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this forum is a joke

sedentary's Photo sedentary 28 Mar 2020

and you guys are bunch of clowns. i say this because i find it extremely HILARIOUS how you obsess over the next big thing in longevity and buying all those shitty expensive supplements so you can live long lives only to end up dying early, because of some virus thats funny to me!

dont you guys find it hillarious you have spent so much of your money and time to live long healthy lives only to end up dead from some virus?


thompson92's Photo thompson92 28 Mar 2020

The death rate in my age group is about 0.5% globally.  The probability will be even lower based on maintaining a healthy immune system through diet, exercise, a few key supplements and sleep.


Maybe the problem is non-essential workplaces are shutdown and you got nothing better to do than troll?  Maybe this is why you were suspended 2x before and need to be suspended again...





kurdishfella's Photo kurdishfella 28 Mar 2020

People have different reasons for being here, idc about increased life span but increasing cognitive function.

Edited by kurdishfella, 28 March 2020 - 10:26 PM.

sedentary's Photo sedentary 29 Mar 2020

The death rate in my age group is about 0.5% globally.  The probability will be even lower based on maintaining a healthy immune system through diet, exercise, a few key supplements and sleep.


Maybe the problem is non-essential workplaces are shutdown and you got nothing better to do than troll?  Maybe this is why you were suspended 2x before and need to be suspended again...




whats crazy, im not actually trolling.  this here, its honest opinion and view on things, relation to this forum and the obsession and addiction you guys have for longevity. i just actually literally find it funny one day you might be dead from some unforeseen and unexpected event, like the virus being one example out of dozen. and yet i find it hilarious the sheer dedication of spending your time on such dead end forums talking about spending shitload of money on means to actually extend your lifespan. i guess im the only one who sees the dark humor in this, therefore called a troll....

Edited by sedentary, 29 March 2020 - 12:07 AM.

DanCG's Photo DanCG 29 Mar 2020

I have been participating here for only a few days. In that short time I have learned that there are good reasons to expect that some of the supplements I have been taking all along to promote longevity and fight my own age-related problems have actually been protecting me from COVID-19. Of course, you would never notice anything like that, with your attitude. Sad.


And do you really find other people's deaths to be amusing? There is an old expression related to people who talk that way. "Whistling past the graveyard".  Look it up. (Hint: think about your own fear of death).


thompson92's Photo thompson92 29 Mar 2020

whats crazy, im not actually trolling.  this here, its honest opinion and view on things, relation to this forum and the obsession and addiction you guys have for longevity. i just actually literally find it funny one day you might be dead from some unforeseen and unexpected event, like the virus being one example out of dozen. and yet i find it hilarious the sheer dedication of spending your time on such dead end forums talking about spending shitload of money on means to actually extend your lifespan. i guess im the only one who sees the dark humor in this, therefore called a troll....


You are projecting basically.  What small minded, self-centered people do is they project some kind of broad brush stereotype onto people.  It's how a narcissist like Donald Trump gets by through stereotyping black people and making misogynistic statements about women.  It's an attempt to justify oneself through a bigoted thought process of insults and attacks.


There are a million forums all over the Internet where people spend there time on sorts of topics.  This forum isn't very different from all kinds of other forums related to health.  I very much doubt if even 5% or more of the people here think they will actually "live forever".  Most of your childish insults are rooted in a subject matter that you don't really understand, so you dismiss it and insult it.  It's not "dark humor"; it's your small mindedness.


I have 2 grandparents who are 93 and 94 years old.  They will be the first persons pulled off a ventilator in an overcrowded hospital for someone who is 35 years old.  If I don't take action now, then what do I do when it's too late?  Should I tell them some schmuck named sedentary said it was all a waste of time to read through 20 coronavirus papers, buy supplements that are proven in animal and a lab bench to blunt the virus, all while my workload has plummeted 50% and I'm not really doing much anyway?


I guess you know better because your superior knowledge of 'dark humor'.  In reality, you are the joke here.


