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The Grand Question

william7's Photo william7 05 Dec 2008


This term is a humanly devised construction that resides solely in the minds of those who feel their thinking and behavior to be superior or more worthy than certain others. Schizophrenia is "the sacred symbol of psychiatry", and is not a really an illness. http://en.wikipedia...._main_arguments.

william7's Photo william7 05 Dec 2008

So, why was it ever ok to require animal or human sacrifices as mentioned in the OT? Why was it ever ok to sell your children into slavery? What about the stranger laws such as garment laws that require death penalties... such as all the weird laws dealt with in that joke post above... such as killing your children for minor infractions... seriously. Doesn't this ever strike you as just a wee bit over the top?

The animal sacrifices were instituted by Yahweh because of sin. I suspect Yahweh began the practice in response to Adam and Eve straying from the strict vegan diet He imposed on His creation in the beginning. Genesis 1:29-31.
We see the beginning of animal sacrifices in Genesis 4:1-4 with Abel who was the son of Adam and Eve. I strongly suspect Adam and Eve taught Abel to eat meat.

I've never seen human sacrifices condoned by Yahweh. He only accepted animal. You can bet there was a very rational reason for Yahweh's laws or He wouldn't have made them. He was trying to educate/train a very difficult and hard hearted people. Disobedience to parents is a very serious infraction with serious consequences. Rebellious children can and do become a major problem in a community.

Today, however, we know we can't put our children to death for misbehavior or rebelliousness because we as adults and parents are misbehaving and rebellious in Yahweh's sight. Yahshua taught that we had to be free of sin to cast the first stone at others. John 8:1-11.

When society becomes perfect and sin rare, we may again be required to put to death a rebellious child or youth who rises up and becomes a threat to the community. Just the threat of such a penalty on the books might have some deterrent effect.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 05 Dec 2008


This term is a humanly devised construction that resides solely in the minds of those who feel their thinking and behavior to be superior or more worthy than certain others. Schizophrenia is "the sacred symbol of psychiatry", and is not a really an illness. http://en.wikipedia...._main_arguments.

You wouldn't say that if you were working on my ward.

platypus's Photo platypus 05 Dec 2008


This term is a humanly devised construction that resides solely in the minds of those who feel their thinking and behavior to be superior or more worthy than certain others. Schizophrenia is "the sacred symbol of psychiatry", and is not a really an illness. http://en.wikipedia...._main_arguments.

Anyway you want to look at the issue, being delusional is not good. I'm pretty sure we would not be debating Christianity here if the founders of that religion had access to modern mental health care.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 05 Dec 2008


This term is a humanly devised construction that resides solely in the minds of those who feel their thinking and behavior to be superior or more worthy than certain others. Schizophrenia is "the sacred symbol of psychiatry", and is not a really an illness. http://en.wikipedia...._main_arguments.

Hmm, now this has really got me thinking. Lets say schizophrenics wrote the bible and propogated it with their overzealous style attitudes. Back in that day, would schizophrenia even have been treated as an illness? They would have litterally been the political geniuses of their day wouldnt they? People went around and killed people that didnt beleive in what they beleived in all the time. They wanted everybody to beleive the same thing so they would stop warring, which was good in theory. So evolutionarily speaking, we might be stuck with a ton more shizophrenics, or people with remnants or a touch of schizophrenia these days because back in the day the schizophrenics would have tended to survive the religious purges. So maybe that is a part of why it is still so engrained in our society today. You dont have to have a full blown mental condition, or none at all right?
Edited by brokenportal, 05 December 2008 - 04:32 PM.

william7's Photo william7 06 Dec 2008


This term is a humanly devised construction that resides solely in the minds of those who feel their thinking and behavior to be superior or more worthy than certain others. Schizophrenia is "the sacred symbol of psychiatry", and is not a really an illness. http://en.wikipedia...._main_arguments.

You wouldn't say that if you were working on my ward.

Wards are an abnormal social condition, not a natural condition. I think it was some Indian tribe that use to give their so-called schizophrenics a special niche in the tribe instead of making them outcasts.

I thought your avatar shows you working in a laboratory with test tubes and stuff?

william7's Photo william7 06 Dec 2008


This term is a humanly devised construction that resides solely in the minds of those who feel their thinking and behavior to be superior or more worthy than certain others. Schizophrenia is "the sacred symbol of psychiatry", and is not a really an illness. http://en.wikipedia...._main_arguments.

Anyway you want to look at the issue, being delusional is not good. I'm pretty sure we would not be debating Christianity here if the founders of that religion had access to modern mental health care.

Yahweh was too smart for them there. He got His religion off the ground before the pharmacracy came to power.

modern mental health care

Ha! Checkout the video below and then tell me what you think.

Psychiatry & Big Pharma - Making A Killing

william7's Photo william7 06 Dec 2008

They would have litterally been the political geniuses of their day wouldnt they?

How about instead of political geniuses they were the ones most attuned to Yahweh's Holy Spirit and were willing to follow His decrees and laws.

Back in that day, would schizophrenia even have been treated as an illness?

They were calling people mad back in ancient times. I think it was the ancient Egyptians who were doing primitive lobotomies with hammer and chisel.

People went around and killed people that didnt beleive in what they beleived in all the time.

Those were the wicked and the wolves in sheeps clothing who used religion to gain wealth, power, privilege and fame. They weren't practicing true religion.

So evolutionarily speaking, we might be stuck with a ton more shizophrenics, or people with remnants or a touch of schizophrenia these days because back in the day the schizophrenics would have tended to survive the religious purges. So maybe that is a part of why it is still so engrained in our society today. You dont have to have a full blown mental condition, or none at all right?

When people finally learn how to live according to the Word of Yahweh, there won't be any problem with so-called schizophrenics or other social misfits who are typically mistreated or oppressed in our society today as well as in times past.

william7's Photo william7 06 Dec 2008

Here's part two of Making a Killing
