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Diamond V XPC.

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#151 DukeNukem

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Posted 25 March 2008 - 05:53 PM

I've been take 4-5 grams a day for several months. No ill-effects that I can tell. But no benefit either. But, I'm practically never sick anyway, so I have little room for improvement.

#152 tintinet

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Posted 25 March 2008 - 11:39 PM

I've been take 4-5 grams a day for several months. No ill-effects that I can tell. But no benefit either. But, I'm practically never sick anyway, so I have little room for improvement.

Same here.

#153 tentman

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 01:02 AM

Of course they are not going to recommend the animal version for human consumption. They manufacture Epicor under their Embria Health trademark. And I am certain they make much higher margins on the Epicor. It would be in their worst interest to promote or otherwise suggest that the animal version could be taken in the same fashion. The USDA strictly enforces animal feed quality and ingredients. I don't know for sure, but I'd bet that the USDA regulations for animal feed are more stringent than FDA regulations for the human version (Epicor). There's not much regulation when it comes to "natural" supplements.

I have taken Diamond V XPC (animal version) for over six months now without any negatives...I'll continue to pay pennies for it over Epicor any day.

I read all of the posts and was still a bit nervous about eating animal feed, so I called Diamond V. Nice folks! Indeed, they did not recommend the XPC product for human consumption, so I asked about alternatives. I got a list of suppliers they recommended and checked each one out. You have to be careful....there are a few companies who sell it very inexpensively, but seem to add something else to it. Maybe why the price is so low?

I settled on a company located in Iowa where Diamond V is located, primarly because they were very helpful when I called to ask "my list of questions" and were reasonably priced. As it turns out, I've placed 3 orders with them now and haven't been sick in the past 8 months. I just had some routine blood work done and the doctor remarked that my panel was the best he's ever seen it and to "keep doing what I'm doing". My allergies have also improved greatly.

I called the company in Iowa who sold me the EpiCor (ProActive Health Products) and ordered it for my whole family. they have a great price on their website at www.4greathealth.com for a family pack. This way I can send it off to my mother who is in assisted living and everyone else living in my house can manage their own supply.

Interestingly enough, I'm talking with my HR department about using this in our corporate wellness program. I'll keep you posted!

I totally agree with Dr. Williams. The workers in that manufacturing plant who showed such incredible health benefits were NOT using EpiCor. They were ingesting the product that is produced there - Diamond V XPC Green Organic. I bought a 50# bag and have been using it for two months. I was already quite healthy, so I wasn't expecting much of an obvious benefit, but was content to know that good things would be happening inside. However, I have noticed exactly what others have reported - incredibly vivid dreams, not even so much as a sniffle - and something others have not mentioned --- much, much less gas. I have totally stopped using digestive enzymes. My digestive system is now awesome.

I can understand why many of you would feel odd using a product designed for animals. However, the empirical evidence of all those workers is overwhelming in my mind, and it is an organic product.

BTW, for those of you objecting to the taste, I have a very simple method. I keep a peanut butter jar full in the refrigerator, and simply dump about 1 - 2 teaspoons into the palm of my hand. I then put my mouth over it and tip my head back so that the powder just falls into the front of my mouth. Without swishing it around my mouth, I just wash it down with water. It's only in my mouth for 2 seconds, and it's gone. Taste really isn't much of a factor, and then I don't have to ruin my oatmeal.

Great stuff. Don't waste your money on the expensive pills...

#154 tentman

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Posted 14 April 2008 - 04:09 AM

I totally agree with Dr. Williams. The workers in that manufacturing plant who showed such incredible health benefits were NOT using EpiCor. They were ingesting the product that is produced there - Diamond V XPC Green Organic. I bought a 50# bag and have been using it for two months.......

If anyone is interested, my family is never going to use all 50#, so I'll be glad to sell some to recoup some of my cost. 4 lbs for $20 plus the $9 for USPS Priority Mail delivery. That will last you and your family for a long time - more than a year. If you're near Albany NY, you can pick it up here and save the shipping. I've put the details on a page I've temporarily stuck onto my website - http://www.simple-te...m/xpcgreen.html

I hope that helps some of you who are on the fence about this product over cost...