This is the last time I'm replying to you.


experimenting's Photo experimenting 29 Mar 2020

people aren’t here only because of longevity. many have a variety of health problems (I’m included) and find it an invaluable resource.

my only wish is that I had more to contribute rather than receive.

also, it’s a website, if you don’t like it don’t visit it...

William Sterog's Photo William Sterog 29 Mar 2020

I don't find you hilarious. I find you very sad, actually. I don't know what can compel you to laugh at people that it is trying to better themselves, cure their diseases and keep on living. Either you are despicable, or a total idiot; maybe both. Please, don't come back, because you are the truly bad joke.

orion22's Photo orion22 29 Mar 2020

but we are still alive we are not dead and some where predicting a pandemic from day 1 but where are not presidents we can t do anything 

and i keep 1 month supply of food for a long time in case of a virus pandemic 

you shod know this forum predicted bitcoin when it was 40 cents i think 1 bitcoin we also predict  AI will kill us all for sure 


orion22's Photo orion22 29 Mar 2020

for you re information the virus killed 30 000 people 50 million die of old age every year so you are a big idiot 


experimenting's Photo experimenting 29 Mar 2020

can we just get this thread shut down

Hip's Photo Hip 30 Mar 2020

 this here, its honest opinion and view on things,


Firstly, irrespective of your views, there seems to be an association between neglecting to use capitals at the beginning of sentences, and low IQ. So I'd suggest learning where the shift button is, as you will present yourself better. 


Secondly, you are criticizing anti-aging philosophy, yet in your previous posts you ask about anti-aging approaches: for example, asking in this post whether cranberries are an anti-aging food. 


So by your own standards, you too must be a clown.

Edited by Hip, 30 March 2020 - 02:53 AM.

sedentary's Photo sedentary 31 Mar 2020

Firstly, irrespective of your views, there seems to be an association between neglecting to use capitals at the beginning of sentences, and low IQ. So I'd suggest learning where the shift button is, as you will present yourself better. 


Secondly, you are criticizing anti-aging philosophy, yet in your previous posts you ask about anti-aging approaches: for example, asking in this post whether cranberries are an anti-aging food. 


So by your own standards, you too must be a clown.



how did you figure out im making posts like that cranberry thread about myself, and me giving shit to live long on some damn cranberries? you are actually turning out to be bigger clown than i expected your type to be! also, your type THE BIG CLOWNS, lives in some restricted world, society, where a person can only express themselves ONLY ONE WAY, A CERTAIN AGREED UPON WAY. that is; CAPITALS AT THE BEGINNING OF SENTENCE, OR YOU ARE INVALID.


my point proven with this thread and you being here, commenting, thanks!


sedentary's Photo sedentary 01 Apr 2020

so anyway, anyone dead from this forum yet?


Rocco12's Photo Rocco12 01 Apr 2020

I officially joined today which makes this is my formal introduction.   I'm glad another member brought up our "Courageous" Leader Donny Trump,  as sedentary from restricted Charles-town  :-D  sounds like one of the dumb down followers of the Trump clan.  


I tend to stay far away from Politics but the fact our President has downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19 while focusing on economics instead of Public Human Health demonstrates the massive reform we need in healthcare and society as a whole.  It takes a major life-altering event like this create real change at the top level and I'm looking forward to the future of new disruptive medical technology, particularly for chronic disease/mental health and regulatory change for public harm reduction. 



My future posts will offer more educational insight based on my healthcare background and hopefully and I can be a helpful resource.  Until then, goodnight my paesanos!


sedentary's Photo sedentary 02 Apr 2020

there are tons of people signing up on this forum and none of them stay too long. what future do you actually see in this shithole? i have still unanswered questions hanging in here, for the past, several months maybe. and no, nobody even visited the thread and its not like they avoid me. you can see visits etc. obviously people dont even bother, on this awesome forum! 

this forum is too impotent to be compared to a virus, but its something like fucked over virus thats useless now, but yet people are still afraid of it being in trace you know? so stay away from it.

