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Tendency to increase resv. intake by forum members

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#1 scorpe

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 08:39 AM

I (61y man.) takes resv. since end 2006 dossage abt 700mg. and feel very healthy no colds etc. (I give training outside in the winter in the Netherlands under all wether curcumstances). I only have some joint problems but nowadays they don't hurt me. The only (small) problem is I discovered a month ago that I seem to have a kidney stone seen via a ct scan. My question is that I see a tendency here with the forums members to increase the intake more and more so my question is what can be gained by increasing my dossage if someone is/feel already very healthy. Will I gain even more health,increase lifespan etc. by taking e.g. > 2 gr. or is my intake enough and am I just lucky with my health until now? If I had serious illness I probably would increase my intake but now I am doutfull.

#2 TianZi

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 09:57 AM

I (61y man.) takes resv. since end 2006 dossage abt 700mg. and feel very healthy no colds etc. (I give training outside in the winter in the Netherlands under all wether curcumstances). I only have some joint problems but nowadays they don't hurt me. The only (small) problem is I discovered a month ago that I seem to have a kidney stone seen via a ct scan. My question is that I see a tendency here with the forums members to increase the intake more and more so my question is what can be gained by increasing my dossage if someone is/feel already very healthy. Will I gain even more health,increase lifespan etc. by taking e.g. > 2 gr. or is my intake enough and am I just lucky with my health until now? If I had serious illness I probably would increase my intake but now I am doutfull.

Well, the amount you are taking is not enough to activate the sirtuin enzyme believed by Sirtris and others to play an important role in staving off aging. However, the dosage you are taking is enough to partially mimic CR, with a number of beneficial effects.

What won't happen at your dosage is any significant anti-cancer effect, unlike CR. As cancer preventive effects have been ascribed to resveratrol at much higher doses in non-human tests, it may be that by at least doubling your resveratrol intake you could enjoy these additional benefits. Or not.

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