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THEFIRSTIMMORTAL Lifetime member given 6 months to live

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#241 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:37 AM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

No, 15g total, I thought that was the recommended dose we talked about and settled with as a good dose.


wow did I understand that post incorrectly or what?! ... 15 grams a day is great if it's making you feel good.

My understanding is that 55 grams a day would be your toxic limit if you were one big rat. I initially thought you were taking 15g 3 times a day, or 45 grams. So you were still fine according to toxicity, but I thought you were going to burn through the res powder pretty quickly.

Glad to hear 5 grams 3 times a day appears to be good for you.

I don't know what the burn rate is going to be like at that pace, but the res supply looks pretty strong. I'm trying to get 411 on what the tumor shrinkage should be on the chemo drugs alone so that we know what effect all of these items are having. I can tell you this, 57% is the shrinkage of cisplatin, and that’s first round therapy. Second round therapy is less shrinkage than 57%, how much less I don’t know yet. Oh yeah, I asked about what they do for 3rd round therapy, what the standard protocol was so that I could start studying that. There is no 3rd round protocol, survival is so rare for this that they simply don’t have a standard protocol beyond this point. Nice huh.

I posted the letter I sent to my doctor today on one of my other threads.

#242 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:41 AM

Most herbal supplement treatment of cancer is highly speculative and experimental. Until long-term double placebo studies and more safety studies are done, no one can say for sure whether resveratrol or other alternative therapies will do any good. That being said, I hope it works for thefirstimmortal.

Mind, I am curios, if you had the same terminal disease I have, or a brain tumor like Jll’s friend, what would be your protocol? And my second question, has Dr. Chui’s therapy been thru a long-term double placebo study?

Hmmm, I PMed Mind, sent him a link to this post. I am very interested in his response to this. Is anyone else curios about his response??? Or is it just me.

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#243 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:48 AM

I posted the letter I sent to my doctor today on one of my other threads.


This is a letter I am sending to get data prior to the results of my next CT scan so that all the unbelievers in Vitamin Therapy and res can see that this stuff works, and the rsults are not all because of the chemotherapy.

There were a few questions I forgot to ask you during our last visit. During the first round of chemo treatments we used every 21 days a 3 day cycle of cisplatin and etoposide for 4 rounds. You expected to reduce the 11.7cm mass to around 5 cm, and at the absolute smallest 3.5cm. The goal essentially being to reduce the field of radiation for radiation therapy.

The aftermath of radiation if the field is too large often leaves radiation burns that sometimes leave patients with fibrosis of the lungs, causing one to develop breathing problems and asthma-like symptoms. Also, you note compression at T-6 in my spine; another radiation aftershock is that it causes osteoporosis in vertebrae. Obviously we want the field as small as possible to reduce these effects

Currently we are using the Carboplatin once a month with CPT-11, followed by 2 weeks of just CPT-11 with one week off. This is a weaker cycle than that of the 21 day cisplatin cycle. In the size of the original tumor CT scan showed a mass of 11.7cm by 8cm if my memory is correct. The report of the CT scan or July 3rd, 08 put the size at 11.4 by 6cm, which was consistent with my best guess on July 2nd that the tumor was essentially slightly smaller than the original CT scan and I guessed it to be 8cm-9cm in size.

My question is as follows, since this round of chemo is essentially a weaker round, what would be the typical shrinkage that you would expect after the whole cycle is completely finished? And what would be the absolute smallest, or the maximum shrinkage that one could expect at the end of this series of Chemo?

Please e-mail these 2 brief answers to my e-mail address as soon as you can. Thank You Kurt.
E-mail Thefirstimmortal@yahoo.com

Live Long and Well
William Constitution O’Rights

#244 missminni

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:53 AM

Honestly it was just a hunch on my part. Minni did so well on 7g and she is 94 lbs.
That figures out to about 163 mg per kg. At the time you were about 135 and using the same ratio, that came
out to 10 g. That's why I initially told you to take 10 g. However once you told me you had no adverse reaction
i.e. diahrea, I figured since dogs metabolize it more efficiently than humans, it would probably be a good idea
for you to take 50% more to make up for that factor. That's why I said try 15g. Mawxatt agreed but
advised not more than 5 g at a time since more than that in one dose doesn't really show up as more in the blood.

