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How long you EXPECT to live?

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Poll: Life expectancy (139 member(s) have cast votes)

How long you EXPECT to live?

  1. 0 - 60 (8 votes [5.76%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.76%

  2. 60 - 80 (5 votes [3.60%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.60%

  3. 80 - 120 (53 votes [38.13%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.13%

  4. 120 - 150 (18 votes [12.95%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.95%

  5. 150 - 300 (12 votes [8.63%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.63%

  6. 300 - 1000 (1 votes [0.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.72%

  7. 1000 - 10,000 (3 votes [2.16%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.16%

  8. 10,000 - 100,000 (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  9. 100,000 - 1 million (1 votes [0.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.72%

  10. Millions years (3 votes [2.16%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.16%

  11. Until earth become unhabitable by humans means (1 votes [0.72%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.72%

  12. Until earth become unhabitable by natural means (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  13. Until all viables planets resources are consumed (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  14. Until no energy resource can be found (7 votes [5.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.04%

  15. Eternity: I will transcend time (27 votes [19.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.42%

Under which form you expect to survive the longest?

  1. My current organic body + organic transplants (51 votes [36.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 36.69%

  2. My current organic body + artificial transplants (38 votes [27.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 27.34%

  3. Completely artificial autonomous body + AI (17 votes [12.23%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.23%

  4. AI without autonomous body (4 votes [2.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.88%

  5. Technological singularity (29 votes [20.86%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.86%

Under which form you expect to survive the longest? (Include spiritual means)

  1. My current organic body + organic transplants (34 votes [24.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 24.46%

  2. My current organic body + artificial transplants (28 votes [20.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.14%

  3. Completely artificial autonomous body + AI (16 votes [11.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.51%

  4. AI without autonomous body (4 votes [2.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.88%

  5. Technological singularity (28 votes [20.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.14%

  6. Spiritual singularity (9 votes [6.47%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.47%

  7. Independant soul (20 votes [14.39%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.39%

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#1 jackinbox

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 05:38 PM

In which age bracket you think you have the most chance dying? Put aside what you hope and take the time to think about it and give an honest answer. The definition of living is quite loose and might includes concept like singularity. Please, add you explanation and details.

Edited by jackinbox, 05 March 2008 - 05:40 PM.

#2 JonesGuy

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 05:51 PM

In which age bracket you think you have the most chance dying? Put aside what you hope and take the time to think about it and give an honest answer. The definition of living is quite loose and might includes concept like singularity. Please, add you explanation and details.

I hit good risk of dying in my 30s, because of existential angst. Heck, I might decide to punch my own ticket.
I hit a good risk of dying in my late 70s, because of statistics. Cancer and heart disease are naturally waiting for me.
I hit a good risk of dying a long time from now, heat death.

I currently expect to live forever, but it's going to be a lot of work and trend-watching. I reserve the right to change my prediction! And because of that reservation, I'm guessing my current expectation is wrong.

Edited by QJones, 05 March 2008 - 05:51 PM.

#3 Grimm

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 07:49 PM

Probably 50-60s. No more than 80, however.

I'd never have a transplant, so that might lower my lifespan a bit, but I'd rather be dead than have someone else's organs in me. I'd rather die in my late 50s to early 60s, past my prime, but still able to go out and do physical activities. I want to 'go hunting' and never come back before I'm a feeble old man. so 50s-60s sounds appropriate.

#4 eternaltraveler

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 09:26 PM

Probably 50-60s. No more than 80, however.

I'd never have a transplant, so that might lower my lifespan a bit, but I'd rather be dead than have someone else's organs in me. I'd rather die in my late 50s to early 60s, past my prime, but still able to go out and do physical activities. I want to 'go hunting' and never come back before I'm a feeble old man. so 50s-60s sounds appropriate.

Not to be rude, but why are you here?

You clearly have nothing in common with the stated goals of the institute.

Edited by elrond, 05 March 2008 - 09:26 PM.

#5 Luna

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 09:56 PM

Forever and only forever.
If the energy problem exists, we'll fix it by making perfect cycle system.
Any other trouble, we will deal with them.

Nothing but forever is an option.

Forever is the only way to go.

#6 mike250

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 10:43 PM

I would expect 80-90.

#7 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 11:22 PM

I'd never have a transplant, so that might lower my lifespan a bit, but I'd rather be dead than have someone else's organs in me.

Why not?

