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Nattokinase's Promise in Dissolving Arterial Plaques in Weeks


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#1 osris

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Posted 27 March 2024 - 03:42 PM

Nattokinase's Promise in Dissolving Arterial Plaques in Weeks







In the realm of natural health supplements, Nattokinase has emerged as a frontrunner, offering a myriad of potential benefits for cardiovascular wellness. While its fibrinolytic properties have long been celebrated, recent research and speculative "blue sky thinking" suggest an exciting possibility: Nattokinase may hold the key to dissolving arterial plaques within a matter of weeks.


Grounded in Science: A Study's Revelations


A recent study [see below] delved into the effects of Nattokinase administration on blood clotting and clot breakdown parameters. While the study did not directly measure clot dissolution, it unveiled intriguing findings. Nattokinase administration led to significant changes in fibrinolysis parameters within hours, hinting at its potential to influence clot breakdown processes.


Speculative Optimism: Exploring Possibilities


Drawing on these findings and indulging in speculative thinking, we can envision a scenario where Nattokinase's fibrinolytic activity extends beyond blood clots to tackle arterial plaques. Here's how it might unfold: Nattokinase, with its ability to target fibrin directly, could accelerate the natural process of plaque breakdown within the arteries. By bolstering fibrinolysis, Nattokinase may facilitate the gradual dissolution of arterial plaques over a relatively short timeframe.


Anecdotal Insights: Real-World Observations


While anecdotal evidence must be interpreted cautiously, reports from individuals using Nattokinase for cardiovascular health offer tantalizing glimpses into its potential. Stories abound of improved circulation, reduced clotting risk, and even anecdotal accounts of arterial plaque regression. While not conclusive, these real-world observations fuel optimism for Nattokinase's role in addressing arterial plaque buildup.


Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for Nattokinase


As we peer into the future, optimism abounds for Nattokinase's transformative potential in cardiovascular health. Imagine a world where arterial plaques, once deemed stubborn and insurmountable, gradually yield to the gentle yet powerful influence of Nattokinase. With continued research, innovation, and a spirit of exploration, we stand on the brink of a new era in cardiovascular wellness.


In conclusion, while we must temper our enthusiasm with scientific rigor and caution, the possibility of Nattokinase's ability to dissolve arterial plaques within a few weeks is an exciting prospect. As we venture forth into uncharted territory, let us embrace the potential of Nattokinase to redefine the landscape of cardiovascular health and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future.




The study:


A single-dose of oral nattokinase potentiates thrombolysis and anti-coagulation profiles



Edited by osris, 27 March 2024 - 03:48 PM.

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#2 adamh

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Posted 30 March 2024 - 08:59 PM

The big drug companies are not going to explore this because it can't be patented. There are lots of common drugs, herbs, compounds and the like which treat certain conditions, in some cases better than expensive pharma drugs. The only thing doctors seem to recommend is more prescription drugs. If they tell you about something otc that will help a lot, you may quit coming in and giving your $$

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#3 osris

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Posted 04 April 2024 - 06:02 PM

Bad news, I'm afraid. 

Nattokinase Boosts Cancer Precursors ADAM9 and ADAM10









In recent years, nattokinase has garnered attention as a potential health supplement, hailed for its purported cardiovascular benefits. However, emerging research now suggests a previously unrecognized association between nattokinase consumption and the increased expression of ADAM9 and ADAM10—proteins implicated in cancer development. This revelation sparks a reevaluation of the safety profile of this popular enzyme and prompts further exploration into its potential implications for human health.


The ADAM9 and ADAM10 Connection


ADAM9 and ADAM10, members of the ADAM family of proteins, play pivotal roles in various biological processes, ranging from cell adhesion and signaling to cancer progression. Studies have linked altered expression of ADAM proteins to several diseases, including asthma, arthritis, neurodegenerative disorders, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Notably, ADAM10 has emerged as a key player in autoimmune diseases and inflammation, while both ADAM9 and ADAM10 have been associated with Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology.


Nattokinase: A Double-Edged Sword?