OK, well I think it's the dose we should go with. Why and how do dogs metabolize it more efficiently than humans?

Couldn't tell you exactly why and how, but Maxwatt could. My understadning is that
there are less steps in the process for it to get into their bloodstream, but I could be assuming that.

#245 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:54 AM

We have one more week of CPT than one week off, then another 3 week cycle, so that’s only a little over a month to make an impact. I had more hang time with the other attempt, from early February till May 21st. We will be doing well if we can just get this shrunk to 5cm or 6cm.

Can someone translate what 1cm = in inches?

#246 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:57 AM

Couldn't tell you exactly why and how, but Maxwatt could. My understadning is that
there are less steps in the process for it to get into their bloodstream, but I could be assuming that.

OK, it's not vital that I know, I'm just wondering. When Maxwatt gets here he can fill us in. :)

#247 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:01 AM

I posted this over at Cryonet earlier today.

I’m finally getting caught up with my work in my threads at Immortality Institute. I see here that I have some people who need to be thanked, some posts that need to be responded to and I have some corrections and updates, I will try to get to all of this within the this week.

My delay in getting here has been largely due to the fight I find myself currently involved in with my cancer. My primary concern has been battling back this cancer to at least buy enough time so that the rescue mission here can be successful. If it were not for the current rescue mission going on over at Immortality Institute any talk of a remarkable rescue here would be moot. There just simply wouldn’t be enough time; we are going to at the very least push that October deadline back far enough to give the Society of Venturism more time.

Just a short while ago over the 4th of July weekend I returned to the hospital for a several day stay. We were to learn that the cancer had spread, its malevolence knows no bounds. The cancer was in my lung and had spread to my left femur and right arm by January, and recent CT scans over the 4th of July shows that it has further spread to my spine and lymph nodes. I have small cell lung cancer, but don’t be fooled by it’s rather confining name, it can savage anything, liver and bone, testicles, the brain, the nose, the tongue, the auditory canal, the salivary gland, eyelid and ejaculatory duct; heel and heart. It’s my understanding that when two normal cells come into contact, they politely stop dividing, a microscopic social grace that has been described to me as “contact inhibition.” But for cancer, no such inhibitions exist. The cancer cell is a wild and totally asocial individual, programmed to proliferate without restraint, to compete with its neighbors for food, and in the end, to destroy the individual at whose expense it survives. Cancer’s signal characteristic is not its rapacity, but its restless, seemingly unquenchable wanderlust. Normal cells are well rooted, possessed of a strong sense of place. Even benign tumors stay anchored in the locale where they were born. But my cancer is nomadic, and it has been on the march, boring through tissue and organs one after the other, galloping wildly through my body.

Today however I find myself in much better shape than last month. I think I was much closer to death then. How close might I have been over the 4th, well my tumor measured 11.4 at the main mass. Cancer’s growth follows a classic geometric progression, doubling like a zygote. After its thirtieth doubling, it reaches a centimeter in size, the smallest size at which it can be easily detected in deep organs. It is rare for it to go beyond its fortieth doubling, (a ten-centimeter diameter composed of a trillion cells), before fatal complications set in. By all accounts, my cancer entered into it’s 41st doubling.

Live Long and Well,
William Constitution O’Rights

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 10 August 2008 - 06:04 AM.

#248 missminni

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:16 AM

We have one more week of CPT than one week off, then another 3 week cycle, so that’s only a little over a month to make an impact. I had more hang time with the other attempt, from early February till May 21st. We will be doing well if we can just get this shrunk to 5cm or 6cm.