#155 Miracle

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Posted 15 April 2008 - 11:59 PM

Is this stuff ok for a 17 year old guy like me? :)

#156 mgail

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Posted 24 April 2008 - 08:31 PM

I can tell you about Diamond V XPC from my own personal experience. I was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphacytic Leukemia) two years ago, but no symptoms other than elevated white cell count, so it was just a matter of "monitoring", which means going to the Medical Lab for "blood letting" every three months, with a follow-up visit to my doctor a few days later, to get the reports from the blood test, chart my blood pressure, etc. When I went to the lab last September ('07), my white cell count was up to 27.6, still far from critical, but, well, climbing slowly. When I went again in January, it had decreased very slightly, to 26.3, nothing remarkable. I went again last week, (April 17th), and my doctor did a genuine "double-take" when he looked at the lab report. He asked me if I was taking any treatments for the CLL, and I said, "No, you're my doctor. If I were, you'd know about it!" I asked him why he wanted to know. He said because my white cell count was down to 13.5, and again, asked me if I was taking anything out of the ordinary. So, I told him I'd started using Diamond V XPC towards the end of last October. He looked at the lab reports again, and said "That's when your white cell count started dropping". When I asked him if that was a good thing, he said, "That's a VERY good thing!" He asked me what Diamond V XPC was all about, and I told him. Now, HE wants me to get every bit of info I can about it for him. He also told me that if, by July when I go again, my white cell count is still dropping, there's every chance we can consider my CLL to be in at least TOTAL REMISSION, if not CURED. Oh, I'm also taking EpiCor Immune Plus along with it, so am getting a "double whammy". So, all I can say is "It works for me, praise God!"

#157 senseix

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Posted 24 April 2008 - 10:18 PM

I can tell you about Diamond V XPC from my own personal experience. I was diagnosed with CLL (Chronic Lymphacytic Leukemia) two years ago, but no symptoms other than elevated white cell count, so it was just a matter of "monitoring", which means going to the Medical Lab for "blood letting" every three months, with a follow-up visit to my doctor a few days later, to get the reports from the blood test, chart my blood pressure, etc. When I went to the lab last September ('07), my white cell count was up to 27.6, still far from critical, but, well, climbing slowly. When I went again in January, it had decreased very slightly, to 26.3, nothing remarkable. I went again last week, (April 17th), and my doctor did a genuine "double-take" when he looked at the lab report. He asked me if I was taking any treatments for the CLL, and I said, "No, you're my doctor. If I were, you'd know about it!" I asked him why he wanted to know. He said because my white cell count was down to 13.5, and again, asked me if I was taking anything out of the ordinary. So, I told him I'd started using Diamond V XPC towards the end of last October. He looked at the lab reports again, and said "That's when your white cell count started dropping". When I asked him if that was a good thing, he said, "That's a VERY good thing!" He asked me what Diamond V XPC was all about, and I told him. Now, HE wants me to get every bit of info I can about it for him. He also told me that if, by July when I go again, my white cell count is still dropping, there's every chance we can consider my CLL to be in at least TOTAL REMISSION, if not CURED. Oh, I'm also taking EpiCor Immune Plus along with it, so am getting a "double whammy". So, all I can say is "It works for me, praise God!"

Hi, mgail, just wanted to congradulate you on your recovering, looking forwards to hearing those test results in july, keep us posted:)

#158 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 04:11 AM

Is everyone still taking this? Any new effects to report, long-term impressions, etc?

#159 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 12:12 PM

I'm having a CBC performed tomorrow and am starting Epicor (3 caps daily) next week, and will have another CBC test after a month. I'll report back if it has any measurable effect on cell counts. My last test came back on the low side (WBC: 4,100).

#160 tintinet

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 05:46 PM

I'm still taking it. Nothing spectacular to report.

#161 nameless

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 06:21 PM

I've considered trying it for allergies, but haven't yet. Anyone here notice major improvements for their allergies or asthma? Ideally, using Epicor at 1-2 capsules daily, as I'm not so keen on trying the animal feed version.