I know what I want, if I need a new organ.
I'd accept it because life is precious en I want to live as long as I can ;)

#8 catdaddy

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 11:56 PM

I expect to live to at least 80, and I probably could make it to 100, maybe beyond. I take great care of myself and have good genes.

I based my vote on what current technology can likely provide. If and when we see certain advancements(better understanding of how the body works, the mind-brain connection, medical nanotechnology, etc.) I would certainly revise my longevity estimates.

#9 vyntager

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 12:30 AM

I expect to survive to about 75-80 biological human

But I could expect to survive to about (but just *about*) 30-200 as a biological human and having tempered with my biology (yes, something could go wrong).

Other than that all bets are off, if I make it to the singularity, either by being alive by then or cryonically suspended, that doesn't mean I'll survive; maybe the being I'd be would be too different to be "myself", or I could simply not be able to adapt to my new environment. But if everything goes well, till there's no more free energy (reversible computing ?).

Now, I voted that I will transcend time, technological singularity, and independant soul (there was no closer option to "pattern of information" I think, not even AI as it assumes computrnium of some sort). I believe there're a few fair opportunities such as the universe being infinite in space (and matter), or in time, the many world interpretation of quantum mechanics, or the fact that all this could be a simulation, and who knows on what kind of physics or even ontology it runs ? In any of these scenarios, the pattern of incarnate information that is me could well be reenacted eternally, coincidentally happening someplace and sometime else, or I could also have infinite opportunities for personal development and survival.

Those assumptions I can't verify for the moment if ever, so just to be on the safe side let's assume the worse and work it out so that it is avoided.

#10 forever freedom

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 03:40 AM

This is a tuff question, but i believe that if i don't die of old age there's definitely no way of me knowing when i will, so i would have to choose between either 80-120 (hell there's no way i'll die before that) or the option "Eternity - I will transcend time". So i chose the second option, "Eternity".

I think that when our civilization hits a certain technological threshold, probably everyone in it will become truly (not just biologically) immortal and only die if they want. When we will hit this threshold is unknown. Let's suppose we hit it in a million years; if we find a cure for aging in this century, all that we would have to do would be to survive for one million years, and since the more technologically advanced we are, the lower the chances of we dying, and since we are constantly and rapidly advancing our technology, it wouldn't be that unimaginable to really believe that one alive today could live forever.

#11 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 05:28 AM

I expect 80-120 for time of death, but the others were all hopes.

#12 maestro949

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 05:44 PM

100 - 150.

For me that's 64 years of improvements in medical technology which I'm guessing will add another 0-50 years. One concern I have is that the first generation of super ++ centenarians (those living beyond 120) will have accumulated so much molecular damage and as early adopters of a patchwork of less-than-perfect technology and therapies, may find themselves in a situation where the damage is irreversible. It's so far out though that it's difficult to predict, yet it'll be here in what seems like the blink of an eye :(


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Posted 06 March 2008 - 06:06 PM

It's impossible to say, because radical life extension is still speculative. However, my life is exceedingly risk-averse, and I'm in outstanding health with promising projections. I should reach the "escape velocity" in theory. Eventually, I intend to genetically enhance physical durability. The prospect of replacing the brain so as to function as an A.I. is also attractive. I would guess that if things unfold as planned, I could easily live another 100 years. Beyond that point, I have imperialistic aspirations that could endanger my life.

#14 xEva

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 07:33 PM

I could not vote, because second section "Under which form you expect to survive the longest" does not list an acceptable option. I don't believe in transplants, bio or art. They mess up the immune system without which there is no true longevity. You could have added "none of the above" for those who could not fit into constrains of your box. Not sure what "technological singularity" means - does not sound too promising.

I rather think that body can be renewed with specific practices and ingestion of substances that help remove the diseased cells, fix DNA errors and activate innate stem cells.

Edited by Lex, 06 March 2008 - 07:41 PM.

#15 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 10:00 PM

I expect to live 60-80, but I hope for 80 -120

#16 bacopa

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Posted 05 April 2008 - 11:50 AM

Due to technological advancements and with the help of new stem cells I expect to live to at least 180 and by than hopefully they will have the means of extending my life indefintitely but this might happen in fits and stages.