Can someone translate what 1cm = in inches?

1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches
1 in = 2.5 cm

Edited by missminni, 10 August 2008 - 06:19 AM.

#249 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 08:42 AM

We have one more week of CPT than one week off, then another 3 week cycle, so that’s only a little over a month to make an impact. I had more hang time with the other attempt, from early February till May 21st. We will be doing well if we can just get this shrunk to 5cm or 6cm.

Can someone translate what 1cm = in inches?

1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches
1 in = 2.5 cm

Thank You Missminni
OK, it's 4:40am, I gotta crash, see you later today :)

#250 maxwatt

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 11:43 AM

Couldn't tell you exactly why and how, but Maxwatt could. My understadning is that
there are less steps in the process for it to get into their bloodstream, but I could be assuming that.

OK, it's not vital that I know, I'm just wondering. When Maxwatt gets here he can fill us in. :)

Why do dogs likely need less resveratrol than humans?

Like rodents, dogs have much less of the enzymes that conjugate resveratrol, that bind it to a sugar molecule or a sulfur group, so that it can be excreted from the body. Humans evolved with a predominantly vegetarian diet, and evolved the biochemistry to deal with many plant toxins. (Even hunter-gatherer cultures may get only 25% of calories from meat; Monkeys and gorillas can be as low as 5% animal protein, including insects.) Dogs are carnivores, and their lupine ancestors had no evolutionary advantage in developing these metabolic pathways. Mice are short lived creatures, reproducing rapidly, living fast and dying young. Their metabolic energy all goes into reproduction instead of into neutralizing slow-acting potential poisons in the plants they eat.

Niner and others have referenced papers showing a much higher blood serum level of resveratrol in rodents than in humans from equivalent doses. No pharmokinetic studies are available in dogs, so it is actually a surmise that dogs attain higher blood levels from an equivalent dose than do humans, but it seems likely.

Niner turned up other papers (Boocock et al.) that showed a decreasing blood-serum to dose curve in humans, i.e. doubling the dose of resveratrol did not double the blood serum level of resveratrol in humans, though it did increase. The peak occurred at around 1 gram, and the level began to fall off rapidly at around two grams, but even at five grams there was an increase in human blood serum levels.

What does this mean? First, a given dose in mg/kg of body weight might be more effective in dogs than in humans. Sirtris ran their SRT501 formulation phase II trials at doses of 2.5 and 5 grams, which makes me think they were aware of the dose/blood serum level curve. They did find greater efficacy at 5 grams. Another factor is AUC, or area-under-the-curve. Taking resveratrol more than once a day can result in higher average or continuous blood-serum levels, giving resveratrol more time to act on the body's cells, cancerous or otherwise.

Another complicating factor in all this is that blood proteins absorb resveratrol, and may carry it through the blood and release it at the cellular membranes; in other words, blood serum levels may not tell the whole story.

Judging by the way you (thefirstimmortal) report feeling, you are going to survive past the October "Dead-line". You may outlive the doctors' predictions by a few months to a year, or you may achieve a state of complete remission. I think you are going to see complete remission. Resveratrol (and to a lesser extent curcumin and perhaps silymarin) induces apoptosis (suicide) in cancer cells; it activates the genetic machinery that has been turned off in cancer cells, that which makes a cell kill itself when it senses it is defective.

Edited by maxwatt, 10 August 2008 - 11:48 AM.

#251 VictorBjoerk

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 12:04 PM


studies on vitamin C and cancer

#252 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 12:58 PM

Judging by the way you (thefirstimmortal) report feeling, you are going to survive past the October "Dead-line". You may outlive the doctors' predictions by a few months to a year, or you may achieve a state of complete remission. I think you are going to see complete remission. Resveratrol (and to a lesser extent curcumin and perhaps silymarin) induces apoptosis (suicide) in cancer cells; it activates the genetic machinery that has been turned off in cancer cells, that which makes a cell kill itself when it senses it is defective.

