I've known of 2 shootings in my life. Both justified IMO.
The first many years ago when I was in 6Th grade. After school I stopped by a neighborhood convenience store. There were 3 businesses side by side. A convenience store, a small mom and pop liquor store, and a gas station. 3 black men walked passed the crowded convenience store toward the liquor store. The owner of the convenience store thought they looked suspicious and called the gas station alerting the owner of a possible robbery. A few minutes later shots rang out from the liquor store. As the three men ran out, the gas station owner was waiting on the sidewalk a few feet away. He shot the last man out the door through the head putting a crease through the door frame at the same time. I happened by in time to see the ambulance drivers placing the liquor store owner in the ambulance on a gurney, and then they picked up the dead robber by the belt loops and threw him on the floor of the same ambulance. After they drove off I saw brains on the sidewalk. Reminded me of scrambled eggs. The liquor store owner later died from his injuries.
In another incident a female friend asked to borrow a gun from my best friend. She was planning to travel out of town to visit a relative. While visiting she came out of a grocery store. As she was walking toward her car she said she heard fast foot steps running up behind her. A man knocked her to the ground stealing her purse, and started running away. She grabbed the gun out of the glove box of her car and shot the robber killing him. After the police discovered the robber had out of state warrants, and had a lengthy criminal record they decided not to charge her with any crime, but they kept her gun. He never got the gun back.
What I learned from this is it's probably not a good idea to loan your guns to a woman lol.
She committed a crime, it seems. What did she do, shoot him in the back?
I believe so. Back in those days it would have been a crime. Now days because of recent changes to gun laws in Texas it wouldn't be a crime anymore because he assaulted her by knocking her down, and stole her property. They did find her slightly at fault. Her penalty was they told her not to do it again, and kept her gun, but no actual charges were filed.
I think PA that would be consider unjustified homicide. She was no longer afraid for her life if the guy turned and ran.