Edited by sedentary, 02 April 2020 - 04:27 AM.

Rocco12's Photo Rocco12 02 Apr 2020

If that’s the case I appreciate the heads up. I came aboard to help so we will see

Droplet's Photo Droplet 02 Apr 2020

there are tons of people signing up on this forum and none of them stay too long. what future do you actually see in this shithole?

I have been here for almost a decade....quite a while! I see a lot of future in this place as longevity research and treatment becomes more mainstream and more people demand it. :)


sedentary's Photo sedentary 03 Apr 2020

mind telling me, where exactly is that you see so much potential with this forum?


Droplet's Photo Droplet 03 Apr 2020

mind telling me, where exactly is that you see so much potential with this forum?

Longecity, previously the Immortality Institute, has been around for many years and is well known as a forum to discuss life extension and any topics surrounding the improvement of health. In addition, Longecity also has a good track record of funding initiatives directly involved in conquering the blight that is involuntary death. As the popularity of life extension catches on, more people will search, find this place, get educated and get involved. Both scientists and laypersons like myself can network and learn here. As the prospect of delaying or better yet curing ageing becomes closer to a reality, Longecity is both informative and offers a platform for discussion for those who want to discuss the potential issues as well as all of the amazing things that will result from a world without the scourge of ageing. :) 


Sedentary, if this forum is such a waste of your precious time, why aren't you doing something more worthy instead of being here?


sedentary's Photo sedentary 04 Apr 2020

im not here all the time you gullible little man. i pop in and out once a week, mostly to see how this forum continues to fail.

anyway, what you described is complete confusion my man. you are very confused if you think any of those have prospect or any progress. besides, i was mainly referring to the politics of this forum for which, obviously, you know nothing of. i personally know of several moderators actually dumping the place. there were disagreements within the governing body while ago, the good guys left, now we have some bad seeds like mind, staying around. he is mostly around for the business, the little money he can suck out of this dying dump. so anyway, you seem completely lost when it comes to politics of this forum. even with what you talk about, you are still wrong. there is no progress in any of those areas and in the future, people interested in longecity, wont actually come hang out on some outdated (havent been updated in forever now) forum. with lots of glitches, lack of support with the moderators or within the actual community place.

just one example to give before i go; this made me laugh alone "Longecity is both informative and offers a platform for discussion" lol dude take a look around. dead end threads, and threads made years ago still clogging up the traffic. haha


Droplet's Photo Droplet 06 Apr 2020

im not here all the time you gullible little man. i pop in and out once a week, mostly to see how this forum continues to fail.

anyway, what you described is complete confusion my man. you are very confused if you think any of those have prospect or any progress. besides, i was mainly referring to the politics of this forum for which, obviously, you know nothing of. i personally know of several moderators actually dumping the place. there were disagreements within the governing body while ago, the good guys left, now we have some bad seeds like mind, staying around. he is mostly around for the business, the little money he can suck out of this dying dump. so anyway, you seem completely lost when it comes to politics of this forum. even with what you talk about, you are still wrong. there is no progress in any of those areas and in the future, people interested in longecity, wont actually come hang out on some outdated (havent been updated in forever now) forum. with lots of glitches, lack of support with the moderators or within the actual community place.

just one example to give before i go; this made me laugh alone "Longecity is both informative and offers a platform for discussion" lol dude take a look around. dead end threads, and threads made years ago still clogging up the traffic. haha

Firstly I'm not your man or anyone else's man. I'm not even a man, I'm female. :) Even if threads are dead, they are still informative and you can resurrect one of those dead threads if you have anything constructive to say.  You will also find that we have a search function that you can use and to make it even easier, it is labelled with the word "search." Even if you are only coming back here a few times, that is time that you will never get back and would be better spent on doing something positive and constructive. Why not start up your own community on a similar theme if you are adamant that you can do better? You could even offer to help improve this place instead of sitting here complaining about it for a few minutes a day. 