Good Morning Maxwatt,
Thank You for that explanation. I am currently taking silymarin, although it was part of the first round, I didn’t pick it for cancer fighting properties, I took it because of the protection I needed against the cisplatin that was trashing my kidneys. I didn’t even realize up until you just told me that it induces apoptosis in cancer cells. How much silymarin would you advise to take?

#253 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 01:17 PM

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

I'm hoping your right about that jCole.
It's not in yet, although I didn't make it to the post office in time Thursday to check. Or did you send it to my house address? Either way, it's not in yet but don't worry, the mail is slow out here.

#254 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 01:28 PM


studies on vitamin C and cancer

Hi Shonghow, V-C is a pro-oxidant, and generates the chemical hydrogen peroxide, which can kill tumour cells. I do have a body of research on hydrogen peroxide and and oxygen therapy. As far as V-C goes, the only thing stopping me from using that is,ummm, my doctor.

Live Long and Well Shonghow.

#255 missminni

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 01:32 PM

Couldn't tell you exactly why and how, but Maxwatt could. My understadning is that
there are less steps in the process for it to get into their bloodstream, but I could be assuming that.

OK, it's not vital that I know, I'm just wondering. When Maxwatt gets here he can fill us in. :)

Why do dogs likely need less resveratrol than humans?

Like rodents, dogs have much less of the enzymes that conjugate resveratrol, that bind it to a sugar molecule or a sulfur group, so that it can be excreted from the body. Humans evolved with a predominantly vegetarian diet, and evolved the biochemistry to deal with many plant toxins. (Even hunter-gatherer cultures may get only 25% of calories from meat; Monkeys and gorillas can be as low as 5% animal protein, including insects.) Dogs are carnivores, and their lupine ancestors had no evolutionary advantage in developing these metabolic pathways. Mice are short lived creatures, reproducing rapidly, living fast and dying young. Their metabolic energy all goes into reproduction instead of into neutralizing slow-acting potential poisons in the plants they eat.

Niner and others have referenced papers showing a much higher blood serum level of resveratrol in rodents than in humans from equivalent doses. No pharmokinetic studies are available in dogs, so it is actually a surmise that dogs attain higher blood levels from an equivalent dose than do humans, but it seems likely.

Niner turned up other papers (Boocock et al.) that showed a decreasing blood-serum to dose curve in humans, i.e. doubling the dose of resveratrol did not double the blood serum level of resveratrol in humans, though it did increase. The peak occurred at around 1 gram, and the level began to fall off rapidly at around two grams, but even at five grams there was an increase in human blood serum levels.

What does this mean? First, a given dose in mg/kg of body weight might be more effective in dogs than in humans. Sirtris ran their SRT501 formulation phase II trials at doses of 2.5 and 5 grams, which makes me think they were aware of the dose/blood serum level curve. They did find greater efficacy at 5 grams. Another factor is AUC, or area-under-the-curve. Taking resveratrol more than once a day can result in higher average or continuous blood-serum levels, giving resveratrol more time to act on the body's cells, cancerous or otherwise.

Another complicating factor in all this is that blood proteins absorb resveratrol, and may carry it through the blood and release it at the cellular membranes; in other words, blood serum levels may not tell the whole story.

Judging by the way you (thefirstimmortal) report feeling, you are going to survive past the October "Dead-line". You may outlive the doctors' predictions by a few months to a year, or you may achieve a state of complete remission. I think you are going to see complete remission. Resveratrol (and to a lesser extent curcumin and perhaps silymarin) induces apoptosis (suicide) in cancer cells; it activates the genetic machinery that has been turned off in cancer cells, that which makes a cell kill itself when it senses it is defective.

What would you consider a good maintenance dose, after the cancer goes in remission.

#256 maxwatt

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 02:47 PM

What would you consider a good maintenance dose, after the cancer goes in remission.

For people or for minni?