I wonder if certain blood tests could be tested to see if allergy response is improved, when using Epicor. Could IgE levels be used as a gauge to see if Epicor actually was working, or do IgE numbers basically stay the same regardless of allergy response?

#162 malbecman

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 11:33 PM

I"m taking this as well now. If I cycle off and then back on, I do seem to have more vivid dreams that night. One in particular, wow. Still, hard to say thats not just the power of suggestion/placebo effect without a true double blind study.

Allergies this spring have been pretty minimal for me and no colds but I've felt that my t-resveratrol supplement also helps in these regards. I'll be very interested in seeing people's cell counts as a true quant. measurement.....

#163 tintinet

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Posted 10 May 2008 - 12:04 AM

I'm having a CBC performed tomorrow and am starting Epicor (3 caps daily) next week, and will have another CBC test after a month. I'll report back if it has any measurable effect on cell counts. My last test came back on the low side (WBC: 4,100).

Low WBC counts are pretty much the norm for CR (check the CR Society forums). I've run a WBC of 2-3K/microliter for about 20 years. Some have speculated the reason CRON folks don't tend to get sick with low counts may be that "normal" WBC counts may be too high- inefficient or even counter productive.

#164 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 10 May 2008 - 01:19 PM

Thanks tin, helpful feedback. I was a little taken aback by the low WBC but I hardly ever get sick (its been a couple years since my last cold) so I have not noticed any obvious immune dysfunction from it.

#165 JimE

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 02:40 AM

Can someone please give me name address and phone number of company or companies that will sell 50# of XPC for $30 for a 50# bag. I want to buy a 50# bag and don't want to pay an inflated price of over $100 or a 100# bag of XPC... Thanks...

#166 tentman

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Posted 26 May 2008 - 09:49 PM

Can someone please give me name address and phone number of company or companies that will sell 50# of XPC for $30 for a 50# bag. I want to buy a 50# bag and don't want to pay an inflated price of over $100 or a 100# bag of XPC... Thanks...

I paid the high price to get the product directly from Diamond Green, but frankly, I need only a few pounds of it for my family. A little goes a long way. I'll gladly sell some to you and save you a lot of money. Take a look here - http://www.simple-te...m/xpcgreen.htmlI just sent four pounds to a person in PA a week ago, and I'm confident he'll vouch for me that you'll really get the product. :-D

#167 debu

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 12:35 AM

I've been taking it a while now, and I've noticed some vivid dreams like others. Strangely, I noticed crazier dreams from the kind that *wasn't labeled organic, even though it was purchased through the same source..
Are you guys storing this in the refrigerator, or no?

#168 JimE

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 04:20 AM

I paid the high price to get the product directly from Diamond Green, but frankly, I need only a few pounds of it for my family. A little goes a long way. I'll gladly sell some to you and save you a lot of money. Take a look here - http://www.simple-te...m/xpcgreen.html I just sent four pounds to a person in PA a week ago, and I'm confident he'll vouch for me that you'll really get the product. :p

Thanks for the offer but I want to buy a 50# bag. Besides that I don't want to be paying over $7/lb for it.

#169 senseix

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 03:09 PM

I've been taking it a while now, and I've noticed some vivid dreams like others. Strangely, I noticed crazier dreams from the kind that *wasn't labeled organic, even though it was purchased through the same source..
Are you guys storing this in the refrigerator, or no?

I'm storing mind in the cabinet.

#170 tintinet

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 06:51 PM

I've been taking it a while now, and I've noticed some vivid dreams like others. Strangely, I noticed crazier dreams from the kind that *wasn't labeled organic, even though it was purchased through the same source..
Are you guys storing this in the refrigerator, or no?

No. Pantry shelf.

#171 Chiggy

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Posted 10 June 2008 - 08:24 PM

I've been taking it for 2 months or so, 1 tbsp before sleep, I seem to sleep better on it, don't have many dreams I can remember at the moment.

I also hardly ever get sick so can't tell if its working in that regard.

#172 tentman

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Posted 18 June 2008 - 12:39 PM

I've been taking it for 2 months or so, 1 tbsp before sleep, I seem to sleep better on it, don't have many dreams I can remember at the moment.