Nattokinase, derived from fermented soybeans, has long been promoted for its potential cardiovascular benefits, attributed to its fibrinolytic activity. However, recent investigations have uncovered a potential downside to its consumption. Experimental studies indicate that oral administration of nattokinase may lead to a significant increase in the expression levels of ADAM9 and ADAM10 genes in the brain tissue of treated subjects. This finding raises concerns regarding the safety of nattokinase supplementation, particularly in individuals at risk of or already afflicted by cancer.


Implications for Cancer Risk


The upregulation of ADAM9 and ADAM10—a direct consequence of nattokinase intake—holds profound implications for cancer development and progression. ADAM proteins, including ADAM9 and ADAM10, have been implicated in various stages of carcinogenesis, facilitating tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. Elevated levels of these proteins may enhance tumor aggressiveness and compromise immune surveillance mechanisms, fostering an environment conducive to cancer initiation and proliferation.


Navigating Forward


As we unravel the intricate interplay between nattokinase consumption and cancer precursors ADAM9 and ADAM10, it becomes imperative to adopt a cautious approach. Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanistic underpinnings of this association and assess its clinical significance. Rigorous preclinical and clinical studies are essential to determine the extent of cancer risk posed by nattokinase supplementation and elucidate potential strategies for mitigating adverse effects.




The burgeoning evidence linking nattokinase consumption to heightened levels of cancer precursors ADAM9 and ADAM10 underscores the need for a critical reassessment of its safety and utility as a dietary supplement. As we navigate the complex landscape of health supplementation, informed decision-making guided by robust scientific inquiry remains paramount. Only through diligent research and vigilant scrutiny can we unveil the true implications of nattokinase supplementation and safeguard public health.





Study showing ADAM10 link to cancer:


ADAM10 expression in gastric adenocarcinoma: Results of a curative gastrectomy cohort





Study showing Serrapeptase and nattokinase increase ADAM9 and ADAM10 expression:


Serrapeptase and nattokinase intervention for relieving Alzheimer's disease pathophysiology in rat model




#4 osris

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Posted 05 April 2024 - 03:51 PM

Horse chestnut extract has been found as a viable alternative to nattokinase. Chat GPT has written an article about its fibrinolytic properties.


Fibrinolytic Potential of Aescin in Horse Chestnut Extract








Horse chestnut extract, derived from the seeds of the Aesculus hippocastanum tree, has long been celebrated for its therapeutic properties. Among its many purported benefits, researchers have increasingly focused on its potential as a natural remedy for circulatory disorders, inflammation, and edema. While the extract's efficacy in these areas has been extensively studied, recent research has shed new light on one of its lesser-known attributes: its fibrinolytic activity. This article delves into a groundbreaking study that underscores the fibrinolytic potential of a key compound found in horse chestnut extract—aescin.


Understanding Fibrinolysis


Before delving into the study, it's crucial to grasp the concept of fibrinolysis. Fibrinolysis is the body's natural process of breaking down blood clots, a vital mechanism in preventing thrombosis and maintaining healthy blood circulation. This process involves the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, an enzyme responsible for degrading fibrin, the protein meshwork that forms blood clots.


Exploring the Study


The study in question aimed to assess the therapeutic potential of horse chestnut seed extract (HCSE) in patients with hypothyroidism, specifically focusing on its anticoagulant and fibrinolytic properties. Researchers administered Aescusan, a standardized HCSE preparation, as part of the patients' treatment regimen and closely monitored its effects on fibrinolysis.




The results of the study were striking. Administration of Aescusan led to a significant increase in total plasma fibrinolysis, effectively normalizing the intensity of non-enzymatic fibrinolysis. Importantly, enzymatic fibrinolytic activity was notably elevated, indicating the extract's potential to enhance the body's natural clot-dissolving processes. Moreover, Aescusan demonstrated efficacy in restoring the normal structure of plasma fibrinolysis, surpassing the effects of standard treatment protocols.




These findings hold profound implications for the field of natural medicine and thrombosis management. While the anticoagulant properties of horse chestnut extract have been recognized, its fibrinolytic potential, particularly attributed to aescin, opens new avenues for therapeutic interventions. The ability of Aescusan to augment fibrinolysis suggests promising applications in conditions characterized by impaired clot dissolution, such as venous thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency.