I would think not less than 2 gm once daily for people, however: Only a few cells remaining could multiply like mad. A predisposition for cells to turn malignant would mean recurrence even if all the cancer has been killed. A complication in people: genetic makeup could mean some people need far less resveratrol than others to get the same blood level and effect.

Edited by maxwatt, 10 August 2008 - 02:48 PM.

#257 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:01 PM

What would you consider a good maintenance dose, after the cancer goes in remission.

For people or for minni?

I would think not less than 2 gm once daily for people, however: Only a few cells remaining could multiply like mad. A predisposition for cells to turn malignant would mean recurrence even if all the cancer has been killed. A complication in people: genetic makeup could mean some people need far less resveratrol than others to get the same blood level and effect.

Resveratrol? Absolutely. But only Resveratrol?

I just pulled out my Boswellia drum in order to beat on it again. I have hesitated to beat the drum often or loudly because I am not a scientist and don't consider myself qualified enough to press the issue. But I do know how to use google and can type well enough to enter "Boswellia cancer apoptosis" on a google search page.

Can no one else type that phrase?

Given the links I posted earlier in this thread or the "Wishlist" thread about "Boswellia, cancer, and apoptosis," I find it curious that there has not been more discussion about it.

And then there is this article which discusses the importance of a multi-pronged approach for managing cancer and specifically mentions the pathway (i.e., 5-LO) that Boswellia addresses.

Putting the drum back in the closet now... 8-)

Targeting Multiple Signaling Pathways as a Strategy for Managing Prostate Cancer: Multifocal Signal Modulation Therapy

The aberrant behavior of cancer reflects upregulation of certain oncogenic signaling pathways that promote proliferation, inhibit apoptosis, and enable the cancer to spread and evoke angiogenesis. Theoretically, it should be feasible to decrease the activity of these pathways—or increase the activity of pathways that oppose them—with noncytotoxic agents. Since multiple pathways are dysfunctional in most cancers, and cancers accumulate new oncogenic mutations as they progress, the greatest and most durable therapeutic benefit will likely be achieved with combination regimens that address several targets. Thus, a multifocal signal modulation therapy (MSMT) of cancer is proposed. This concept has already been documented by researchers who have shown that certain combinations of signal modulators—of limited utility when administered individually—can achieve dramatic suppression of tumor growth in rodent xenograft models. The present essay attempts to guide development of MSMTs for prostate cancer. Androgen ablation is a signal-modulating measure already in standard use in the management of delocalized prostate cancer. The additional molecular targets considered here include the type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor, the epidermal growth factor receptor, mammalian target of rapamycin, NF-{kappa}B, hypoxia-inducible factor-1{alpha}, hsp90, cyclooxygenase-2, protein kinase A type I, vascular endothelial growth factor, 5-lipoxygenase, 12-lipoxygenase, angiotensin II receptor type 1, bradykinin receptor type 1, c-Src, interleukin-6, ras, MDM2, bcl-2/bclxL, vitamin D receptor, estrogen receptor-ß, and PPAR-. Various nutrients and phytochemicals suspected to have potential utility in prostate cancer prevention and therapy, but whose key molecular targets are still unknown, might reasonably be incorporated into MSMTs for prostate cancer; these include lycopene, selenium, green tea polyphenols, genistein, and silibinin. MSMTs can be developed systematically by testing various combinations of signal-modulating agents, in concentrations that can feasibly be achieved and maintained clinically, on human prostate cancer cell lines; combinations that appear promising can then be tested in xenograft models and, ultimately, in the clinic. Some signal modulators can increase response to cytotoxic drugs by upregulating effectors of apoptosis. When MSMTs fail to raise the spontaneous apoptosis rate sufficiently to achieve tumor stasis or regression, incorporation of appropriate cytotoxic agents into the regimen may improve the clinical outcome.

#258 missminni

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:31 PM

Resveratrol? Absolutely. But only Resveratrol?

