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Memory decline in cannabis long term use

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#1 drum72

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Posted 29 February 2008 - 09:31 PM

Hello to all, i'm a new member and i'm 35; i'd like to have some advices or opinions about the right and effective nootropics/drugs in order to recover or repair short term memory , clarity thinking , to be more talkative etc, after a long term use of cannabis (10 years). For a week im trying daily with:

Selegiline 2,5 mg
Centrophenoxine 250mg x 2
Hydergine 4,5 mg
Desmopressin (2 -3 times a week)

Sometimes im still smoking weed and i'm noticing that tolerance became very lower than before (deprenyl action?)and i'm glad for this...So looks like those are effective to diminish my weed consume;
In general i m feeling better ( more awake, and better organization...but i would improve drastically my memory...sometimes im damning that day i start smoking)
What can i add to this stack, in order to increase GABA ( since i know this neurotr is depleted by mj use) with not interactions with those above mentioned?
In the past i also tried Piracetam,DMAE, Pyritinol but unfortunately they did not raise me so much than i though)...
sorry my bad english..

#2 VampIyer

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 02:12 PM

Hello to all, i'm a new member and i'm 35; i'd like to have some advices or opinions about the right and effective nootropics/drugs in order to recover or repair short term memory , clarity thinking , to be more talkative etc, after a long term use of cannabis (10 years). For a week im trying daily with:

Selegiline 2,5 mg
Centrophenoxine 250mg x 2
Hydergine 4,5 mg
Desmopressin (2 -3 times a week)

Sometimes im still smoking weed and i'm noticing that tolerance became very lower than before (deprenyl action?)and i'm glad for this...So looks like those are effective to diminish my weed consume;
In general i m feeling better ( more awake, and better organization...but i would improve drastically my memory...sometimes im damning that day i start smoking)
What can i add to this stack, in order to increase GABA ( since i know this neurotr is depleted by mj use) with not interactions with those above mentioned?
In the past i also tried Piracetam,DMAE, Pyritinol but unfortunately they did not raise me so much than i though)...
sorry my bad english..

Marijuana is said to inhibit the release of vasopressin, and thus perhaps interfere with memory-imprinting. Taking vasopressin with marijuana may limit this effect, but it's not something you can do regularly, IMO.

I'd honestly just try to stop using marijuana, but I know how that can be. It does have certain theraputic effects which are hard to come by through any other means. Perhaps you could try using just as much as is required to produce a slight effect, and no more. This would not be recreational use, however. You could also differentiate between the sativa/indica strains for the desired effect: Sativa during the day, Indica to sleep/relax.

I know there are some supplements which have been said to assist people in quitting marijuana - I cannot remember which ones these are.

As far as the nootropics, I'm not sure how much those will help.

The basic stacks may help...

EPA/DHA (high EPA) fish oil, high dose.
NA/K R-ALA + carnosine + Acetyl carnitine ?
choline source (cdp/a-gpc/phospatidyl/etc + 'racetam(s)) - maybe piracetam + aniracetam; anira + oxira? or more expensive forms ($$$).
cholinesterase inhibitor (huperzine A 50-200 mcg / galantamine @ 8mg (7-hour half-life))

GABA you say? sure...gaba forms: phenibut, gaba, theanine, picamilon ----> It's all really just open to experiment, unfortunately (and I am currently experimenting).

deprenyl citrate liquid (1-2mg) + PEA + low-dose L-phenylalanine?

And the rest:
hydergine + centrophenoxine + pyritinol + sulbutiamine + benfotiamine + ubiquinol + bacopa + rhodiola + other?

A lot of those things probably wouldn't have any effect on MEMORY though...and I'd assume they'd be a waste of time/money. I'm still experimenting, however, and I'll be sure to report back later. I'm going to try the MJ + vasopressin thing when I feel like lighting up again (not in the habit anymore so it may be a while).


#3 guthry909

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Posted 11 July 2008 - 09:02 PM

Hello to all, i'm a new member and i'm 35; i'd like to have some advices or opinions about the right and effective nootropics/drugs in order to recover or repair short term memory , clarity thinking , to be more talkative etc, after a long term use of cannabis (10 years). For a week im trying daily with:

Selegiline 2,5 mg
Centrophenoxine 250mg x 2
Hydergine 4,5 mg
Desmopressin (2 -3 times a week)

Sometimes im still smoking weed and i'm noticing that tolerance became very lower than before (deprenyl action?)and i'm glad for this...So looks like those are effective to diminish my weed consume;
In general i m feeling better ( more awake, and better organization...but i would improve drastically my memory...sometimes im damning that day i start smoking)
What can i add to this stack, in order to increase GABA ( since i know this neurotr is depleted by mj use) with not interactions with those above mentioned?
In the past i also tried Piracetam,DMAE, Pyritinol but unfortunately they did not raise me so much than i though)...
sorry my bad english..

I too was a long term weed consumer as well. I've tried many of the above treatments to no avail. It took detoxifying my entire body before my mind cleared up. A lot of Vitamin B3 and B1 did the trick. Check out this article for further information Narconon Vista Bay

#4 Ben

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Posted 12 July 2008 - 04:49 AM

Marijuana increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain whereas, selegiline decreases the brain's ability to remove that dopamine. The combination of the two is inadvisable, it could lead to a dangerous level of dopamine in your brain.

Edited by Ben - Aus, 12 July 2008 - 04:50 AM.

#5 chowder

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Posted 07 December 2009 - 04:45 PM

Hello to all, i'm a new member and i'm 35; i'd like to have some advices or opinions about the right and effective nootropics/drugs in order to recover or repair short term memory , clarity thinking , to be more talkative etc, after a long term use of cannabis (10 years). For a week im trying daily with:

Selegiline 2,5 mg
Centrophenoxine 250mg x 2
Hydergine 4,5 mg
Desmopressin (2 -3 times a week)

Sometimes im still smoking weed and i'm noticing that tolerance became very lower than before (deprenyl action?)and i'm glad for this...So looks like those are effective to diminish my weed consume;
In general i m feeling better ( more awake, and better organization...but i would improve drastically my memory...sometimes im damning that day i start smoking)
What can i add to this stack, in order to increase GABA ( since i know this neurotr is depleted by mj use) with not interactions with those above mentioned?
In the past i also tried Piracetam,DMAE, Pyritinol but unfortunately they did not raise me so much than i though)...
sorry my bad english..

Just take a break from weed. I use it in very small doses since the cannibinoids are known to be anticonvulsant (I have epilepsy). I do notice its effects on memory but these effects are usually only active when you're high. Once the buzz goes away everything is back to normal. However, if you smoke often you might feel as if your thought processes are slowing down even when you're sober. I speak from experience. The best thing to remedy this is to take a week or two off of smoking. You can also prevent the "burnout" by taking some nootropics in addition to cannabis.

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