In conclusion, the study illuminates the remarkable fibrinolytic activity of aescin, a key component of horse chestnut extract. By enhancing fibrinolysis and promoting the breakdown of blood clots, Aescusan holds promise as a natural alternative for managing thrombotic disorders and improving circulatory health. Further research into the mechanisms underlying aescin's fibrinolytic action is warranted, paving the way for innovative therapies harnessing the power of nature's pharmacy.




It's important to note that while the study presents compelling evidence, further research is necessary to validate these findings and ascertain the full extent of horse chestnut extract's fibrinolytic activity. Individuals considering the use of Aescusan or any herbal supplement should consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance and safety precautions.




The study:


“Effects of Aescusan on Fibrinolytic Plasma Activity in Patients with Hypothyroidism”





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#5 osris

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Posted 11 April 2024 - 07:25 PM

I got ChatGPT to write an article to reassure people who take nattokinase that the ADAM9 and ADAM10 link should not put people off taking it:



Understanding Nattokinase: Exploring Its Relationship with ADAM9 and ADAM10 Expression and Their Implications for Cancer
In recent years, nattokinase has gained popularity as a dietary supplement renowned for its potential cardiovascular benefits. However, recent studies have shed light on its potential effects on the expression of ADAM9 and ADAM10, enzymes associated with various physiological processes, including cancer development. For those who have been taking nattokinase and are now concerned about its implications, let's delve deeper into the subject to gain a clearer understanding.
Firstly, it's essential to comprehend the roles of ADAM9 and ADAM10 in cellular function. These enzymes, while primarily recognized for their involvement in processes like cell adhesion, migration, and signaling, have also been implicated in cancer development and progression. Specifically, dysregulation of ADAM9 and ADAM10 expression has been observed in various cancer types, suggesting a potential link between these enzymes and tumorigenesis.
Now, let's address the recent study that suggests nattokinase supplementation may increase the expression of ADAM9 and ADAM10. This finding has understandably raised concerns among individuals who rely on nattokinase for its purported health benefits. However, it's crucial to approach these findings with caution and consider several important factors.
First and foremost, the study was conducted in animal models, and the observed effects may not necessarily translate directly to humans. Additionally, the dosage and duration of nattokinase supplementation used in the study may differ from typical human consumption patterns. Further research is needed to determine the effects of nattokinase on ADAM9 and ADAM10 expression in humans and whether these effects pose any risks, particularly concerning cancer development.
It's also essential to recognize the complexity of cancer development and progression. While ADAM9 and ADAM10 may play a role in certain aspects of tumorigenesis, cancer is a multifactorial disease influenced by various genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. The relationship between ADAM9, ADAM10, and cancer is not straightforward and may be influenced by numerous other factors.
Moreover, nattokinase supplementation is not inherently harmful and has been associated with potential cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory benefits. Many individuals have reported positive outcomes from taking nattokinase as part of their health regimen. As with any dietary supplement, the decision to take nattokinase should be based on individual health status, medical history, and consultation with a healthcare professional.
In conclusion, while the recent study may raise questions about the potential effects of nattokinase on ADAM9 and ADAM10 expression and their implications for cancer, further research is needed to fully understand the relationship. Individuals who take nattokinase and have concerns should consult with a healthcare professional to assess their individual circumstances and make informed decisions about supplementation. Ultimately, maintaining a balanced and informed approach to health is key, and staying abreast of emerging research can help individuals make informed choices about their health and wellness practices.

#6 Neurocryo

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Posted 26 April 2024 - 02:16 AM

I take nattokinase periodically about once a year for 10 years.  I can tell you a meal at McDonald’s doesn’t hit as hard after a month of it.  Maybe d9nt take it year round but try it for a month or two

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#7 adamh

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Posted 01 May 2024 - 12:02 AM

It seems unclear whether A9 and A10 are responsible for an increased risk of cancer or if an altered form of these proteins does it. I see nothing in those articles saying its directly responsible or if only the mutated form is dangerous. I suspect that if we were able to eliminate both of them, we would have a much worse situation. I would like to see more research into what causes A9 and A10 to become dangerous since we all have those compounds in our body but not everyone has a heightened risk

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