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HCQ or Ivermectin use for the Flu or Colds


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#1 joesixpack

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Posted 06 April 2023 - 10:16 PM

Here is a study that looked at the anti viral properties of these two drugs, and a few others. It found anti viral activity against Covid 19 and other viruses in vitro. Of course, they could not "find" any evidence of decline in mortality in the current studies available.




But I am curious if anyone here has tried these drugs on the flu or a cold.


I used HCQ  with Quercetin and Zinc when I woke up yesterday. I had a slight fever, scratchy back of throat, nasal issue and malaise. Upset stomach and a feeling that something was coming on. I took the FLCCC dose for early treatment yesterday and today.


At the end of day two I feel fine, no symptoms. I also tested negative with an at home Covid test.


I am pretty sure I was at the beginning of either the flu, or a bad cold. But the symptoms went away so quickly that I can't be sure.


So, I thought I would see if anyone else had a similar experience.

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#2 Dorian Grey

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Posted 07 April 2023 - 02:45 AM

I got some quinine pills (300mg) from an overseas pharmacy to use as a short acting ionophore when travelling, to avoid the extended half-life of HCQ (quinine half-life 12 hours as opposed to around a month for HCQ).  


Wife brought home a lovely head cold from babysitting her 2 year old grandson.  3 days later, my nose started to run.  I started on quinine & zinc sulfate, & knocked that cold out overnight.  


Interestingly, I quit medicating after 2 days & wound up with a rebound.  Back on my Q & Z, & symptoms vanished once again.   Wife had a terrible time with her cold going down into her lungs, but I was a lucky dog and got by with only a couple of drippy days.  


Perhaps the extended half-life of HCQ would have been a good thing (no rebound).  


I don't take the flu jab, so it will be interesting to try out this therapy on flu someday.  

Edited by Dorian Grey, 07 April 2023 - 02:48 AM.

#3 joesixpack

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Posted 07 April 2023 - 04:19 PM

Thanks for the response.


It is day 3 for me, and symptoms have not come. I think I will stop taking HCQ and consider myself cured of whatever I was getting.


I did not realize the half life of HCQ was so long. I did not experience any side affects from it, should have some lasting protection.


If anything changes, I will update this thread.

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#4 Mind

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Posted 25 September 2023 - 01:43 PM

The Mayo Clinic now says that HCQ can be used for COVID.


Quite the reversal from 2 years ago when HCQ was vilified. It was "dangerous" according to the "experts". Fake studies were published in the Lancet and elsewhere making it seem that it was useless or harmful when treating COVID.


None of it was true. Who will pay for this "misinformation"? Any criminal charges? Will anybody be fired? 

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#5 joesixpack

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Posted 25 September 2023 - 02:07 PM

The Mayo Clinic now says that HCQ can be used for COVID.


Quite the reversal from 2 years ago when HCQ was vilified. It was "dangerous" according to the "experts". Fake studies were published in the Lancet and elsewhere making it seem that it was useless or harmful when treating COVID.


None of it was true. Who will pay for this "misinformation"? Any criminal charges? Will anybody be fired? 



From the link you provided: "Hydroxychloroquine may also be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients."


Sadly, it will not work unless it is given early, when symptoms first appear. By the time someone is hospitalized, it is probably too late.


#6 Dorian Grey

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Posted 25 September 2023 - 04:10 PM

Yes, it's interesting that with all the fuss and kerfuffle over HCQ they actually never did a decent early/outpatient RCT trial in the bad old days pre-omicron.  


Together Trial was the big outpatient test often quoted as the "final nail in the coffin" for HCQ , but they enrolled patients with symptoms up to 8 days.  I remember with Wuhan & Delta they said if the wheels were going to come off, this typically occurred around day 10.  Don't know how they figured they could call day 8 an "early intervention", but they did.  


Dr McCullough said in his book, there were a lot of outpatient trials ramping up right when Surgisphere landed, and nearly all were essentially blown up straight-away by the Surgisphere detonation.  


Now, post-omicron, they've done a couple of trials looking at time to resolution of symptoms, but they are still not limiting enrollment to early treatment, and apparently cough & sinus drainage persist if you let things go till viral loads are high, whether you take HCQ or not.  


Old Dr Zelenko was the pioneer of hitting patients with meds as early as possible, & he would start symptomatic patients on HCQ before the PCR test even came back, with an 84% reduction in hospitalization compared to community matched cohort.  Interesting, this is almost exactly the pre-omicron effectiveness seen for Paxlovid when given within 5 days of symptom onset.  Funny how a 3-5 day treatment window would forever remain the impossible dream for HCQ.  Almost like they planned it this way?  

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#7 pamojja

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Posted 05 March 2024 - 05:25 PM

Just back from vacation in South-India, I've bought some Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin just in case for my old father. Myself seem immune to covid with comprehensive supplementation, and never had it.


Prices at a local pharmacy:


Ivermectin 12 mg x 10 tablets, strip for 150,- IRs.

HCQ 200 mg x 15 tablets, strip for 106,68 IRs.


Exchange rate was 91,- IRs per Euro.


Interestingly - though one usually could get really any medication over the counter in India - during the pandemic it was explicitly prohibited for pharmacists to hand out both, at least in the State of Karnataka.


50 mg Naltrexone x 10 tablets was comparatively expensive for 968,- IRs. But used as LDN will last me 3/4 of a year.






Edited by pamojja, 05 March 2024 - 05:27 PM.

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#8 Dorian Grey

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Posted 30 March 2024 - 04:27 PM

Stumbled across this today, & thought it might interest some.  




Quinine worked against the Spanish Flu in 1918


With the assistance of professional librarian services, Edmund Fordham unearthed medical documentation dating from the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, that observed the positive effect of quinine on suffering patients.

