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The Benagene Experience

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#1 Ethan

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 05:24 AM

A few days ago I tried Benagene, a supposed life extending supplement that works in a similiar manner as resveratrol. It is also suppose to effect blood glucose levels. After about an hour, I got a high from the pill. I felt amazing...so relaxed, yet lively. The next day, less than 24 hours later, my blood sugar began to drop. I began craving sugar, which is odd because I never eat anything with concentrated sugar in it and haven't had a sugar craving since I was 10 years old post Halloween. I felt really poorly. Just to make sure it was the Benagene I tried it again two days later and had the same experience.

I read a claim on this site by a spokesman for Benagene that it would affect blood glucose levels within a hour, but I assumed it was industry BS. Now I know it is doing something dramatic, but anything that gives me the level of experence I had from Benagene needs to be subjected to years of scrutiny by independent research. I suspect this could be a dangerous supplement and perhaps even encourage diabetes if not taken properly. However, it could actually be doing what is suppose to be doing, extending my life. There is just no way to know. NIA is apparently doing research on the compound, but it will take years for them to complete their analysis.

Does anybody else have any experience with this product?

#2 nameless

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 05:47 AM

Test with a blood glucose meter and see if it is actually lowering your glucose levels? Without real studies, who knows what it does... could be a placebo effect, or it could be doing something else.

#3 Gerald W. Gaston

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 06:34 AM

Test with a blood glucose meter and see if it is actually lowering your glucose levels? Without real studies, who knows what it does... could be a placebo effect, or it could be doing something else.

I did that as mentioned in this thread:


I personally didn't see a difference.

#4 kenj

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 06:56 AM

Been using BenaGene for ~6 months, with few days off in between. Can't say for sure if it's done anything, but 'psychosomatically' I felt CR'ed as soon as I started it (felt more cold, with slight reduced hunger). Consequently, I've reduced my food intake (dropped weight, and lowered blood sugar, but I also take many other sups) and there have been days where I've 'felt' weak from this. No illness or anything, - but reduced physical stamina, sure.

#5 inawe

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 05:23 PM

Does anybody know of any recent publication showing that benaGene does what's suppose to do (increase NAD(+)/NADH) in vivo?

#6 checkinguy

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 02:48 AM

(Does anybody else have any experience with this product?)
- I've used for about a year and probably similar experience to Kenj. I've felt some cold effects, which I take
as a very good thing as this is the same thing I had when most successful on CR. I spent the 50 $ or so on a blood
glucose monitor (drug store) and got someone that is diabetic to help me use the thing. It shows a low-normal reading.
- a couple of times in the last year at the gym I've felt a huge loss of energy, and thought it might be a caffeine problem -
I'll have to think about it being Benegene now.
- I'm hoping that this, with resveratrol ie another CR mimetic will combine a bit to produce a cr effect without the difficulty
and loss of muscle mass.
- I've never had any kind of craving for sugar or anything personally.

#7 tintinet

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 06:17 PM

I've been taking Benagene for months, but I've never noticed any effect I could attribute to it.

#8 Ethan

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 08:32 PM

Test with a blood glucose meter and see if it is actually lowering your glucose levels? Without real studies, who knows what it does... could be a placebo effect, or it could be doing something else.

It is not the placebo effect. Something in Benagene is making an impression in my body, but that doesn't mean it is glucose or for that matter good or bad. I will pick up a meter to satisfy my curiosity and post the results in a few days.

#9 kenj

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 09:37 PM

I've been taking Benagene for months, but I've never noticed any effect I could attribute to it.

Perhaps you already have the benaGenes dancing, ;-).

It is not the placebo effect. Something in Benagene is making an impression in my body, but that doesn't mean it is glucose or for that matter good or bad. I will pick up a meter to satisfy my curiosity and post the results in a few days.

The low blood glucose and enhanced glucose uptaking thing was shown in the human clinical trials as well, IIRC.

#10 kenj

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Posted 26 March 2008 - 07:47 PM

In continuation of Ethan's original post;-
I was thinking the other day, that benaGene might only work favourably if one consistently holds calorie intake somewhat low but at the same time ensures getting the vital nutrients (avoiding malnutrition), - thus no license to overindulge at all.
During the last many months I've swapped high-calorie foods for low ones; low-glycemic, and lean proteins, - initially I had swings in energy levels but this eventually did stabilize with solid 6-7 hours of sleep, and even energy during waking hours (30-90 mins cardio exercises/day, 2-3/h anaerobic/week), - some long-term regulation going on here, AFAICT, and IME. (Although I'm sure I would be much more 'stabilized' w/o supplements including benaGene.)
This easter I went up the high-calorie ladder with 'second helpings' (I'm fairly sensitive to good foods if I'd allow myself), and I felt quickly 'burdened', and several hours later what naturally felt like increased body temperature, and disturbed sleep.
In a recent post at the CR board Paul McGlothin writes about adjusting to a CR regimen by 'down-regulating biochemistry related to plentiful food availability in favor of maintenance': e.g. low insulin, and glucagon upregulated. So, what happens when you choose to eat plenty more food over days and 'shock your CR-adjusted body with excessive calories'?

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