DMSO is 50%, does that mean it's 50% dmso and rest of the 50% is what, water? Why would one want to use a lesser percentage DMSO? You would need to take more right? And 99.99% dmso is already clean because they used distilled water to clean it out of impurities. Diluting dmso with water or distilled water is therefore pointless and actually I read that when water is present as a cosolvent the penetration are much lower...So you can use DMSO straight out of the bottle if it is 99.99% already cleaned. DMSO is non-toxic only in very high dosages. How to use it, mix drug in the DMSO until it dissolves (powder) completely (or mixes completely if its a liquid), then apply that to your skin, the DMSO will carry the drug through your skin into your blood. If you apply the DMSO first it will soak in before you can even get the drug on. Pure dmso is already a Liquid/solvent. DMSO can be taken orally also.



Edited by farshad, 22 November 2019 - 04:25 PM.

#8 kurdishfella

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Posted 22 November 2019 - 06:11 PM

Also I think DMSO becomes solid in room temperature and to make it back into liquid you have to put the bottle in hot water and wait for 30 minutes and it will go back to liquid form- or was it if it was too cold? don't remember.

Edited by farshad, 22 November 2019 - 06:11 PM.

#9 kurdishfella

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Posted 22 November 2019 - 07:21 PM

Is medical grade different from pharma and research grade? Or does it refer to prescribed drugs which could vary in purity but usually they are very good quality? so I presume same but not entirely. Also not sure about the dosage of DMSO I wanna use, I don't know how to measure it but I'm sure it says like 1 teaspoon equals = xx , I wanna use the lowest possible dosages, but you'd have too take a lot for toxicity so im not too worried. Pure DMSO at 99.99% purity does not smell, or was the smell depended on the concentration? this DMSO information is so confusing.

Edited by farshad, 22 November 2019 - 07:27 PM.

#10 kurdishfella

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Posted 23 November 2019 - 12:01 AM

oh wow i was about to use plastic measuring spoon to put my dmso in but i read you aren't supposed to do that and i didn't know they were plastic either... what happens if dmso goes into plastic? it burns right trough? I will just use a metal spoon or glass cup


#11 pamojja

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Posted 23 November 2019 - 01:21 PM

Why would one want to use a lesser percentage DMSO? You would need to take more right?


Because it irritates the skin at 99% for almost everyone. As already said, and at which delutions it most likely doesn't irritates.


Only certain plastics are desolved. You simply can test the DSMO with the particular plastic first.


99.99% purity is usually pharmaceutical grade, confounded by the fact that it isn't approved for any medical conditions transdermally. Where some retailer avoid problems with the FDA by selling it as industrial grade. Same as with research chemicals.

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Posted 24 November 2019 - 03:59 AM

DMSO is not only a solvent but can also be a reactant so do some research before dissolving random stuff into it. Make sure your skin is _totally_ clean. Also, after using ask others if you smell funny like pungent beets. And like it was said, dilute it down (with pure distilled water, not tap!). My skin doesn't have issues with it but yeah I've heard others do. I would never use plastic, I would not likely use metal either. I'd use glass. Very, very clean (preferably washed & autoclaved) glass lol.


EDIT: here:



Even though the MSDS says it is compatible with plastics such as HDPE (which it sure is), that doesn't mean that something odd in the manufacture of the HDPE container you are using doesn't wind up getting dissolved into it (impurities in the manufacture process, dust, whatnot). You don't probably want that junk in your bloodstream, right? Just use extremely clean (preferably borosilicate) glass - glass tools, glass containers, everything glass.

Edited by TMNMK, 24 November 2019 - 04:14 AM.

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#13 kurdishfella

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Posted 29 November 2019 - 12:33 PM

I'm paranoid asf with this DMSO stuff. It was frozen when I got it but I put it in water and it slowly became liquid again. When I pour dmso directly on my skin it burns, well not burns but there is a heat sensation which feels kind of good to be honest, but that's about it, oh and it does smell like garlic. I tried putting it on my skin but I don't feel any different? I then mixed magnesium chloride with dmso and put it on my skin and I feel nothing. I swallowed 1 drop of the dmso to see how it would work orally the taste was as expected not too bad but garlic like i guess, nothing, am I doing something wrong or does it take time to work? I cleaned the area of my skin and my hands before applying, but im not sure how long this stuff survives on your skin and when you can touch objects without worrying about the dmso absorbing bacteria. how much do i need to clean the area after i applied the dmso before i can put on my clothes?

Edited by farshad, 29 November 2019 - 12:39 PM.

#14 kurdishfella

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Posted 30 November 2019 - 07:25 AM

is this true : And DMSO will not carry bacteria or viruses across cell membranes because they are too large.


so you dont have to be ''clean''?

#15 Turnbuckle

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Posted 30 November 2019 - 11:40 AM

 am I doing something wrong or does it take time to work? 