#17 Heliotrope

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Posted 09 April 2008 - 08:48 PM

I'd hope to achieve physical immortality. I can't really imagine living as a spirit/soul if that even exists. If AI/virtual reality, exists, still the computer could crash, get virus, be destroyed. I want to hold onto something physical

#18 pd9200

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 02:47 AM

I think it is posible to live very long with this organic body. We shoud modify it with bether information. We nead to change genome to change information in cells. I hate computers and computers and electronics is stupid. There is ni Ai and there will be no AI. Sombody shoud try coputer programing and he/she will know how stupid computers are:)(specialy with mfc:)). Computers work like mehanical levels or switches they are wery fast and if ve program them others might thing that they are smart. They are yust like washing machine. The dont and they will never have consioness, becouse they are yust simolation of somthing. When we program some algoritm like min/max for reversi or chess other side think that wow that is smart and comuter heve inteligence.... but they work only mechanicly and fast. Chips are even more stupid. Yust like you will build a switch in your self. But chips hve milions of the(transistors)........... But ower body and brain is amazing far far far boyond any stupid computer.

But i am afraid that the univese is not infinitive and even if ve live a long long time the universe will colapse to a single point(and we will die before that ofcouse:). I think that paralel universes and multiple dimensions exist and there might be a chance to escape or to time travel or somthing like that it is still a pure fiction, but we will have enoth time for that problem if ve will survive the first one:)

#19 forever freedom

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Posted 12 April 2008 - 02:59 AM

I think it is posible to live very long with this organic body. We shoud modify it with bether information. We nead to change genome to change information in cells. I hate computers and computers and electronics is stupid. There is ni Ai and there will be no AI. Sombody shoud try coputer programing and he/she will know how stupid computers are:)(specialy with mfc:)). Computers work like mehanical levels or switches they are wery fast and if ve program them others might thing that they are smart. They are yust like washing machine. The dont and they will never have consioness, becouse they are yust simolation of somthing. When we program some algoritm like min/max for reversi or chess other side think that wow that is smart and comuter heve inteligence.... but they work only mechanicly and fast. Chips are even more stupid. Yust like you will build a switch in your self. But chips hve milions of the(transistors)........... But ower body and brain is amazing far far far boyond any stupid computer.

But i am afraid that the univese is not infinitive and even if ve live a long long time the universe will colapse to a single point(and we will die before that ofcouse:). I think that paralel universes and multiple dimensions exist and there might be a chance to escape or to time travel or somthing like that it is still a pure fiction, but we will have enoth time for that problem if ve will survive the first one:)

I think that in all your affirmations you're seriously misinformed and full of preconceptions. You should keep a more open mind.

#20 JamesMGallagher

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Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:09 PM

I Choose forever as I do not adhere to nor accept the pact of death, though the fear of it grips me and tears me up inside, reducing me to a quivering mess... why does death exist, surely it should be optional, perhaps it is, perhaps if I simply conciously choose not to die, I won't die... the evidence heavily weighs against this, but then again perhaps such evidence is presented to those with thier eyes closed... my eyes are wide, wide open, I am a concious observer, and I do not wish to cease existing ever... also I do not want those who feel the same to stop existing, I wish there was a way to bring all those people together in one positive and utopian society where we could live at one with nature and one another eternally, much like the elves in (norse originally) mythology... that would be the ideal life which my soul (and I'm sure many other souls truely) yearns for

But in this world we are surrounded by negativity and death every day, we can't help but feel this way, brainwashed by media into a certain mindset, leading to either depression or oblivious ignorance... why must it be like this? why is it like this? why can we not wake these people up, it may be idealistic, but when you really think of oblivion and eternity it will boggle, confuse and scare you, and then you will see in that moment how silly anything other than a utopian society is. Why live in pain with wars, accepting death, destruction and negativity? Breed live, positivity and spread this to all conscious beings...

At the end of it all we are all social beings and I for one have been cut off from society, I have no people with whom to discuss this, and have been brainwashed to be embarrassed about discussing it, I have no kindered spirits, which my heart also yearns for (feels like a void inside), and my mind has become unfocused as of late, but I fight to keep it and lethargy at bay, though at times it seems pointless, and I have fallen disgracefully into sloth, from which I am now arising and fighting out of.... I had actually come to a point where it was too uncomfortable to be conscious and so I consciously choose to be unconscious, just get on with things i.e. ignorance.

But now I see how wrong this attitude is, and what I have always known, comfotable life=death, I cannot live like that, in denile I must confront and seek the truth, seek life, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. And for me it is very uncomfortable, as I have been conditioned by popular culture, TV etc... so I find it difficuly socializing and get nervous (shakes) around other people, even my own parents which is frankly confusing, even when I realise and embrace oblivion I cannot seem to get rid of this, so I am in for a long battle it seems to cure myself of these ills... another thing which troubles me is my breathing, my lungs often feel heavy and there is a void like feeling in my solar plexus (middle of my chest) sometimes when I'm exerted I get a pin like feeling in my lungs and heat... often I just get a very heavy feeling though...