I just pulled out my Boswellia drum in order to beat on it again. I have hesitated to beat the drum often or loudly because I am not a scientist and don't consider myself qualified enough to press the issue. But I do know how to use google and can type well receptor, the epidermal growth factor receptor, mammalian target of rapamycin, NF-{kappa}B, hypoxia-inducible factor-1{alpha}, hsp90, cyclooxygenase-2, protein kinase A type I, vascular endothelial growth factor, 5-lipoxygenase, 12-lipoxygenase, angiotensin II receptor type 1, bradykinin receptor type 1, c-Src, interleukin-6, ras, MDM2, bcl-2/bclxL, vitamin D receptor, estrogen receptor-ß, and PPAR-.[/color] Various nutrients and phytochemicals suspected to have potential utility in prostate cancer prevention and therapy, but whose key molecular targets are still unknown, might reasonably be incorporated into MSMTs for prostate cancer; these include lycopene, selenium, green tea polyphenols, genistein, and silibinin. MSMTs can be developed systematically by testing various combinations of signal-modulating agents, in concentrations that can feasibly be achieved and maintained clinically, on human prostate cancer cell lines; combinations that appear promising can then be tested in xenograft models and, ultimately, in the clinic. Some signal modulators can increase response to cytotoxic drugs by upregulating effectors of apoptosis. When MSMTs fail to raise the spontaneous apoptosis rate sufficiently to achieve tumor stasis or regression, incorporation of appropriate cytotoxic agents into the regimen may improve the clinical outcome.

I'm quite sure if you sent it, it would be put to good use.

#259 jCole

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 07:13 PM

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

I'm hoping your right about that jCole.
It's not in yet, although I didn't make it to the post office in time Thursday to check. Or did you send it to my house address? Either way, it's not in yet but don't worry, the mail is slow out here.

Here's the USPS tracking #

Says it was delivered on the 7th...

Edited by jCole, 10 August 2008 - 07:17 PM.

#260 maxwatt

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 07:59 PM

Judging by the way you (thefirstimmortal) report feeling, you are going to survive past the October "Dead-line". You may outlive the doctors' predictions by a few months to a year, or you may achieve a state of complete remission. I think you are going to see complete remission. Resveratrol (and to a lesser extent curcumin and perhaps silymarin) induces apoptosis (suicide) in cancer cells; it activates the genetic machinery that has been turned off in cancer cells, that which makes a cell kill itself when it senses it is defective.

Good Morning Maxwatt,
Thank You for that explanation. I am currently taking silymarin, although it was part of the first round, I didn’t pick it for cancer fighting properties, I took it because of the protection I needed against the cisplatin that was trashing my kidneys. I didn’t even realize up until you just told me that it induces apoptosis in cancer cells. How much silymarin would you advise to take?

Silymarin induces apoptosis via the same p53 pathway that resveratrol activates. It may be a case of "more of the same". I take 6 capsules containing 175 mg of 80% silymarin each, i.e., about a gram, in the morning. Late afternoon I take 2 grams resveratrol in yogurt or sour cream or a whey protein drink.

I do not think silymarin necessarily adds any advantage over resveratrol, but I don't think it hurts. I suspect the hepato-protective effects of silymarin are also produced by resveratrol, and silymarin activates Sirt1 in the same manner as resveratrol. There could be a synergistic effect in using both, but no one realy knows. We are guessing, or going by intuition.

Re: Boswellia -- as wccaguy has pointed out, it does kill cancer cells, and it seems to be by a different pathway than resveratrol. The problem I've seen with Boswellia is quality control. Potency varies, and many products are not active or are counterfeit.

TFI should receive a fedex package tomorrow with fresh tureric root; this should contain a small amount of Zerumbone, which kills cancer cells when they metastasize, vi hedgehog pathway inhibition.

#261 krillin

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 10:52 PM

Something to help the radiation: berberine. Dose? No idea. Here's a standardized product.


Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2008 Feb 1;70(2):529-42.
Synergistic tumor-killing effect of radiation and berberine combined treatment in lung cancer: the contribution of autophagic cell death.
Peng PL, Kuo WH, Tseng HC, Chou FP.
Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, College of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.

PURPOSE: Radiotherapy is the most efficacious strategies for lung cancer. The radiation-enhancing effects and the underlying mechanisms of berberine were investigated both in vitro and in vivo. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Clonogenic survival assays were used to evaluate the radio-sensitivity of berberine on non-small-cell lung cancer. Electron microscopic observation of the features of cell death, flow cytometry of acidic vascular organelles formation, mitochondria membrane potential and cell-cycle progression, and Western blotting of caspase 3, PARP, and LC3 were performed to identify the mechanisms underlying the enhancing effects. Lewis lung carcinoma model in mice was conducted to evaluate the possible application of berberine in synergistic treatment with irradiation. RESULTS: Compared with radiation alone (SF2 = 0.423; D(0) = 5.29 Gy), berberine at 5 and 10 muM concentrations in combination with radiation showed significant enhancement on radiation-induced clonogenic inhibition (SF2 = 0.215: D(0) = 2.70 Gy and SF2 = 0.099: D(0) = 1.24 Gy) on A549 cells. The cellular ultrastructure showed the presence of autophagosome and an increased proportion of acridine orange stain-positive cells, demonstrating that berberine enhanced radiosensitivity via autophagy. The process involved LC3 modification and mitochondrial disruption. The animal model verified the synergistic cytotoxic effect of berberine and irradiation resulting in a substantial shrinkage of tumor volume. CONCLUSION: Supplement of berberine enhanced the cytotoxicity of radiation in both in vivo and in vitro models of lung cancer. The mechanisms underlying this synergistic effect involved the induction of autophagy. It suggests that berberine could be used as adjuvant therapy to treat lung cancer.

PMID: 18207031

#262 Mind

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 12:03 AM

Most herbal supplement treatment of cancer is highly speculative and experimental. Until long-term double placebo studies and more safety studies are done, no one can say for sure whether resveratrol or other alternative therapies will do any good. That being said, I hope it works for thefirstimmortal.

Mind, I am curios, if you had the same terminal disease I have, or a brain tumor like Jll’s friend, what would be your protocol? And my second question, has Dr. Chui’s therapy been thru a long-term double placebo study?

I would be doing the same thing as you...looking at every option and trying many things, experimental and speculative notwithstanding.

While doing the Sunday Evening Update show, I research a lot of stuff for the "snake-oil" segment, and you would not believe how many websites out there are selling miracle cancer cures. Ok, you probably would believe it, because you have been researching this very extensively. This week it is a obscure mushroom from the base of K2 and next week some fungus from the Amazon rain forest (figurative examples).

I am not trying to tell anyone what they should be doing. If you got that from my post, then you were reading between the lines, and not what it actually says.

#263 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 12:57 AM

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

I'm hoping your right about that jCole.
It's not in yet, although I didn't make it to the post office in time Thursday to check. Or did you send it to my house address? Either way, it's not in yet but don't worry, the mail is slow out here.

Here's the USPS tracking #

Says it was delivered on the 7th...

Let me go thru my stack of reciepts here. BRB

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

I'm hoping your right about that jCole.
It's not in yet, although I didn't make it to the post office in time Thursday to check. Or did you send it to my house address? Either way, it's not in yet but don't worry, the mail is slow out here.

Here's the USPS tracking #

Says it was delivered on the 7th...

Let me go thru my stack of reciepts here. BRB

#264 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:23 AM

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

I'm hoping your right about that jCole.
It's not in yet, although I didn't make it to the post office in time Thursday to check. Or did you send it to my house address? Either way, it's not in yet but don't worry, the mail is slow out here.

Here's the USPS tracking #

Says it was delivered on the 7th...

I just logged in and put the tracking number in and got back the following.

The number you entered is not a valid tracking number. Review and update the field below.

