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Sunday Evening Update, Sunday March 16th, 5pm CST

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#1 Mind

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 10:25 PM

Tune in to the Immortality Institute's Sunday evening news and interview program The Immortality Update on Sunday March 9th, 5pm CST (22:00 GMT) for an interview with Tom Mooney - Director of C.E.L. (Coalition to Extend Life). Website Here.

The Imminst.org channel can be found here.

The Coalition to Extend Life is a nascent national organization dedicated to promoting indefinite life extension. We will engage the political debate in order to ensure that immortality becomes national goal. Aging is a terminal illness that must be conquered!

To many this may seem like a quixotic undertaking, but, in reality, what are the options? The cure for aging will come but it must come in time for you and me before we are rotting in a grave or reduced to a pile of ashes sitting in an urn on a loved one's mantelpiece.

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#2 Mind

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Posted 06 March 2008 - 05:58 PM

Just a note about the time of this chat: This weekend is the beginning of daylight savings time in the U.S. so 5pm CST is now 22:00 GMT, good news for European members.

#3 Mind

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 07:41 PM

Mooney: As cognizant human beings we know that heretofore all people have reached a point where they die. This existential truth weaves its' way thru art, philosophy, religion, medicine, science, and other intellectual undertakings that attempt to understand our existence. Over the course of history there have been attempts to cure the insidious disease of aging but no "Fountain of Youth" has been found to halt the inevitable disintegration for our body, and its' ultimate demise.

Death is a mystery that is hard to comprehend. Like any mystery, though, it can be solved. In laboratories all over this world scientists are beginning to explain why cells age and die and how they can be rejuvenated. Breakthroughs on the biochemical processes that cause aging allow us to achieve immortality. The Coalition to Extend Life is dedicated to combating aging and promoting immortality for all. The struggle will not be easy. Immortality will change how we look at the world, and quite frankly many people fear new ideas and will vehemently oppose the radical transformation that will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to begin now!

#4 Mind

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 07:50 PM

If you cannot attend, please list any questions you have for Mr. Mooney here in this forum.

One aspect of the longevity movement I want to bring-up with Mr. Mooney is regulation. Since the C.E.L. is essentially a lobbying organization and is based in Washington D.C., I would like to know how many of those in congress are aware of life extension research efforts. I recently heard that C.E.L. gave a copy of Ending Aging to every member of congress. I wonder if he heard back from any of them.

#5 brokenportal

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 09:05 PM

Ask Mr. Mooney if he can get some of these congress members to hold up the "Ending Aging" book so he can take a picture of them with it.

Me and the Aubrey deGrey fan at myspace.com/sash2 are trying to get a group going that he created, to advertise "Ending Aging" by taking a picture of your copy somewhere to put in myspace at http://www.msplinks....0VuZGluZ0FnaW5n Hopefully that turns into a link, otherwise, copy and paste it and add a picture of yourself holding up a copy of the book in some interesting place. That would be great. The Aubrey member will donate $1000 after 50 is reached, and others will probably donate to if this catches on.

If C.E.L. is mainly a lobbying organization, then why does it look more like primitive version of imminst? I guess a question would be something along the lines of, how successful has your site been in these lobbying efforts, and do you have any plans to make the outlook of the page look more poignant to the cause. Its a great idea, I just dont see why this site would be better for advocating life extension help over imminst. Unless it was more pointedly driven toward the idea of targeting politicians and other decision makers in that arena. Maybe Im just not seeing it. I dont know. Let me know.

As far as research volunteers, give him this link, this guy said he has offered to be a clinical trial patient for deGrey in the past but that deGrey said the research wasnt far enough along yet to warrant that. But, whatever Mooney is looking for this guy will probably be game for. http://www.myspace.com/marziobalducci

Ill send Marzio to the C.E.L. site and between the two of them hopefully they can get on the same page.

If you cannot attend, please list any questions you have for Mr. Mooney here in this forum.

One aspect of the longevity movement I want to bring-up with Mr. Mooney is regulation. Since the C.E.L. is essentially a lobbying organization and is based in Washington D.C., I would like to know how many of those in congress are aware of life extension research efforts. I recently heard that C.E.L. gave a copy of Ending Aging to every member of congress. I wonder if he heard back from any of them.

#6 Mind

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Posted 08 March 2008 - 10:45 PM

I am not sure how C.E.L. is officially organized. If it is a 527 org, then is is a little different than Imminst which is 501©(3).

#7 Mind

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Posted 09 March 2008 - 01:57 AM

Also, you will want to tune in because you never know what special things will happen during the broadcast.