I suppose we all require help, and I'd like to help others who could maybe help me, that would be ideal, perhaps one day we shall sort our world and ourselves out, that day could be today...

It is really sad that due to the type of society we live under, people such as myself are outcast and people become detatched and commit suicide... I myself would never, ever commit suicide,no matter what happened, because I do not wish to cease existing, I love life even though it is flawed, I love observing, I love and need to love people, like my parents, my family (I have no "friends" unfortunatly as aforementioned, hence being conditioned i guess i feel rejected, though I should not feel this way)... Jesus tryed to spread the message about love- everyone needs love and to be loved. Not love as we think of it the cut-off type of love, but true love, brotherly love... it is truely sad to see the state that people have got themselves and the world into, I would really like to liberate them, but sadly being cut off I do not know where/ how to start this.. but in my heart it is the one achievement I know I must achieve somehow, and words in themselves are self defeating and limiting, but I hope you get the jist of what I am attempting to express... I just needed to get these things out and in the open somewhere, and they have come out in this response... perhaps they will have impact on you, you may think its simply regurgitated material, perhaps you will not read it, but It is how I feel (a limiting word, which is not the most appropriate to use perhaps, as feel indicates touch, which is associated with comfort, brainwashed consistantly and constantly to us, we must try to avoid this at all costs), and I exist

I could go on but I think I've said enough (though I could say much much more)

I am consciousness, observence, preservance... not just ideas, I AM

Edited by JamesMGallagher, 24 April 2008 - 11:26 PM.

#21 forever freedom

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Posted 26 April 2008 - 07:02 AM

James, i like your openness here. I hope you enjoy the forums. Death is a bitch isn't it?

About your social problems, since you're already 20 years old and you still have severe social anxiety i think that you should look for a psychologist/psychiatrist. Social problems are more common in teenagers but if the person gets older and still has the problems, chances are that they will not go away unless the person gets external help. Trust me there are people that are 40 y.o. and still have many social problems; you don't wanna be like them. You can't solve all your problems alone, stop thinking that you can; it will only be bad for you in the long term; there's nothing wrong with getting external help.

#22 Cyberbrain

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Posted 29 April 2008 - 09:37 PM

Instead of a psychiatrist, the best solution I have for those who experience social anxiety and problems (due to the concept of death) is to listen to the soundtrack of Ghost in the Shell (especially Rise), and to have some cheesecake. Then get accepted to a good university, leave your old community behind and major in either Biology or Computer Science so as to help out with the longevity community. :-D

Another method is to preoccupy yourself with other thoughts. Maybe philosophy, flirting with girls, etc.

The best methods that calmed me down were:

1. listening to music
2. talking to people from imminst
3. taking science oriented classes in college
4. reading a LOT of books from Ending Aging to The Singularity is Near
5. Having a positive and optimistic mind set (despite the fact the world is destroying itself around me) ... always keep your head up! ;)

#23 Ben Simon

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Posted 30 April 2008 - 04:52 AM

Gotta say, this thread is tres discouraging.

Most of you guys really believe you won't make it past 120?

I am too ignorant of LE science to make any strongly justified predictions about my own life span (beyond the conventional length), but I wouldn't be here if I was not optimistic. I expect however that a great many of you know more about this stuff than I do, so your unambitious predictions are a dissapointment.

What can I say? ...I truly hope you guys are wrong.

#24 forever freedom

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Posted 30 April 2008 - 05:55 AM

Gotta say, this thread is tres discouraging.

Most of you guys really believe you won't make it past 120?

I am too ignorant of LE science to make any strongly justified predictions about my own life span (beyond the conventional length), but I wouldn't be here if I was not optimistic. I expect however that a great many of you know more about this stuff than I do, so your unambitious predictions are a dissapointment.

What can I say? ...I truly hope you guys are wrong.

I also got kind of surprised with the answers. But i think that most here just marked "120" years to sound reasonable... deep down they think that they'll live longer. And after all, if they are proven wrong, all the better; while raising expectations and getting disappointed would not be nice.

Edited by sam988, 30 April 2008 - 05:56 AM.

