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New Imminst Forum (feature Request / Bug R...


Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Dec 2007

niner... you'll want to click on specific forums, to create your personal list... for example. clicking here:

Attached File  contro.gif   19.4KB   11 downloads

creates this link:


Shepard's Photo Shepard 06 Dec 2007

It seems that the software won't allow an entire word to be capitalized in a thread title.

SENS became Sens in this title:


Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Dec 2007

OK.. that was a "stop shouting" feature tried for a bit... have gone back to regular now.

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 06 Dec 2007

I just noticed this post

Is the elusive quote bug haunting us again?

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 06 Dec 2007

I think lucid just typed a command wrong now that I look more closely. He has [href=http in front and [*/quote] at the end. Or is that a reference command I am simply unfamiliar with?

My understanding is that the command should be consistent to open AND close it to work.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Dec 2007

That's right... should look like:

[quote]quoted text[/quote]

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 06 Dec 2007

The topic rating is not visible anymore in the active topic list or in any other overview.
It maybe a good tool to increase quality consciousness if it is visible in topic overviews.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Dec 2007

OK... i changed the visibility to be only when there were more than at least 2 ratings... but have changed back for now, until members b/c more familiar/use it more.

Liquidus's Photo Liquidus 06 Dec 2007

Is it just me, or are all the graphics (quote/reply/top/fastreply/etc...) and emoticons 'dimmed' out. It almost looks like the transparency for these graphics were cut in half (almost to suggest that they are disabled, but are not). Just thought I'd point it out.

ps. once all requests/bugs are addressed, a shoutbox on the main forum page would be cool.
Edited by G Snake, 06 December 2007 - 03:40 PM.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 06 Dec 2007

Thanks, G Snake... buttons were deemphasized to allow more focus on post content.

AdamSummerfield's Photo AdamSummerfield 06 Dec 2007

I cannot seem to change my avatar. I have tried changing it to an image of Albus Dumbledore, but it will not change from the image of my own shadowed face. If you can see my avatar as Albus Dumbledore, please say.

Also, all the 'buttons' e.g. "+QUOTE" ""REPLY" "^ TOP" "FAST REPLY" "ADD REPLY" "NEW TOPIC" are all faded as if the topic is closed, yet I can still use the buttons. It's just annoying.

Is there any way anyone can aid me with my avatar problem? With it being on my own control board and all...

niner's Photo niner 07 Dec 2007

niner... you'll want to click on specific forums, to create your personal list... for example. clicking here:

Attached File  contro.gif   19.4KB   11 downloads

creates this link:


OK, I'm not getting the selection box in the screen shot when I click on Selective. Is there something else I should do to get the box, or is this a curious bug? I'm running IE/WinXP. (very cutting edge, I know...)

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 07 Dec 2007

AdamS, looks like your avatar is working... and thanks for the feedback on the buttons.

Niner, javascript for "Selective" doesn't work w/ IE.

niner's Photo niner 08 Dec 2007

Niner, javascript for "Selective" doesn't work w/ IE.

Any chance it will be fixed for IE, or should I break down and install FF? (Isn't IE far and away the most common browser?)

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 10 Dec 2007

Niner... no time soon to fix for IE. Howver, we will have a a few standard Active Toipcs Selective links avail, planned by yrs end.

Btw, just installed a Gallery (avail to ImmInst Full Members).

10 Dec 2007

Am I missing something? Is the constitution and user agreement no longer displayed?

Please stay relevant to the topic. - cnorwood
Edited by cnorwood, 10 December 2007 - 08:00 PM.

Athanasios's Photo Athanasios 10 Dec 2007

Am I missing something? Is the constitution and user agreement no longer displayed?

Currently it appears to be missing. Thanks for pointing it out. Hopefully it will be up soon along with other parts of the site (front page, etc). If you have any questions on the the user acreement feel free to PM me or another member of leadership.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 10 Dec 2007

I've made a topic with imminst's constitution for viewing in the meantime


Traclo's Photo Traclo 10 Dec 2007


This is the link I've had in my bookmarks for a while now. Now it says 404 not found. Is it me or was there something changed about the site and I need to change how I access the page?

Hopefully just me, cause then it's trivial to change how I access the site.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 10 Dec 2007

Not just you... that's a new bug i need to fix. Thanks for pointing this out Traclo.

lucid's Photo lucid 11 Dec 2007

A feature I liked in the old forum was that if you edited a post you made immediately after posting it (within like 10 minutes) and before someone else responded then there would be no editing text at the bottom of your page.

Reason to do so:
*Makes posts cleaner by removing editing info which results from fixing a typo etc...

Not a big deal, but maybe not a bad thing to put on the to-do list. Cheers.

eldar's Photo eldar 11 Dec 2007

Going to http://www.imminst.org returns a 404 not found error.
I guess this is the same as previous one, since it forwards to http://www.imminst.o....html&blogid=9

If it's hard to fix, maybe temporarily forward straight to forum, else people might not figure out that the forum is still working.

modelcadet's Photo modelcadet 11 Dec 2007

Added Active Topics link back to top link bar.

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but is it possible to have the active topics be a stable link? Until there's the potential for an RSS feed, that link is gonna remain in my bookmarks so I can compulsively check these forums ;)

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 11 Dec 2007

Hi Modelcadet... yes, the aim is to keep the Active Topics link stable for all ImmInst topics going forward.

Btw, here's also the RSS...

http://www.imminst.o...act=rssout&id=1 ImmInst Active Topics

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 11 Dec 2007

We can also create RSS feeds of individual forums, or a combinations of forums... let me know.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 11 Dec 2007

A feature I liked in the old forum was that if you edited a post you made immediately after posting it (within like 10 minutes) and before someone else responded then there would be no editing text at the bottom of your page.

Reason to do so:
*Makes posts cleaner by removing editing info which results from fixing a typo etc...

Not a big deal, but maybe not a bad thing to put on the to-do list. Cheers.

Added to the list of mods to be added... sad, this was not part of new forums sys.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 11 Dec 2007

allow users to delete their accounts

bad idea.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 11 Dec 2007

I think this just allows the deletion of the member profile (not posts/topics), which has been a requested feature from a number of members in the past... something that admins could do, but this would give the power closer to members.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 11 Dec 2007

i still think it's a bad idea.

everything else looks good though.

forever freedom's Photo forever freedom 12 Dec 2007

Sorry for hitting the same button again, but i haven't seen the post per day count go back to 2 (3 preferentially) digits. Is it that hard to do it?