2 weeks ago, Aubrey called in to announce the upcoming aging symposium in Los Angeles (June 27th through June 29th). People watching the Immortality Update were the first to hear the public announcement

Last week the guest was Dr. Klatz of A4M and the discussion focused quite a bit on supplements. After the interview someone in the chat asked to see what was in my "supplement cabinet". So we took a little tour and everyone found out.

#8 Mind

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Posted 09 March 2008 - 11:36 PM

Was unfortunately vexed by technical problems this week and could not do the interview. Still recorded a shortened update, mainly Imminst current events. Tom Mooney will be available again next week at the same time. I should be able to get the audio issues fixed by then.

#9 Mind

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 02:48 PM

I installed a new microphone and did some tests and things seem to be working. The chat with Tom Mooney is on once again for this evening. 5pm CDT (22:00 GMT).

As always, there will be Imminst updates and various news. Also, a little chat time at the end, after the official broadcast is done. Last week I showed why the Sunday Evening Update was the "greenest" broadcast on Ustream.

#10 mitkat

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 06:09 PM

I installed a new microphone and did some tests and things seem to be working. The chat with Tom Mooney is on once again for this evening. 5pm CDT (22:00 GMT).

As always, there will be Imminst updates and various news. Also, a little chat time at the end, after the official broadcast is done. Last week I showed why the Sunday Evening Update was the "greenest" broadcast on Ustream.

Nice, looking forward to it!

#11 brokenportal

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 06:40 PM

Ya me too. Ill see if I can get that guy who wants to volunteer for research to come too. I was chatting with him last night about it.

#12 Mind

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 09:06 PM

Starting in approximately 1 hour

#13 brokenportal

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:01 PM

The chat is starting. Tom Mooney will be on any minute.

#14 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:32 PM

The chat is still going, if you have any questions...

#15 Mind

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 12:18 AM

Tom Mooney was well worth the two week wait. He is on the forefront convincing legislators of the need for life extension research. We discussed some of the ways in which Imminst and CEL can collaborate on future legislative issues.

The program is saved and available at the Ustream website.

#16 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 17 March 2008 - 01:32 AM

I reccomend listening to it, it was great (are the chats archived?) I tried to put some usefull links into the chat.

#17 carlh49

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 11:17 PM

Mooney: As cognizant human beings we know that heretofore all people have reached a point where they die. This existential truth weaves its' way thru art, philosophy, religion, medicine, science, and other intellectual undertakings that attempt to understand our existence. Over the course of history there have been attempts to cure the insidious disease of aging but no "Fountain of Youth" has been found to halt the inevitable disintegration for our body, and its' ultimate demise.

Death is a mystery that is hard to comprehend. Like any mystery, though, it can be solved. In laboratories all over this world scientists are beginning to explain why cells age and die and how they can be rejuvenated. Breakthroughs on the biochemical processes that cause aging allow us to achieve immortality. The Coalition to Extend Life is dedicated to combating aging and promoting immortality for all. The struggle will not be easy. Immortality will change how we look at the world, and quite frankly many people fear new ideas and will vehemently oppose the radical transformation that will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to begin now!

Death will always be a reality...the non-exstistence of death is a eutopia day dream...the death of humans is only a part cause to find a solution too......what about decay? the decay of leaves from trees, the decay of and within soils, the decay along the coast area's of oceans, a tree limb broke from a storm the tree limb died and decayed., Our death from decay., the illnesses of creating death...persons die from various diseases, today we are confronted with AD&D,alziemers,diabeties,dementia,strokes,heart attacks...years prior we were subjected to polio,red fever,turberculos,not many persons alive today recall the qaurantine hospitals, and today being plageued by schizophernia mental illnesses...Most persons aren't subjected to one or any of these illnesses...but the fact remains they still exsist....common ills are cured....perhaps the common ill of aging will stop and be cured, but for how many people? persons are mind-set...they are born...they grow up., attend school, get a job---marry have children become grandparents and die after so may years, they try their best to be good persons and die accend unto heaven to be with God., So it will be forvever.,but then theirs those who reject the theory of dieing...go into a trance and become bodily immortal.These are the first persons who will cure age, age-related ills and live forever...others will go on dying.You would have to stop the dying of tree's,the dying of polluted waters, the dying of other matter and elements to succeed in conquering death completely.But I hope as well others with the great ability to communicate world-wide...That we embark on this quest...share our Ideas...inspire one another.and become immortal., lets start with Genesis 2:15----to care,nurture and cultavate the earth.

#18 Pour_la_Science

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Posted 22 January 2011 - 08:09 AM

Hello! I bump this subject... Is there still a sunday meeting with chat?

I would be interested in that to follow the evolution, progress of the different teams and to know the other members better ?

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