Records from the Burrows & Burrows (1918) Medical Record v94 n25 21 Dec 1918 pp1081-2 included the following observations:

“intravenous injection will prevent or astoundingly diminish the number of later progressive pneumonias and the corresponding high mortality”

“when it is evidenced that spontaneous recovery is becoming doubtful the intravenous injection of quinine is given at once”

Dec 1918 the cases were “too few to permit of scientific certainty”. By Feb 1920 “a large number of cases have been injected”. Burrows & Burrows (1920) Medical Record v97 n6 p 235


“We do not wait to see if the disease will control itself. The earlier the injection is made the better, and to do otherwise is only to run a risk”. “It is certainly advisable to make the injection on or before the third day of the average case”


“… but one injection is required to cause the disappearance of the influenza symptoms”

“The absence of a specific action upon the secondary pneumonia emphasizes the importance of early injection”

Edmund Fordham observed “Recall they didn’t have penicillin in 1918.'”

And further:

“The treatment is equally effective at all ages. The youngest injected was 4 years, the oldest 63”

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#9 Dorian Grey

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Posted 07 May 2024 - 03:55 AM

OK, I caught a cold this weekend, & hit it with my new formula quinine (300mg/twice per day) + Zinc Sulfate (50mg/twice per day), and Zinc Acetate Lozenges (Life Extension "enhanced" zinc lozenges 2 per day).  I'm using quinine now because it has a much shorter half life (12 hours) than HCQ (half life around 3 weeks), so I can take it at the drop of a hat, & discontinue if I have a false alarm, without being medicated for over a month.  


Mild symptoms started on Saturday, & got worse in the evening, so I hit it hard with everything I had.  The waterworks actually were better by the time I went to bed at midnight, & I slept through the night without having to blow my nose once.  Woke up on Sunday thinking it must have been a false alarm, as I was feeling completely normal.  I had taken no antihistamine!  


Dosed my quinine & zinc again with brunch on Sunday, but this was just for luck, & I discontinued quinine after Sunday brunch.  Was still doing well Monday morning and had a lovely brunch.  Monday evening...  All Hell broke loose!  Eye watering profusely and nose running profusely.  Couldn't believe it.  Took another 300 of quinine & 50 of Zinc Sulfate, but figured I would have to take an antihistamine (which I hate, due to how they make me feel!) if I was going to sleep at all well.  


Low and behold, just an hour after starting back on the quinine & zinc, the waterworks largely abated!  I googled around on whether or not quinine had antihistamine properties, but didn't see anything significant.  Grateful I won't need to take an antihistamine tonight, as now I can have my Gin & Tonic(s) without falling asleep in my chair and waking up all zombified.  


Bottom line?  I'M IMPRESSED!  This is even better than my "2-Hat" cold cure, where you hang your hat on the bedpost at the foot of the bed, & climb into bed with a bottle of brandy.  Drink till you see "2-Hats" and then go to sleep.  You're usually better in the morning.  

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#10 joesixpack

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Posted 13 May 2024 - 08:24 PM

OK, I caught a cold this weekend, & hit it with my new formula quinine (300mg/twice per day) + Zinc Sulfate (50mg/twice per day), and Zinc Acetate Lozenges (Life Extension "enhanced" zinc lozenges 2 per day).  I'm using quinine now because it has a much shorter half life (12 hours) than HCQ (half life around 3 weeks), so I can take it at the drop of a hat, & discontinue if I have a false alarm, without being medicated for over a month.  


Mild symptoms started on Saturday, & got worse in the evening, so I hit it hard with everything I had.  The waterworks actually were better by the time I went to bed at midnight, & I slept through the night without having to blow my nose once.  Woke up on Sunday thinking it must have been a false alarm, as I was feeling completely normal.  I had taken no antihistamine!  


Dosed my quinine & zinc again with brunch on Sunday, but this was just for luck, & I discontinued quinine after Sunday brunch.  Was still doing well Monday morning and had a lovely brunch.  Monday evening...  All Hell broke loose!  Eye watering profusely and nose running profusely.  Couldn't believe it.  Took another 300 of quinine & 50 of Zinc Sulfate, but figured I would have to take an antihistamine (which I hate, due to how they make me feel!) if I was going to sleep at all well.  


Low and behold, just an hour after starting back on the quinine & zinc, the waterworks largely abated!  I googled around on whether or not quinine had antihistamine properties, but didn't see anything significant.  Grateful I won't need to take an antihistamine tonight, as now I can have my Gin & Tonic(s) without falling asleep in my chair and waking up all zombified.  


Bottom line?  I'M IMPRESSED!  This is even better than my "2-Hat" cold cure, where you hang your hat on the bedpost at the foot of the bed, & climb into bed with a bottle of brandy.  Drink till you see "2-Hats" and then go to sleep.  You're usually better in the morning.  


I have used HCQ, Ivermectin and Zinc twice since the first of the year. Both times I felt a cold coming on. Took for 5 days. Symptoms were gone after the first day each time. HCQ 200mg, Ivermectin 12mg, zinc 40 to 50mg.

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#11 joesixpack

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Posted 03 June 2024 - 04:24 AM

I have used HCQ, Ivermectin and Zinc twice since the first of the year. Both times I felt a cold coming on. Took for 5 days. Symptoms were gone after the first day each time. HCQ 200mg, Ivermectin 12mg, zinc 40 to 50mg.


I have added Quinine to my medicine chest.


And, in my continuing search for "things that work", in case there are restraints put on the public, and what they can obtain in the future, I came across a supplement/substance - Artemisinin, which has anti-malarial, anti-viral and anti- cancer properties.


Has anyone had any experience with it?



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