MichaelFocus22's Photo MichaelFocus22 07 Apr 2020

1. Just stop man, it's pointless. The Forum is useful even if I don't agree with how they run things.  Lots of intelligent people here it's undeniable.  You don't want to get banned do you? Status quo always wins.


Droplet's Photo Droplet 07 Apr 2020

 The Forum is useful even if I don't agree with how they run things. 


If you haven't already raised it elsewhere and are polite about it, the people running this place may wish to hear your opinions. :)


William Sterog's Photo William Sterog 08 Apr 2020

Droplet, you are too kind for your own sake. It is really nice to read you, thanks for the thoughtful responses, but I really don't think that this user deserves even the smallest fraction of your time, he is just a resented troll -I believe that maybe a new account from someone like Normalizing- that should be banned.

In any case, it is a pleasure to meet such an articulate and patient person, as many more here also are, and just that is more than enough to justify the existence of this forum.
Edited by William Sterog, 08 April 2020 - 05:49 AM.

MichaelFocus22's Photo MichaelFocus22 08 Apr 2020

1. I'd be careful with the unnilateral banning, Longecity is one of the few places that hasn't been influenced by mass censorship. We don't really want a highly regulated forum..


William Sterog's Photo William Sterog 08 Apr 2020

1. I'd be careful with the unnilateral banning, Longecity is one of the few places that hasn't been influenced by mass censorship. We don't really want a highly regulated forum..

While I agree that freedom much be preserved even when the cost is high, I also believe that your freedom ends where others' starts. This guy is not expressing some unpopular opinion that we want to silence for selfish reasons, he is just being disruptive and insulting for the sake of it, while he clearly abuses the tag system, and I am personally in favor of banning him.

Of course, this is just my opinion.
Edited by William Sterog, 08 April 2020 - 07:58 AM.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 10 Apr 2020

Droplet, you are too kind for your own sake. It is really nice to read you, thanks for the thoughtful responses, but I really don't think that this user deserves even the smallest fraction of your time, he is just a resented troll -I believe that maybe a new account from someone like Normalizing- that should be banned.

In any case, it is a pleasure to meet such an articulate and patient person, as many more here also are, and just that is more than enough to justify the existence of this forum.

Thank you for your kind words. :) I don't have access to the magical banning stick even if I wanted to use it. However, given this thread has done little to make this forum a more pleasant place, I have invited someone who has the power and  better judgement than I of whether or not a ban is in order. I don't want people to be afraid to express a negative opinion here though, as I believe that we should be able to have discussions of all kinds.


William Sterog's Photo William Sterog 10 Apr 2020

Thank you for your kind words. :) I don't have access to the magical banning stick even if I wanted to use it. However, given this thread has done little to make this forum a more pleasant place, I have invited someone who has the power and better judgement than I of whether or not a ban is in order. I don't want people to be afraid to express a negative opinion here though, as I believe that we should be able to have discussions of all kinds.

I think that this thread was opened in the Supplement subforum, that is why I thought that this user should have been banned. I now see that you can find it in a different section, where maybe it is slightly more bearable. Probably it has been moved, or I made a mistake.

Thank you, it is a pleasure. :)

sedentary's Photo sedentary 12 Apr 2020

William Sterog, you are one annoying negative little asshole. what have you actually contributed to this place? all your posts are self centered asshole type of manner posts. you praise Droplet, and im sure you are jealous of her patience and ability to deal with all kinds of people unlike you. You cannot handle anyone's opinion thats so much different than yours. You get angry easily and you are very egoistical (based on your history that I have seen). Clearly no supplement has changed your nasty negative personality. Give up on supplements, and try something like meditation or psychedelics, and then maybe for a moment you will be someone else but your negative nancy self absorbed high preaching asshole.

Edited by sedentary, 12 April 2020 - 06:20 AM.