Enter up to 25 tracking numbers, one per line.
>>> Tracking Numbers: 9101838094308002074067

But before we spend too much time banging our heads up against the wall on this, did you send it to my home address or PO Box? If you sent it to the PO Box, it's sitting at the post office, and I will go pick it up tomorrow. If you sent it to my street addy, well, maybe my suspicions about the UPS drivers not being happy about coming up this road are correct. I mean, I was only half joking about that, but seriously, the UPS person, I had never seen them come up here, all of a sudden they had to start braving this steep rocky dirt trail.

#265 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:28 AM

While doing the Sunday Evening Update show, I research a lot of stuff for the "snake-oil" segment, and you would not believe how many websites out there are selling miracle cancer cures. Ok, you probably would believe it, because you have been researching this very extensively. This week it is a obscure mushroom from the base of K2 and next week some fungus from the Amazon rain forest (figurative examples).

I am not trying to tell anyone what they should be doing. If you got that from my post, then you were reading between the lines, and not what it actually says.

I can't speak for others, but as for me, I was just asking you what you would do. :)

#266 missminni

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:28 AM

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

I'm hoping your right about that jCole.
It's not in yet, although I didn't make it to the post office in time Thursday to check. Or did you send it to my house address? Either way, it's not in yet but don't worry, the mail is slow out here.

Here's the USPS tracking #

Says it was delivered on the 7th...

I just logged in and put the tracking number in and got back the following.

The number you entered is not a valid tracking number. Review and update the field below.

Enter up to 25 tracking numbers, one per line.
>>> Tracking Numbers: 9101838094308002074067

But before we spend too much time banging our heads up against the wall on this, did you send it to my home address or PO Box? If you sent it to the PO Box, it's sitting at the post office, and I will go pick it up tomorrow. If you sent it to my street addy, well, maybe my suspicions about the UPS drivers not being happy about coming up this road are correct. I mean, I was only half joking about that, but seriously, the UPS person, I had never seen them come up here, all of a sudden they had to start braving this steep rocky dirt trail.

This is from personal experience with UPS...You have to call them and let them know the situation.
Don't be shy. Don't get upset. Just tell them what you are doing and why people are sending packages and the problem you are having receiving them. They will be very helpful but you have to let them know. The squeaky wheel gets oiled and all that jazz.

#267 HighDesertWizard

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 02:51 AM

Re: Boswellia -- as wccaguy has pointed out, it does kill cancer cells, and it seems to be by a different pathway than resveratrol. The problem I've seen with Boswellia is quality control. Potency varies, and many products are not active or are counterfeit.

I respect your opinion more than anyone else's on this subject Maxwatt.

With regard to the Boswellia quality issue, I agree that there is an issue.

However, I believe a choice of the 5-Loxin Boswellia Trademarked product which I have described in some detail in other posts speaks to that issue in an entirely reasonable way. No one yet has raised an objection to the rationale I suggested could be the basis for belief in the quality of the 5-Loxin product.

I have provided product links to the various online stores at which the 5-Loxin product can be purchased. I take the 5-Loxin product myself and it cured my carpal tunnel syndrome in 5 days in addition to having effects on cancer cells that I have listed in a prior post.

#268 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:12 AM

OK, I believe Hedgehog was looking for some of my testing. I know, this is just a CBC panel, not what you were looking for, but I can't find your post right now.

I want to see if I can get this to post.

#269 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:13 AM

OK, I believe Hedgehog was looking for some of my testing. I know, this is just a CBC panel, not what you were looking for, but I can't find your post right now.

I want to see if I can get this to post.

Apparently not

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#270 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 11 August 2008 - 03:18 AM

OK, I believe Hedgehog was looking for some of my testing. I know, this is just a CBC panel, not what you were looking for, but I can't find your post right now.

I want to see if I can get this to post.

Apparently not

I'm just guessing here, but a scanned doc shouldn't be a TIF and be over 3.5 MB

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