What do you want it to do? I've used DMSO on occasion for years. It's very good in small amounts when applied directly to superficial impact injuries that would otherwise bruise. (Especially fingers.) DMSO quenches the free radicals produced by the injury and greatly limits the damage if applied quickly enough. Oral use is not a good idea as it is known to have negative effects on neurons. It can result in retinal apoptosis, for instance. See this paper: Unexpected low-dose toxicity of the universal solvent DMSO.


For oral use, the DMSO metabolite MSM is much safer. I use grams of it with ginger root extract for treating the occasional inflammation of an old back injury. It works better and faster than anything else.

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#16 kurdishfella

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Posted 30 November 2019 - 12:11 PM

What do you want it to do? I've used DMSO on occasion for years. It's very good in small amounts when applied directly to superficial impact injuries that would otherwise bruise. (Especially fingers.) DMSO quenches the free radicals produced by the injury and greatly limits the damage if applied quickly enough. Oral use is not a good idea as it is known to have negative effects on neurons. It can result in retinal apoptosis, for instance. See this paper: Unexpected low-dose toxicity of the universal solvent DMSO.


For oral use, the DMSO metabolite MSM is much safer. I use grams of it with ginger root extract for treating the occasional inflammation of an old back injury. It works better and faster than anything else.

I wanted to use DMSO for its anti-inflammatory and healing of the body benefits I read about, and also to carry magnesium trough my skin, but I don't have much success. I do feel more calm and less pain but that's about it, it's day 1, my dreams were more intense and sleep improved but that could just be a coincidence. 

I can't use MSM because my main issue is absorption, I have dedicated much of my time in the last months finding a solution to my problem and that is  anything I take isn't absorbed orally nor any other route, I don't have access to injections but I wanted to try magnesium injections in order to increase energy and in turn I'm pretty sure it would help me heal my body so that I could finally start a medication for my anxiety issues.., but the problem becomes that any magnesium I take isn't absorbed. Topically as with magnesium cholride or orally with regular magnesium, so I found out about dmso but i'm not really sure how to work with it, and if you can even transfer magnesium trough your skin with it. I read on wikipedia that scrotum and forehead has the best absorption and those places are really the only spots I feel like things get absorbed but still im not sure it if has much of an effect.

#17 Turnbuckle

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Posted 30 November 2019 - 01:44 PM

my problem and that is  anything I take isn't absorbed orally nor any other route,


If this were true, you would be dead by now.

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#18 kurdishfella

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Posted 01 December 2019 - 12:24 AM

If this were true, you would be dead by now.

thanks for the help. also I should mention I think dmso has improved my memory, im starting to dream now or remember my dreams. 2 days in a row ive been dreaming.



''various diseases lead to a vitamin D deficiency, such as intestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease, which disturb the absorption of vitamin D from the intestine into the bloodstream.Chronic diseases can also negatively affect the conversion of vitamin D into its active form, which is important for the metabolism, ''

not only is vitamin d affected by this but all other vitamins and minerals like magnesium and drugs or supplements... So I do have problem with absorption, I believe only very little is being absorbed enough that i'm still alive, so even if i took high dosages of magnesium, only very little of it would be absorbed and it would get excreted way too fast before my body has the chance to absorb it, the same goes with drugs, when I take them they only work to a certain degree when I take very high dosages and the half life has to be high like with memantine (3 day half life) and still the effect is like half of the true effect.


'' This then acts in the body like a hormone and regulates various important processes, such as specifically the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, in that vitamin D among other things ensures that calcium from the small intestine is absorbed into the blood.''

Edited by farshad, 01 December 2019 - 01:09 AM.

#19 kurdishfella

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Posted 01 December 2019 - 01:58 AM

is it possible that if your body needs chronic magnesium and so all the stores in your bones etc are released into the blood, so this tricks your gi tract into thinking you already have sufficient magnesium levels when you supplement with magnesium, therefore most of it is excreted by the kidneys and never absorbed into the blood?

Edited by farshad, 01 December 2019 - 01:59 AM.

#20 ironfistx

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Posted 02 December 2019 - 03:30 AM

it's a liquid at room temperature, I have a bottle I didn't use.

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#21 kurdishfella

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Posted 02 December 2019 - 04:34 AM

Magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D, which helps regulate calcium and phosphate homeostasis to influence the growth and maintenance of bones. ... Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body after calcium, potassium, and sodium.
CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D toxicity can cause fatigue, irritability, muscle weakness and elevated blood pressure. Coconut oil can enhance absorption of vitamin D. Though the daily tolerable intake level of vitamin D is 2000 IU, the concurrent use of coconut oil may silently elevate it to toxic levels.
coconut oil also assists in the absorption of magnesium.

 Some types of liver disease can reduce absorption of vitamin D because the ailing liver isn't producing normal amounts of bile. therefore ox bile supplement should help.

Edited by farshad, 02 December 2019 - 04:37 AM.

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