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CDP Choline - Intense jitters and anxiety

choline cdp anxiety

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#1 entropy_reigns

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Posted 08 August 2020 - 06:52 PM

Hey folks, I've done a considerable amount of research on this topic and can't seem to come across many people with the same experience. 


CDP Choline seems to give me intense jitters. Feels like something along the lines of drinking about 10 cups of coffee in one sitting. In addition to this, it's led to a complete loss of libido, and some mild anxiety and over thinking.


I've read quite a bit that if you're already high in acetylcholine, that it can lead to lethargy and depression, but have yet to read anything about intense stimulation and anxiety.


Would this be a sign of pre-existing high levels of choline in my system? Or the opposite? Quite confused, hopefully I can get some help from this forum. 


Taking the Jarrow brand, 250mg/day



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#2 dk2011

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Posted 18 October 2020 - 01:18 AM

Has anybody found a way to counteract this?  I've had this as a long-term side effect after repeated doses of CDP Choline (and other related cholinergic supplements).  Have you found anything that helps @entropy_reigns?

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