I also hardly ever get sick so can't tell if its working in that regard.

I've been taking the organic version for several months now, and I definitely still have some very vivid dreams, but not as frequently as I did when I first started. Or perhaps I'm just getting used to them, and don't notice as much.

Like Chiggy, I'm never sick, so I can make any personal conclusions there, but without any doubt, it's made a really big difference in my digestion/colon flora. I haven't noticed anyone else reporting that, which surprises me. I have noticed that I have much, much less gas. I found that digestive enzymes helped with that, but once I started using the XPC Green Organic, the difference was so great that I stopped using the enzymes completely. I include a fair amount of fiber in my diet, so it's been great becoming almost gas-free while taking a product that I'm certain is bolstering my immune system. That's a side effect I can live with, and my wife has not been complaining! She hasn't noticed that difference in herself, but then she has always been fairly dainty in that department anyway...

As far as usage goes, I keep a jar in the refrigerator. I simply pour some into the palm of my hand each morning, put my mouth over it, and toss my head back so that the powder goes into my mouth. I wash it down with a swig of water. It takes 10 seconds and I'm done for the day. I'd guess that the portion would be about a tablespoon or a bit more. I never bother to measure.

I bought a 50# bag and have sold some 4# bags to some of you. I still have more than my family can use, so if a few more of you are interested in buying 4 pounds for $20 plus $10 shipping, just go to http://www.simple-te...m/xpcgreen.html for details.

It's going to be interesting to see how this product plays out in the long run. The product I'm using is what was actually ingested by the factory workers who had the remarkable health record --- and it is "dirt cheap". The expensive epicor supplement they now manufacture and sell is the basis for the test reports that show the product is so safe and remarkable good for your immune system. With Dr. Williams promoting the dirt cheap version, I wonder what percentage of people who are using the product are buying the supplements. It seems like it might be an even split, based on this forum, but that's probably not representative. I guess we'll never know.

#173 DukeNukem

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Posted 18 June 2008 - 02:31 PM

Been taking it since near the start of this thread. No issues. My 70-yr-old parents also take it. No one seems to be worse off taken it -- in fact, none of us ever get sick, but that was even before taking it. Blood tests are all still showing great results after taking it. May or may not be helping, but more important doesn't appear to be harming.

#174 senseix

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 02:21 AM

Been taking it since near the start of this thread. No issues. My 70-yr-old parents also take it. No one seems to be worse off taken it -- in fact, none of us ever get sick, but that was even before taking it. Blood tests are all still showing great results after taking it. May or may not be helping, but more important doesn't appear to be harming.

Thanks for the update Duke, look forward to more if avaliable. I can say that i've been taking it since late last year, and have had positive results which i've posted in previous posts.

#175 dachshund

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 02:41 AM

I have read about Diamond V XPC too. What is the difference between Diamond V XPC and this NOW Foods product? They are both a selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Thanks for the clarification. I was going to go in on a 10 Lb box with my father in law.

#176 JimE

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 01:47 PM

I have read about Diamond V XPC too. What is the difference between Diamond V XPC and this NOW Foods product? They are both a selected strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Thanks for the clarification. I was going to go in on a 10 Lb box with my father in law.

I personally don't know what the difference is. But people do know about the testing related to EpiCor according to documenation available on the Internet. Also look at the price of the product you are referring to at $65 for 10 pounds. That seems way overpriced to me... If you want to buy smaller lots look on eBay for Diamond V XPC where you can find it much more reasonably priced I think.

#177 JimE

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 02:17 PM

I paid the high price to get the product directly from Diamond Green, but frankly, I need only a few pounds of it for my family. A little goes a long way. I'll gladly sell some to you and save you a lot of money. Take a look here - http://www.simple-te...m/xpcgreen.html I just sent four pounds to a person in PA a week ago, and I'm confident he'll vouch for me that you'll really get the product. :)

Thanks for the offer but I want to buy a 50# bag. Besides that I don't want to be paying over $7/lb for it.

