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Cause of childishness in elderly?

Believer's Photo Believer 07 Nov 2020

My father is 75 and has always been a bit childish but now at the age of 75 he is truly childlike in emotion, speech and motor skills. It seemed to come about at the age of 75.


For example I put some disinfection alcohol gel on his skin (no wounds) and he reacted as if it hurt, almost began to cry. Afterwards when I questioned his childlike reaction he laughed at it and said it was a cold gel (it was not).

He is frail but exaggerates his frailty, claiming to be unable to stand up although clearly having proven that he can if he really wants to.

Many examples of childlike behavior that seemed to come exactly at the age of 75.


He also has a little forgetfulness of words but not severe and he has had most of it for the last 25 years.



Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 08 Nov 2020

Can it be a beginning fromtotemporal dementia?

It is accompanied by behavioral changes and speach difficulties.


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Believer's Photo Believer 08 Nov 2020

Can it be a beginning fromtotemporal dementia?

It is accompanied by behavioral changes and speach difficulties.


I have only a superficial understanding of what that form of dementia is.

When I am referring to my father's childishness I mean something comparable to the "childishness" of this elderly man in this video Watch how he speaks, his manners.

I don't mean to disrespect the man in the video, just using him as an example.

My father has developed a similar old-age childishness


Danail Bulgaria's Photo Danail Bulgaria 08 Nov 2020


I can't recognize the childish behaviour of the old man on the video above.


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Believer's Photo Believer 08 Nov 2020

I mean in the first few seconds of the video. Anyway I can't find a better video example because of the way the Youtube search algorithm is designed, all the videos I find are pop. culture trash videos with no relevance to neurodegeneration or elderly people
