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Presidential Worthiness - Obama OR Palin ?

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#31 biknut

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 03:17 PM

Frankly Obama has both academic and street smarts. Have you ever been a community organizer on Chicago's south die?

I do not want anyone with her social agenda anywhere the choice of Supreme Court judges, military strategy, foreign, fiscal, let alone energy policy. Based on all I have been able to decipher of her none answers she is literally dangerous to the future of this nation.

Also clearly my interpretation of her and opinion is being shared by a larger and larger percent of the general electorate as her poll ratings have collapsed since she first announced.

Don't you notice that the more hysterical and hyperbolic the claims being made for Palin/McCain are getting, the more ridiculous they appear?

I'm exactly the opposite. She's exactly what I want to do those things. We're only one judge away from losing our gun rights. She would change that. Few presidents are experts in military strategy, that's what advisers are for. Obama can't claim any experience in that area either. Her energy policy's will help make America more independent, and stronger. The Democrat energy policy of doing nothing makes our enemy's stronger. Obama with his terrorist, racist, and anti American views is by far the more dangerous choice for America.

You need to take another look at the polls. The newest ones coming out since Palin's debate have Obama losing ground. He's gone from a 7 to 10 point advantage, to 3 points. I think it's going to get even worse for him too. It's pretty clear who really won the debate.

Biased CBS now has it by 3 and Zogby 3 points



I agree going negative is not something to base a campaign on, but in this case McCain's not doing anything but telling the truth about Obama. McCain has to do it since the lefty major media seems so reluctant to mention anything about it. If it were the other way around it would be front page everyday and you know it. Maybe that will change soon. If Obama has a problem with it let him prove it wrong. So far he hasn't done well enough to convince me, and instead of addressing these issues, all he's got to say is Keating 5. What else? Nothing. I think we'll be hearing more from him on these issues soon. His explanation of Ayers doesn't fly in the face of the evidence. He needs to try again a little harder. His long association with Wright doesn't wash either. They go back too far to say "I didn't know that about him, I now disassociate from him."

Anyone that thinks this race is over better think again. I think the best is yet to come.

Edited by biknut, 07 October 2008 - 03:18 PM.

#32 Zenob

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 03:28 PM

Frankly Obama has both academic and street smarts. Have you ever been a community organizer on Chicago's south die?

I do not want anyone with her social agenda anywhere the choice of Supreme Court judges, military strategy, foreign, fiscal, let alone energy policy. Based on all I have been able to decipher of her none answers she is literally dangerous to the future of this nation.

Also clearly my interpretation of her and opinion is being shared by a larger and larger percent of the general electorate as her poll ratings have collapsed since she first announced.

Don't you notice that the more hysterical and hyperbolic the claims being made for Palin/McCain are getting, the more ridiculous they appear?

I'm exactly the opposite. She's exactly what I want to do those things. We're only one judge away from losing our gun rights. She would change that. Few presidents are experts in military strategy, that's what advisers are for. Obama can't claim any experience in that area either. Her energy policy's will help make America more independent, and stronger. The Democrat energy policy of doing nothing makes our enemy's stronger. Obama with his terrorist, racist, and anti American views is by far the more dangerous choice for America.

You need to take another look at the polls. The newest ones coming out since Palin's debate have Obama losing ground. He's gone from a 7 to 10 point advantage, to 3 points. I think it's going to get even worse for him too. It's pretty clear who really won the debate.

Biased CBS now has it by 3 and Zogby 3 points



I agree going negative is not something to base a campaign on, but in this case McCain's not doing anything but telling the truth about Obama. McCain has to do it since the lefty major media seems so reluctant to mention anything about it. If it were the other way around it would be front page everyday and you know it. Maybe that will change soon. If Obama has a problem with it let him prove it wrong. So far he hasn't done well enough to convince me, and instead of addressing these issues, all he's got to say is Keating 5. What else? Nothing. I think we'll be hearing more from him on these issues soon. His explanation of Ayers doesn't fly in the face of the evidence. He needs to try again a little harder. His long association with Wright doesn't wash either. They go back too far to say "I didn't know that about him, I now disassociate from him."

Anyone that thinks this race is over better think again. I think the best is yet to come.

Actually the latest polling shows Obama up with a 190 electoral vote lead over McCain, and that's from realclearpolitics which is right leaning and tends to pad it's results. Put a fork in McCain.

#33 luv2increase

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 03:36 PM

realclearpolitics which is right leaning and tends to pad it's results. Put a fork in McCain.

Realclearpolitics.com is an average of all polls. What do you mean "right leaning"? How can a mathematical average be "right leaning". Please elaborate.

#34 Zenob

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 04:03 PM

realclearpolitics which is right leaning and tends to pad it's results. Put a fork in McCain.

Realclearpolitics.com is an average of all polls. What do you mean "right leaning"? How can a mathematical average be "right leaning". Please elaborate.

Actually, no they aren't. They do not use all polls(Pollster.com does though). They pick and choose which polls they use and have been cherry picking polls that have an edge to the right. It's pretty easy to bias a collection of polls. Just include the high end outliers for your guy and exclude those for the other guy.

I can't help but notice you failed to address the fact that McCain is down catastrophically in electoral votes...

#35 Iam Empathy

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 05:06 PM

Palin in a nutshell:

#36 luv2increase

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 05:57 PM

Palin in a nutshell:

Oh no, not Olbermann. He is the complete opposite of O'Reilly.

#37 RighteousReason

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Posted 08 October 2008 - 01:16 PM

Palin in a nutshell:
Oh no, not Olbermann. He is the complete opposite of O'Reilly.

Isn't he the 'objective news anchor' who gets tingly feelings running up his leg when he hears the Chosen One speak? Or was that the other MSNBC 'objective news anchor'?

#38 Zenob

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Posted 08 October 2008 - 01:30 PM

Palin in a nutshell:
Oh no, not Olbermann. He is the complete opposite of O'Reilly.

Isn't he the 'objective news anchor' who gets tingly feelings running up his leg when he hears the Chosen One speak? Or was that the other MSNBC 'objective news anchor'?

Care to point out something he said that was wrong? It looked spot on to me.

#39 luv2increase

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Posted 10 October 2008 - 10:14 PM

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