I probably should have added the reason I want a 50# bag of Diamond V XPC is I want to use it for my horses and it doesn't need to be the organic kind... I am sure that is not pertinant to this thread, however I will use it for my family too... I am not going to buy it if I have to pay over $50 for a 50# bag and that is another reason why I won't buy the organic kind which seems to cost over $100 for a bag. If I can't buy a 50# bag for $30 to $50 I won't be buying it at all. In that case the horses and our family will just do without. I refuse to be ripped off...

I feel like I am already taking enough ripping off in buying gasoline for over $4/gal especially for oil that comes out of the ground in this country, which belongs to the PEOPLE, not the oil companies nor the US Government and only costs about $3/barrel to get out of the ground or so they say (personally I don't believe it costs that much)... I apologize about the ripoff rant!

#178 johnyq

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 07:15 PM

Dried Yeast Fermentate (EpiCor)
(Sacchromyces Cerevisiae)

Isn't this just the same dried brewer's yeast that has been sold in health food stores for decades (mostly as a means of vitamin B supplementation) ? When I was a vegetarian I used to make a fake cheese sauce over noodles with this stuff, and I would pee neon yellow for a solid day.

edit: I apologize, I made it through the thread, and this was addressed. I agree with this:

I've been skeptically watching this thread and have read the Epicor information and I am still wondering why old fashion brewer's yeast supplements would not be just as effective. Same ingredient the only difference is their "MetaGen4" process (see below). Which sounds great and all but strikes me a dripping with the kind of marketing hype and less than clear pseudoscience... Bakers/Brewer's yeast deprived of oxygen just at the point when they are the healthiest, at which point they are deprived of oxygen then the "proprietary" (I hate this word) blend of nutrients is added... Alright so after this happens.... supposedly "vital nutrients" are created which Epicor captures...

I need some double blind placebo controlled studies with perhaps traditional brewer's yeast supplements as either a control or a comparison group... Am I the only one?

The whole thing sounds good and all (playing on our fears of microbes, germs etc. and a miracle supplement boosting our resistance) EpiCor

"EpiCor begins as an all-natural simple yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
or “bakers yeast” that we provide with ample oxygen to help it grow
and thrive. Then our trade-secret MetaGen4™ process begins. At the
precise moment when the yeast cells are healthiest, we deprive them of
oxygen and a proprietary mix of nutrients is added. This anaerobic environment
stresses the cells and causes them to produce beneficial metabolites.Our next step is to dry this complex compound to capture the array of vital
nutrients that have been created.

edit:added link

Their trade-secret metagen4 process sounds exactly like the natural fermentation process that a brewer's yeast would go through. I'm having a tough time believing this (first aerobic, then anaerobic, then as they settle in for stasis they consume the leftover nutrients). I do have bad allergies however, so I *might* give it a try....

Edited by johnyq, 19 June 2008 - 07:30 PM.

#179 krillin

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Posted 19 June 2008 - 08:52 PM

I feel like I am already taking enough ripping off in buying gasoline for over $4/gal especially for oil that comes out of the ground in this country, which belongs to the PEOPLE, not the oil companies nor the US Government and only costs about $3/barrel to get out of the ground or so they say (personally I don't believe it costs that much)... I apologize about the ripoff rant!

Attitudes like that got Hugo Chavez elected, and look at how badly he's screwed up Venezuela's oil industry.

Only easy oil costs $3/barrel. Deep water, for example, is only profitable at about $60/barrel. The only alternative to paying a high price is subsidization, which is even dumber than subsidizing ethanol. (Well, I guess we could nationalize the US wells and strictly ration it out at 33% of what we currently use.)

#180 vitaminboss

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Posted 21 June 2008 - 02:54 PM

Hmmmm These products remind me of a substance from Russia that is also fermented from the mycelia of a specific strain of fungus. It has the same exact attributes and high metabolites. However, they did much more research on theirs. I can suggest that you take the green animal product and put it thru a flower mill to micronize it into a VERY FINE POWDER. Then try putting a gram at a time under the tongue, keep it there for a little while and then swallow. Take 6-10 grams per day. Plus do LOTS of AEROBIC excersize, walking and treadmill. I would be curious to see if the effect would be similar.

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