#25 Ben Simon

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Posted 01 May 2008 - 06:44 PM

I also got kind of surprised with the answers. But i think that most here just marked "120" years to sound reasonable... deep down they think that they'll live longer. And after all, if they are proven wrong, all the better; while raising expectations and getting disappointed would not be nice.

Hope you're right buddy. It's pretty hilarious that the second highest answer is 'I will transcend time'. Ha ha! You guys don't screw around. As something of a newbie to futurism, how do we expect to transcend motherf'ing time? Because I am down for it.

#26 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 11:04 PM

Well of course I expect to be destroyed in a few decades by the typical accepted aging disease which may be manipulated a little with diet.But of course I hope something else will happen.......

#27 forever freedom

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 12:42 AM

I also got kind of surprised with the answers. But i think that most here just marked "120" years to sound reasonable... deep down they think that they'll live longer. And after all, if they are proven wrong, all the better; while raising expectations and getting disappointed would not be nice.

Hope you're right buddy. It's pretty hilarious that the second highest answer is 'I will transcend time'. Ha ha! You guys don't screw around. As something of a newbie to futurism, how do we expect to transcend motherf'ing time? Because I am down for it.

I understand you. But i didn't know which to check, because i think that aging will be cured in my lifetime (i assume to have 100 more years ahead considering i live to 120. but of course shit can happen). If aging gets cured in my lifetime then there's no limit to what amount of time i can live. And i want to live for as long as possible. So i could only check "i will transcend time", although a better option would be "i will live for more than 120 years and i want to transcend time".

#28 Ben Simon

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 03:15 AM

I understand you. But i didn't know which to check, because i think that aging will be cured in my lifetime (i assume to have 100 more years ahead considering i live to 120. but of course shit can happen). If aging gets cured in my lifetime then there's no limit to what amount of time i can live. And i want to live for as long as possible. So i could only check "i will transcend time", although a better option would be "i will live for more than 120 years and i want to transcend time".

You know what I want to do man? I want to live in my own past. Assuming the information all still exists in my brain somewhere, and we could tap into it, I would be very up for just reliving past experiences when I felt like it... like running a tape. That would be boss. Obviously the tyranny of the present moment as predominant in our consciousness has its role in our survival... but given that experiencing moments is just electrical information buzzing around, couldn't we replicate past experience. I mean, my computer can run the same programme over and over... Why can't the brain? I got some stuff to revisit circa 2003.

I am convinced we must do this. Hurry up Kurzweil. Lazybones.

#29 forever freedom

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 03:46 AM

I understand you. But i didn't know which to check, because i think that aging will be cured in my lifetime (i assume to have 100 more years ahead considering i live to 120. but of course shit can happen). If aging gets cured in my lifetime then there's no limit to what amount of time i can live. And i want to live for as long as possible. So i could only check "i will transcend time", although a better option would be "i will live for more than 120 years and i want to transcend time".

You know what I want to do man? I want to live in my own past. Assuming the information all still exists in my brain somewhere, and we could tap into it, I would be very up for just reliving past experiences when I felt like it... like running a tape. That would be boss. Obviously the tyranny of the present moment as predominant in our consciousness has its role in our survival... but given that experiencing moments is just electrical information buzzing around, couldn't we replicate past experience. I mean, my computer can run the same programme over and over... Why can't the brain? I got some stuff to revisit circa 2003.

I am convinced we must do this. Hurry up Kurzweil. Lazybones.

Why would you want to live in the past? I didn't get you very well...

#30 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 09:24 AM

I understand you. But i didn't know which to check, because i think that aging will be cured in my lifetime (i assume to have 100 more years ahead considering i live to 120. but of course shit can happen). If aging gets cured in my lifetime then there's no limit to what amount of time i can live. And i want to live for as long as possible. So i could only check "i will transcend time", although a better option would be "i will live for more than 120 years and i want to transcend time".

You know what I want to do man? I want to live in my own past. Assuming the information all still exists in my brain somewhere, and we could tap into it, I would be very up for just reliving past experiences when I felt like it... like running a tape. That would be boss. Obviously the tyranny of the present moment as predominant in our consciousness has its role in our survival... but given that experiencing moments is just electrical information buzzing around, couldn't we replicate past experience. I mean, my computer can run the same programme over and over... Why can't the brain? I got some stuff to revisit circa 2003.

I am convinced we must do this. Hurry up Kurzweil. Lazybones.

Why would you want to live in the past? I didn't get you very well...

So when do you think ultimate escape velocity will be reached? 20 years?50 years? 70 years??

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